Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 30 The truth of the year, great love has no boundaries


I am human"!

Immorton's voice was full of strong emotions, which could even be transmitted to the hearts of everyone present through the sealing barrier he had laid.

Heart to heart, even if their minds and bodies were imprisoned, the recognition and pride of being human beings made them shed tears of emotion from the corners of their eyes.

Yes, as human beings, we may not have strong power or a long lifespan, but we also have independent and complete souls. At this point, whether we are gods or mortals, devils or angels, we are all equal. of!

"To be honest, when my father chose to spread knowledge and integrate with the Egyptian civilization, he also asked me if I was willing to become a god and leave the earth with those guys. However, I refused." Immorton said indifferently. .

“My birth was an accident between my father and my mother.

Because of this, I have lived with my mother in the mortal society of Egypt since I was a child.

There, I have my best friends and a mother who loves me, so I never feel that I am the son of God, I am just an ordinary, ordinary 'person'. "

Immorton's deep eyes were full of memories, as if he had traveled through three thousand years of history and returned to that warm afternoon.

"In order to live a better life, I worked hard to learn Chinese characters and laws, and finally became a minor official.

In order to make people around me live better, I studied agriculture, medicine, and formulated legal systems with old farmers.

Perhaps thanks to my father, my mind is very smart. Just like that, my position is getting higher and higher, and I manage more and more people.

In the end, even the Pharaoh trusted me very much and asked me to learn mysterious knowledge that ordinary people had no access to and become the high priest of the sun god. "

Clark did not interrupt Imogen's memories, but listened to him attentively. He knew that the secrets about Imogen were buried in his past.

“It was at that time that I met the woman I loved most in my life – Ansuna.

She was so beautiful, full of wildness and vitality, and was like nothing I had ever seen in my life.

I was deeply attracted to her and fell in love with her. Even though she was the pharaoh's princess, I didn't want to give up.

You must also know what happened next. "

Immorton's eyes were full of aftertaste, and Clark asked at this time: "So, did you really kill the pharaoh at that time because of a woman?"

Immorton looked at him, his face neither sad nor happy, "Do you believe it? Or, do you think what I did was wrong?"

Clark lowered his head and thought, and glanced at Hermione inadvertently.

Immorton noticed this action, "Do you have someone you like?"

Clark did not answer, but just said: "I can completely understand your behavior at that time. After all, 'it is difficult for a hero to be a beauty', but I don't believe that is the truth of the matter."

"It is difficult for a hero to be a beauty." Immorton savored these words carefully and nodded, "Yes, the Pharaoh King Zosai at that time was one of the people I respected most. Without his appreciation, I would not be able to do anything. I can become prime minister as an ordinary person."

"So what's the truth?" Clark asked.

"The truth is that the love between Ansuna and I was a scam, but I followed the trend and took advantage of it..." As Immorton talked about it, Clark finally understood the cause and effect of that incident.

It turns out that after the Egyptian gods knew that Ragnarok would eventually come, some of them decided to follow the footsteps of [Sun God] Ra and head to the outer void to find a new home.

Another part of the gods decided to follow Osiris, the God of Hades, and sleep in the underworld, waiting for the day when the development of humanity reaches a low ebb and Ragnarok ends.

And before they leave and fall asleep, they have to lay down a back-up plan.

Because they don’t know how long Ragnarok will last?

And when that day comes, the gods of the underworld will need someone to wake them up.

[Sun God] Ra, who is far away in the void outside the territory, also needs people to provide them with the coordinates of their hometown so that they can one day return to the earth.

But how to arrange this backhand has become a difficulty again.

You must know that because of Ragnarok, the gods can no longer stay on earth.

If the ritual altar is left behind, it will only become a ruin if no one maintains it, or it will be dug up and destroyed by greedy humans.

