Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 31 The Secret of the Patronus Curse

Latest website: After receiving Clark's advice, Harry never heard his mother's dying voice again in the remaining days.

Not only that, he also began to devote more energy and time to studying.

After all, Harry himself understood that if he wanted to resurrect his mother, Clark's help was only temporary, and strong strength was fundamental.

Because of this, his whole aura has changed a lot. Even a carefree person like Ron noticed his change and praised him for being more stable.

But only some of Harry's closer friends noticed this kind of thing. More young wizards still focused on things worth being happy about.

For example, Professor Lupine's return to class.

"If Snape comes to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts again, I will definitely choose to skip class!"

After lunch that day, as they were walking towards the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Ron couldn't help but complain.

Hermione looked at the door of the classroom and said, "Don't worry, you can take this class."

Yes, Professor Lupine is back teaching.

He looked as if he had been seriously ill. His patched old robe was even more baggy, and there were dark shadows under his eyes, making him look much more haggard.

However, when the students sat down, he still looked at them with a smile on his face, appeasing the students' complaints and accusations against Snape.

"This is not fair. He is just a substitute teacher. Why should he give us homework?"

"We don't know anything about werewolves—"

"—Two rolls of parchment!"

"Have you told Professor Snape that we haven't learned that yet?" Lupine frowned slightly.

The answer to him was again full of confusion.

"I told you, but he said we were too behind -"

"He won't listen-"

"—Two rolls of parchment!"

Professor Lupine looked at each indignant face with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will talk to Professor Snape. As for that homework, you don't need to write it."

"Great!" the little wizards cheered, but Hermione looked disappointed, "Oh, no, I've already finished writing."

Next, they had a very enjoyable lesson, where Professor Lupine brought a large glass box with a hinkpunk inside.

It was a small one-legged creature that looked like it was made of wisps of smoke. It appeared to be quite fragile and not that dangerous.

"He will lead travelers into the mire," Professor Lupine said, and the students took notes. "Did you notice the lantern on its hand? It jumped forward - people followed the light - and then -"

Hinkpunk pressed his face against the glass wall, making a horrible, crunching sound.

The happy time is always short-lived. The bell rang. Everyone packed their things and walked out the door, including Harry, but someone soon stopped him——

"Wait a minute, Harry," it was Professor Lupin, "I have something to say to you."

Harry returned and watched Professor Lupine cover the glass box containing the Xinkpunk with a cloth.

"I heard about the competition," Lupine said, turning back to the podium and starting to put the book into his briefcase, "I'm sorry about this. Is it possible to repair your broomstick?"

"It's impossible," Harry shook his head with a look of disappointment, "The tree broke it into pieces."

Lupine sighed when he heard this.

"The Whomping Willow was planted the year I arrived at Hogwarts. The little wizards at that time often played a game, which was to try to touch the trunk of the tree.

Later, a boy named David Gedgern almost lost one eye, and the school stopped us from going near it. "

"By the way, there are dementors," Lupine added. "I guess they are the reason why you fell."

Harry nodded and hesitated again. Lupine seemed to be very concerned about him. Seeing him like this, he said decisively: "Harry, your fainting has nothing to do with weakness."

He seemed to have read through Harry's mind, "Dementors have a greater impact on you than others. That's because of your past experiences..."

"It's okay, Professor, I know." Harry suddenly spoke, interrupting him.

"Clark has communicated with me before. He told me that dementors are evil creatures that suck away the happiness from around them, so my reaction at the time was very normal."

Lupine was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Oh, that's good. I mean, it's good if you can figure it out."

The two were speechless for a moment.

"Professor, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first." Harry stood up to leave.

"Wait!" Lupine stopped him again, "About Dementors, there are still - certain defense methods."

Lupine did not wait for Harry to ask and could only continue: "Although I dare not claim to be an expert in resisting dementors, in this regard, I think, Harry, you still have to learn some methods to resist them, at least The next time the dementors come to the Quidditch field."

"I know, Clark told me about it, it's the Patronus Charm, right." Harry asked, "Then Professor, were you the one who taught me?"

Lupine looked at Harry and didn't hesitate, "Yes, I can give it a try. After all, I am a member of Gryffindor, but I have to wait until next semester because I have a lot to do before the holidays. I am really sick." Not the time."

A smile appeared on Harry's face.

"Thank you very much, Professor!" He thanked and went out.

But soon, when he returned to the dormitory, he turned around and told Clark everything.

"Tell me, why is Professor Lupine so eager to help me? Could it be that Principal Dumbledore knows that I want to resurrect my mother?"

Harry had a nervous look on his face. It involved the task of resurrecting his mother. This guy's IQ instantly took over the high ground.

Clark smiled and comforted him, "It's not as scary as you said. Principal Dumbledore can know what's happening in the entire castle, but he won't monitor it all the time."

"Then why does Professor Lupine..."

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"Maybe it has something to do with your parents," Clark said. "After all, they are close in age and they are both Gryffindors. Maybe they had a good relationship when they were studying together, but now they see that their friends' children are encountering difficulties. So I took the initiative to help.”

Although Harry didn't completely believe it, there seemed to be no better explanation now.

But Clark added: "But you also have to be careful about the Patronus Charm."

"Why?" Harry asked.

"Remember what I told you before? The actual abilities of Dementors."

Harry nodded, "It's about amplifying the desires in people's hearts."

"Yes, dementors amplify the desires in people's hearts, so the method I teach you is to face your desires and turn them into your own motivation to strengthen your will and spirit, but this is not the case with the Patronus Charm. "

Clark thought for a while and said: "The principle of the Patronus is to mobilize the happy emotions in the heart when facing the dementors, materialize them through magic, and then use them to fight the enemy."

