Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 94 Harvesting leeks, the essence of casting spells


Seeing the entire conference room arguing because of his criticism of Darren Burke, Clark, who felt that the fire was almost ready, finally spoke.

As soon as he spoke, the room immediately fell silent, and the school management representatives of those families all looked over.

"I know what you want," Clark said calmly, "but the rules are the rules. If I lenient you, it would be unfair to those school directors who persisted and did not withdraw their capital."

He glanced at the few people present, and the appearance of his righteous words made them avert their eyes with guilt.

"Everyone present here is the board member of Hogwarts, as well as the managers of various families. You should know that if there is no punishment for doing something wrong, then the rules will be meaningless.

Today you can request to withdraw from the dragon farm project due to an accident, and tomorrow other people can also make other requests due to another situation, so can this project continue? "

What Clark said was well-founded, and Theodore Abbott, who had just switched camps, nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that Clark had finished speaking, George Ollivander continued to ask with a wink.

"In that case, Mr. Prewett, what should we do to allow us to return to the dragon farm project?"

Clark tapped lightly on the table with his fingertips, making a dull sound of "duk, duk, duk", which gradually lifted the hearts of those representatives of the school management.

Finally, when they were about to lose their patience, Clark spoke.

"Originally, I decided to refuse to accept you to return to this project again, but for the sake of Uncle Lucius, Mr. Goofy, and Headmaster Dumbledore, I decided to give you a chance."

Several representatives breathed a sigh of relief, and Clark continued.

"Of course, the conditions for each of your families to return to this dragon farm project cannot be the same as those of the Aibo family.

One thousand gold Galleons, if you make up for the refund that you want to go back, I will sell you the part of the shares that belong to you. "

Clark's words made the representatives of those families feel their stomachs twitching.

Make up for the refund of the previous five hundred gold Galleons, and then spend another thousand gold Galleons to buy the 10% project shares.

In this way,

It means that they spent a total of two thousand galleons on the 10% project shares.

The same shares cost double the price, how could this not make them feel sad.

Seeing that the others hesitated, Darren Bock immediately seized the opportunity and yelled at Clark.

"Are you robbing? Just a few days later, the price has doubled. Are you killing us as fools? The Boke family will not accept such unreasonable conditions!"

His words shook the representatives of the other three companies. After all, the money was not a small sum.

However, Clark didn't care about it. He just looked at Darren Burke and said with a disdainful smile.

"The condition I mentioned does not include the Bork family. Your family's 10% shares will be auctioned later."

After finishing speaking, he ignored Darren Bock, who was so angry that he almost vomited blood, and looked at the remaining three representatives, "What about you, have you figured it out yet?"

The three representatives looked at each other, and in the end it was George Ollivander who came forward, "If the three of us repurchase the shares, can we participate in the auction of the Bock family's shares?"

Clark looked at Darren Bock and smiled triumphantly, "Of course."

The result was naturally without a doubt, and the representatives of the remaining three school managers also signed the re-investment contract very decisively.

In this way, the Hogwarts Dragon Farm's fund account not only filled the gap, but also added 2,500 Gold Galleons.

The Prewett family also successfully took advantage of this incident to establish their prestige, firmly occupying a place on the school board.

In addition, perhaps only the unstable factor of the Bork family was completely excluded.

"You can't do this! You can't do this!" Darren Bock slumped on a chair and muttered to himself, but was finally invited out of the conference room.

In exchange, their family's 10% stake in the project will naturally be divided equally among the remaining 12 companies.

After solving these problems, Clark returned to Hogwarts with Gallon.

After the project of the dragon farm was suspended for a period of time, with the injection of funds, it started again.

And the last issue of the "Hogwarts School Journal" this semester was successfully published under Hermione's supervision.

"Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" - that's the headline on the front page of the Hogwarts Journal.

Clark promised Dumbledore not to reveal the gods, divinity, and Horcruxes, but he can still learn from Lockhart to make up stories.

Anyway, they were the only ones who participated in the Chamber of Secrets incident. After discussing with Professor Lockhart and making sure that it would not conflict with the content of the other party's new book, Clark directly referred to the original story and carried out his own artistic processing.

And relying on the two hot spots of "The Chamber of Secrets" and "Harry Potter", their magazines were sold out directly, and they even had to reprint thousands of copies in the end.

The last period of the second grade ended in this excitement.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for them to take the Hogwarts Express home.

Harry, Ron, Fred, George and Ginny occupied a separate box.

They made the most of the last hours of magic they were allowed to use before the holidays, playing a few new decks of magic cards, setting off Fred and George's last few strenuous fireworks, and practicing with each other how to use magic to dispel opponent's weapon.

After being taught by Clark, Harry is now very proficient in doing this set of disarming spells.

And next door to them, Clark, Hermione, and Neville also occupied a separate box.

It's just that unlike Harry and the others, Clark and the others don't waste time on boring games.

"Neville, come to my house during the summer vacation. Although the sword of Gryffindor is not yet available, our family also has a high-grade magic sword forged by goblins. I think it should be very suitable for you."

Listening to Clark's words, Neville was not polite, but nodded calmly.

At this time, Hermione, who was sitting next to Clark, raised her head from her magic book and asked curiously, "Clark, I've always had a question."


"You said before that Professor Lockhart decided to enter the secret room with you under your persuasion. But in my opinion, he is not someone who can be persuaded with a few words."

"Ha! Ha! Ha!" Clark laughed.