And if there are believers left, it will be difficult for their descendants to maintain their faith in the baptism of time. After all, the human heart is the most uncontrollable. Maybe those believers will have other thoughts like the current tribe of Pharaoh’s tomb-keepers. .

Therefore, the ancient Egyptian gods at that time urgently needed someone who was loyal, strong, smart, and able to endure the baptism of time without changing.

After some screening, they set their sights on Imhotep, also known as Imhotep.

First of all, as the son of [God of Wisdom] Thoth and also the high priest of the Sun God, Immorton's faith and wisdom are naturally unquestionable.

Not only that, because he is the son of a god and a mortal, Immorton cannot be regarded as the son of God, but can only be regarded as a powerful human with the blood of a god, so Ragnarok will not affect him.

But this also brings about another problem, that is, how to keep Immorton alive long enough so that he can exist for thousands or even tens of thousands of years.

An ordinary human being, if healthy, has only a physical lifespan of more than a hundred years.

If he gained extraordinary power and became a person with extraordinary abilities, he might be able to live for another four or five hundred years.

If you want to continue to extend your life, without ascending to the throne of God, you can only transform into an undead spirit such as a ghost, a vampire, a mummy, or a zombie.

But even the soul has a lifespan. The so-called undead souls have just abandoned their physical bodies and only rely on their souls to absorb yin and negative energy to survive.

Although the lifespan of the soul can reach thousands of years, as time goes by, without the nourishment of the original essence of the body, the memory in the soul will be erased first, then emotions, and then consciousness.

Some undead will even intensify this change due to excessive intake of negative energy, and completely degenerate into irrational evil ghosts and evil spirits.

To prevent this from happening, the gods of ancient Egypt came up with a solution.

If there is anything that can give people hope and strength in despair, it is "love"!

After all, God’s “love” for the world is the greatest reward for the world.

The gods of ancient Egypt used the power of insect bites and the curse of the Pharaoh's tomb to seal Immorton's soul for a long time, allowing the power of darkness to charge his soul.

Then he designed Immorton to fall in love with Ansuna, and then let Ansuna die in front of him, using this unswerving "love" to support him in the process of sealing, so as not to completely of falling to the dark side.

So during the three thousand years of being sealed, the stronger the hatred and curse in his heart became, the more condensed the little remaining "love" became.

It was as if the wood carbon under high temperature and pressure turned into diamond, blooming with a light called "hope", illuminating the little bit of consciousness and humanity left in Immorton's heart.

The power of "love" and "hate" is like the yin and yang in Tai Chi, which supports him and still retains his awareness of the present.

However, after listening to the story, Clark was shocked by Immorton's willpower.

You know, in ancient times, the most severe punishment was execution.

Using a knife to cut off the prisoner's skin and remove the bones and flesh, the prisoner survived thousands of cuts and watched his body turn into white bones. This was already very terrifying.

But today's Immorton is even better. Not only has he been eaten by thousands of scarabs, he has also been locked in a small dark room for three thousand years.

Immorton looked at the expression on Clark's face and felt relieved.

"Actually, my father also told me about the plan of the gods at the beginning. It can even be said that when I knew that Ragnarok would eventually come and understood the ways of the gods to deal with it.

With the help of my father, I took the initiative to promote the formation of this plan. "

Clark took a deep breath. He looked at Immorton's eyes that were as quiet as a lake, thinking about his record in history, and suddenly understood what he was thinking.

"Untie my friend!" He asked softly, and then slowly spoke under the puzzled eyes of Laura and others.

"When you know that the gods are unwilling to accept the arrival of Ragnarok and want to avoid the edge in order to make a comeback, you have to secretly make up your mind, right?

Therefore, you single-handedly led and promoted the plan to seal yourself, pretending to fall in love with Princess Ansuna, pretending to be enemies with the Pharaoh, and then offending the gods and being eaten by insects.

But in fact, your real purpose is to end the backhand left by the gods before Ragnarok ends and before the gods return, so as to protect the development of humanity, right?

