Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 29 I am your father, my true identity


In the small reception room, murderous aura, death aura, magic and curses complement each other.

The magic mecha waved its cannon fist, and the crystal spear fired fiercely. The two sides were like needles facing each other. Time seemed to have stopped for a second at the moment they collided. The next moment, the winner was determined.

After all, it occupies a favorable location. After Immorton's black spear was thrown, it drew the aura of death throughout Hamna Tower.

When the fist and the spear collided, the black crystal spear suddenly exploded and spread into a jet-black light pillar, which directly swallowed the green light on the iron fist and continued unabated. Like the deepest black hole, the right side of the magic mecha was blown away. The arm was also swallowed up.

Being hit head-on at the point of greatest power, the magic mecha's momentum dropped to the bottom at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even the phantom of the steel cannon had its barrel bent directly.

Immorton took advantage of the situation and stepped forward. He rushed up to the head of the magic mecha. The crystal spear that reappeared in his hand was directly strangled between the neck in front of him, and then with the help of the power of his waist and abdomen, he instantly killed him. The magic mecha's head was twisted off.

When Immorton walked up to Clark with the steel head in hand, the magic statue pushed the gold mountain, toppled the jade pillar, and knelt directly on the ground.

At this time, they saw that a hole had opened up behind the magic mecha at some point, and Victor von Doom, who was supposed to be inside, was also missing.

Also disappearing with him was Clark's classmate, the American transfer student Bruce Stewart.

It seems that after discovering that he could not fight against Immorton, Dr. Doom quickly escaped from his shell, abandoned these fellow Americans, and ran away secretly.

But no one had the time to care about this at this time, because Immorton had already knelt down in front of Clark, leaned over and kissed his toes.

"Dear father, you are finally here!"

What? !

Hermione looked at Clark and felt as if there were millions of grass and mud horses galloping past.

Her eyes widened in disbelief, as if asking, what on earth is going on? When did you have a son?

However, Clark was also confused at this time. He looked at the ancient Egyptian high priest who had just retaliate and dismantled the mecha, but was now kneeling in front of him.

The thoughts in my mind kept coming and going.

In his memory, all the myths, legends and dynastic history of ancient Egypt emerged, and then, like pearls strung together in a thread, an extremely bold and absurd idea suddenly came to mind.

What if this Immorton is really his son?

He bent down to help Imhotep, and asked with complicated emotions: "Should I call you Imhotep, or Imhotep?"

"Imhotep!" Laura subconsciously exclaimed when she heard Clark's words. As a historian, of course she knew who Imhotep was.

Imhotep (ii-em-hotepimhotep, also translated as Imhotep) was a legendary figure in the era of King Zoser of Saqqara in ancient Egypt around 2980 BC.

As a mortal, relying on his extraordinary wisdom and profound knowledge, he was placed in an unusual position by the Pharaoh. He not only served as prime minister, chief judge, minister of agriculture and director of construction, but also as the sun god Heliopolis. priest.

In addition to these noble identities, Imhotep was also the founder of medicine in ancient Egypt.

He personally organized and established the first medical school in history, and wrote the Edwin Smith Papyrus, the first collection of medical papers in Western history. He was active longer than Hippocrates, the father of medicine in Greece. Two thousand years to go in the morning.

These medical ideas also spread to Europe along with Egyptian culture, and had a profound impact on the development of medicine in Europe.

In addition, Imhotep was the true founder of the pyramids.

Before the time of King Zosai Sakala who lived in Imhotep, countless temples had been built on this ancient and mysterious land to worship the gods and pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

But what they built at that time was a huge rectangular tomb made of mud bricks, which was used to bury the pharaohs. The ancient Egyptians called it Bastar.

And Imhotep relied on his intelligence, combined with space science, sacrificial science, soul science and magic enchantment science, and added many other things overlappingly on the original basis of the Bastaba tomb. .

Finally, there was the behemoth that was wrapped in exquisite white limestone by countless skilled craftsmen, and the "Ladder to Heaven" that Clark and the others saw in Cairo was immortal in time and existed forever between heaven and earth.

Because of Imhotep's series of great achievements, after his death, the people of ancient Egypt worshiped him as the god of medicine. He also became one of the few humans in ancient Egyptian mythology who ascended the throne of the gods as a mortal.

"But how could you be Imhotep?"

Laura only felt that the Egyptian history she had learned seemed to be a pile of waste paper. She couldn't help but question: "With the status of Imhotep, it is almost impossible to suffer the persecution of the Pharaoh. That is the punishment of insect bites." ah!"

It seemed that because Laura's words reminded him of the painful experience, Immorton's face, which was originally as cold as rock, finally showed a trace of emotion.

However, this weakness was fleeting and was quickly suppressed by him, "If you are 'loved' by me, even if you are bitten by thousands of insects, there is nothing to fear."

He just looked at Clark steadily, his words full of unwavering will.

Facing this "son" who stood taller and stronger than him, Clark had a vague suspicion in his heart.

In fact, he already had doubts after he knew that the world he lived in had been mixed up with the contents of "Legend of Ghosts and Gods 1".

After all, a movie is just a movie, and it needs to pay attention to the so-called drama, so Immorton and the pharaoh's beloved concubine Ansuna fell in love with each other, and their love was stronger than gold. In the end, they even killed the pharaoh because of their affair.

However, there is no record of this kind of thing in history. You must know that a high priest conspired with the princess to assassinate the Pharaoh. This was a huge scandal that could shake the foundation of the rule.

What's more, this man is the legendary [God of Medicine] Imhotep, who plays a pivotal role in the history of ancient Egypt.

However, Imhotep suffered the punishment of insect bites and was sealed in the Tower of Hamunah, which was a fact that Clark and the others saw with their own eyes.

