Hoarding in Hell Novel

Chapter 49 cauldron bottom (3)

Hyunmoo unwittingly moved closer to the orc. However, it was quite different from the orcs Hyunmoo had seen.

Current Goblin and Difficulty: The appearance of the Hell Goblins is different from the others.

The orc was hollow and only the skin remained. The inside was filled with something like cotton. It was like some kind of stuffing.

No matter how hellish it is, I wouldn't eat it like this.

"Boss, Kiruk. Let's go."

Kirsson pulled Hyunmoo's hand as if squeezing. Hyunmoo then realized that this was a vacant lot with the 'big thing' that Kirson and Lenian were talking about. A small spider crawled out of the orc's body.

'Oh, bait.'

Most likely, the 'big one' was referring to the widow spider. The widow queen was nowhere to be seen. It must have been well hidden because it was never seen. And he must have lived by eating monsters that were aiming for this orc as bait.


"Don't work hard, child. It's okay."

There is no way the widow spider will attack you now that Montstrille has saved her. However, it was right to avoid it as it is an exposed area.

She turned down the offer, so we can't count on Monstrill's favor any longer.

Hyunmoo started moving once.

"Kiruk, where are you going, boss?"

"Once it's narrow and there are more than three exits."

As long as mosquitoes are the eyes and noses of Yogulem's family, avoiding mosquitoes is the priority. Hyunmoo, who was wondering where such a place was and whether there was a way to prevent mosquitoes, saw a glove on his left hand.

The appearance of Ochette's left hand had changed. Its fur was gone, it was bigger, and it took on a ferocious form like that of a beast's foot.

What stood out the most was the fact that he had six fingers. Hyunmoo hurriedly took out Admiral Ren's one-piece glasses and put them on.

[O'Shet's Six-Handed Grasp (Legendary/Real)]

[Classification: Gloves]

[Physical Defense: Medium, Magic Defense: Medium Wound, Evasion Rate: Medium]

[Special Ability: Triple the grip strength of the hand wearing this glove. Also, never let go of a captured target until the user wants it or the armor is destroyed. It can be worn on either hand, and consumes mana to pull out the widow's spider's string.]

[Note: Ironically, it is widely known that Marshal O'Shet is one-armed, but it is not clear which arm he lost. It was even compounded by the discovery of genuine Ouchette's gloves. Ouchette was wearing gloves that could be worn on either his right or left hand. This glove has the ability to spit out the spider's web, and it seems that O'Shet, who was a one-armed one, was useful to tie up the suspect without a tie or handcuffs.]

[PS: Looking at the records, it seems that it was used more as a gallows than as a pawl.]

'Real?'When I saw the title ‘genuine’ next to the tag ‘legend’, I was taken aback. It was then that Hyunmoo realized that the legendary weapons he had created were being treated as fakes, sorts of trinkets.

It was just an imitation of the real thing.

Still, it's a legendary weapon, but it's treated like a piece of art. Judging by the name, there can be no more than one genuine product, so I thought it might be the 'only' thing.

'then… … Maybe it's a higher level than the legend?'

Hyunmoo wasn't sure. It was an area no one had ever been to. Hyunmoo had an extra thumb on the outside, even though he was wearing a glove on his left hand. It looked very bizarre because I was not used to it, but when I moved it, it moved naturally as if it was originally there.

Not only in terms of ability, but also in terms of functions, having more fingers has an advantage. The thumb is especially useful when lifting or holding something.

With that in mind, O'Shet's six-handed grasp had more than just strengthening.

'No, it's probably not too much of a stretch for Montstrille to just use a little more power.'

Hyunmoo looked at another option, the creation of webs.

A spider web that was strong enough to block mosquitoes with difficulty.

'I refused the easiest way... … I have no choice but to go the way I try.'

I remembered the words of Montstrille who whispered like that. No, did Montstril whisper again now?

Hyunmoo thinks he may know why hallucinators are crazy, and he tries to forget. Instead, Hyunmoo burned with a desire for survival.

If this is the case, he can set the stage for victory.

No, the key was in Hyunmoo's hand from the beginning.


Ghast raised his nose high and sniffed, tracking down the 'delicious' enemy's smell. The ghasts live underground, out of the sun, but their master hosts a delightful dinner party.

Since it was a 'delicious' dish that is difficult to taste now, the ghasts who lived nearby gladly came to the surface. However, it was difficult to find traces of the delicious, tasteless guy despite the hardships of suffering from the sun's stinging skin.

"Kell, Kulok!"

The ghast let out a cough-like scream and went out in search of food. I heard the news earlier that other guys had torn the delicious dishes into pieces.

When the ghast left, not a single flesh, not a drop of blood was left. All the dirty maws licked up to the floor.

In anger, he ate the head of a nearby zombie. He licked his throat to taste his blood, but only disgusting rotten juice.

delicious things, delicious things.

Ghast was thirsty. Cooking did not disappear completely.

There were obviously some guys who devoured players more than they did, but as soon as the day passed, the mosquitoes discovered a new dish. Even the ghast could smell the air floating in the air.

But even when he ran away, he was nowhere to be seen. Even the mosquito could not find the dish. Ghast was going crazy. It was already insane, but it was painful to have nothing to eat even though there was a delicious smell everywhere. Yogulem's cuisine has a smell that makes you hungry whether you fill your stomach or fill your stomach.


Some of them could not stand their hunger in the end and were already eating among themselves.

