Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 29 The Deepest Desire in the Heart

Latest website: "You must miss her very much, Harry?"

Because of Clark's words, Harry, who had been sobbing silently, finally couldn't hold it in anymore.

Miss it?

Yes, as a child who lost his parents at an early age and stayed at the house of his aunt and uncle, whenever he saw his cousin smiling happily under the care of his parents, he asked himself in his heart.

Where are my parents?

Why don't they want me?

And when he was older, received a letter from an owl, and came to the magical world, he learned where his parents had gone from other people's mouths.

He knew about Voldemort, the battle more than ten years ago, and their sacrifices.

He enjoyed the admiration of others and the fame given to him by his parents. He told himself in his heart that the sacrifices of his parents and the pain he suffered from losing his parents when he was young were all worth it, all meaningful, and all For the future of the wizarding world, it is all for a better future.

However, is this really what he thinks?

Harry didn't dare to think about it anymore. He could only use these reasons to numb himself. He could only force himself to forget all this through the novel life in the magical world and the pleasant and exciting campus time.

It was as if the eleven years in the Dursley family did not exist, and the pain caused by not having parents was just a passing thing.

He forced himself to accept it all, but his head buried lower and lower, and his sobs became louder and louder.

Why does he have to endure all this? He is just a child. When he is bullied, he also wants to throw himself into his mother's arms and call her mother!

Clark reached out and patted Harry on the shoulder, "Cry loudly if you want to. Cry out everything that is suppressed. Although this is not the solution, it will at least make you feel better."

When he first watched "Harry Potter", Clark was just a child. At that time, his eyes were focused on the magnificent and magical magical world, in the dreamy and gorgeous Hogwarts Castle.

However, when he grew up, entered the society, learned more knowledge, and gained more understanding of the world, he looked back at this book.

There was a doubt.

Why did an orphan who was abused by his aunt and uncle, lived in a small closet, and bullied by his cousin as a child, who lacked family affection and care in his childhood, not grow into a child with a personality disorder?

This doesn't make sense. Clark also knows some psychology. A person's childhood experience and family of origin will inevitably have a certain impact on his character.

But in the book, Harry's character has been decent and kind since he entered school, as if those eleven years at his aunt and uncle's house were just a dream?

Of course, as a fairy tale, whatever the author says is what it says, and readers won't delve into it.

But when Clark now traveled to the real magical world and had personal contact with Harry, he felt many things that were not stated or shown in the books.

First of all, thanks to the perceptual amplification effect brought by the magic of chaos, when Harry's magic awakened, Dumbledore's timely guidance was of great help in correcting and improving Harry's character.

Yes, the world of magic is so unreasonable. The magic of chaos can amplify a person's perceptual thinking, so the wizard needs to anchor his thinking with an emotion and an idea to prevent himself from falling into chaos. .

This also leads to the fact that most wizards are paranoid, just like Captain America and Red Skull injected with super soldier serum in Marvel. Their good ones are better, and their bad ones are worse.

Harry, who was sorted into Gryffindor when he entered school, happened to be changed by the Gryffindor ritual.

At this point, if Dumbledore had treated Tom Riddle the same way he treats Harry now, then the fate of the Dark Lord might have changed.

Secondly, magic is not omnipotent, and chaotic magic only plays a role in amplifying the impact.

Harry who entered Gryffindor House was indeed endowed with positive attributes such as courage and justice, but the negative emotions caused by his bad childhood were not completely eliminated, but were suppressed by Harry himself. .

Until now, until he met the dementors, Harry's hidden negative emotions exploded like a bomb.

"Thank you... Clark... uh... I haven't cried like this for a long time... for a long time." Harry, who had been crying for a while, raised his head, wiped the tears with his sleeves, and forced an ugly smile. Unspeakably pitiful.

"I understand, Harry." Clark sat next to him. "Like you, my father and uncle also died in the battle with Voldemort. And my mother, because she brought something that I am worried about, Hiding from xz, and missing my father, he also had a mental breakdown and passed away soon, so I can understand how you feel."

"But," Clark advised earnestly, "the tragic past is no excuse for our miserable life today. As a brave Gryffindor, even our destiny must be in our own hands!"

Clark's words were like a shot in the arm, and the surging and warm contagion made Harry's heart beat rapidly.

"Yes!" Harry nodded vigorously, "I came to you just to ask you for advice on how to deal with those dementors. I want to defeat them!"

"Defeat them?" Clark shook his head and smiled softly.

"Dementors are among the ugliest things in the world. They swarm in the darkest and filthiest places, living in decay and despair, sucking peace, hope and joy out of the air around them. .

Even Muggles are aware of their presence, although they cannot see them.

When a Dementor is near you, all the good feelings, all the happy memories will be sucked out of you.

If possible, a dementor would suck you until you're just like it...soulless, full of evil, and you're left with the worst experiences of your life. "

"If you ask any professor about the above, I think they will tell you this. I can even guess that they will also tell you that if you want to find a way to resist dementors, you have to learn a method called guardianship. The magic of the divine spell." Clark said with great certainty.

"The Patronus Charm?" Harry looked at him doubtfully, "Is it the one used by Professor Lupine on the Hogwarts Express to make the Dementors retreat?"

"That's right," Clark continued, "It is a magic spell that can mobilize happy emotions, make them appear and take shape in reality, and thus protect the wizard like a shield and resist the harm of dementors."

