Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 26 Snape’s Teaching Style

Latest website: The incident of Sirius Black forcing his way into the Gryffindor common room became a hot topic in Hogwarts for several days.

Everyone was very keen to guess how he entered Hogwarts Castle, and they all gave their own answers.

In the heated discussion, it seemed that Blake's intrusion was a good thing.

George and Fred even suggested adding a voting column to the Hogwarts School Journal for students to vote on the infiltration method Black would most likely use.

Considering that the impact of this was not very good, this suggestion was directly rejected by Hermione.

As time went by, the stories about how Blake entered the castle became more and more mysterious.

A girl named Hannah Abbott at Hufflepuff House even went out of her way to tell anyone who would listen to her: Black would turn into a flowering bush.

Of course, this statement is very close to the truth.

That night, Clark actually didn't say anything about how to sneak into Hogwarts.

That is, the soul vision of dementors is not sensitive to small creatures. Just like it is difficult for frogs to detect stationary bugs, it is also difficult for them to notice cats, dogs, etc.

So if a person is proficient in Animagus and can turn into an animal, he can also deceive Dementors.

Of course, Clark wouldn't say much about this matter. He was not Ron and Hagrid.

Even now, he is not in a hurry to find Black. After all, what he is rushing to do is not business. At this moment, Peter Pettigrew is in his hands, and it is Black who should be anxious.

Idle him for a while longer to make him restless and impatient, so that he can make better terms.

But because of this, there is something that makes people feel very depressed now.

The Fat Lady's portrait had been taken down from the wall because it had been vandalized, and in its place was a portrait of Lord Cadogan and his fat gray pony.

About this, no one is very happy about it.

This crazy Sir Cadogan,

He spent almost half of his time challenging people to duels with him.

As for the rest of the time, he spent figuring out ridiculously complicated passwords. Sometimes he even had to change his password three or four times a day.

Because of this incident, the little wizards of Gryffindor complained to Percy a lot.

"He's absolutely crazy!" Seamus Finnigan said angrily to Percy. "Can't we just change him?"

Perhaps because of the in-depth communication with Clark last time, Percy himself has changed a lot.

At least in the face of the complaints from the younger students, he still maintained the image of a kind and enthusiastic big brother.

"There is no way, no other painting is willing to do this job," Percy spread his hands and said, "What happened to the Fat Lady frightened them, and Sir Cadogan was the only one who stepped forward."

Of course, for the teachers at Hogwarts, these are minor issues. They have more important things to focus on, such as Harry Potter!

"I feel like the professors are spying on me lately," Harry couldn't help but confide to Clark in a certain Herbology class. "They always find various excuses to walk with me in the corridors."

"Remove the word 'feeling', they are spying on you!" Clark carefully loosened the soil for Mibu Mibao.

This magical plant resembles a small gray cactus. Its surface is covered with boil-like things, which are still beating slightly, like diseased internal organs.

And once your movement is too big and is considered an attack on it, the Mibu Mibao's unique self-defense mechanism will be triggered.

Those boils are extremely powerful weapons. They will spray out a lot of viscous and unpleasant-smelling liquid to attack the enemy.

"I feel like you're showing off, Harry," Hermione suddenly interjected, "showing off that you are under strict protection by the professors."

"What's there to show off?"


Harry said excitedly, and the movements of his hands became heavier, and the Mibu Mibo in front of him launched an attack.

With his higher perception, Clark avoided it first, and all the foul-smelling mucus sprayed onto Ron's head, who was standing behind him.

"Oh, my God!" Ron almost collapsed, but fortunately Professor Sprout sprayed his red hair with a little special perfume in time.

They gathered in front of Mibu Mibao again and continued to operate carefully.

"Do you think I want to do this? Professor McGonagall called me into her office the day before yesterday. You didn't see the expression on her face. It looked like someone had died."

"Of course I know Black is chasing me," Harry became more and more depressed as he spoke, "but do you know what Professor McGonagall said? She actually asked me not to practice Quidditch in the evening. How is this possible? We are going to do it on Saturday It’s time for the first game!”

"So you had a big fight with her?" Hermione asked curiously.

Harry shook his head and said with a sneer, "Of course not. I just argued hard, and then Professor McGonagall agreed, but Mrs. Hooch will also supervise our training by then."

As the first Quidditch match approached, the weather became worse and worse, with storms raging wildly.

Under the supervision of Mrs. Hooch, the Gryffindor team trained harder than before.

It was just the Slytherin team's trick that disrupted their plan.

They postponed the game because their Seeker Draco Malfoy still had an arm injury.

So, this Saturday's game was changed to Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff.

This is definitely bad news for the Gryffindor team.

However, although they were very dissatisfied, they could only accept this arrangement and waste time to change the training plan and adjust their own tactics.

The day before the race, it was windy and rainy, even worse than before.

The corridors and classrooms were pitch dark, so we had to light more torches and lamps.

Gu Kuang

The Slytherin team looked smug, and no one was better than Malfoy in this regard. He gloated and circled in front of Harry a few times, admiring his angry but helpless expression.

There was a Defense Against the Dark Arts class today, and Clark and the others arrived at the classroom early, but the person they were waiting for was not Professor Lupine, but Snape.

He was still wearing the loose black robe, with a gloomy and mocking smile on his face, "Your Professor Luping can't come today, so I will teach this class. Before I came, he had already taught me I said……".

"Sorry, I'm late, Professor Lupin, I-" Harry rushed in from the door rashly, interrupting Snape's words.

