Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 49 Short Handover, Christmas Comes

"Hogwarts, learn to become a master ()"!

"Narcissus root powder, wormwood infusion, sleepy beans, valerian root, manjusawa..."

"What kind of potion is this manjusawa? Why haven't I heard of it?"

In the alchemy room inside the magic suitcase, Clark and Hermione stood in front of the large marble table. The magic lamp above their heads cast snow-white light, illuminating their eyes like daylight.

On the countertop, a large book was spread out, filled with dense letters and various dynamic pictures. It was the "Power Potion" that Clark and the others borrowed from the library.

There are pictures of plant materials, processing methods, and operation process in the book, but the most striking thing is the long black rivers that are wide and dark, whose beginning and end are unknown.

On both sides of the river, gorgeous red flowers can be said to be all over the mountains and plains, as red as blood, forming a sharp contrast with the black river.

Clark pointed to the red flower on the picture and said, "Look, this is Manjusawa, a magical plant transliterated from oriental Buddhist scriptures, also known as Bianhua, ghost flower."

"It is rumored that this kind of flower only grows on the roads on both sides of the Styx River. Their aroma has special magic power and can appease the dead passing by."

It was the first time Hermione heard this, so she asked curiously, "Since it is a flower that grows on both sides of the River Styx, how do we get it?"

Clark smiled, "That's just a legendary story. In reality, even in the Muggle world, there are such flowers."

"Of course, if we want to refine the magic potion, the water of the Styx, the manjusawa that we need must be extraordinary materials from the secret realm. Only this kind of magic plant can have the magical effect of appeasing ghosts.

However, the whirling secret land where manjusawa is produced is far away in the east now. Although I have arranged for people to purchase it, it will take more than 20 days to go back and forth and find the way.

Therefore, if we want to actually start refining the water of the Styx, we need to wait for a while. "

"Then we can only practice our hands by boiling the Living Hell Potion first."

Hermione sighed, and soon cheered up again, and began to read another book called "Advanced Potion Making".

This is the fifth grade Potions textbook that Clark specially borrowed from Percy.

Compared with the second grade content they are studying now, it is naturally more profound and complicated.

However, Clark and Hermione are not vegetarians either. As the two smartest little wizards in the second grade, they stumbled and started to get started while comparing the books.

And when the two were obsessed with refining potions, the fourth issue of "Hogwarts School Magazine" also arrived on time. This time, an article about the Quidditch game written by Clark made the headlines.

In the article, Harry's successful completion of the task under difficult circumstances and the behavior of catching the Golden Snitch were greatly appreciated, and a lot of pen and ink was invested.

The confrontation between the Savior, Quidditch, Gryffindor and the Slytherin team, together with the thrilling and ups and downs of the game process, successfully awakened the memories of adult wizards who have graduated from Hogwarts for many years.

This also led to a new record high in the magazine's sales volume, reflected in the magazine office, that is, the smiles on the faces of several employees are brighter.

Of course, as their boss, Clark naturally earned more, but for his rich net worth, this was only a small goal.

As time passed, the fifth and sixth issues of the "Hogwarts School Journal" were also released as scheduled, and the magazine's affairs were completely on the right track.


"As of today, the number of subscribers to "Hogwarts School Journal" has exceeded 8,000, but the number of new subscribers is decreasing day by day, and the number of subscriptions has begun to stabilize."

"According to your request, the magazine has recruited a small intern reporter from each of the other three academies. When do you think you have time to meet them again, and there is also the training of newcomers, how should we deal with it?"

Percy, who was wearing a brand-new wizard robe, stood in front of Clark, flipped through the notepad in his hand, and reported to his cousin sternly.

Clark looked at him and waited until he had finished speaking before speaking.

"Cousin Percy, I invited you here to be the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine. Besides, we have known each other for so many years, so there is no need to make it so formal."

These kind words eased Percy's rigid face a bit, but he still said in the tone of the report just now: "The public is public, and the private is private. Although the magazine is small, it has all the internal organs. The rules that should be Gotta have."

Seeing Percy like this, Clark could only shake his head helplessly, but being familiar with his cousin's temperament, he quickly found a way to deal with this situation

"Cousin, you've said it all, public affairs are public affairs, private affairs are private, and this official business need not affect personal feelings.

You are going to join the Ministry of Magic after graduation. If you pay too much attention to personal feelings and have no bottom line, people will despise you and doubt your professional ability.

And if it is too business-like, it will appear a bit rigid, unpopular, and gradually alienate people, so the degree in the middle needs to be well grasped and exercised. "

Percy listened attentively to what Clark said, not daring to miss a single word.

Compared with his few little brothers who are not key, he who is determined to achieve something in his political career is the one who can best see the importance of the "Hogwarts School Journal".

So after hesitating for a while, he put aside his indifferent concerns about face, and approached Clark on his own initiative.

And facing this cousin who turned against his family because of utilitarianism in the original book, Clark also wanted to give him a hand. After all, this society is a circle.

In his plan, he will not develop into the political world, so it is very necessary to have some personal people in the Ministry of Magic.

Looking at several of his relatives, Ron is still a reckless child without holding back; George and Fred have had enough of hard times and only want to make a lot of money; only Percy can be brought up.

However, under his honest and kind uncle, his cousin didn't learn any really useful political methods.

So the two hit it off.

Clark recruited him into the school magazine and asked him to be the deputy editor-in-chief to help Hermione and help her share some of the complicated affairs so that he could devote more energy to his studies.

Percy, on the other hand, used his experience working in the school magazine to accumulate his political capital, so that he could get a better position in the British Ministry of Magic after graduation.

Don't underestimate the position of deputy editor-in-chief of this small school magazine. The larger the company or organization, the more concerned about the past experience of the job seeker.

