Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 39 [Professional] Proliferation of the system

For Clark, spreading the unique career system of the DND world in the world of "Harry Potter".

Not only can it eliminate the hidden dangers contained in the wizard's [Chaos Magic], but it can also help him anchor his existence in this world, so that he can better ascend to the throne of God.

After all, you get what you pay for.

Spider-Man's uncle once told him, "With great power comes great responsibility."

However, for gods, this sentence should be reversed, saying "the greater the responsibility, the greater the ability."

Gods are not aloof beings who can do whatever they want. They are also part of this world, even the world itself.

Therefore, only if you contribute enough to the world and take on more responsibilities can you gain the great ability that the world gives back to you.

At this point, there is a word that can be used well in the Chinese God Realm, and that is "merit".

Clark spreads the career system belonging to the DND world in the Harry Potter world, enriches the changes in this world, and injects new elements into the world, which is also part of obtaining "merit".

The wider the career system spreads, the more people learn it, the more beneficial it is to the world, the more "merits" are fed back to Clark, and the greater the benefits he gets.

You can even open a path on your own and become a Taoist like Buddha and Taoist Lord.

Of course, this process is not so smooth, and even the benefits are often accompanied by risks.

When he was in first grade, he worked hard to obtain the Magic Stone, used the legendary power in it to transform himself, and obtained the [Psychic].

In the second grade, they made various plans and intrigues with Voldemort's Horcrux, and then helped Neville and Hermione change their professions into [Mage] and [Warrior].

After these two steps, Clark has initially determined the necessary processes and procedures for changing jobs in the Harry Potter world. He also has a slight understanding of some of the rules of this world, which can be regarded as a successful first step.

However, what he had to face next was how to omit and simplify these steps to move it from the experimental stage to the industrial production stage.

In this case, the job transfer ceremony and method must be simple and safe. Methods like those used on Hermione and Neville cannot be used.

After all, the Styx water potion is extremely dangerous, and the eyes of the basilisk with the divine nature of [Death] are also extremely difficult to find.

Even if it is found, improper operation of one of them will lead to accidents.

So at this point, Clark is torn.

Fortunately, the pearl brought back from the Amsi Oasis in Egypt gave him a glimmer of hope.

Clark also accidentally discovered that in addition to converting the magic in the moonlight into extremely cold beams, this pearl can also form a barrier, transforming the surrounding space into a semi-underworld state similar to the Amsi Oasis.

In this underworld-like environment, the yang energy of a living person will be suppressed, and the stability of the soul will also be greatly reduced.

If a person stays in this kind of place for a long time, his body will become weak and sick, his spirit will also become weak and sluggish, he will be lethargic and dreamy, and he will eventually suffer from apathy.

However, for Clark, this special force field formed by orbs is exactly a major help for him to promote the professional system.

Clark was so happy that he called the special force field formed by this orb the "Netherworld Force Field."

The most difficult first step in the job transfer ceremony: weakening the stability of the soul, can be achieved by just staying in this netherworld force field.

Of course, Clark also used monkeys to verify the specific length of this time in detail.

He found that as long as a living person stayed in this force field for no more than two hours, there would be no irreparable damage to their soul and body.

But it is also important to note that if the time spent in the force field is less than an hour, the effect will not be obvious.

Therefore, one and a half hours is the most appropriate time to conduct the job transfer ceremony.

After solving the problem of weakening the soul stability in the first step, Clark faced the second step, how to reshape the souls of those students.

Regarding this point, in the second grade, Hermione and Neville relied on the career template that Clark extracted from the fragments of the godhead.

But for these students, Clark's template seeds are not enough.

What's more, if you want to accept these professional template seeds, the most important thing is to have faith in Clark's vest [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic].

Not to mention whether those students can have the absolute trust in him like Hermione and Neville, if these people reveal this kind of thing, then even Clark, the patriarch of the Prewett family, will be punished by the Department of Combating Evil Gods of the Ministry of Magic. Take him to trial.

Fortunately, Clark quickly thought of another way, that is, the "mentor" system.

In the DND world, it is not so easy for ordinary people to obtain a career.

Career is not a pie that can fall from the sky.

Except for some races with outstanding talents who can obtain a career from birth, for more ordinary people, you have to have money and leisure, and you have to find a mentor who is willing to teach you.

For example, if you want to change your profession to [Warrior], then it is best to join the army. There will be dedicated [Warrior] instructors in the army to train you.

And if you want to change your profession to [Mage], you need to go to a magic academy in a big city, spend a lot of gold coins, and devote yourself to learning.

In addition, when changing to [thief], you can choose to join an underground gang or an assassin organization.

The best way to change profession to [Bard] is to work in the circus.

Also, [Paladin] has to go to the Knights Order, and [Priest] has to go to the church.

In short, if you want to change careers, you have to find a good teacher to guide you.

This is exactly what Clark wants, so that Hermione and Neville can serve as professional mentors to teach those students their respective professional abilities.

This learning process is actually similar to their previous belief in the [God of Wisdom, Knowledge and Magic], except that they have transformed their belief in the god into worshiping a professional mentor.

When these students are enveloped by the netherworld force field, their souls will become less stable.

At this time, there is a powerful soul like Hermione or Neville guiding them.

As long as they sincerely want to learn and have complete trust in Hermione and Neville, then their soul forms will gradually transform into something similar to their mentors. This is the so-called "the one who is close to red is red, and the one who is close to ink is black".

