Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 13 Lessons for Two People

Neville's success gave the little wizards great confidence.

Especially when they saw Neville soaring twice over the paddock on a Hippogriff, their majestic appearance made them even more envious.

After all, Neville's job transfer to [Arcane Knight] also contains the word [Knight], which makes him particularly handy when riding.

Even when he landed on the ground, his back was straight and full of appearance.

"Well done Neville, you flew great!"

Hagrid shouted loudly. Everyone except Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle were cheering for Neville's wonderful performance, "Okay, who wants to try?"

With Neville as a successful role model, other students in the class also cautiously climbed into the paddock.

Hagrid untied the hippogriffs one by one, and soon, throughout the paddock, students were bowing nervously.

Time and time again Ron backed away from his hippogriff because it seemed unwilling to bend its knees.

Clark and Hermione selected a dark blue hippogriff while Neville looked on.

They stared into its eyes and bowed to it.

Perhaps because of Clark's [Animal Affinity] specialty, or because of his extremely high charm attribute, the Hippogriff also took the initiative to bow to them, allowing the two of them to touch it and its light shimmering of fur.

"It feels pretty good..." Hermione thought of the Arabian blankets they had touched during their trip to Egypt.

Clark also nodded. In fact, given the current situation, they could ride on the hippogriff and fly several times in the sky like Neville.

Just looking at the opponent's smooth back without a saddle, Clark didn't want to try it. After all, he didn't have Neville's [riding] skills.

Of course, this has a big reason why most of his attention is focused on Malfoy.

At this moment, Malfoy, together with his two stablemates, Crabbe and Goyle, selected Buckbeak, the one Neville had just ridden.

It had bowed to Malfoy, who was slapping its beak in an air of arrogance.

"It's easy," Malfoy drawled, loud enough for Neville and Harry to hear. "I knew it was, and since Neville can do it with tears... I dare say You are not dangerous at all,

Yes or no? He said to the Hippogriff, "Isn't that right, you big ugly beast?" "

The moment he said these words, the big guy who looked very docile immediately became violent.

The sharp claws like steel knives suddenly flashed, causing a scream, and Malfoy let out a piercing scream.


This was not the end of it. Buckbeak stretched his neck to bite Malfoy. Fortunately, Hagrid struggled to put the collar on him again and evacuated him.


Malfoy lay curled up on the grass, his robes stained red with blood, but the screams coming out of his mouth were mellow and full of energy.

"I'm going to die!" he shouted exaggeratedly, causing the whole class to panic. "I'm going to die. Look at me! It's going to kill me!"

"You're not going to die!" said Hagrid, turning very pale. "Someone help me - get him out of here -"

Harry quickly ran over to help Hagrid open the paddock gate, but Clark stood in front of Malfoy first and stopped them.

"Malfoy? Are you sure you want to go to the school hospital?"

Hearing Clark's question, Malfoy screamed louder. The students around him could also see that there was a long and deep wound on his arm, and blood was splashed on the grass.

"I was in so much pain, it attacked me, this horrible monster attacked me."

He was quite afraid of Clark, but in today's situation, he was right about Po Tian. After all, he was injured, so whoever is weak is justified.

Looking at Malfoy's poor performance, Clark just smiled indifferently, "In that case - Hagrid, send our young master Draco to the school hospital."

Hagrid was stunned for a moment and picked Malfoy up without any effort.

At this moment, Clark asked Hagrid.

"By the way, Hagrid, I remember Professor Charlie said that if you want to sign up for a course on dragon research and breeding, the first thing you need to do is be bold and careful.

Do you think a student like Draco Malfoy, who is easily rude and provokes the resistance of magical animals, and who is also very fragile and cries when hurt, can enroll in this course? "

Hagrid was honest, but that didn't mean he was stupid. After hearing Clark's almost explicit question, he immediately answered:

“Of course not, he said it when Charlie and I were drinking yesterday.

Raising a giant dragon is a dangerous and hard job. His arm was burned by the breath of a Welsh green dragon, and it has not recovered to its original condition. "


As soon as Hagrid finished speaking, a voice sounded in his arms. It was Malfoy!

"Draco, I have to remind you that you are injured now and need to rush to the school hospital immediately.???"

Looking at Clark, who was smiling but not smiling, Malfoy's face, which was already pale due to injury, became even more ugly.

"I feel like I'm fine," he struggled to get up from Hagrid's arms, "As a wizard, this kind of minor injury doesn't bother me at all."

Hagrid looked at Clark, not knowing what to do. The students around him also looked at this farce with confused expressions, wondering why things turned out like this.

Malfoy was screaming so loudly before, but now he said he was fine again.

Only the smart Hermione saw Clark's method.

She had known since first year that Malfoy had an almost obsessive love for dragons, and Clark had caught on to that.

In fact, Clark's so-called reasons were all false. The most important point was that the teacher who taught them dragon research and breeding was Clark's cousin, Charlie Weasley.

If you, Malfoy, dare to cause trouble for Hagrid, we will dare to put your feet on the line in this regard.

Malfoy obviously heard this, so he calmed down and surrendered.

"What's going on, Draco?" The Slytherin student who didn't understand the situation was still complaining loudly to Hagrid, "Is this big man threatening you?"

"You're hurt, Draco, he should be fired immediately!" Pansy Parkinson said with tears in her eyes.

"It's all Malfoy's fault!" Dean Thomas said bluntly.

Crabbe and Goyle listened, flexing their muscles menacingly.

"That's enough, I'm fine!" Malfoy shouted loudly while standing on the ground.

He raised his injured arm. With the help of Clark's [Rejuvenation Technique], the hideous wound had stopped bleeding and healed, leaving only a shallow scar.

