Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 17 Smiling in the face of fear, the hero is self-centered

Latest website: Clark and Hermione's good start made the atmosphere of this Defense Against the Dark Arts lesson getting better and better.

"Clark is right. Boggarts like dark places." He patted the old cabinet. "This one was just moved in yesterday afternoon. I asked the principal to let the teachers keep it so that I can give it to the third grade." Used by students for practical classes.”

"The Boggart in this dark cabinet doesn't have a specific shape yet, and it doesn't know what the people outside the cabinet door are afraid of.

So no one knows what the Boggart looks like when alone, but as soon as I release it, it will immediately become what each of us fears the most. "

"That said," Professor Lupin continued, "we have a big advantage over Boggarts. Harry, have you discovered this advantage?"

Harry was startled when his name was suddenly called. He was unprepared and felt very awkward, but he could only take the risk and give it a try.

"Well - because there are so many of us - so, it doesn't know what it should look like?"

"Exactly right," said Professor Lupine.

"The best way to deal with a boggart is to go in a group, because you can confuse it.

It doesn't know whether to turn into a headless skeleton or a flesh-eating slug?

I once saw a boggart make this mistake - it tried to scare two people at the same time, and ended up turning itself into half a slug, which was not scary at all. "

The little wizards were amused by his joke, and the tense atmosphere disappeared.

"The spell to repel a boggart is very simple, but requires a lot of willpower. You know, what really kills a boggart is laughter. What you need is to force it into an image that you find funny.

Let's practice the spell without the wand first. Read it after me... Funny! "

"Funny!" the whole class chanted after him.

"Very good," said Professor Lupin, "very good! But this is the easy part. You know, this spell alone is not enough."

He began to direct the students to come forward, but no one wanted to be the first. Clark was not afraid.

However, in his opinion, going up there by himself would probably not serve the purpose of teaching.

So he pushed his hand forward slightly, and Ron staggered to the front.


Before Ron could shout out, Professor Lupine applauded, "Great, your name is Ron. It seems there are more than two or three outstanding Gryffindors."

The vain Ron was immediately restrained. He could only bite the bullet and step forward tremblingly, as if he were stepping onto the gallows.

The wardrobe shook again, but Ron shook it harder.

"Very well, Ron," said Professor Lupin, "Let me start with the most important thing: tell me, what are you most afraid of in this world?"

Ron's lips moved, but no sound came out.

"I'm sorry, Ron, I didn't hear you clearly," Professor Lupine said pleasantly, "please speak louder."

Ron's body trembled, and he looked around in panic, as if begging someone to help him.

Then, in a voice so low that it was almost inaudible, he said: "Spider, huge spider."

Almost everyone laughed, which made Ron's ears turn red and he couldn't help but retort:

"This is what you would do if you held a teddy bear as a child and your brother turned it into a giant, hairy spider!"

The surrounding students laughed louder, but Professor Luping looked thoughtful.

"A big spider with long hair...well...Ron, that's really scary. I think many people will scream in fear when they see it, so there's nothing to be ashamed of."

"Uh-yeah," said Ron sheepishly.

"But I thought it would be fun to make the spider's hair grow longer and wrap it around its legs, causing it to trip."

Professor Lupine said with a smile on his face, "Can you imagine what I'm talking about?"

"I'll try my best." Ron said uncertainly, obviously worried about what would happen next.

"Don't worry, you can do it. Ron, when the Boggart bursts out of the closet and sees you, it will turn into a big spider with long hair." Lupine said.

"You raise your wand - like this - and shout 'Funny' - and concentrate on imagining the spider's hair growing and wrapping around its legs.

If all goes well, the giant spider the boggart turns into will stumble to the ground. "

After speaking, Lupine looked at the other students.

"If Ron succeeds, the boggart will turn its attention to each of us in turn.

I hope you’ll all take a moment now to think about what you’re most afraid of, and then imagine how you could make it ridiculous…”

There was silence in the classroom, and Clark was thinking... What is he most afraid of in this world?