However, this subtle method will also prolong the process of job transfer. The process that was originally completed in an instant may take half a year or even a year to complete as the students repeatedly enter and exit the Netherworld Force Field.

Even if you encounter someone who spends three days fishing and two days drying the net, or whose talent and qualifications are not good enough, it will take two or three years to complete the job change.

Fortunately, this method is secretive and difficult to detect, and during the job transfer process, they still have enough time to assess those with good talents and hope to transfer, and absorb them into their own small group. .

Even if they don't want to, they can stop this ritual at any time and end the job transfer without any side effects.

Clark looked at the young wizards in the audience who were learning and training with Hermione and Neville. He was like an old farmer looking at the green leeks in his field and nodded with satisfaction.

For the next hour, those students kept in contact with Hermione and Neville diligently. When they became dizzy and felt uncomfortable, Clark used his superb perception to stop in time.

For them, they need to get used to this kind of training first, and the time can be slightly shorter.

Once they get used to it, it's not too late to extend the training time to an hour and a half.

The training students greeted them and gradually dispersed.

The three of Clark went down to the auditorium to have dinner. At eight o'clock in the evening, Clark left Gryffindor Tower alone and came to the duel club's training classroom.

When we got there, the classroom was empty and dark.

He turned on the lamp and only sat there for about five minutes before Harry appeared out of breath.

"Sorry, I'm late." Harry said.

Clark glanced at the clock on the wall and said, "It's okay, I came early."

"Okay, let's get ready to train first." He led Harry to a large wooden cabinet in the corner of the classroom.

"What is this?" Harry asked.

"There's another Boggart," Clark said, taking off his cloak and revealing the sweater underneath. "I specifically asked the house elves in the castle to keep an eye on it for me."

"This is the closest thing to a dementor we can find. Although I would also like to capture a dementor and study it, obviously, that is illegal."

Clark joked and Harry grinned.

“As soon as a boggart sees you, it turns into a dementor, and we can use that to practice desensitizing you.

When you don't need it, you can lock it in here. Only I have the key, so there won't be any trouble. "

"Okay," Harry said, trying to sound calm.

Of course, from the perspective of Clark, who has telepathy, the fear and fear in his heart are like a street light hanging brightly on his head.

"Relax, Harry." Clark drew his wand and motioned for him to do the same.

"Next, I will teach you the obstacle spell that you only learn in fourth grade. You need to practice it first and then use it on the dementor that the Boggart turned into."

"What does it do?" Harry asked nervously.

"The so-called obstacle spell, as the name suggests, is to use a wand to create an invisible obstacle.

If you do it correctly, a wall of air will form in front of the Dementor, restricting its movement. "

Harry suddenly remembered the experience of going to the zoo, and a picture suddenly flashed in his mind: the terrifying Dementor was locked in a glass cabinet in the zoo, and he looked at it like an animal.

Clark continued: "The incantation of Obstacle is 'obstacle,' remember, it comes from the Latin word meaning to hinder or impede.

The wand waving gesture looks like this... Well, try it yourself. "

Clark waved his wand and demonstrated it to him. Of course, the effect was simulated using [Secondary Shock Wave].

Harry also followed suit, except that his wand couldn't even eject a stream of air, let alone a wall of air.

"The core point of this magic is resistance, resisting, and rejecting something with firm belief, even mixed with disgust."

Clark reminded him, "You have to imagine that the person in front of you is the person you hate the most, and then you want to push him away hard to stop his progress."

Harry racked his brains, imagining that the person he hated the most appeared in front of him.

There is no doubt that all his encounters with the Dursleys have provided him with rich material.

Soon, the image of his cousin Dudley appeared in his mind.

"Okay." Harry said, trying his best to imagine Dudley's shadow appearing in front of him.

"Okay, let's try again." Clark waved a wooden target and moved it towards Harry.

"Obstacles—no, obstacles—sorry—obstacles—obstacles—"

Harry waved his wand and muttered a spell while imagining the approaching target to be Dudley.

By doing this, you don't have to force yourself at all. A feeling of disgust and resistance comes from within.

As soon as this emotion arrived, Harry suddenly felt something spurting out from the tip of his wand, like a water gun, hitting the wooden target, causing it to pause.

"Did you see it, Clark?" Harry said excitedly, "There's a reaction!"

"Great," Clark said with a smile, "So—are you ready to practice on the Dementors?"

"Okay." Harry nodded, clutched his wand tightly, and walked to the center of the empty classroom.

He tried to think only of how to drive Dudley away, but other things kept coming in... He might hear his mother's voice again at any time now...

Fortunately, Harry was no longer afraid this time. He just wanted to resurrect his mother. Once he understood his heart, his mother's voice became the best encouragement.

At this time, Clark reached out and waved his hand, and the door of the wooden cabinet suddenly opened outward.

A Dementor emerged slowly from the cupboard, its hooded face turning towards Harry, a withered, mangy hand clutching its cloak.

The lights in the professor suddenly flickered a few times and then went out.

The dementor disappeared in the darkness and began to move towards Harry silently, while making a low, grunting sound.

Clark, who was standing aside, could clearly feel a chill that penetrated the bone marrow and enveloped him. Under this external stimulation, a kind of heat burst out from his heart, stimulating the desire deep in his heart.

But compared to what I felt on the train, this time, it was only one-fifth or sixth.

Clark even had a brief thought and easily dispelled the urge.

"It seems that what these boggarts simulate is just superficial. Their ability is similar to a stress response to protect themselves, mainly intimidating and driving them away." Clark thought to himself.

On the other side, Harry also faced his own challenges.

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