"Of course, he didn't believe what I said. In fact, I had already communicated with Professor Lockhart long before that. So what Harry and Ron saw at the time was just a scene It's just a play."

"But how did you communicate with Professor Lockhart? Is it because of his falsified book?" Hermione continued to ask.

Clark shook his head, "That's not true. I don't like to use privacy to coerce others. If we can reach an agreement on interests, why bother to offend others and eventually cause repeated risks."

"Speak human!" Hermione shouted dissatisfied.

"Professor Lockhart's own mental state has hidden dangers, and I happen to be very good at psychic spells, so we agreed that he would help me put on a play for Harry and the others. His mental health problems."

After Clark finished speaking in one breath, Neville sat aside, recalled it carefully, and said, "If you put it this way, Professor Lockhart's reaction when we were in the Chamber of Secrets was indeed a bit strange."

"Mental hazard? What is the problem?" Hermione asked.

"This involves the negative effects of chaotic magic power."

Clark just happened to be going to popularize this knowledge with them, so he said, "I remember telling you before that the reason why I helped you change jobs is because there are hidden dangers in the magic power of wizards."

Hermione and Neville nodded.

"Actually, to be more precise, the word "chaos" should be added in front of the word "magic power". Chaos magic power is the source of power for wizards!"

Clark leaned on the sofa, his tone gradually erratic, but the two of Hermione listened to Clark's story more seriously. They knew that now that they were free from the influence of magic power, they might have a chance to see the secret hidden behind it .

"The so-called chaos is formless, qualityless, regardless of up, down, left, or right. Throughout the ages, it refers to the misty state where everything is integrated without separation before the birth of the universe.

Of course, the wizard's chaotic magic power naturally cannot reach the state of direct root, but the meaning of the chaotic magic power is also obvious, it is a disordered, chaotic power that can achieve whatever the wizard wants. .

However, even this magical chaotic magic power needs to follow the principle of equivalent exchange in mysticism, but its exchange price is more secretive, and it is not easy for people to detect that's all. "

"Didn't you lose your rational thinking?" Hermione asked curiously, she remembered that Clark had told her.

"No, irrationality is just the result of wizards using chaotic magic power for a long time, it is not the cause."

"So what exactly caused this result?"

Facing Hermione's question, Clark explained, "It is the chaotic nature of the magic power of chaos, as well as the directional effect of magic, that has had an infective effect on the wizard's soul, thus causing this to happen."


Facing Clark's professional term, Hermione Neville was full of doubts.

"Chaos magic power and the arcane magic power that Hermione you use today are two completely different types of power. It is essentially a kind of disorder, which can move the material world according to the will and spirit of the mage, thus producing many magical effect.

But the magic power of chaos itself is disordered, and human spiritual thinking is also unconstrained and constantly changing.

If the two are superimposed together, if they are not controlled, what will be the final result? "

"Will... cast magic in an unconscious state, such as having a nightmare?" Hermione said hesitantly.

"That's right," Clark nodded, "That's the meaning of magic spells and Hogwarts."

"People's spiritual consciousness is not easy to control, but it is also easy to be influenced.

The so-called uncontrollable is because people have hidden subconsciousness in addition to the manifested consciousness.

The so-called easy to be influenced is also because ordinary people often have stress reactions when facing external stimuli.

And using these two characteristics, there is a place for magic spells. "

For wizards, the sound of chanting a spell and the gesture of waving a wand are actually non-magical, otherwise there would be no silent casting or wandless casting.

Their role is more to use a fixed sound and movement to adjust the wizard's mental thinking so that it coincides with the state when using a certain magic, so as to successfully cast the spell.

"Just like a radio? Spells and gestures are the knobs for frequency modulation. Only when the frequency is the same can the wizard's soul reach the state of casting spells, right?"

Clark was taken aback by Hermione's words. This metaphor really fits well.

"Almost." Clark nodded.

The so-called directional effect of magic is to form a habit by repeatedly chanting the spell and waving the wand, so that the wizard's subconscious will have a fixed link reaction to this behavior and result, making the wizard subconsciously believe that as long as it is completed In this step, you can use magic.

The more wizards believe in this kind of spell-casting behavior, the higher the success rate of spell-casting will be, so this is why learning magic should start with children whose thinking patterns have not yet formed.

And relying on this theory, if wizards want to go further in their spellcasting ability, they not only need to have a firm belief in magic, but also need to develop emotional power.

That is to say, when powerful wizards cast spells, they must not only believe in the magic itself, but also put their true feelings into it and inject soul into the spell.

Just as the Fascination Charm needs strong love, the Obstacle Charm needs to resist emotions, the Patronus Charm needs to recall happy things, and the Unforgivable Curse also needs slow malice.

After listening to Clarke's story, Neville suddenly realized, "So my previous spellcasting level was too poor, because I was too timid and cowardly, and my will was not firm enough to fully mobilize the magic power of chaos."

"That's right," Clark nodded. "This is considered to be an effect of the wizard's spiritual awareness on the ability to cast spells. Professor Lockhart's situation is completely opposite to yours."

"You are not firm and not confident, but he is bragging too much, which leads to his thinking being too firm and too confident.

As I said just now, the more a wizard believes in the effect of a spell, and the more emotionally invested he is in that spell, the more powerful that spell will be.

If you rely on this theory, some means of self-hypnosis and self-psychological suggestion will become the fastest way for a wizard to improve his strength.

And Professor Lockhart did exactly that. "

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