He thought first of Dumbledore, the Dumbledore who discovered his secret.

But this idea quickly disappeared. The White Devil, who was bound by the rules, was like a beast in a cage. Sooner or later, he would die in front of him. It was not that scary.

Then another image quickly emerged in his mind - Voldemort who became powerful again.

But this idea quickly disappeared. Voldemort was obsessed with immortality and used Horcruxes indiscriminately, causing himself to become insane and having no help. It was not a big threat.

There are also the conservative forces in the British magical world. Their network of relationships is intricate, their foundations are deep, and their hidden strength is astonishing. However, it is conservative and does not want to make progress. It is just a dog guarding the house and is not a cause for concern.

In addition, the gods who disappeared in the past have not completely fallen. They are still hiding in a corner, secretly plotting conspiracies and trying to return to the world.

They can also be called threats, but these guys are just dry bones in the grave, with no real name. The times are constantly changing, and all gods who cannot keep up with the times will eventually be abandoned by the times.

From this point of view, today’s heroes are only envoys and cao’er—no, no!

The only three heroes in the world today are my brother and my sister!

Clark turned his attention to Hermione and Neville beside him, and a sense of unyielding pride lingered in his chest.

At this time, many classmates were still closing their eyes and did not notice his psychological changes at all. Only Hermione and Neville felt something and smiled at him.

"Is everyone ready?" Professor Luping suddenly asked loudly.

Some students felt a panic, but more students nodded and rolled up their sleeves, looking eager to try.

"Ron, let's all step back," Professor Lupine said, "leave a space for you, okay? At that time, I will call the next classmate to come forward... Okay, everyone, step back, Make room for Ron—"

The students all retreated to the wall, leaving Ron standing alone by the closet.

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He was pale and frightened, but he had rolled up the sleeves of his robes and raised his wand at the ready.

"I'm counting to three, Ron," said Professor Lupin, pointing his wand at the wardrobe door handle. "One—two—three—go!"

A stream of sparks shot from the tip of Professor Lupin's wand, hitting the spherical doorknob.

The originally closed cabinet door suddenly opened, and then several students let out loud screams.

Because a big spider that was six feet tall and covered in hair suddenly came out of the small space of the closet.

This terrifying big guy moved its long legs, opened its sharp pliers menacingly, stared at Ron fiercely with its eight compound eyes, and pushed towards him.

Ron was so frightened by the fear in his heart that he backed away repeatedly, holding the wand in his hand, but no sound came out of his mouth.

The big spider came towards him step by step, the mucus in its mouth dripped on the ground, and its sharp joints were about to pierce Ron's body, but he still remained motionless.

Just when Harry thought Ron was temporarily frightened and didn't know how to resist, then——

"Slip-slip-funny!" shouted Ron.

There was a sharp sound in the air, like a crack of a whip, and the big spider began to stagger. The hair on its body began to grow long, hanging to the ground, and then became entangled, causing it to trip.

This situation greatly increased Ron's confidence, and he immediately added, "Funny!"

This time, the big spider's legs suddenly disappeared.

It rolled around on the ground, and the students burst into laughter. The Boggart stood still and seemed confused. Upon seeing this, Professor Lupine quickly shouted: "Pavati, come on!"

Parvati stepped forward with a decisive look.

The big legless spider rolled in front of her, and there was another crisp sound. The big spider disappeared. Standing in front of her was a bloody and bandaged mummy. Its gazeless face turned Parvati, dragging her feet and slowly walking towards her step by step, raised her stiff arms——

"Funny!" Parvati shouted.

A bandage at the mummy's feet unraveled, and the mummy tripped and fell to the ground, its head rolling to the side.

"Seamus!" Professor Lupine shouted.

In this way, under the command of the teacher, the little wizards stepped forward one by one and faced their fears.