"But isn't all the happiness sucked away by the dementors? Where does the happiness come from?" This time, Harry quickly discovered the logical error in the question.

"Not bad, I can think proactively now." Clark smiled.

"This just proves my previous point, doesn't it?

Dementors do not suck away happiness, but amplify your inner desires and increase the upper limit of your happiness, making it impossible for you to obtain happiness.

But this doesn’t mean that you don’t have other happiness that is easier to satisfy. "

He gave an example, "It's like when you first sat on a broomstick and flew into the sky; or when you received a letter from Hogwarts and knew that you were a wizard and was going to a magic school; or even when you were hungry. , finally had a full meal, isn’t this also happiness?”

Harry understood immediately, "In other words, the Patronus Charm is to mobilize other happiness to fill the emptiness caused by our amplified desires. There seems to be nothing wrong with doing this, right?"

Clark did not answer directly, but told another story.

"In the Muggle world, due to the continuous increase in productivity, a large part of the world's people will be eliminated by production activities. They do not need and cannot actively participate in various production activities, and will become a group of 'marginal people'.

But having so many people doing nothing is obviously not what those in power want.

After all, if there are too many such people, it will also be an unstable factor for the operation of society.

Therefore, in order to comfort these 'abandoned' people and avoid social unrest caused by inequality, the upper-level rulers need to adopt some simpler, faster, warmer, low-cost, and semi-satisfactory methods to eliminate their dissatisfied.

I call this method ‘pacifier fun’.

It not only fills people’s lives with intoxicating entertainment and products full of sensory stimulation, diverting their dissatisfaction and immersing them in ‘happiness’, they unconsciously lose their ability to think and have no intention of challenging the existing ruling class. "

After saying this, Clark looked at Harry, "So, after listening to this, what do you think?"

Harry hesitated and said, "The Patronus Charm is also what you call 'pacifier fun'?"

Without waiting for Clark's answer, he analyzed: "This kind of curse uses other happy emotions in a person's heart to fill his most essential desires, making him let go of his desires and become happy... This is indeed what you are talking about. Yes I do."

"It's just, why does Professor Luping..."

"Don't think too much," Clark said, "Just pay attention when learning the Patronus Charm. This kind of magic is not so easy to learn, otherwise it would have been popularized by the Ministry of Magic."

The chat between the two ended here. In the following days, campus life was unremarkable. Even the "Hogwarts School Journal" fell into a subscription trough due to its mediocre content.

At the end of November, the Ravenclaw team defeated the Hufflepuff team. As a result, Hufflepuff and the Academy Cup were completely missed.

With Gryffindor one step closer to the House Cup, Wood was even more energetic, still sparing no effort to train his team in the biting cold wind and rain that lasted until December.

The traces of the dementors also completely disappeared. Dumbledore's anger seemed to have restricted them to their posts at the entrance of the school, and it seemed as if nothing had happened.

Regarding this matter, the school directors held a small meeting, and Clark also went to listen, but then nothing happened.

In this way, the time came to the second week before the end of the semester. The sky, which had been rainy all the time, suddenly became clear, showing a dazzling protein color.

The muddy field soaked by rain was also covered with a layer of shiny frost one morning.

Inside the castle, there is a Christmas atmosphere everywhere.

Professor Flitwick, who teaches Charms, has decorated his classroom with shimmering light sources. If you look carefully, you will find that these light sources are actually little fairies that are constantly flapping their wings.

The students were happily discussing their vacation plans, and Ron decided to stay at Hogwarts. He said he couldn't stand spending two weeks with Percy.

But Harry knew in his heart: Ron did this to accompany him, and he was very grateful.

Hermione and Neville also decided to stay at school during the holidays. On the one hand, they wanted to accompany Clark, but on the other hand, several people were indeed very busy.

Neville's task of leading new recruits in the Duel Club has come to an end. As soon as they start school next semester, they will undergo training on new content.

The sales performance of "Hogwarts School Journal" has declined, which made Hermione, who had just become the person in charge, very troubled and decided to take advantage of the holidays to accumulate some content and manuscripts.

As for Clark, the news about the Fire Dragon Park has basically spread as the senior students go to the dragon farm to take classes.

As soon as this Christmas is over, the park is about to welcome its first visitors. In this last period of time, Clark has to spend more time on it.

Fortunately, after being busy, everyone was able to go to Hogsmeade Village again in the last week of the semester; everyone except Harry was very happy.

"We can buy everything we want for Christmas there!" said Hermione. "My mum and dad really love the Fluffy Tooth mints they get from Honeydukes!"

"No, Hermione, isn't uncle a dentist?" Clark asked curiously, "He actually likes candy, and he allows you to eat it!"

Hermione was so angry that she punched Clark who was causing trouble.

Harry became the only third-year student left behind. He reluctantly borrowed a copy of "The Encyclopedia of Flying Broomsticks" from Wood and decided to study the broomsticks carefully that day.

When he is training with the team, he still rides an old antique from the school - "Meteor".

This type of broomstick was very slow and a bit choppy. It had long been out of date. He undoubtedly needed a new broomstick of his own.

The time came on the Saturday morning when everyone went to Hogsmeade. Clark, Hermione, Neville, Ron and others, wrapped tightly in cloaks and scarves, said goodbye to Harry. Together we set foot on the road to Hogsmeade.

White snowflakes were floating above their heads and falling on their shoulders. Winter was indeed coming.


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