"I was careless and didn't follow the teacher's instructions, which led to the accident." Malfoy looked at Hagrid sincerely and apologized, "I'm sorry!"

A storm ended in an anticlimax and disappeared before it could ferment.

In the following time, Hagrid certainly did not dare to allow these students to have close contact with the Hippogriff.

He drove everyone out of the fence, and then dryly explained the key points of knowledge related to the Hippogriff, and spent the remaining half of the time like this.

When the bell rang and everyone dispersed, he listlessly drove the hippogriff back to the forest.

"Do you think something will happen to him?" Hermione, who followed Clark up the stone steps, couldn't help but turn around and looked at Hagrid's bleak back and asked.

"Of course it's okay. Didn't Malfoy admit that it was his own problem?" Ron said.

Harry also said: "That's right, his injuries are almost healed, so what's the problem? By the way, his injuries are the result of you using magic, right?"

Clark nodded, "Yes, it's just a little trick."

"But it's too bad that this happened to Hagrid in his first class, isn't it?" Hermione frowned, "If you hadn't come to the rescue, he might have been expelled."

"Actually, you could have prevented this from happening early on." Hermione looked at Clark, knowing that he had this ability.

Clark didn't say much, just smiled.

Ron murmured from the side: "Actually, it can teach Malfoy a profound lesson, I think it's not a bad idea."


But they had no time to continue arguing. After the Care of Magical Creatures class, Hermione and Clark needed to use the time turner to attend an ancient rune class.

The professor who teaches this class, Bascida Barbling, is a slurred witch. She keeps talking non-stop during the class. The class is not structured in any way. It seems that she has not prepared the class well. Make courseware.

Fortunately, Clark himself had learned a large part of this course by himself in advance, and he had already memorized the entire "Magic Dictionary".

Of course, being able to memorize the meanings of these runes is only the basis for learning them.

There are many mysteries contained in ancient runes. Even Odin, the father of the gods in Norse mythology, paid the price of sacrificing an eye in exchange for the wisdom of knowing the runes.

Therefore, even their teacher, Professor Babuling, dare not say that he is proficient in ancient runes.

In today's wizarding world, the only one who can be called authoritative in this regard is Nick Flamel, whom Clark met during the summer vacation of his first grade.

After struggling to finish the ancient runes class, Clark and Hermione hurried to attend the Herbology class with Harry and the others.

Fortunately, the professor for this class is Professor Sprout, the headmaster of Hufflepuff. She is an amiable fat witch.

The first herbal medicine class of school was also the last class of the day. She was very considerate of everyone's hard work, so she took them to take care of a kind of bluebell.

These purple magical plants that look similar to morning glory have the exact opposite effect of mandrake.

They can make beautiful wind chimes when blown by the breeze, and a large field of bluebells can even play a beautiful piece of music, making those who listen to this music feel physically and mentally comfortable.

So, their last class was spent in a pleasant atmosphere.

When it was time for dinner in the evening, Clark and the others were the first to rush to the auditorium, hoping to see Hagrid, but Hagrid was not at the teacher's table.

"They're not going to fire him, are they?" Harry asked worriedly, not touching the steak and kidney pudding in front of him.

Hermione put some boiled broccoli on her plate, "Of course not. Didn't Clark already solve the problem in class?"

"But Malfoy doesn't seem to be such an honest person. Maybe he just talked about it at the time and complained to his father after he went back?" Ron said, and he was not in the mood to eat.

Clark looked at the Slytherin table, where a large group of people, including Crabbe and Goyle, had gathered and whispered, while Malfoy sat aside, neither participating nor blocking.

He knew that these guys must be fabricating how Malfoy was injured. As for Malfoy, he was probably very unwilling to accept his submissive behavior in class, but he didn't dare to retaliate, so he could only secretly let the rumors spread in order to Hoping to give Hagrid some trouble.

"Oh, this first day of school is so interesting!" Ron said gloomily.

After dinner, they returned to the lounge to complete the homework assigned by the teachers.

But Harry and Ron's minds were not on their homework at all. They stopped from time to time and looked out of the tower window.

"There is a light in Hagrid's window," Harry said suddenly.

Ron looked at his watch.

"If we speed up, we can go down and see him. It's quite early..." He looked at his cousin Clark.

"I'm done with my homework," Clark put down his pen, and Hermione and Neville did the same.

So they packed up their things, walked out of the Portrait Cave, and walked through the dusk to Hagrid's hut.

Harry knocked on the door and a voice yelled, "Come in."

Hagrid, wearing a linen shirt, sat at the cleanly scrubbed wooden table, his hunting dog Fang resting his head on his lap.

A few people could tell at a glance that Hagrid must have drunk a lot of wine. There was a wine glass as big as a bucket in front of him, and his eyes seemed to be blurred, so it was difficult to see them clearly.

"This is probably a record-breaking thing," he said angrily after recognizing them. "A student was injured in the first class."

"Are you okay, Hagrid!" Harry gasped in surprise.

"Not yet," Hagrid said pitifully, taking another swig from the tankard. "Thanks to you, Clark, but it's only a matter of time, isn't it, Malfoy's father..."

"He won't tell his father." Clark said firmly, "The matter is over, unless he doesn't want to go to the dragon farm to see the fire dragon."

"Yes, if he dares to cause trouble for you, I will go find Charlie." Ron added.

"But the school directors must have known about it. After all, there were other students there at the time, so we can't hide it." Hagrid said sadly, "Actually, I just want to make the first class wonderful... this matter It’s all my fault…”

Harry tried to comfort him, but Clark said, "It's really your responsibility, Hagrid!"

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