Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 123 Psychic powers, facing a strong enemy again

"Allocate 200 experience points to the [Psionist] profession!"

【Ding! Your psion profession has been upgraded to level 2]

【Ding! You get 17 (2+intelligence 15) skill points]

【Ding! You get 1 free attribute]

【Ding! The number of your optional "psychic powers" +2, the power pool is expanded, the current power: 6 points]

【Ding! You have obtained a natural ability, please choose by yourself]

"Charisma attribute +1, talent ability selection [Spiritual Invasion], assign 400 experience points to [Psionist] profession!"

【Ding! Your psion profession has been upgraded to level 3]

【Ding! You get 17 (2+intelligence 15) skill points]

【Ding! You gain an extra specialty]

【Ding! The number of your optional "psychic powers" + 2, level + 1, expansion of the power pool, current power: 11 points]

After being transferred to [Psychic], Clark put all his remaining experience points into it without hesitation, and immediately rose two levels.

This kind of quick upgrade process is still very cool, no wonder so many people like web games with a price of 99. The experience points accumulated before were transformed into the purest spiritual energy by the godhead fragments, which were directly poured into Clark's soul.

As if a basin of ice water poured from his head to his feet, Clark gave a jolt, and the sense of confusion caused by the out-of-body experience and retrospective memory just now was instantly dispelled.

Not only did he wake up a lot, but with the blessing of the cold power in his brain, his eyes and ears became clearer, his intelligence greatly increased, and even the speed of his thinking became faster.

So he clicked on the properties panel.

Name: Clark Prewett

Age: 12/17

Race: Human/? ? ?

Attributes: Strength 8, Dexterity 9, Constitution 10, Intelligence 15, Perception 12, Charisma 15

Alignment: absolute neutral

Occupation: Level 3 Psychic Telepath (0/600)

XP: 590 (unallocated)

Skill Points: 64

Attribute points: none

Status: Deity oppressed

Occupational Skills: Education 37, Concentration 40, Bluff 31, Arcane Knowledge 27, Spell Identification 21, Rope Art 34, Document Interpretation 23, Negotiation 14, Gathering Information 14, Sense Motive 12

Legendary Skill: Knowledge is Power (included with Godhead)

Personal specialties: mental toughness (occupational feat), psychic talent (occupational feat), dexterous left hand, photographic memory, aristocratic demeanor, mobile spellcasting, familiar enhancement, robustness (1/3)

Power Points: 11

The wizard's [Chaos Magic Power] feat has disappeared,

Instead, it is the [Mental Toughness] and [Psionic Talent] feats of the psion class.

[Strong Mind]: Psion professional specialty, you have withstood the spiritual test, analyzed your own memory, recognized yourself, and thus have a stronger mind. You gain an extra +1 to Intelligence. ——I have traveled a long way and suffered a lot, just to have a strong heart.

[Psychic talent]: Psion's professional expertise, powerful fists, and shining sword light, have been eclipsed by a psion's thought. The powerful power of the mind gathers into a storm in your mind, which can move mountains, fill the sea, disturb the mind, and confuse the gods. The power of the mind will illuminate the whole world. —— Form is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from form; form is emptiness, emptiness is form.

The camp that was originally chaotic and neutral also shifted to absolute neutrality, eliminating a threat, which greatly relieved Clark.

At this moment, Quirrell, who had a broken heart, had also fallen into a state of self-destruction. After he found that he had killed Clark and offended Dumbledore, and there was no turning back, he stared at Hermione again with scarlet eyes.

Clark didn't dare to delay, so he quickly selected on the system panel.

First of all, the skill points are as high as 64 points. Clark thought that he would need to fight for a while, so he decisively added 20 points to [Negotiation], [Collect Information], and [Sensitivity], raising them to 34, 34, and 32 respectively. level, the extra 4 points are thrown to 【bluff】.

In this way, [Negotiation] plus [Blur], the skill of talking can be regarded as an introduction.

In addition, he had an additional specialty to choose from, Clark didn't hesitate, and directly chose [Iron Will].

[Steel Will]: General expertise, you have a strong will beyond ordinary people, and no spiritual blow can make you succumb. ——My heart is like iron, indestructible.

The last thing left is psychic powers.

This is a one-time mind effect, similar to a mage's magic, or a wizard's spell.

But psions don't need messy materials, spell pronunciations, or complicated spellcasting gestures at all.

With only a handful of "power points" invoked through conscious constructs, they can channel fire out of thin air, move a boulder without touching their hands, catch a glimpse of a moment in future time and space, or communicate with a creature miles away. to communicate.

And not only that, but their [Psychic Powers] usage is also more flexible, and they can cast the same power they know many times, as long as he has enough power points to consume.

Clark is now at level 3, has 11 power points, and can learn up to level 2 abilities. Generally, every two professional levels can increase the level of abilities that can be learned by one level.

Among them, the zero-level ability does not need to consume power points, it is more of an effect attached to a powerful soul.

And the first-level power only needs to consume 1 power point, the second-level power needs to consume 3 power points, the third-level power consumes 5 power points, and the next 7 points, 9 points... and so on. .

When the power points are used up, only enough rest can be obtained, and it will not be restored until the next day.

Therefore, in the case of limited power points in the early stage, a reasonable combination of various psychic powers is the best choice. Blindly pursuing powerful powers will reduce your battery life.

Clark picked and picked, and selected 7 psychic powers from the list, plus an extra talent ability [Spiritual Invasion] that was given at the second level of the professional level, a total of 8.

At this moment, Quirrell's wand was already pointing at Hermione, and countless whirlwinds gathered at the tip of his wand, forming a dark green wind cluster, making a piercing sizzle sound, as if it would turn into a wind blade and fly out in the next moment.

I can no longer lie down and pretend to be dead! Clark yelled.

"Wait! Here's the Philosopher's Stone."

The whirlwind froze at the tip of Quirrell's staff, and Quirrell paused the spell, showing his superb magic control.

Clark got up quickly. Apart from the pain on his body, he now felt that he was in great condition.

"Here, here you go, but are you sure?" Clark reached into his pocket, took out something, and prepared to hand it to Quirrell.

Voldemort suffered the same loss from Hermione's hand just now, how could Quirrell be fooled, pointed his wand directly at him, and threatened: "Wait a minute, just open your hand like this."

Clark looked at the cautious Quirrell, stopped stretching his hand over, and showed a sneering smile on his face, as if mocking the other party's timidity.

"Are you sure? I'm afraid you will be even more disappointed, Professor Quirrell. In fact, I still advise you to stand aside with us. Professor Dumbledore will be back soon. Your master has no chance."

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