Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 109 Let's Go, My Stupid Cousin

"Phew, Hagrid won't be able to push this door open even if Hagrid comes." Ron complained as he exhausted his strength against the door.

Hermione stretched out her wand and tried her favorite unlocking spell.

"Alahoo hole is open!"

It's a pity that this was also a useless effort. Facing Hermione's unlocking spell, the bronze pattern on the door seemed to come alive, shining with a dark green light. A soft but resilient force pushed her away from the door. open.

"The Unlocking Charm is not a panacea," Clark explained looking at the angry Hermione, "it can only target those locks that have not been enchanted and can indeed be opened."

"Of course I know." Hermione muttered softly.

Harry kicked the door vigorously, and picked at the wrecked keys all over the floor, trying to find one or two pieces that could be pieced together.

"Then what should we do now, Snape has been in for a long time, maybe he has got the Philosopher's Stone now and is ready to return."

He looked very excited, but Clark just calmly stroked the bronze pattern on the door.

"This is the enchantment of ancient runes. The first level just now is Hagrid's big dog Fluffy. The devil's net in the second level should be the level set by Professor Sprout. Now this..."

"Professor Flitwick is a master of spells, and he must be proficient in magic solidification techniques and rune enchanting techniques. Judging by the light and effect, it may be a hybrid spell of the Iron Armor Curse and the Obstacle Curse—the Iron Wall Curse. "

Clark looked around the room and made a deduction.

"There should be two solutions to this level. If these keys are still intact, then we can ride on the broomsticks over there."

Pointing to the brooms standing in the corner, he continued, "Then fly to the sky, grab the correct one from a pile of flying keys, and insert it into the lock to open the gate."

"Don't be kidding," Ron looked at the key fragments all over the floor, "These keys are all blown up like this, and then mixed together, trying to find the key that opened the door, and then splicing it back together, is simply harder than finding a needle in a haystack .”

The key fragments all over the floor, not to mention thousands of dollars, there are still hundreds of dollars. It is really not easy to find a key fragment among them.

"Of course, if our spell level exceeds that of Professor Flitwick, we can directly undo the solidified defensive spell on this door, or use brute force to destroy the entire door, so we can naturally pass this level .”

Clark twirled the wand in his hand,

Just kidding.

Harry and Ron were already familiar with his routine. Seeing him like this, they immediately guessed that he must have a solution to this problem, just like the honey cake and those glow sticks.

"You made two preparations again." Ron stared at him curiously, wanting to see what treasure he could take out of his pocket.

"Of course, I'll show you my little baby."

As he spoke, Clark reached out and took out a long piece of iron with a "7" shaped hook from his pocket.

Ron looked at him suspiciously, but Harry and Hermione, two little wizards who had lived in the Muggle world, quickly reacted.

Physical lock picking!

This is a good way. Wizards in the wizarding world are often accustomed to using magic to solve problems when they encounter problems, but it is easy to ignore Muggle methods.

"This kind of lock should be the 'welding and fishing lock' invented by the British in the 18th century." Clark touched the keyhole on the door and asked Hermione to cast a spell to illuminate the situation inside, while he inserted the iron piece into the lock. into the keyhole.

"Its structure is very simple, and it has long been replaced by the more complex 'pin lock'. But Hogwarts is an old-fashioned magic school after all, and the public facilities have not been updated all year round, and this old-fashioned lock is still used , is also very normal.”


Following Clark's operation, there was only a "click" sound, the machine spring bounced, and with a hard twist, the indestructible magic door was easily cracked.

"Come on, let's see what the next level is."

The door was pushed inward, and the four of them walked into the next room. It was pitch black and nothing could be seen.

But the next moment, the brazier near the wall was suddenly lit, and the orange light illuminated the shocking scene.

A huge wizard chess board was placed in the center of the room like this, with eight vertical and horizontal grids, black and white, occupying the largest area. They stood on the edge of the chessboard, with two rows of black flags in front of them.

The chess pieces were taller than them, and seemed to be carved out of obsidian or something. The knights, queens, soldiers, and kings all looked lifelike, like living things.

On the other side of the room, facing them, were white chess pieces of the same style, as if carved from marble.

Harry and Ron were taken aback, "What's going on?"

"Isn't that obvious?" Clark said. "It looks like we'll have to win this game to get across the room."

Several people looked behind the white chess piece, and there was indeed a door of the same style as the previous one.

"Aha, it seems it's finally my turn to play." Ron exclaimed excitedly.

Along the way, both he and Harry dragged their feet, to no avail. Now that he was going to play wizard chess, this could be considered his strong point.

"How to do this thing?" Ron was eager to try.

"In my opinion, we should act as pawns."

Clark walked to the side of a black knight and reached out to touch the horse's neck.

The stone came alive in an instant, the horse pawed restlessly on the ground, and the knight turned his head and looked at him with his helmeted head.

"What a powerful transfiguration technique. It seems that this is the handwriting of our dean, Professor McGonagall. Do we have to fight side by side with you to get there?"

The black knight nodded silently, and Clark turned to Ron and said, "You heard that, we will watch your performance next, my dear cousin."

As soon as it came to his best field, Ron immediately entered the state, and he was not polite, directly took over the command and began to order.

"We need to replace the four black pieces here and make sure we survive until the game is won."

He glanced around, "Okay, Harry, you will take the place of the bishop; Clark, you will be the most dangerous but also the safest king; Hermione, you will stand beside him and take the place of the queen." .”

"how about you?"

"Me? I'll be a knight! Charge into battle" Ron said vigorously, his eyes full of confidence.

And those chess pieces completely obeyed his orders, Ron finished his arrangement, a knight, a bishop, a king and a queen all turned around, turned their backs to the white chess pieces, and walked out of the chessboard automatically, leaving four An empty spot was given to Clark and Hermione.

This is how an immersive wizard chess game began.

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