This Boggart sometimes turns into a banshee, sometimes into a poisonous snake, sometimes into a bloody stump, but no matter how it changes, it will be defeated by the spells and laughter of the classmates.

"It's confused!" Lupine encouraged them loudly, "We succeeded! Dean, come on!"

Dean rushed over.

Snapped! A giant eyeball with many tentacles transformed into a severed hand, which suddenly flipped over and swished across the floor like a crab.

"Funny!" shouted Dean.

There was a crisp sound, and the hand was caught in the mousetrap.

"Great! Clark, it's your turn!"

Clark walked forward calmly, but this time, the change in the Boggart was beyond everyone's expectations.

I saw it first expand into a large mass of thick black mist, and then shrink and collapse, sometimes turning into a vague human-shaped image, sometimes turning into some abstract terrifying animal, but it just couldn't take shape.

It was the first time for the little wizards around to see this scene. They were originally very curious about what the famous first grader would be afraid of, but they didn't expect that it would be like this.

Just when everyone was confused, Professor Luping applauded Clark, "He is indeed the number one in his grade. This is the first time I have seen a third grade student master such a powerful brain defense technique."

His praise made many little wizards confused. Brain defense? What is that?

Fortunately, Professor Lupine quickly explained: "Brain defense is a very powerful spell. It can protect your minds from magical prying. This Boggart cannot obtain the information in Clark's mind, so naturally it cannot You know what to look like to scare Clark."

Some young wizards looked at Clark in amazement, their eyes full of envy for this kind of magic. However, Lupine continued, "However, this kind of magic is also very difficult to master and requires strong control over one's own thinking. If only When it comes to dealing with Boggarts, I think it’s better to use magic spells.”

After saying that, ignoring the regretful looks of his classmates, he waved his wand and said, "Okay Clark, step aside. Next, Hermione!"

Hermione stepped forward to replace Clark, and the black mist that the boggart had turned into condensed into a specific image in an instant. Then, some of the little witches around them all covered their mouths.

Because the person who appeared in front of Hermione was Clark who had just retreated.

However, this "Clark" looked particularly miserable. His originally neat wizard robe had turned dark red due to being soaked in blood. He was lying on the ground unkempt, with a bright gun stuck in his back. I don’t know if the dagger is dead or alive.


"Clarke" who was lying on the ground seemed to be aware of the person in front of him, raised his head, stretched out his blood-covered palm towards Hermione, and let out a feeble groan.

If we were in another place, Hermione might have actually hurried forward to check on this "Clark" after seeing this scene.

However, looking at Clark standing aside with the old god there, Hermione's cheeks turned red. She waved her right hand viciously at the Boggart who had transformed into Clark, and at the same time shouted: "Funny!"


"Clarke" who was lying on the ground was whipped into the air like a top, performed a difficult three-and-a-half-turn turn, and finally fell in front of Harry with a clatter.

This made everyone present laugh, and Clark was even dumbfounded. Only Professor Lupine frowned, but didn't say anything more.

On the other side, Harry looked at the boggart that fell in front of him, raised his wand, and got ready, but——

"Look here!" Professor Luping suddenly shouted, stepping forward first.

The legless spider disappeared, and the students looked around in panic to see where it had gone.

They saw a silver-white sphere hanging in front of Professor Lupine. Professor Lupine said almost lazily: "Funny!"


"Okay, the last one, Neville, come forward and kill it!" Professor Lupine said, when the Boggart had turned into a cockroach and landed on the floor.

Neville took a deep breath and rushed forward with confidence.


A tall and strong man, whose body muscles looked like rock carvings and covered with ferocious scars, charged at Neville aggressively. That was the Scorpion King that Clark and the others had seen in Egypt.


Neville shouted a curse and waved the hard iron birch wand like a sword. Before Lupine could react, he struck the "Scorpion King" on the shoulder blade with one blow.

Under such a pure violent attack, the Boggart couldn't bear it. It exploded on the spot, turned into countless small wisps of smoke, and disappeared.


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