Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 73 Entering the Chamber of Secrets, the Werewolf Unleashed a Sword

"This is really a clever disguise, no wonder we haven't been able to find it."

Lockhart looked at the entrance of the secret room in front of him, and repeatedly exclaimed: "Who would have thought that what we have been looking for is not far from the scene."

He took a good look at the entrance, and fired another puff of fireworks into the pipe.

The red light fell downwards and gradually disappeared. It seems that this pipeline is quite deep.

Lockhart looked at Harry and the others, "I'll go down and have a look later. If you don't see me coming up at night, you can go and inform Professor McGonagall."

Ron nodded, but Clark took a deep breath and looked up at Lockhart, "I'm going down too."

"What? What are you doing!" said Lockhart.

Harry also called out now, "Me too."

"That's me too," said Ron, daringly.

After a moment of silence.

Lockhart laughed and said, "You guys really deserve to be Gryffindors. Okay, I'll go down first, Potter and Weasley will follow, and Clarke will be last."

As he spoke, he inserted his legs into the tube.

The tube was obviously too thin to accommodate an adult, but when Lockhart stretched his legs into it, it seemed to magically thicken.

Sure enough, as Clark said, the pipe has not solidified the traceless stretching spell.

Lockhart didn't hesitate, he slid down and disappeared in an instant.

Harry followed closely behind him, slipping slowly into the pipe, then let go, letting himself fall.

Then there was Ron. After they were all gone, Clark walked to the hole, looked around, and jumped into the pipe.

After he disappeared, the washbasin returned to its original state amidst a rumbling sound.

Harry felt like he was rushing down a dark, sticky, endless chute as he got into the pipe.

Neither Lockhart, who was going down before him, nor Ron, who was behind him, Harry couldn't see them.

He could only see that besides the main pipe under his body, there were many pipes branching out in all directions, and he didn't know where they led, but none of them were as thick as this pipe.

This pipe twists and turns, and the slope is very steep all the way down.

Harry knew he had slipped deep, deep under the school floor, even deeper than the dungeons.

Faintly and directly, he seemed to hear Ron following him, making a slight bump around the bend, and a cry of fear.

Then, just as he was starting to worry about what was coming, he dropped suddenly to the ground.

The water pipe became horizontal, and there was a faint light in front of it. He emerged from the mouth of the pipe and fell on the wet and soft mud with a "poof".

It was a dark and eerie stone tunnel, big enough for a man to stand in.

Very close to him, Lockhart was standing, the tip of his wand in his hand glowing brightly, illuminating the ground around him.

Harry got up from the ground, covered in slime, pale as a ghost from the sudden fall.

At this moment, there was a shout from behind him, and Harry stood aside quickly, and Ron came out of the pipe with a whoosh, and landed where he had just fallen, becoming a pair of troubled brothers.


"Ugh, this damn sewage," Ron struggled to get up from the ground, "You should have reminded me earlier, where are we?"

"We must be miles below the school," Harry said, his voice echoing in the dark tunnel.

"Probably down to the bottom of the lake," said Ron.

He narrowed his eyes and surveyed the dark, sticky walls around him.

At this time, there was another sound of objects sliding behind them. Harry knew that it must be Clark, and quickly shouted into the pipe, "Be careful, there is mud outside!"

Then, Clark flew out of the pipe with a whoosh.

But unlike Harry and the others, there seemed to be an invisible force acting on Clark, making him land on the clean ground very smoothly.

Clark, who landed on the ground, surveyed his surroundings, and at this moment Harry whispered to his wand, "Luminescence!"

The wand glowed, but it was too dark in the tunnel, and they could only see a small area in front of them.

The light reflected their shadows on the wet wall, looking like monsters and ghosts, especially eerie.

Seeing that they were all fine, Lockhart murmured "Let's go" and started to lead the way.

The feet of the four people stepped on the ground with stagnant water, making a loud sound.

"Remember," Clark warned in a low voice as they walked forward cautiously, "if you hear any strange noises later, turn your heads immediately and close your eyes!"

Harry and Ron nodded seriously, but the tunnel was as quiet as a tomb, and it was silent, which on the contrary amplified the fear in their hearts.

The group of them proceeded cautiously deeper, with Professor Lockhart at the front of the line and Clark at the end.

"Crack..." With a soft sound, Ron jumped up quickly, but it turned out that he had just stepped on a bat's skull.

Harry lowered his wand and noticed that the watery ground was littered with the bones of small animals.

Those bones still look very complete, and there is no flesh and blood on them. It is obvious that they were swallowed by the basilisk and then spit them out.

They avoided the dirt under their feet, walked forward, turned a dark bend in the tunnel, and suddenly a light flashed in front of them.

"Professor, there seems to be something over there..." Ron said hoarsely, grabbing Harry's shoulder nervously.

The four of them stood still for a moment, secretly staring ahead.

A slightly empty cave appeared in front of them, and above their heads were stalactites hanging upside down, dripping with water.

And not far away, the silhouette of a coiled colossus lay on the other side of the tunnel, motionless.

From a distance, the dark green fluorescent light flickered on the huge body, like the lights in the city, beautiful and full of temptation.

Is it a basilisk? !

"Maybe it's asleep," gasped Ron, looking back at the other three.

Harry looked at the huge monster, his heart was beating fast, and he felt a dull pain in his chest, afraid that the basilisk would suddenly look up and stare at him.

"You stay here."

Lockhart squinted his eyes as small as possible while still being able to see. He moved slowly forward sideways, wand held high in his hand.

"It's okay, come here."

Hearing Lockhart's call, the three of them approached, and with the help of fluorescent lights, they found that the thing was empty, and it turned out to be a piece of snake skin that had fallen off.