Since he himself suffered such a cruel punishment, and there are no relevant records in the history of ancient Egypt, the only possibility is that it was not recorded in the official history due to political and divine reasons.

However, there are still some problems that need to be solved.

"You said that I am your 'father', so who is your father?" Clark looked at Immorton and asked.

There was an expression of awe and admiration on Immorton's face, and he replied very formally: "My father is the son of Hermes, the high priest Tat."

So it turned out that Clark suddenly realized that he had finally found the last piece of the puzzle.

He remembered that he had consulted the "Jade Record" in order to communicate with Nick Flamel.

As for the origin of "Jade Record", there is this sentence:

The Egyptian Pharaoh Hermes, his legendary father Thoth, and Hermes' eldest son Tat, the great priest, merged into one, becoming the legendary "Hermes God" .

This trinity of gods condensed the knowledge of alchemy into 13 sentences, which were carved on an emerald slab and passed down to the world. This is the legendary "Jade Record".

Immortun is the legendary Indian Khotan!

Since he is the son of the high priest Tat, then according to the trinity relationship between Tat, Hermes and the god Thoth, he is also the son of the [god of wisdom] Thoth.

And Clark has long suspected that [God of Wisdom] Ogma and the [God of Wisdom] Thoth of ancient Egypt are inextricably linked. Now that Immorton calls him "Father", then this kind of obscure relationship The contact can be considered completely solid.

Just recognizing such a powerful guy as his son, Clark didn't feel the slightest joy in his heart.

What Immorton recognized was the former [God of Wisdom] Thoth, or the peer of the DND world [God of Knowledge] Ogma, but it was definitely not the current Clark.

He even felt a chill in his heart, suspecting that the reason why he was brought to the Harry Potter world by that godhead fragment was because of [God of Knowledge] Ogma's intention.

But this shrewd [God of Wisdom] may not have expected that the world of Harry Potter has developed into the Bronze Age of Ragnarok.

Here, the gods have long since disappeared in the long river of history, which gives Clark room to turn around, so that he will not be immediately occupied by Thoth, the ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom.

However, Immorton looked at the uncertain expression on Clark's face and seemed to guess his thoughts. He shook his head and said, "Father, things are not what you think."

He waved his hand casually, and under his tug, the entire Hamna Tower's barrier power surrounded the two of them, filling the entire room, separating it from everyone outside.

At this moment, before Laura and the others could react, everyone in the room, except for Clark and Immorton, looked like ants trapped in amber. They were all unable to move, and even thinking, they stopped completely.

Clark knew that this was what Immorton wanted to say to himself alone.

“My father had long expected the arrival of ‘Twilight of the Gods’. He was the wisest among the Egyptian gods and the first god to predict this event.

Since then, other gods have also received this horrific news through various channels.

After that, some gods complied with the destiny and did not make any response, so they fell into the general trend of history.

Some gods are not willing to accept the arrangement of fate, causing huge floods, bringing down various disasters, enslaving mankind, launching wars, trying to change fate against nature and hinder the development of mankind.

But that was just a dying struggle, and was eventually crushed by history.

After the struggle, some gods knew that nothing could be done, so they found another way to make a living early, choosing to leave this world and seek refuge in other worlds outside the void.

In this process, some gods were worried about the risks of traveling in the void, so they chose to take the initiative to die, while leaving various backup options, hoping that one day, when Ragnarok ends, they can return to the human world. . "

Immorton told Clark about the past of the gods thousands of years ago. When the story fell into his ears, it turned into a long picture scroll.

The scroll records that humans evolved from the gods out of reverence for nature, to respecting the gods after realizing the greatness of nature, to despising nature and then abandoning the gods, and finally to the elimination of the gods in the process of conquering nature.

The history of the rise and fall of the gods is the history of human development from ignorance to civilization.

"When we begin to learn to explore our own inner strength, and understand that there are no gods or emperors, nor do we rely on any savior, human beings will truly usher in a happy life."

Clark's words made Immorton's eyes light up. He thought about the words in his mouth and couldn't help but nodded, "With your words, I think Ragnarok has really arrived."

Seemingly aware of Clark's concerns, Immorton stopped calling him father.

“However, things in this world will not always be smooth sailing. There will be highs and lows.

The existence of the gods is like this, and the development of human society is also like this. "

Upon hearing this, Clark instantly thought of today's society and the near future.

He comes from the future of 2022, so he naturally knows that, as Immorton said, when living materials become extremely wealthy, society has not turned into a paradise.

The gap between the rich and the poor has led to the rise and fall of various ideological trends.

Young people have given up their faith. A stable life cannot make up for their empty souls, and even that is far from the worst case scenario.

Immorton watched the expression on Clark's face, which was equally complex.

"When the development of mankind reaches a low ebb, those gods who originally wandered outside the void of the universe, or disappeared in the long history of mankind, will cast their gaze on this world again.

They even hope to return to the world with the help of the backhand they once left behind. "

"So as the [God of Medicine], you are also one of them?" Clark suddenly asked: "You may even be the back-up man of the [God of Wisdom] Thoth who stayed in the world in order to guide him. return?"

"So after I was sealed, was I still remembered as the [God of Medicine] by the people?" Upon hearing this news, the tough lines on Immorton's face seemed to soften a lot.

He looked into Clark's eyes, and his intelligent gaze seemed to be able to follow the window of his soul and see the fragment of the godhead belonging to the [God of Knowledge] in his mind.

Feeling this familiar aura, Immorton's eyes were filled with admiration, which is the most sincere feeling a child has for his father.

However, even though he was very eager to call back his father, he still shook his head and said very firmly and decisively:

"I have never been the [God of Medicine]. I am just a 'person', and I will only be a 'person'. It was like this in the past, it is like this now, and it will be like this in the future!"


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