Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 26 Black Book of the Dead, Chinese Divine Spear

Jack Chen looked at the strange group of adults and children in front of him. He smiled and stuffed the "Black Book of the Dead" into the bag on his back, and then sat down on the wooden board under him.

It's a pity that he didn't seem to notice that the wooden board he stepped on was extremely weathered.

The moment he sat down, it immediately became the last straw that broke the camel's back. With a click, the wooden board was immediately broken by him, and Jack Chen also sat down on the ground.

After hearing his self-introduction, Laura finally reacted, looked at him with disgust and said: "Asian Flying Eagle? Jackie Chan? I've heard of you, an international thief, a very hateful cultural relic." Thief!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Jack Chen suddenly jumped up from the ground.


Everyone in China can testify for me that when those cultural relics were stolen, I stayed at my home and didn’t go anywhere.

Besides, no one can rob other people’s cultural relics from other people’s countries, put them in their own country’s museums, and then say that they are keeping them for others, but in fact they want to keep them as their own. This is a shameful behavior! "

Jack Chen pointed his index finger at Laura and said in a stern tone.

Hu Jianjun on the side also whispered at this time: "Oh, it turns out to be him."

Clark gently touched him with his elbow, "Uncle Hu, what's going on?"

Lao Hu leaned his head over with a mysterious look on his face, "I have only heard that this Asian Flying Eagle used to be the Royal Police of Hong Kong, but for some unknown reason, he later left the police force and transformed into a famous thief in the international antique industry. I heard that several bronze statues of the twelve zodiac animal heads from the Yuanmingyuan that were living overseas were sent back to China through his hands.

Clark nodded clearly, took a step forward with a smile, and stretched out his right hand towards Jack Chen, "It turns out that your Excellency is still a Robin Hood-like figure. I admire your behavior very much. After all, a patriotic person, a human being, The quality is generally not that bad."

"Hey, you little guy can actually speak Chinese," Jack Chen waved his hand, "But don't think about trying to get close. They are all here to fool around, and I won't accept this trick."

Clark withdrew his right hand, but he was not angry at all.

Laura seemed to have accepted Jack Chen's statement at this time, and was no longer so repelled by his senses. She just glanced at the corner of the "Black Book of the Dead" exposed on the other person's shoulder.

But he deliberately said: "Then what you are carrying on your back is not from your country."

Jack Chen's face turned red all of a sudden, and he muttered, "How can this historian's thing be called stealing? This is archeology! It was snatched back from tomb robbers."

"I think you need a key to open that book." Laura didn't intend to tease him any more and said directly.

"Do I still need a key?" Jack Chen glanced at Laura suspiciously, and then took out the "Black Book of the Dead" from his back pocket.

When he carefully looked at this big bronze book from the Americans, he found that, as Laura said, there was indeed a circular shape on the cover that was engraved with complex and weird magic symbols. , a special hole shaped like the sun.

"It seems like we are destined to be together, right?"

Laura smiled and took out a small octagonal metal box from her pocket and tossed it up and down. This was exactly what her mentor Evelin sent her after receiving the letter.

At first, she didn't know what it was used for.

But when she saw the "Black Book of the Dead" in Jack Chen's hand, she knew the specific use of this thing.

I saw Laura holding the upper and lower ends of the small metal box with both hands, twisting it gently, and with a click sound, one end of the small box opened eight metal pieces like a flower.

The shape is exactly the same as the special hole on the cover of "The Black Book of the Dead".

"This only proves that you are well prepared. Who knows whether what you say is true or false?"

Jack Chen said this, but his eyes never left the key in Laura’s hand.

And just as they were introducing each other, new changes took place on the battlefield not far away.

Because the "Black Book of the Dead" was stolen by Jack Chen, Dr. Doom was furious and directly sent out the only five "Terminators" he had.

But at this time, those little giants who were acting cruel among the tomb-keeper guards after taking medicine also returned to their original state due to lack of physical strength. No, it was even worse. Their whole figures seemed to have been run over by a steamroller, and their bones were all broken. It was broken into pieces and softened into a puddle of mud.

In addition, the four special mummy puppets were solved by Clark and the others, and the five jackal-head statues covered in steel armor were no longer able to resist the attack of the tomb guard.

Not only that, Clark and the others even vaguely heard undetectable roars coming from several other directions in the ruins.

"It's the cavalry of the Tomb Guards Guards. They actually surrounded the entire Hamna Tower." The Voodoo wizard made a rough distinction and said almost in disbelief: "There must be at least seven or eight hundred people. Could they be Did all the warriors from the entire tribe come out?"

At this time, the Americans seemed to be aware of this situation and began to order the soldiers to retreat along the trenches to the underground space.

Fatty Wang also said nervously: "I told you to leave quickly, leave quickly, but now it's okay, I can't leave at all."

Several people present did not pay attention to his words. Clark and Laura just looked at each other, and a thought came to their minds at the same time: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend. It's time to call for 'internal' support."

"Quick, give me the key!"

"Quick, give me the book!"

Laura and Jack Chen shouted almost in unison.

"Why should I give it to you?"

The two of them spoke almost at the same time.

The two of them stared at each other and refused to give in. Listening to the approaching hooves, Clark could only step forward to smooth things over and said: "How about you two step back and hand everything over to me?" ?”

Jack Chen looked at Clark's childish face with a hint of calmness, and laughed out of anger, "What do you think I am!"

"But now you have no choice, right?" Clark was not angry at Jack Chen's contempt.

"Those tomb guard troops are about to be surrounded. Not to mention whether we can escape or not, even if we escape, it will be extremely difficult to escape the pursuit of local people like them in the vast desert.

