Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 22 Hogwarts Dragon Farm

Latest website: "Would you like a cup of tea?"

In the office, Professor Lupine said while looking around for his teapot, "I was just about to make a pot of tea."

"Okay." Harry said awkwardly, and Clark stood up to help Lupine bring the teapot he had placed in the corner.

"Thank you!" Lupine tapped the teapot with his wand, and the originally cold teapot suddenly spurted out a burst of steam from the spout.

"Sit down," he said, opening a dusty jar. "I'm afraid all I have is tea bags - Clark might not be used to them. As for you, Harry, I'm sure you've had enough of tea. ?”

Harry looked up in surprise, Lupine's eyes sparkling with humor.

"How do you know this?" Harry asked a little embarrassed.

"Professor McGonagall told me that she always likes to talk about you students during breaks."

Lupine said, handing Harry and Clark a cup of strong tea. There was a chip on the edge of the cup, and they had to adjust the angle slightly to prevent their mouths from being cut.

"You're not worried, are you?"

"Huh? Yes." Harry said, but Clark could clearly see that he hesitated for a moment.

Of course Lupine noticed this and asked, "What's bothering you, Harry?"

"No." Harry replied subconsciously.

He drank some tea, watched Grindylow wave a fist at him, and suddenly put the teacup on Lupin's desk, looked at him and said: "Yes! Do you remember the day we dealt with the Boggart?" ?"

"Remember." Lupine said slowly.

"Why don't you let me deal with it?" Harry asked abruptly.

Lupine raised his eyebrows.

"I think that's obvious, Harry." Lupine sounded a little surprised.

Harry had expected Lupine to deny this, but was surprised to hear this.

"Why?" he asked again.

"That's right," Lupine frowned slightly, "I take it for granted that if you face a Boggart, it might turn into the image of Voldemort."

Harry was stunned. He didn't expect Lupine to answer like this. Clark was not surprised at all.

"Obviously, I was wrong," Lupine said to Harry, still frowning, "but at the time I didn't think Voldemort should be allowed to reveal himself in the staff room. I thought it would frighten everyone."

"I did think of Voldemort first," Harry said frankly, "but - but then - I thought of the Dementors."

"I understand," said Lupine thoughtfully. "Yes, yes...I'm very impressed."

Seeing the surprised look on Harry's face, he smiled slightly, "This means that what you fear most is - fear itself, which is very wise, Harry."

Harry didn't know how to answer, so he took a few more sips of tea.

"So, you always thought that I didn't believe you were capable of dealing with Boggarts?" Lupine asked keenly.

"That's right..." Harry said, suddenly feeling much happier, "Professor Lupin, you know those dementors -"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, interrupting him.

"Come in," said Lupine loudly.

The door opened and Snape came in, holding the wolfsbane potion he had brewed for Lupine.

When he saw Harry and Clark, he stopped and narrowed his dark eyes.

"Ah, Severus," Lupine said with a smile, "Thank you very much, will you put it on the table?"

Snape deliberately placed the smoking glass in front of Clark, looking back and forth between him and Harry at the same time.

"I'm showing them my Grindylow," Lupine said cheerfully, pointing to the water tank.

"How interesting," Snape said without looking. "You should drink it right away, Lupin."

"Okay, okay, I'll drink it," Lupine said.

"I've been cooking a full pot," Snape continued, "I'm afraid you still need it."

"I should probably have some more tomorrow, thank you very much, Severus. By the way, would you like a cup of tea?"

"You're welcome." Snape said without a smile, and exited the room with great vigilance.

Harry looked at the goblet curiously and Lupine smiled.

"Professor Snape kindly brewed a potion for me," he said. "I'm not very good at pharmaceuticals, and this potion is particularly complicated."

He picked up the wine glass, smelled it, took a careful sip, and shuddered, "What a pity, it won't work if you add sugar."

"Why? -" Harry wanted to ask clearly, but Lupine looked at him and answered his unfinished question.

"I've been feeling a little uncomfortable," said Lupine. "This is the only medicine that works. I'm lucky enough to be able to work with Professor Snape. There aren't many wizards who can brew this potion. "

Professor Lupine took another sip, "By the way, Clark, you are so smart, you should have recognized what kind of potion this is."

Clark could hear a hint of uneasiness in his words.

"Of course, Principal Dumbledore told me when he decided to hire you." Clark smiled kindly at him, "Professor, don't worry, Professor Snape just seems to have a bad attitude, in fact, he is still Not bad.”

"Really?" Lupine said, seeming to be only slightly curious, "I thought you were all afraid of him."

Harry suddenly said rashly, "Professor Snape is very interested in dark magic."

Clark frowned, while Lupine took another sip of medicine, "Severus and I used to be classmates. Of course, we were not in the same college at that time, but we have known each other for a long time."

Harry didn't seem to understand what Lupine meant. He hesitated for a moment, and then continued desperately, "Some people think that in order to get the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position, he will do anything."

Just as Clark was about to speak, Lupine drank the medicine in the glass and made a grimace.

"It tastes terrible," he said. "Okay, Harry, I'm going to get back to work. See you at the party later."

Although there is no custom in Britain of serving tea to guests, this time Harry understood the meaning of Professor Lupin's words.

"Okay," Harry said, putting down the empty tea cup.

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Clark also stood up, "See you tonight, Professor."

The empty goblet was still smoking, and when the two came out of the office, Harry glanced back.

"Clark, Professor Lupin..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Clark, "That's his private matter. We shouldn't pry too much into other people's privacy for the sake of caring about them."

Harry could only shut his mouth.

"Besides, we were still there at the time. If Professor Snape really had any problems, I don't think he would do it in front of you and me, right?"

