Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 44 The Important Quidditch Final


Amidst the huge noise, the already rickety table collapsed with a crash, and the crystal ball placed on it rolled on the ground.

Clark stood there, breathing heavily, and there was a faint sting in his mind due to overdraft of psychic energy, which made his face distorted and looked particularly scary.

It was the first time Hermione saw Clark look like this, so she stood up nervously and held his hand.

The cold and soft hands soothed Clark's inner restlessness. He took a deep breath to calm down, and then he realized that the students around him were looking at him in surprise.

Professor Trelawney stared at her huge eyes, her face turned green and white, looking at him with obvious anger.

Ron and Harry secretly gave him a thumbs up, Neville looked at him worriedly, Parvati and Lavender whispered, both of them glared at him.

"I'm sorry to say that, kid."

Professor Trelawney shook her head at him.

"From the first time you stepped into this classroom, it was obvious that you did not have the talent required for the noble science of divination. In fact, it is not your fault. After all, not everyone can see the future."

Clark, who had finally calmed down, almost laughed angrily when he heard this.

Can’t see the future? I wish what I just saw wasn’t the future!

But before he could speak, someone helped him fight back.

"Okay!" Hermione said suddenly, while putting the book "Looking Through the Fog to See the Future" into her school bag.

"Okay!" she repeated again, throwing her schoolbag over her shoulder, almost knocking Ron off the chair.

"Since you say so, I'll give up too! Let's go!"

The whole class was stunned, watching her pull Clark, strode to the trap door, kicked it open, then turned around and glared at Professor Trelawney, "Losing us is your biggest loss! "

After saying that, she pulled Clark with her, climbed down the ladder and disappeared.

"Wait for me!"

Only then did Neville react. He stood up almost without hesitation and hurriedly stuffed the book into his bag. At the same time, he didn't forget to take Clark's book as well, and then said something to Professor Trelawney. Sorry, I disappeared with the two of them.


Immediately, there were whistles and cheers one after another in the classroom.

As half-grown children, they did not expect Hermione and Clark to be so bold. Some boys and girls were even envious of their behavior just now.

After several minutes like this, the classroom became quiet.

Professor Trelawney seemed to have forgotten Harry's ominous situation. She turned around suddenly and left Harry and Ron's desk. She kicked hard and tightened her shawl, as if she might faint at any moment. Same as before.

"Oh——" Lavender suddenly shouted, startling everyone.

"Oh - Professor Trelawney, I remember! You foresaw her going, didn't you, Professor? 'One of us will leave us forever around Easter time!' You had long ago I told you so, Professor!"

Professor Trelawney gave her a tearful smile.

"Yes, dear, I did know that Miss Granger would leave us. But people always hope that they have read the signs wrong... The Third Eye is also a burden sometimes, you know..."

Lavender and Parvati looked impressed and moved so that Professor Trelawney could sit at their table.

However, Ron scoffed at this.

"'One of us', it was clear that three people left just now, okay? She is just right." Ron whispered to Harry.

The three Clarks who left the classroom naturally had no idea what happened in the classroom after they left.

However, Clark did realize what Professor Trelawney said, "The third eye is sometimes a burden."

He hoped that he had read the signs wrong, but the image of Hermione lying bruised in his arms always lingered in his mind.

Judging from the robes they were wearing at the time, they must have been in school, but that background...where was it? There is no way anyone would dare to attack Hogwarts under Dumbledore's nose.

Clark, who was lost in thought, followed Hermione, and soon the girl noticed something strange.

"Clark, are you blaming me - blaming me for pulling you out?" Hermione stopped and turned around to ask.

"Ah, no, no!" Clark came back to his senses and quickly denied.

"Then what's going on with you? You've been restless since just now."

Although she was not a [Psion], with her keen female intuition, Hermione still noticed something.

"Maybe I've been using the time turner too frequently like you recently. It's okay. Just go back and rest for a while."

Clark resisted the sting in his mind and forced a smile.

In the following days, Clark wanted to find more clues from the prophecy. He wandered around Hogwarts, trying to find the place that corresponded to the scene in the prophecy.

However, he still found nothing. Even as time passed, those prophetic images gradually became more and more blurred and abstract in his mind, and finally turned into a dim shadow.

Time has come to the Easter holiday, which can be regarded as the last long holiday before the end of this semester.

But for the little wizards, this holiday is not easy.

They suddenly discovered that third-grade students had never done so much homework.

Even Neville Longbottom, who had changed a lot, was tortured to the point of almost having a mental breakdown, and it seemed that he was not the only one like this.

"This is also called a festival!" Like the Chinese students, Seamus Finnigan shouted loudly in the common room one afternoon, "We are still far away from the exam. What are they doing?"

Ron complained along with him, and Harry nodded in agreement.

But no one is as busy as Hermione and Clark. Even if there is no Divination class, they still have to take more classes than others.

In addition to the courses, Hermione is also busy with the topic selection, review, and management of the "Hogwarts School Journal", and Clark also needs to work hard on the Fire Dragon Park and the Fire Dragon Industrial Park that is being planned.

This meant that they were usually the last to return to the dormitory at night and the first to leave the next morning.

Harry and Ron even found that they had dark circles under their eyes like Lupine, and they always looked listless.

Of course, compared to the two of them, Harry's situation was actually not much worse. He had to do his homework every day after Quidditch training, not to mention endless discussions with Wood on tactics.