In this case, why not take a risk, open the book, and see if it can cause them some trouble and escape? "

"Hey, what a coincidence, I thought so too, then why don't you give me the key?" Jack Chen had a smile on his face, but he took a few steps back in a vague manner.

Such an action made Clark frown. You must know that as a psychic, he was not only talking, but also using rhetoric.

However, faced with his psychic powers such as [Psychic Infection], [Charming Humans], and [Psychic Invasion], this guy was completely unmoved.

With the help of the [Detection of Thoughts] ability, Clark even discovered that the soul in the opponent's body was itself a mist, as if it had a double image, as if there were other things existing, which was completely incomprehensible and unable to be affected. .

One body and two souls! Isn't this guy an aggregation of Chen Long from the multiverse?

Looking at the conspicuous big nose, Clark finally remembered who the Jack Chen in front of him was. He was clearly the protagonist of the old Hong Kong movie "Eagle Project", the famous Fang Shanglong.

It's just that looking at his appearance and experience, it seems that the other person still has the shadow of "Zodiac" and "Police Story", but where does this ability that can affect his own psychic powers come from?

While Clark was pondering, Laura became a little impatient. She took a pistol and began to approach Jack Chen.

"I'm telling you, I don't hit women, so don't force me!" Jack Chen's eyes widened and he assumed a boxing stance. Looking at his movements and body posture, it was obvious that he had good close combat abilities.

However, just when the atmosphere between them became tense, a clear voice suddenly broke into the middle of them, just like a chef trying to unwind a cow, he was able to get in without being thick, and instantly disintegrated the tense atmosphere on the scene.

"Under the current circumstances, a civil war does not seem to be the optimal solution."

The sudden sound startled Laura, because it came from a few meters behind her.

"who is it?!"

Laura turned around suddenly and saw a handsome and gentle Asian man behind them, waving to greet them.

"Hello, my name is Zheng Xian, and I belong to the Chinese People's Strategic Alert Implementation Department (..r.). Of course, you can also call us the Divine Spear Bureau."

While Zheng Xian was talking, he walked past Laura and others very naturally. He came in front of Jack Chen, took the "Black Book of the Dead" from his hand, and then handed it over generously. Laura.

Even Laura found it a bit incredible to obtain a treasure that recorded the essence of ancient Egyptian mysticism so easily.

"Those cavalry are about to surround me. If it is confirmed that there is nothing wrong with this book, I think we should take action first. As for any problems, it is not too late to talk about it after the matter is settled."

Zheng Xian looked at Clark with a smile, as if he could tell at a glance that Clark was the real leader of the strange team in front of him.

Clark didn't mean to hide it, and nodded directly to Laura. After receiving his signal, Laura didn't hesitate and pressed the key in her hand directly on the cover of "The Black Book of the Dead".

"Click, click."

There was a faint sound of gears turning, and the mechanism box was twisted twice. Laura felt the cover in her hand bounce upward, and subconsciously opened the thick metal cover of the "Black Book of the Dead".

A dark wind suddenly swirled past them, and everyone trembled and looked at Laura subconsciously.

At this time, she was not aware of it at all, she was just looking at the content recorded in the Black Book of the Dead with a look of obsession.

As Evelin's student, Laura had systematically studied ancient Egyptian sacred texts.

It is a mysterious, ancient text that is about to be lost. Legend has it that it was invented by Thoth, the god of wisdom in ancient Egypt, and is a text specially used by the gods.

In today's world, there are not many people who can understand this kind of writing. Perhaps only some ancient Egyptian tribes still have priests who can tell the difference.

In addition, only Britain, which has colonized Egypt for hundreds of years and plundered a large number of ancient Egyptian cultural relics, can find some experts in this field in the Museum of London and the University of Cambridge.

And Laura’s teacher Evelin is exactly the top person in this field.

"What's recorded on it?" Zheng Xian, who looked like a gentle man, asked out of curiosity.

Laura replied without thinking:

"It records the descriptions of the ancient Egyptian gods about the afterlife, that is, Hades. It sounds like some ancient myths.

In addition, there are some spells and sacrificial rituals on how to channel the power of Hades. "

Speaking of this, Laura hesitated for a moment, and then said: "But most of these rituals are very cruel and evil..."

Zheng Xian nodded, as if he had no reaction to the cruelty and evil she said.

At this time, Clark stood aside, looking at the strange divine inscriptions in the "Black Book of the Dead". For some reason, he felt a strange sense of familiarity.

It was as if those hieroglyphics that he had never seen before were greeting him warmly and wanted to tell him some secrets.

It is indeed a very strange magical text.

Clark was secretly surprised in his heart, and at this moment, Fatty Wang was sweating profusely when he heard the clearly audible sound of hoofbeats.

"Let's talk about this later," he urged Laura anxiously: "Is there a spell on it to resurrect that thing?"

When Laura heard what he said, she realized that business was important and quickly started searching in the Black Book of the Dead.

Soon, she found the corresponding description.

"Imerton is not actually dead. According to what was said above, the scarab represents the part of the god Ra that represents rebirth, and has the ability to protect the peace of the dead.

Therefore, only his body was devoured by the insect bite punishment. In the process, his soul was protected, so that he could always feel the pain of his body being fully devoured.

The resentment and death caused by pain and despair will combine with the power of the Pharaoh's curse to form a barrier, sealing Immorton's soul in the imaginary space between the underworld and the earthly world.

And just by chanting the incantation, the Pharaoh's curse can be lifted and Immorton's soul can be released again. "

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up!"

Under Fatty Wang's urging, Laura could only touch the sacred words on the "Black Book of the Dead" and recite word by word:

"Tai Yin, Sun, Jiu Di Huangquan...those immortal dead souls who are wandering around, be reborn, be reborn, be reborn!"

When this mantra was recited, almost instantly, Laura knew that she had succeeded.


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