Clark said again, and Harry agreed with his point of view, "Yeah, probably."

The two walked down the stairs, left the castle, walked through the slightly withered grass, and arrived at the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

There is a road here that leads directly to the dragon farm inside the Forbidden Forest, but the entrance to this road is blocked by an iron gate.

Clark stepped forward and knocked on the door, and the bronze lion relief on the door suddenly came to life, "Who is it? What's the matter?"

Although he didn't have much contact with him, Harry still recognized that it was the voice of Ron's brother, Charlie Weasley.

"It's me and Harry," Clark said.

The bronze lion on the big iron door opened its mouth upon hearing this, revealing a doorway as tall as a person.

They got in and walked along the cobblestone road for a while before they saw a huge dragon farm that looked like a bird's nest.

This huge building is at least six or seven stories high. The whole building is supported by silver-gray steel skeletons to form a grid-like structure.

Harry felt very strange when he saw this dragon farm, "Although there is only one fire dragon, this venue is too small. Wouldn't the fire dragon's activities feel restrained?"

Clark smiled and stepped forward to open the door of the dragon farm.

As soon as he walked in, everything in front of him suddenly became clear. Harry was surprised to find that the dragon breeding facility, which didn't look tall from the outside, was actually a whole world inside.

The space inside has expanded at least dozens of times!

A vast forest came directly into their eyes, like an endless turquoise ocean, with no boundaries to the venue visible.

And where they were at the moment was in the middle of the forest, halfway up a hill.

A hall was dug out of the mountain wall here, connected to the gate of the venue.

There were bright marble tiles on the ground and bright lights overhead. If he hadn't told them, Harry would have thought they were in a hotel lobby.

As soon as Clark and Harry walked in, at the reception desk on the side of the hall, a senior student on duty quickly put down the textbook in his hand, stood up and asked them: "Are they Clark and Harry?"

Seeing Clark nod, he stretched out his hand and said, "Professor Weasley is in the office above."

The two walked out of the hall. Outside was a huge viewing platform. The semi-circular platform was cantilevered and extended out. Through some telescopes placed on the side, one could see the distant scenery of the entire dragon farm.

There are four such viewing platforms in total. Together with a glass plank road, they separate the hill into two parts.

On the top of the mountain, there is a square that is wider than a football field. The square is as straight as a mirror, as if the mountain peak has been cut in half by a giant spirit holding a sword.

In the center of the square, seven or eight wooden houses with rough shapes and a strong primitive atmosphere formed a circle. This was where the staff of the dragon farm lived, and Charlie's office was also there.

And at the foot of the mountainside, there is a magical town that looks quite mysterious. But at this time, the town was still a little deserted, with no one around.

"Hey, Clark! Hey, Harry!"

When the two stood on the viewing platform on the mountainside and looked down, a greeting sounded behind them.

Clark turned around and saw that the person coming was his cousin Charlie Weasley.

Different from the last time I saw him, today he was wearing a brown leather jacket and a pair of Martin boots. His body was covered with mud spots and his hair was messy.

"I just finished checking Norberta's body and doing some skin care and cleaning at the same time." Charlie came up to her with a smile. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with his current job.

Clark shook hands with him, and the three of them climbed up the steps to the top of the mountain.

As they arrived, Clark could clearly feel a wave of joy spreading from the center of the wooden house.

That was Clark's pet dragon Norberta greeting him after noticing his aura.

Clark comforted her a little through the psychic link to calm her down, and then asked Charlie: "How does it feel to be a professor?"

Charlie chuckled and led them into the office, "It feels good, especially when Percy came to take dragon-raising lessons two days ago. To be honest, I never thought that I would return to Hogwarts one day. , continue campus life.”

"Would you like some tea?"

Clark shook his head, "We met Professor Lupine on the way here and had a drink at his place."

Charlie didn't try to persuade him anymore, "Then... let's go see the fire dragon now."

He led Clark and the two to the largest shed. The next moment, a huge black shadow rushed in front of them with a gust of evil wind.


Harry was so frightened that he screamed. Looking at the huge dark golden vertical pupils in front of him, and smelling the faint rotten smell coming from the tip of his nose, a frightening feeling made his brain go blank in an instant.

Clark stretched out his hand to help Harry to prevent him from falling to the ground, "That's enough, Norberta, don't mess around, stand back!"

The giant beast that was so close to her retreated aggrievedly, and it was only then that Harry could see her full view clearly.

That is a very "beautiful" creature!

Compared with the way Harry saw her in first grade, the fire dragon Norberta was much larger at this time. The length of her head and tail together was at least six or seven meters, and her two huge wings were even more like Two windmill blades.

Her enlarged body did not make her look bloated. Her slender body showed the most perfect streamline shape, coupled with the bright black scales covering the body surface with a mysterious luster.

The whole fire dragon was just like those expensive high-end sports cars he had seen in Muggle car magazines, full of charming elegance.

If he had to describe it, Harry decided that she could be regarded as a "noble" among fire dragons.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Charlie asked standing next to Harry, "When I first saw her, my reaction was similar to yours."

Charlie looked at Norberta with eyes full of obsession. That look was very familiar to Harry, it was the same when he looked at the Firebolt.

"I have never seen this kind of fire dragon. She is a new species. Yes, I used 'her'. Norberta is different from all the fire dragons I have seen before. She is smarter and more beautiful. She is even beautiful. With a little bit of magic, it’s incredible.”

Facing Charlie's praise, the smart Norberta seemed to understand what he said, snorting arrogantly, and some orange-red sparks sprayed out from her nostrils, looking dangerous and beautiful.


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