Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 23 Fierce fighting, each showing his trump card

Remember [new] in one second! “But in that case, we would have to conflict with those Americans who came before us.”

Looking at the tallest obelisk in the distance, Laura couldn't help but say.

“In ancient Egyptian mythology, Anubis, as the gatekeeper of the underworld, has the responsibility of distinguishing good and evil from the dead.

And even God is not completely selfless and has room for action.

So when those pharaohs who committed the most evil crimes died, they would often offer various rare treasures to Anubis to let them go.

As for those pharaohs who had no sins, although they did not need to offer sacrifices to Anubis, they would also offer gifts to the sun god Ra so that they could ascend to the divine realm in the sky earlier.

Therefore, if I guessed correctly, in the center of the ruins, there must be statues of the sun god ‘Ra’ and the god of death ‘Anubis’.

And at the feet of these two statues, there must be buried the treasures that the pharaoh offered to these two gods. "

Clark looked at the voodoo wizard who had just gone out to conduct some reconnaissance. The other party nodded, "Yes, those Americans are digging under the statue of Anubis."

"Then what are you waiting for?" Clark's words completely moved Fatty Wang, "Aren't they just a bunch of Americans? Today we will learn from those predecessors, fight the 38th parallel, and kill the Americans!"

Fortunately, Hu Jianjun's mind was not that impulsive, so he grabbed his good friend.

Clark saw his move and smiled at him, "Don't worry, now is not the time to take action. As the saying goes, the one who laughs last laughs best. This journey to seize the treasure is not limited to our two families."

Not long after he finished speaking, an explosion suddenly occurred in the center of the ruins not far away. Even Clark and the others could hear the huge sound clearly.

One person looked at each other, and immediately sneaked towards the center of the ruins without saying anything.

When they came to a certain broken wall and peeked out through the gap, they saw that the two groups were already fighting in the open space in the center of the ruins.

Among them, a group of guys suspected of being Americans were building a camp that was easy to defend and difficult to attack, relying on the existing walls and underground structures of Hamna Tower, and were launching a counterattack against the attackers.

As for another group of people, there were about a dozen of them, all wearing white robes and white scarves, with their faces covered and only a pair of eyes exposed. They were surrounding the American camp, using the Five Fireball God's signature mysteries. ——Cooking fireballs with his hands and bombing the American camp indiscriminately.

"They are people from the Zoroastrian Cult!" The Voodoo wizard is well-informed.

With just one glance, he was able to determine the identity of the attacker.

Clark looked at these guys who suddenly appeared with a solemn expression. As a wizard, of course he had heard of Zoroastrianism.

The specific origin time of the religion in this Central Asian region is unknown, but what can be confirmed is that they should have been inherited and developed by the early Indo-European people's worship of fire.

Therefore, the sect also has people with extraordinary abilities who can manipulate the power of fire, and even the strongest ones are called "light envoys".

"How come they are here?" Hermione, who was lying next to Clark, asked curiously, "And it seems that they still have the advantage."

Laura, who often travels and adventures around the world, also knows a little about these people, so she explained, "This is normal. Egypt is also within the radiation range of their influence."

At this time, after Clark carefully observed the situation at the scene, he also said: "No, it is too early to say that they have the advantage. You see, the Americans with extraordinary abilities have not taken action yet! "

After hearing Clark's words, Hermione took a closer look at the situation at the scene and found that among the defensive Americans, there were indeed only some ordinary people fighting back with firearms.

Not only that, if she looked at it from another angle, she even found that facing the fire mages of the Zoroastrian Cult, this group of ordinary Americans relied on a dense firepower network, and they were evenly matched.

Although the fireballs emitted by the Zoroastrian cultists looked scary, only a few of them could actually attack the Americans, and many of them burned the fortifications black.

Hu Jianjun looked at the battle scene and whispered:

“It is a very professional military camp, and the layout of firepower points is also very reasonable. Some of the layouts are only known to those of us who have served as soldiers.

Among these guys, there must be professional American soldiers commanding them, and they may even be elites in the army themselves!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to be so calm in the face of an enemy that can use supernatural abilities. "

After Clark's narration, several people hiding in the corner also realized that if this group of Zoroastrian believers had no other means, they were afraid that their raid would end in failure.

After all, their spellcasting also requires physical and mental consumption, and they are not playing with unlimited firepower. This level of fireball bombardment may not last long.

Sure enough, after the Zoroastrians bombarded them indiscriminately, their firepower began to weaken at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Clark and the others could see this situation, and the Americans who were confronting the Zoroastrians were also aware of it, so after hesitating for less than a second, they seized this rare opportunity and began to fight back.

In the fortress built of wood and bricks, the flames of the light machine gun "click-click" and the sudden surge of bullets even cut several Zoroastrians in half.

Some Americans stood up from the trenches and boldly suppressed the target with guns. The entire battle situation was reversed in an instant.

"Should we take action?" Laura looked at Clark, "The enemy of our enemy is our friend. Those Americans are very powerful. We alone may not be able to break through their defenses."

Clark looked at the Zoroastrians who were suppressed by the fire and couldn't raise their heads. His face was very calm, "Don't worry, both of them should have some trump cards!"

As if to verify his words, as soon as Clark finished speaking, an extremely bright golden beam that seemed to blind people suddenly burned through the air and shone on the firing point of the American machine gun.


The attack came so fast, and the dazzling golden light seemed to still linger on their retinas. The American machine gun fortress had already been ignited into a ball of fire, and even the people inside had no time to scream.

"It's an obelisk!" Hu Jianjun was the first to discover where the attack came from and looked in the direction of his finger.

