Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 101 It's finally time for Hermione to act

Principal Dumbledore changed his mind, and the Minister of Magic came to the door in person to handle the submission procedures for applying for a dragon farm.

The news spread like a whirlwind among the Hogwarts students the next day.

It's a pity that the happiness of the little wizards only lasted for two short days, and then they fell into the hellish final exam.

Every school, Muggles and wizards alike, had some confused students who didn't know how they passed their exams, but Clarke was certainly not one of them.

In this sweltering summer, their final exams will last for three days, so even if there is no air-conditioning in the classroom of the magic school, it is still warm in winter and cool in summer.

Like the engineering universities in the previous life, Hogwarts' final exams are both theoretical and practical. In addition to purely memorized courses like History of Magic, there are also courses in Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, and Herbal Medicine. Actual operation.

No, on the morning of the second day of the exam, they finished answering the last question of the Charms class with newly issued quills that had been cursed against cheating, and they were called into the classroom one by one by Professor Flitwick in the afternoon.

Sure enough, at the end of each semester, the key points of the exam drawn by the teacher are often really the exams. The practical content of Clark's spell class happened to be to cast a dancing spell on a pineapple to see if they could tap dance and walk across a long table smoothly.

This kind of exam was naturally easy for Clark and Hermione, and it was not surprising that they got high scores smoothly.

Others such as Harry and Ron, as well as Seamus and Dean in Clark's dormitory, their grades are also okay, anyway, long live sixty.

On the contrary, it was Neville, whose results were astonishing. Under Clark's small-scale guidance, although he stumbled, he successfully reached the minimum requirements. The pineapple rolled and crawled all the way across the long table.

In addition to the spell class, the exam in the transfiguration class is to turn a mouse into a snuff bottle, and every mouse characteristic that remains on the snuff bottle will lead to a deduction of points; potion science requires them to make a potion of oblivion , and had to be done independently, under Snape's watchful eyes, this was not an easy task.

Clark went all the way, devoting himself to the exam, as if he had forgotten his plan.

However, from Hermione's point of view, this is just a manifestation of his confidence. It seems that he is the first in this year's grade, and I am afraid that there is no hope.

On the last day, the little wizard finished answering the history of magic questions about the history of the invention of the alchemy crucible, and the final exam was officially over. In the next week, they have enough free time to wait for the announcement of the test results.

Tight and then loose, this can be regarded as their most comfortable period of time. At least for Harry, Ron, and Hermione, of course, when Clark's pet crow wasn't there.

At that time, after the three of them finished the history of magic exam, they wandered all the way to the edge of the Black Lake, lying lazily in the shade of a big tree. Watching the Weasley twins and Lee Joe not far away fiddle with the tentacles of a big king squid basking in the sun, discussing whether this thing is delicious grilled over charcoal or deep fried. it is good.

As for Clark, he handed in the test ahead of time, and he was mysterious, and he didn't know where he went.

"Finally, I don't have to study anymore!" Ron heaved a sigh of relief, stretching his limbs on the grass.

That made Hermione curl her lips in disdain, "Do you study without taking exams? Studying is a lifetime thing..."

Barbara, here we go again! Ron felt hairy, and quickly changed the subject: "Harry, don't be so sad, we have a whole week to wait for the test results!"

Harry was clutching his forehead, frowning, looking very upset.

"It's not because of the exam. My grades are good, so I don't need to worry like you."

Ron's face turned into a big "囧", Harry continued to say depressedly: "I just don't know why, the scar on my forehead has been aching recently, it wasn't like this before, I always feel Something bad is going to happen."

"Maybe you can go to Clark to see," Hermione suggested to him, "This special scar like yours is a special symbol in mysticism, and it naturally has some kind of magical power and function."

"Oh, don't mention him," Harry yelled angrily, "I suspect that this matter is caused by him, this guy has been invisible recently, that Professor Slughorn mentioned in his letter I was confused about some questions and knowledge points, who knows why Clark would talk to him about those things, and all the replies fell on my head."

Harry complained endlessly, so it can be seen that he replied to this matter, and he still accumulated a lot of resentment, "And the Philosopher's Stone, I don't know what happened, Snape and Quirrell haven't moved much recently, it seems that those conspiracy It's just our illusion."

Ron was lying on the grass, hearing murmurs that seemed to be fading away, lazily unwilling to get up - the weather was so stuffy and hot that it made people drowsy.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed across the sky. Ron rubbed his eyes, looked carefully, and found that it was a crow with pitch-black feathers, which looked very familiar.

"Hey, look there," he interrupted Harry, pointing at something that Hermione immediately recognized as Clark's pet crow, Fookin.

Here comes the signal! Hermione looked at Fokkin and said intentionally, "It seems to be Clark's pet. Hasn't it been monitored by Clark in the corridor on the fourth floor? Why did it come here suddenly? Could it be something wrong with the Philosopher's Stone? Bar?"

Ron lay down again, denying her guess.

"How is it possible, it's still daytime, who would have the guts to steal something under the principal's nose.

Maybe it's just hungry and came out to find something to eat.

Besides, there was no evidence that Snape had found a way to get past Lu Wei. He was almost bitten off by that big dog last time, and I guess he won't take the risk again in a short time. "

Harry nodded, as if agreeing with him, but Hermione jumped up suddenly.

"Why are you so surprised!" Ron asked sleepily, not knowing why she was going crazy again.

"I just thought of something," Hermione's face turned pale. "Now, let's go find Hagrid!"

"Why?" Harry asked ignorantly as he got up, he hadn't figured out what was going on, and the pain on his forehead prevented him from concentrating.

"Don't you think it's a little weird?" Hermione struggled to climb up the grass slope. At this moment, she seemed to be possessed by a dead schoolboy, and Holmes was reborn.

Sure enough, the existence of Clark affected her performance, just like when the sun appeared, all the stars disappeared.

Now with two useless men, it was against the backdrop of them that Hermione Granger was able to shine with wisdom again.

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