Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 14 This is the best time

In the city of London at the end of the 20th century, the atmosphere was relatively peaceful.

Thanks to the "Clean Air Act" promulgated by the United Kingdom in 1956, the air in London today has been improved compared to the beginning of the 20th century.

Of course, this does not mean that London has completely got rid of the title of "fog city". There are still a few days every year when the weather in London will be bad.

Fortunately, today's weather is not bad, it is a good day!

Clark looked at the blue sky and the white clouds outside the window, and he felt very comfortable.

The black Audi 100 is driving on the crowded Euston Avenue, which is a main road in central London. In front of this road is the famous King's Cross Station.

And there is Clark's destination.

The road outside the car was crowded with densely packed cars, which made them move forward at a slow speed. Clark was not impatient, but looked at the bustling cityscape outside with relish.

These are the best times for the British people.

The long period of prosperity in the Western world has clearly made the city in front of us enter a golden age.

While the contemporary Chinese people were still working hard to create a better life, the citizens of London could already sit back and enjoy the legacy of the British Empire after hundreds of years of global plunder.

Fifty years before them, that is, before the Second World War.

The capitalists and dignitaries in the upper class of the British Empire (including hereditary nobles who owned large tracts of land, bankers, industrialists, colonial governors, and senior officials of the imperial government who developed after the Industrial Revolution) greedily monopolized most of the colonial world Benefit.

For them, that was the best era!

Because the middle and lower classes all over Britain existed at the time to serve them.

But for the middle class, such as lawyers, civil servants, low-level military officers, priests, etc., it was an era with a foreseeable future.

Hire a maid, live in the city on rent, the children study in law school, go to Birmingham University or Manchester University, come out to inherit their parents' connections, and maybe even squeeze into the upper class.

Life is much more difficult than that of the upper class, but they are the cornerstone of the empire.

As for the lower classes living in London, for those industrial workers, tenant farmers, servants,

They live in an age without a future.

In the thirty years after them, the world developed rapidly, and the rise of the overlord of the new continent made the empire on which the sun never sets lose its former glory.

The financial crisis and the wave of refugees have impacted the values ​​of the white left in the multicultural era. The liberalism established by Western civilization is even more faltering on a small mask, and even so-called herd immunity incidents have occurred.

But when did the good times end?

Clark leaned on the leather seat, staring at the passing pedestrians outside the window in a daze.

Perhaps, it will be a few years later when the so-called crown jewel of the Queen of England in the East is officially returned to his mother.

Thinking of this, Clark couldn't help showing a smile.

"Master, we are here!"

The driver's words interrupted Clark's reverie, and the Audi 100 also stopped in front of King's Cross Station.

Clark didn't bring any heavy boxes, so he didn't need to look for a trolley. Carrying his magic suitcase, he easily passed through the partition wall between platforms 9 and 10, and arrived at the legendary platform 9 4/3.

He came neither early nor late, there were scattered little wizards and their parents standing on the platform, and a crimson steam locomotive was parked next to the platform, and the sign on the train read: Hogg Watts Express, eleven o'clock.

The thick smoke of the steam locomotive hovered over the chattering crowd, and the roar of the steam engine could not conceal the enthusiasm of the people.

Clark carefully avoided the cats of various colors and owl cages piled up at random under his feet, passed through the sparse crowd, and boarded the Hogwarts Express amidst the buzzing voices and the noise of dragging heavy luggage.

At this time, there were still vacancies in the first few cars of the locomotive, but Clark knew that they were usually reserved for the prefects of all grades and the presidents of the male and female student unions. So afraid of trouble, he went directly to the last carriage of the train, which was the seat he was sitting on today last year.

Putting down his suitcase and sitting on the window seat, Clark stretched his head and looked up to the platform.

With the passage of time, the number of little wizards on the train station platform is gradually increasing. The first few carriages are even full of students, some are laughing and playing in their seats, and some are watching from the windows. Lean out and talk to the family on the platform.

Clark also saw many familiar faces.

I haven't seen him for a summer vacation. Neville has grown a lot taller, and he is developing towards the physique of a sword master. Beside him is an old woman wearing a blue robe and carrying a red handbag. That is his grandmother Augustus. Mrs. Tower.

Clark once met this lady at a tea party for middle-aged and elderly women organized by his aunt, and he was very impressed by her unique clothing matching.

At this time, Mrs. Augusta seemed to be telling Neville, and Neville nodded obediently, "Don't worry, grandma, I haven't left anything behind, and Toad has brought it too."

Not far from him, Seamus was waving goodbye to his Muggle father. It could be seen that even though the child had become a wizard, the father was very reserved.

There are also some freshmen who are about to enter the school, waved goodbye to their parents reluctantly, and even held their parents' hands and refused to leave.

But more little wizards gathered together and laughed cheerfully, preparing to enjoy a happy campus life in the new year.

Now is also their best time.

Clark looked for a while, but couldn't find the characteristic red hair of the Weasley family, and of course, Hermione couldn't find it.

He was not in a hurry, anyway, Hermione would come to find him when the time came, so he sat back on his seat, took out a copy of "The Road to Eternity: Egyptian Mythology" from the suitcase, and read it with relish.

The whistle sounded outside the window.

Clark seemed to hear the farewell of Ginny and Mrs. Weasley, and looked out the window.

Sure enough, Ginny and his two older brothers were hurrying up the train and leaning out the window for their mother to kiss goodbye.

It seems that they were delayed on the road, so that they arrived only now.

At this time, the train started and began to move forward slowly. Clark saw Aunt Molly waving on the platform, so he stuck his head out of the window and waved his arms.

"Goodbye, aunt, see you next year!"

Mrs. Weasley's arms were waving more frequently, and the train was picking up speed. She was left behind, still waving to them.

Clark kept watching his aunt until the train turned a corner and she was out of sight, and houses passed by the window before he retracted.

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