Not far from the battlefield, the top of a towering obelisk was reflecting the dazzling sunlight.

The three Zoroastrian believers stood under the obelisk, raising their hands high and muttering words, as if praying to their gods.

The next moment, the sunlight in the sky began to converge towards the golden top of the obelisk, when the golden light reached its strongest intensity.

A golden beam of light that was exactly the same as before was shot straight out.

"This obelisk is also a weapon!"

Laura was shocked when she saw that the place where the beam passed turned into lava almost instantly.

Clark wasn't too surprised.

"Ahura, the highest god believed in by Zoroastrianism, holds the power of [light], [fire] and so on, and is known as the 'infinite light'.

The god represented by these obelisks is also the sun god ‘Ra’ believed by the ancient Egyptians.

Just hearing the names of the two and the clerical authority they each hold, the relationship between them is self-evident. "

While Clark was speaking, the Zoroastrian cultists manipulated the golden beams emitted from the obelisk and destroyed another American machine gun bunker.

Although the Americans also took out rifle grenades and prepared to knock down the obelisk, the Zoroastrians were also prepared and sent people to set up fire nets in advance to intercept the howitzers.

Seeing that they could not deal with the enemy's heavy firepower for a while, the Americans could only quickly shift their firepower to avoid being hit by the golden beam.

But as a result, the originally dense firepower network on the position became sparse in an instant. The remaining Zoroastrian believers were overjoyed. They pulled out the scimitars at their waists, coated them with flames, and launched a charge with shouts.

It's a pity that Americans are not vegetarians. When the Zoroastrians were about to rush into the American position under the cover of the obelisk, the three steel jackal-head statues covered with armor came from the holes dug by the Americans. walked out.

"Damn, what the hell is that!"

Even Clark, who had always kept a straight face, couldn't help but let out a national curse after seeing the Americans' trump card.

In fact, even if these Americans came out in main battle tanks, Clark would not be surprised.

However, looking at the Anubis statues with hand-held machine guns, bazookas on their shoulders, and inlaid ammunition boxes on their backs, his outlook seemed to be shattered.


Laura's face also had the same expression as Clark, but there was more anger in that expression.

“Oh my God! These damn bastards?

That is a precious antique statue of a god, and they actually equipped it with machine guns and armor. This is destroying cultural relics! "

As an archaeologist, Laura's heart bleeds when she looks at these jackal head statues that have been altered so much that even her mother doesn't recognize them.

In the underground ruins that they could not see, the undead reception room of Hamna Tower had been transformed into a small mechanical processing factory.

Screws, wrenches, rivets and steel plates of various types can be seen almost everywhere, and iron barrels containing different types of engine oil and fuel are piled up in one corner.

Several burly black men were following the orders of a young man, moving the newly dug mummies to the operating table for him to disembowel.

"Dr. Doom, hurry up. Those bearded golden beams are too powerful. I'm afraid your so-called 'Terminator' won't be able to withstand them for long."

An American soldier stumbled down the ladder and shouted at them.

The young man named Doom didn't look back and continued to stuff grenades into the mummy's body. Just looking at the steady hands, one would have thought he was performing a precise surgical operation.

"Shut up, those 'Terminators' still have the underworld aura of Anubis on their bodies, and it's just trivial to resist a few [Fire Sun Rays].

Moreover, if you come in without shouting a report, I promise to pull out your soul, replace the virtual intelligence, and stuff it into this bomb-dropping mummy! "

The American soldier who came down to report trembled all over, and glanced at the three expressionless, robot-like black soldiers with fear.

On the battlefield on the ground, as Dr. Doom said, the transformed jackal head statue really turned the situation around.

Although the weight of these alchemy statues is heavier than before due to the steel armor, their defense power has also been improved to a higher level.

Not only that, the modern weapons added in the later period also gave these old antiques a complete second life.

The crossfire of the three statues at 16 rounds per second, like three armored vehicles, is enough to suppress their enemies head-on.

The semi-built-in ammunition compartment also provides them with the confidence to output at full power.

Those Zoroastrian cultists who screamed and rushed towards them quickly understood what "Sir, times have changed" meant. Each one of them was covered in blood, shaking like chaff, and was beaten into a pile of rotten flesh.

Although the Zoroastrians quickly reacted, controlling the obelisk and shooting golden beams at the steel jackal head statue.

But this attack is also resisted and weakened by the black smoke rising from their bodies. Often, a steel jackal head statue needs to be hit seven or eight times before it is burned red and destroyed by the explosion of ammunition.

In this case, the Americans have cooperated with these three modified alchemy puppets to advance the battle line not far from the violent obelisk.

As they approached, the resistance of the Zoroastrian believers became more and more fierce. Some believers even lay on the ground after being seriously injured. When the enemies approached, they exploded into huge fireballs with a "boom" sound.

However, their resistance was doomed to be in vain. When the last steel jackal-headed statue named "Terminator" was exploded by the [Scorching Sun Ray] controlled by the Zoroastrian cultists, several mummies whose lower bodies turned into sandstorm tornadoes, and It came out of the ground.

Compared to those steel jackal-head statues that look like armored vehicles, these sandstorm mummies are only wrapped in linen soaked in ashes and spices.

Not only that, they don't have any modern firearms in their hands. Although they move extremely fast, the damage they can cause seems to be minimal.

However, if you underestimate them because of this, it would be a big mistake.

When a sandstorm mummy attacked the obelisk, and then half of its body was melted by the positive energy radiating from the tip of the obelisk.

The Zoroastrians who were guarding the obelisk were shocked to see several high-explosive combat grenades with their tabs opened inside the hollow chest of the mummy.

The battle was decided at this moment.

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