"This class started ten minutes ago, Potter, and I think Gryffindor deserves ten points. Sit down."

But Harry didn't move. "Where is Professor Lupin?"

"He has a slight health problem and is too ill to attend class today." Snape grinned and said, "Didn't I tell you to sit down?"

Harry still stood still and continued to ask: "What's wrong with him?"

Snape's black eyes shone dangerously.

"It's not life-threatening," he said, as if he hoped it would be so. "Another five points from Gryffindor. If I ask you to sit down again and you don't, then fifty points from Gryffindor!"

Harry walked slowly to his seat and sat down.

Snape looked around the class and said, "Before Potter interrupted me, I was saying that Professor Lupine did not leave any records showing the progress of your class -"

"Sir, we have learned Boggart, Red Hat, Cabba and Grindylow," Lavender Brown said quickly, "We are just about to start-"

"Quiet," Snape said coldly, "I'm not asking you. I'm just commenting on Professor Lupine's lack of discipline."

Hermione rolled her eyes. Sure enough, Snape was here to trouble Lupine. Fortunately, she was more thoughtful and didn't speak.

But the other Gryffindor students didn't understand this.

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had," Dean Thomas said boldly, and the rest of the class murmured in agreement, and Snape's face darkened a bit.

"You are easy to satisfy. Lupine has almost no high demands on you - I think the first grade should be able to deal with Red Hat and Grindylow. Today we are going to discuss -"

Clark watched him flip through the textbook quickly until he reached the last chapter. Sure enough, just like in the original book, what he was going to talk about was——

"Werewolves!" said Snape.

"But, sir," Harry said almost reluctantly, "we shouldn't be learning werewolves yet, we should start learning chinpunk -"

"Potter," Snape said, his tone deathly calm, "I feel as though I'm teaching, not you. I'm telling you all, turn to page 394." He looked around again. "Y'all! Now!"

The whole class exchanged painful glances, some of them murmured gloomily, and everyone opened their books.

"Now, can any of you tell me how to tell the difference between a werewolf and a real wolf and a normal human being?"

Everyone sat there silently, motionless, choosing silent protest, even Hermione, who always liked answering questions in class, was no exception.

"Who can answer?" Snape asked again, and the students remained unmoved.

He grinned, "Are you telling me that Professor Lupine didn't teach you the basic differences between the three -"

"We're telling you," Parvati said suddenly, "we haven't learned the werewolf chapter yet, we're still learning—"

"Quiet!" Snape growled, "Okay, okay, okay, I never thought I would encounter third-year students who couldn't identify werewolves. I'm going to make a note of it and tell Professor Dumbledore how backward you are - "

As he said that, he suddenly turned his attention to Clark, "Maybe our first grader knows something, Prewett, you answer it!"

Snape directly called Clark's name, and he stood up helplessly. He was silent for a while, and then he said when Snape was almost impatient with waiting:

"A werewolf is a half-orc who is human at ordinary times, no different from a normal person, but transforms into a half-human, half-wolf form when the moon is full.

There is actually no intrinsic connection between werewolves and real wolves. Although they are very similar to real wolves after transformation, wolves are wolves, and there is still a big difference between the two.

This difference first exists in body shape. If you have dissected a werewolf, you will find that the bone structure inside their body is more biased towards humans, at least in terms of pelvis, hand bones and leg joints. .

In addition, the snout and tail of the werewolf are also very different from those of real wolves, while the difference in the pupils of the eyes is harder to detect.

Therefore, compared with wolves, werewolves are actually a subspecies of humans. In addition, when a werewolf is in human form, the middle finger and ring finger are the same length. This is an important way to identify werewolves. "

After saying so much, Snape didn't add any points to Gryffindor. He just shouted to the students below: "Why don't you write down all these contents."

There was the sound of rustling writing in the classroom, and Snape stood on the podium and continued:

"There are many knowledge points that Prewett did not mention. Although werewolves have no intrinsic connection with wolves, when they transform into wolf form, they will completely lose their human consciousness.

At this time, they are actually no different from beasts. The transformed werewolves will try to kill their best friends, because they have lost their minds at this time and will only respond to the calls of their companions. "

Snape kept instilling his prejudices into the students, "Werewolves are dangerous and evil because they were once humans, so they all particularly hate other normal humans. They have always avoided normal society and lived on the edge. zone, stealing to eat—and sometimes killing—"

"Not all werewolves are like this, Professor!" Neville, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "Before they turned into wolves, they were also humans, weren't they? Since they are humans, they must have good and bad qualities. .”

"Put away your useless kindness, Longbottom. The curse attached to werewolves cannot be overcome by willpower. Anyone who tries to influence werewolves by relying on so-called tolerance and love will eventually die. In the mouth.”


"Shut up!" Snape said excitedly. Some students were startled by his loud voice. "I'm here in class now, not to discuss with you. You just need to understand what I said completely." Just write it down, don’t use your stupid brains to conjecture and speculate!”

"Professor Lupin will not teach us this way." Ron couldn't help but said loudly, and he regretted it after saying this.

The whole class immediately realized that something was not going well. Snape slowly walked towards Ron, and the whole class held their breath.

"You stay after school, Weasley." Snape's face was so close to Ron's that he could clearly see the malice on Snape's face, "If I hear you criticizing me again The way you teach, you will regret it very much.”

After that, no one made any sound in the class. Everyone sat and took notes about werewolves based on the textbook and Snape's narration. The atmosphere in the class was extremely depressing for a while.


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