You said it was because you loved Ansuna, and it was love that sustained you for these three thousand years, but I know that this is not the case.

Because loving someone is just a small 'love'.

What enables you to maintain your humanity despite these three thousand years of sealing and curse is your selfless love for the entire human race.

After all, a man who passed down medical books to save the world and was respected by the people at the bottom left behind "Eat, drink, be happy, we will all die sooner or later anyway." ’ famous saying, and even the name has the connotation of peace, how can it be that he is trapped between love and has only a narrow mind and tolerance?

Yinhetian, thank you for your hard work! "

Clark walked up to Imhotep, whose pseudonym was Imhotun, opened his arms, hugged him tightly, and patted his back, offering his respect to this human sage who was determined to protect civilians.

When everyone is pursuing powerful power, wanting to transcend their own limitations, and wanting to become a god, there is actually one person who would give up the opportunity to become a god for the sake of his "human" identity.

Not only that, he endured endless pain and stayed in a small, dark space just to protect the people.

Maybe this is the power of belief.

Just like Prometheus stealing fire, Dayu controlled the flood and passed through the house three times without entering...

It is precisely because of these sages of mankind, who shed their lives and blood, that humanity can truly develop. With such "people" here, how could the Twilight of the Gods not come?

Perhaps even the gods don't know that it is precisely because of their unwillingness and resistance that they promote the awakening of mankind and push mankind onto the path of self-reliance and self-reliance.

Feeling the warm embrace, Yinhe Tian's peaceful eyes fluctuated, and the corners of his stiff mouth began to twitch upward.

Hermione on the side also followed suit, opened her arms, and hugged him together with Clark.

Then Neville, Laura, Jack Chen, and Hu Jianjun.

"Damn it, I'm a big old man, and you've told me a few drops of cat urine." Fatty Wang wiped away the tears that he couldn't stop. He completely put aside his fear of the undead, stepped forward, and said with all his strength He hugged Yinhe Tian tightly and said, "Brother, you are good!"

The body temperature of one person is weak, and the body temperature of a group of people is warm.

This temperature finally passed through Yinhetian's cold undead body and reached his shriveled and withered heart.

Those who hold a salary for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wind and snow; those who pave the way for the world should not be trapped in thorns.

The reason why Clark asked Imhotep to lift Laura and others was to let them know Imhotep's contribution to the survival of mankind.

Now it seems that there may be some people who are ungrateful and repay kindness with hatred, but most people still have justice in their hearts.

This human being is still worth protecting and saving.

The warm body temperature melted the blood that had condensed under the infinite Yin Qi in his body, and the bright red warm liquid flowed into the withered heart.

"Thump, thump, thump!"

Clark and others could clearly hear the sound of a heartbeat gradually waking up in Imhotep's chest from weak to strong.

His originally cold body of the dead began to gain warmth, and in his soul shrouded in endless darkness, the crystallization of "love" was like the sun he saw when he first paid homage to [Sun God] La, shining brightly. bright.

The corners of Imhotep's twitching mouth pulled upwards and upwards, and finally turned into a bright smile.


The gentle words came out of this big man's mouth, but they were extremely natural and appropriate.

Yes, as a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, he is a gentle and kind person.

Clark and others let go of their embrace, when Zheng Xian, an agent of the Spear Bureau who had been standing aside, suddenly stepped forward.

He reached out and took out a short golden stick from his arms. He didn't know what mechanism he pressed, and the golden parts were ejected from the messy end of the stick. Finally, it formed a golden spear that shone with dazzling light.

“Our world wasn’t supposed to end like this.

Zheng Xian, a descendant of the Divine Spear Club, a branch of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, fulfills a thousand-year promise and respectfully welcomes Elder Yinhotian back to the world with the Divine Spear! "

Zheng Xian knelt down on one knee, raised the shining golden spear above his head with both hands, and handed it to Yinhetian.

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