This is a filter. You say how outstanding your ability is, how powerful it is, it is just verbal words.

Especially for some students who have just left school, those recruiters will not pay a price to use you just based on your one-sided words.

But it’s different with special experience, especially some verifiable and credible experience and honors. This is your excellent evidence, which can add a lot of points and take your initial stage to a higher level.

Besides, Percy is now a sixth-grade student. After he graduates, Hermione, who is in the fourth grade, will become more mature, and will be able to take full control of the entire magazine and complete the orderly transfer of power.

Facts have proved that Clark's decision was not wrong. As soon as Percy took office, he swept away Hermione's lax management.

He is a male and a prefect of Gryffindor. Facing junior wizards like Colin and Ginny, his identity naturally has certain advantages, and he is easier to manage than Hermione.

In addition, he had been exercising his management ability in a planned way before, and now, in just a few weeks, the entire school magazine has been organized in an orderly manner, and various rules and regulations have been fully established and implemented.

Of course, he also has shortcomings. The management skills he learned are too rigid and a little less humane, which also makes the part-time guys below complain.

Clark can only give him some pointers from time to time.

Fortunately, he has not been deeply engulfed in the desire for power at this time, coupled with Clark's successful experience, this makes Percy still able to listen to his words.

Of course, he devoted more energy to learning how to refine the water of the Styx with Hermione.

So the time came to December.

In the second week, after the Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall, the dean of Gryffindor, kept the little wizards as usual, and began to collect the list of students who were going to stay in school for Christmas.

Harry signed the list, of course, he didn't want to go back to his indifferent aunt's house on Christmas, wouldn't the Christmas dinner at Hogwarts be delicious?

Like him, Ron had decided to stay, and besides him, Fred, George, Ginny and Percy had all decided to stay instead of visiting Bill in Egypt with the Weasleys.

They had only been to Romania for Christmas last year, and naturally they couldn't favor one another for another son who was thousands of miles away from home.

As for Clark, the manjusah flowers purchased from the Far East finally arrived. He and Hermione were eager to refine the water of the Styx, and they also unanimously decided to stay at school for Christmas.

When Clark woke up in the dead of night, through the gaps in the curtains around the bed, he saw pieces of white snowflakes drifting past the windows of the castle, and it was snowing outside.

By the next morning, the snow that had started falling at night turned into a violent snowstorm, and the mountains, forests and grass outside Hogwarts Castle were covered with a new layer of white clothes.

In this way, the last herb class of the semester was also cancelled, and Professor Sprout was going to wear socks and scarves for those mandrakes she planted,

This is a job that needs to be treated with caution, and it will be fatal if you don't pay attention to it. After all, those mandrakes are already huge, and she doesn't feel relieved to hand them over to others.

Clark and the others huddled by the fire in the Gryffindor common room, watching some young wizards who had no lessons playing magic cards there.

A few months have passed, and this fun card battle game has become popular throughout the school, and almost everyone has a copy.

"Hey, look, the Forbidden Forest is on fire!"

Ginny was lying by the window, looking at the snowy scenery outside, and suddenly yelled.

Clark and the others ran over quickly, and saw a thick black smoke rising straight from the silver-clad Forbidden Forest, which was particularly conspicuous.

"It should be that Hagrid is helping the fire dragon to keep warm. As you know, fire dragons are cold-blooded animals. They usually find a warm place to hibernate in winter, and some even sleep in the crater."

Several people saw Hagrid leading a large wooden sledge piled high with firewood and coal at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

They suddenly decided to go to Hagrid's, maybe they could touch the sleeping dragon.

Clark also felt that he had neglected his demon pet Norbeta during this time, so he followed them and crawled out of the portrait hole.

Thick and gray snowflakes were blowing in the wind, sealing every window, and the castle was much darker than usual during the day.

Several people tremblingly walked past the classroom where the class was taking place, and intermittently heard some of the situation inside. Professor McGonagall was yelling at someone. The man who listened to the voice turned his friend into a badger.

Several people resisted the urge to take a look and continued to move forward.

They walk across the hall. Go down the steps. One deep and one shallow, stepping on the thick snow. Leave a long trail. But in an instant it was completely covered by wind and snow.

By the time they got to the Forbidden Forest, Hagrid was pulling fuel for the second sled.

It was different from what they saw on the castle just now. The sled, which originally looked like a child's toy, was now as big as a car.

"Why are you here? There is so much snow."

Hagrid's voice was buzzing, his face was tightly covered by a snow-stained wool hat, and his body in a moleskin coat was covered with snow, making him look like a Himalayan snow monster from a distance.

"Hey, hello, Hagrid," said Harry, looking up, "Do you need our help?"

"No, these things are very light. Norbeta is hibernating. I have to move them to the woods before the firewood gets wet from the snow."

As Hagrid spoke, he pulled up the woolen cap, exposing his mouth and nose, and thick white air spread out immediately.

"Why didn't you go to class?"

"Cancelled." Ginny said happily, "We want to go to see the fire dragon with you, is that okay?"

Facing the expectant eyes of a little girl, Hagrid with a soft heart could hardly refuse.

"Well, it's not okay, the Forbidden Forest is dangerous... well, well, don't look at me like that, just stay for a while."

Hagrid cleaned up the sled that was pulling the goods, and let them sit in front. Before leaving, he looked back worriedly and said, "Remember, don't leave my sight!"

Ginny and the others nodded frantically.

Along the newly opened road in the Forbidden Forest, pulled by Hagrid, the sled moved forward at a speed faster than a carriage.

They came to a clearing in the woods where a huge igloo had been built of logs, and on one side of the hut thick black smoke was coming out of a chimney.

Before they got close, a thunderous snoring sound came from the room.

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