The game between Gryffindor and Slytherin will be held on the first Saturday after Easter. Unlike in the original book, thanks to Gryffindor's victory over Hufflepuff, they and Slytherin The points difference between them is not big, only forty points.

This means that during the game, Harry and the others only need to catch the Golden Snitch immediately to win the Quidditch trophy, because catching the Golden Snitch will get 150 points.

For this matter, Wood would seize the opportunity to remind Harry every day.

The entire Gryffindor House is also concerned about this upcoming game.

Gryffindor has not won the Quidditch Cup since the days of the legendary Charlie Weasley as Seeker.

As for Slytherin, except for the cancellation of last year's Quidditch match due to the attack, Slytherin has won the Quidditch Cup for eight consecutive years. They are unwilling to have their winning streak cut off like this. accepted.

So after Easter, tensions between the two teams and the two academies reached a boiling point.

In everyone's memory, there is no other time when the approaching game is as full of excitement as this one.

Whether in the corridor, in the auditorium, or even in the classroom, there are students from the two colleges who cause friction over little things, and then develop into vicious fights.

In the worst case, a fourth-year Gryffindor student and a sixth-year Slytherin student were both admitted to the school hospital with leeks popping out of their ears.

Harry also had a particularly difficult time. On the way to class, there were always Slytherins who maliciously stretched out their legs to trip him.

No matter where he went, Crabbe and Goyle would always appear quietly under Malfoy's instructions, and then walk away disappointed when they saw him being protected in the center.

This was entirely because Wood had taken precautions in advance and told Harry to be accompanied wherever he went to prevent Slytherin people from preventing him from playing.

The entire Gryffindor House students enthusiastically took on this task, and Clark even specially arranged for Neville to follow Harry and act as his bodyguard for a while, which made Harry feel very safe.

But this also caused Harry to often be unable to enter the classroom on time because he was always surrounded by a large group of chattering people.

Compared to himself, Harry was more concerned about the safety of the Firebolt than himself.

When he was not flying, he even gave the broom to Clark and asked him to keep it in a magic box for him. Only Clark could open the box. In Harry's opinion, it was absolutely safe.

On the eve of the game, all daily activities in the Gryffindor House common room came to a halt, and even Hermione and Clark put down their books——

There was no way, the whole common room was noisy and filled with a stormy atmosphere.

George and Fred's way of coping with the pressure was to be more noisy than usual. Wood was squatting in the corner alone, waving his wand, directing the little figures on the Quidditch field model in front of him to move around, and mumbling about tomorrow. game tactics.

Angelina, Alya, and Katie laughed at Fred and George's jokes, and Harry sat with Ron, Clark, and Hermione, away from the center of the excitement, trying not to think about tomorrow's game.

Because every time he thought about it, he had a terrible feeling, as if there was a big winch in his stomach, twisting his heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys together, making him always want to go to the toilet.

In his case, Clark said it was pre-exam syndrome, but even if he cast a mind spell on Harry, the effect was not obvious.

"Come on, Harry, you'll be fine." Hermione said with relief, "At least the dementors won't be your problem now."

Harry nodded. Not long ago, Clark taught him another offensive magic - the crushing spell. Although he didn't master it well, it already gave him enough confidence.

Ron also encouraged him at this time: "You still have the Firebolt!"

"Thank you... thank you..." Harry said, but his tone was still a little listless, and his stomach was cramping.

Fortunately, Wood stood up in time and announced that it was time for all the players to turn off the lights and go to bed.

Before going to bed, Harry found Clark and asked him to cast a calming spell on him.

After accepting hypnosis and spiritual suggestion, Harry felt much more comfortable. His mind seemed to be clear at once, and he fell into a deep sleep almost as soon as his head touched the pillow.

Harry slept until the next morning.

At breakfast that day, when Harry entered the Great Hall with the other members of the Gryffindor team, he was welcomed with warm applause.

The students at the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff tables were also applauding them, which was enough to show how unpopular Slytherin House was.

Harry couldn't help but smile happily, even though there were boos from the Slytherin table.

"Eat more, we will have a tough battle to fight soon!"

Wood kept urging the players to eat more, but he didn't touch anything himself. Before others finished eating, he hurriedly urged the players to go to the stadium early to familiarize themselves with the situation.

When Harry and the others left the auditorium, everyone clapped again.

"Good luck, Harry!" shouted Cho Chang, and Harry felt that his face must be very red now.

Clark and others also came to the stadium with the large army. There were already students in the stands who had come to prepare in advance. Most of the spectators were wearing bright red roses and waving magic flags with the Gryffindor lion on them. Or there are banners with the words "Go Gryffindor!" "Lions win the championship!"

In the entire stands, only one or two hundred people were wearing green ornaments behind the Slytherin team's goal post, and the silver snake pattern was shining on their flag.

Professor Snape, the head of Slytherin House, was sitting in the front row, also wearing green ornaments with a gloomy smile on his face.

Clark and the others sat down at the highest point of the stand, where the view was the best. They reminded the tall Hagrid to stand behind them, and with him was Ron's second brother, Charlie Weasley.

"This is really nostalgic," Charlie looked at the lively scene and remembered the time when he led Gryffindor to win the championship. "I feel that Gryffindor will definitely win this time."

"That's great. I'd like to lend you some good words." Hagrid grinned, his beard wagging.

With commentator Lee Jordan's announcement, the game officially began.

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