It is common for them to eat or eat something, and they eat each other. Since it belongs to the Yogulem family, if you suck it up to the bone marrow, it tastes 'delicious' even if it's weak.

But Ghast didn't want to fill his stomach with crap as he ate food after a long time. I regretted that I bit the zombie's head in anger earlier.

It was then.

Ghast straightened his bent back and wrinkled his nose. it smells It smells like something delicious. It smelled fresh.

Ghast started running to preempt the dish before it was too late this time. Some of the members of the family seemed to have smelled the same.

Where are you? where are you? Ghast was tracking the smell and found a large drainpipe near a stream. It was large enough for even a large ghast to go in and out. The smell was coming from there. The moment the ghast was about to jump into it, another ghast jumped in first.


The ghast roared and chased after him. However, the rivalry between the two did not last long. Suddenly, the guy in front came to a sudden stop as if something was caught.

The bastard shook his body in embarrassment, but his body slowed down. Ghast found something like a thread tangled in its body.

No, it wasn't even visible. Instead, he found numerous swarms of mosquitoes tangled in the thread. Countless spider webs were tangled all over the sewers.

The ghast saw the web and began to be alert. Even in the world they live in, spiders are something to be wary of. But the smell emanating from the inside of the sewer was alluring.

The ghast tried to ignore his people who were trying to break down the web. Then the ghast found a mosquito sucking blood sitting on the arm of his kin.

It was a strange mosquito that sucked blood even though its stomach was already full and it was red.

Then the ghast suddenly stopped. A delicious smell wafted up close. Cooking is nearby.

right next door

Ghast's gaze turned to his fellow man. The people were just struggling to untie the cobwebs.

Ghast thought it was strange, but he didn't think deeply. He has something that smells delicious in front of him, and he just gets caught in a spider's web and can't resist.

Ghast's sharp teeth bit the nape of his people's neck in an instant. Sweet blood wet his tongue.


deep in the sewer.

It was a dark and narrow place, but what was happening at the entrance was clearly communicated to Hyunmoo.

The web of the widow spider was not just tough and strong. It also served as an alarm.

The vibrations transmitted to the spider's web were also cleverly transmitted to Ochette's six-handed grip, which Hyunmoo was wearing.


Hyunmoo clenched and opened his hand to encourage better blood circulation. Mosquitoes were sucking plenty of blood from his arms.

These were mosquitoes that Hyunmoo had improved enough to withstand poisonous blood for use in his household.Mosquitoes soaked in blood soon flew towards the entrance. Now they will give blood to those who wander around this area.

Although the smell was weak as it was a small amount of blood, those who had already turned their eyes from hunger did not hesitate to bite the flesh of their own people.

'It is difficult to accurately control it because it is not in sight.'

If you are intelligent like Kirson, you can explain it in words, but mosquitoes have no choice but to rely on their instincts. Still, it was possible to patrol a specific area.

“…ha, but I’m glad these cannibals are equally stupid.”

"Kiruk, strong guys don't need to use their heads."

Kirsson said sarcastically. Obviously, ghasts were dumber than goblins. I wondered that the higher-level ghasts were more stupid, but Kirson's words were convincing. If the still weak goblin didn't even have a head, it would have gone extinct sooner.

"Yeah, thanks to you, I found this place."

The sewer that Kirson had found had no smell, as if it had been used for a long time, unfortunately or fortunately. I thought there might be a monster hiding, but Kirsson said it was safe because the other side had collapsed and the entrance was hidden.

Hyunmoo felt sorry for the family of Yogulem who were dying outside. If it was checked that all of that was killed by him, he would have been leveling up tremendously. It will be difficult because of the level limit anyway.

Not to mention the accessory materials that fall from the body. However, they eat the bones frugally. There will be nothing left.

'It has become a useless greed, and I wish I could survive 48 hours like this.'

But Hyunmoo's blood had its limits. The amount of blood taken per mosquito was not small. At this rate, there is a high probability that the body will be injured first.

'I have to find a way to hold on a little longer.'

Hyunmoo stood up. Kirsson looked at him with bewildered eyes.

"Wouldn't it be better not to move, boss?"

"I can't last 48 hours at this rate. And the proportion of them finding this place is increasing. They'll come someday. I'll just have to find a time that I can hold on to."

I already had some rough thoughts in mind. Standing in the sewer now was just an intermediate step to get there. Hyunmoo headed towards the sewer entrance.

There, he saw a ghast devouring his own people. Hyunmoo took out Admiral Ren's one-piece glasses, being careful to move as quietly as possible.

[Crazy Ghast (LV 41)]

[Attack: Medium, Speed: Medium, Durability: High]

[Special Abilities: Enhanced Smell, Enhanced Leap, Enhanced Physical Strength, No Prejudice.]

[Note: Beings dwelling in Yan's three subterranean cavities. It was originally part of a certain race, but it is presumed that it was mutated by exposure to a starving star environment. It rises to the ground at night to attack the living, or eats and feeds on living things that have unfortunately entered the underworld. He is a huge glutton, but digests and absorbs quickly and can last for a long time on an empty stomach.]

'Even if you can kill it, it's useless if you use it as a family because your level is high and your intellect is low. I will be beaten again.'

Hyunmoo blew a mosquito towards the ghast. To control mosquitoes delicately rather than simply command them, they had no choice but to keep them in sight. The mosquito landed safely on Ghast's arm.


Under Hyunmoo's direction, the mosquito began to suck up plenty of Ghast's bodily fluids.

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