"My God." Ron sighed weakly.

On the huge snake skin, the light scales are about the size of Clark's face, and the green ones exude a faint magical light, which is very bright, and it can be seen that its original owner is very poisonous.

The entire snakeskin lay coiled on the tunnel floor. According to Clark's preliminary estimate, the basilisk that shed this layer of skin must be at least twenty feet long.

He touched the snake's skin with his hand, felt it for a while, and then sighed in disappointment. The snake slough looked gorgeous, but in fact it didn't contain much magic power.

"Are we going to face such a behemoth later?" Ron's voice trembled.

"Maybe." Clark replied meaningfully.

Since there was no magical power on the snake skin, he just gave up on it, and together with Harry and the others, stepped over the huge snake slough and continued to enter the tunnel.

The whole distance was not short, they turned one corner after another, and along the way, Harry hoped to reach the end of the tunnel quickly, and at the same time was afraid that the tunnel really did end.

Finally, after turning a corner, they found that there was a solid wall in front of them.

On the top of the wall, there are carved two stone poisonous snakes intertwined with each other, with large, shining green gemstones inlaid in their eyes.

Harry walked forward step by step, feeling his throat dry, and even if no one spoke, he guessed what he had to do, which is what he came down to take risks, wasn't it.

He cleared his throat and let out a low, hoarse hiss.

This time, he didn't need to pretend that the two stone snakes were real, because their emerald eyes gleamed in the light, and they looked as if they were alive.


Under the command of Parseltongue, the two stone snakes suddenly came to life and swam towards the two sides. The stone wall split from the middle, slowly revealing a passage.

"Okay, the door is open, let's go."

Looking at the open door, Harry was just about to turn around, but the next moment, his eyes went dark, and the back of his head felt like a heavy blow, and he made a "plop", and fell down on the wet ground together with Ron.

"Oh, I have to say, you are really hard on your friends."

Lockhart smiled and looked at Clark standing next to him, "If the two of them know that my best friend is also a liar, I'm afraid they will collapse."

"That means your skills are not good enough, Lockhart 'Master'."

Clark walked up to Harry and Ron with a smile on his face, and lightly kicked their bodies with the tip of his horn. Seeing that they didn't respond, he nodded in satisfaction.

Yes, all of this is just a scam.

Clark and Lockhart, the little liar and the big liar, were originally together. The so-called self-exposure, persuasion, getting back astray, eliminating the basilisk and saving the students were nothing more than their pre-designed performances.

In this wave, one wolf blew himself up, another wolf jumped back, and stabbed two civilians!

"Don't worry, my Oblivion Curse will make sure they won't notice it at all." Lockhart played with the wand in his hand, his face full of confidence.

"That's good," Clark came in front of Lockhart, "Then I'll go there first, and I'll leave the two of them to you. Pay attention to the sound later."

"Got it." Lockhart nodded.

Clark turned around to leave, when Lockhart's voice sounded behind him, "What you promised me will count."

"Don't worry, we liars don't lie to liars." Clark waved his back to him, and walked into the dark tunnel.

"Oh, this guy!" Lockhart chuckled as he watched his disappearing back, then walked to the side of Harry and the two of them, and began to wait patiently.

Clark strode into the portal, and in front of him was the Slytherin's secret room.

It was the first time he came here, and the few times he controlled the basilisk attack before, he used the psicrystal to remotely command it.

Otherwise, he would not be able to launch an attack while acting with his classmates, so as to create an alibi and get rid of the suspicion.

Now Clark was standing in the corner of a long, dimly lit room.

With his arrival, a raging fire ignited in this secret room that no one had set foot in for fifty years.

The magic flames burst into green light in the stone basin, illuminating many stone pillars coiled with serpents, the water-polished marble floor, and the looming tall statue not far away.

Clark walked calmly in the empty room. The towering stone pillars supported the ceiling that melted into the darkness above, casting long and strange black shadows on the room filled with green and mysterious atmosphere.

He walked through the stone pillars surrounded by giant snakes, and when he reached the last pair, the tall statue that was originally hidden in the shadows was clearly presented in front of his eyes.

It was a majestic work as tall as the room itself.

An old, emaciated face that looked like a monkey, and a long sparse beard that almost reached the hem of the wizard's robe carved in stone.

With sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks and a thin body, he looks like Salazar Slytherin, one of the four founders of Hogwarts.

Clark was not surprised by Slytherin's appearance, because it was in line with the fact that the other party often studied black magic and was affected by chaotic magic.

He walked directly between the two gray feet of the statue, then took out the magic bag that he carried with him, and took out various ritual utensils from it.

The hot and crimson dragon's blood was mixed with heavy mercury to make magic ink, drawing a huge circle, and then an equilateral triangle intersecting the circle.

The scales and books with pointing significance are combined into a mysterious pictographic symbol, occupying all the space inside the triangle.

Soon, a magic circle for communication and sacrifice to [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic] - Oghma was completed.

Well, just a little bit of magical energy and mystical elements!

Clark stood in the center of the magic circle, carefully piled up a hundred golden Galleons that shone with charming light, and then gently put down a feather on top of it.

On the pure white feathers, an ancient riddle with magic power is naturally written, that is the feathers of the Sphinx, that is, the Sphinx.

As magical animals unique to ancient Egypt, their feathers are widely used in alchemy and are symbols of mystery, with various elements such as 'secret', 'wisdom' and 'knowledge'.

"Okay, everything is ready, it's time for our protagonist to appear."

Clark walked out of the magic circle, and took out the diary belonging to Tom Riddle from his arms.

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