"If you want to learn this, I suggest you go to Professor Lupine. He is the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and is proficient in teaching. He also successfully used a physical patron saint on the train. I think he can definitely help. your turn."

Clark gave his own advice, but Harry was keen enough to detect the hidden message in Clark's words.

"Resist? So the Patronus Charm can't defeat them, right?" Harry asked.

Clark shook his head.

"It depends on your definition of victory. If you just want to drive away the dementors and protect yourself from being hurt, then the Patronus Charm will be enough.

But if you want to confront them head-on, defeat them face-to-face, and destroy them, then this weak, self-deceptive spell will not have the slightest effect. "

Clark's words made Harry's breathing quicken. He looked at Clark firmly, "Are you talking about Neville's method of killing the dementors on the train? Clark, I want to learn that!"

"Hahaha," Clark laughed, "As expected, Harry, this is the choice we Gryffindors should make, and I will help you."


He patted Harry on the shoulder hard, and then said, "If you want to defeat them, defeat those Dementors, then the first thing you have to do is to understand the common understanding of Dementors just now. , completely forgotten about it!"

"Are those descriptions of Dementors wrong?" Harry asked curiously.

"It's not wrong," Clark said. "It's just that our understanding of the Dementors' abilities is different, and the way we fight against it is also different."

"In traditional knowledge, dementors feed on human happiness. They absorb the positive energy emanating from humans, so they break into the pitch during Quidditch matches because they are hungry."

Clark's words reminded Harry of that stormy day, and he couldn't help but tremble.

"Principal Dumbledore does not allow those dementors to enter the school, and the human victims provided by the Ministry of Magic have also been used up, so the large number of young wizards on the Quidditch field has become a great temptation for them.

The excitement...the passion...that lingers on the playing field...seems to them like a feast.

I said that, right? "

Harry nodded.

"Fart! What a mistake! If I said that to Hermione, she would be able to point out the problem right away."

Clark sneered, "I don't know where this statement came from, but there is an obvious logical error in it."

"logical error?"

Harry was puzzled, and then Clark remembered that wizards were born with defects in this area, so he explained.

“The first instinct of any living thing is always to survive and reproduce, and yet you look at the life pattern of the Dementors.

'They feed on the happiness of living things until they turn them into the same kind as themselves. ’ This is a parasitic model that relies on the existence of human beings, or intelligent creatures.

But when human happiness is drained away, they will become depressed, lose the motivation to live, and then die quietly.

And if the soul-catchers expand and multiply without restriction, then when their numbers reach their peak, it will be the beginning of their destruction.

So did you notice, 'Dementors feed on human happiness', this argument simply doesn't hold water. "

Harry heard Clark's words and thought for a while before realizing that what he said made sense.

“Of course, we can say that dementors are magical creatures and it is impossible for them to wipe out all humans, just like it is impossible for wolves to eat up all the sheep.

But there is another problem, which is also the most ironic thing in this cognition, that is, Dementors, as black magic creatures, actually feed on the positive emotions of humans.

It's like a good person especially likes to watch others do bad things. Isn't it strange that a wolf eats grass instead of meat? "

Harry was completely confused by what Clark said, "Yes, dementors eat positive energy, just like unicorns feed on fear. Don't they suffer from indigestion?"

"So that's what's weird about this, unless - dementors don't feed on happiness at all."

"What does it feed on?" Harry asked quickly.

"The ability of Dementors is actually to stimulate a person's inner desires and make them have insatiable desires."

Clark expressed his conclusion.

"They amplify the dark side of human beings, making us never satisfied and demanding endlessly. This is the true meaning of the creation of Dementors, who are black magic creatures."

Harry was stunned by Clark's words, "But..."

"Losing happiness is not the cause, but the result of the Dementor's ability. When a person cannot get satisfaction and gain from any behavior, he will naturally be unhappy.

Just like you..."


"Yes, Harry, what is your deepest desire?"

"I have no idea……"

"No, you know, you just don't want to say it, Harry." Clark looked into Harry's emerald eyes.

Harry avoided his gaze.

"Remember what I told you before? If you want to defeat fear, you must face fear. If you want to defeat desire, you must also face desire.

Don't fool yourself, don't choose to escape, tell me, Harry, what is your deepest desire?

Under the influence of the dementors, something emerges from your heart, those thoughts that have been suppressed in your heart, those deviant and unrecognized delusions.

What exactly is it! "

Amidst the loud shouts, Harry raised his head and stood up, looked at Clark, and took a deep breath.

"I saw my mother, I saw her giving her life to protect me under the threat of Voldemort.

I miss her so much Clark, I want to resurrect my mother! "

After shouting these words, Harry gasped for air and sat back on the bed.

Clark's hand pressed hard on his shoulder.

"Yes, what the dementors inspired was your desire to resurrect your mother.

But you are suppressing this thought in your heart. You are telling yourself that this is impossible; you are persuading yourself not to disturb the peace of the dead.

To you, resurrecting the dead is an evil thing, so you are entangled in it. You start to remember the moment your mother lost her life, and you are no longer happy. "

"What do I do, Clark?"

"Then resurrect her, Harry!"

Harry raised his head, and the afternoon sunlight passed through the window and shone on Clark's body. At this moment, he felt that he should have seen hope.


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