Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 48 Hogwarts Exam Week


After talking with Clark all night long, Sirius Black finally calmed down.

Perhaps he still had doubts about Clark's words.

But after turning into a black dog and seeing Harry from a distance, he decided to seize this rare opportunity and trust Clark for once.

So for a period of time after the Quidditch final, Sirius Black completely disappeared.

The Ministry of Magic never heard from him again, and it was as if Black had evaporated.

In the opinion of those officials, perhaps the security at Hogwarts was too tight, or perhaps Dumbledore was too intimidating, and Black had completely given up on causing trouble here.

Maybe he would choose to attack while Harry was on summer vacation, or maybe he was already preparing to find his master You-Know-Who at this time.

Anyway, there are a lot less dementors flying outside the school, and the management of students in the school is not as strict as before.

It seemed like even the weather was celebrating.

As June approaches, the days become clearer.

Under the sun, the weather is so hot that people just want to bring a few cans of ice-cold soda, stroll to the grass by the lake in Fire Dragon Park, sit down, and play a few games of magic cards at will, or sit Get on the rafting boat and enjoy the cool thrill of the waves hitting your face.

But no, the final exam is coming, and the students can't relax outside. They can only stay in the castle, forcing their brains to concentrate, and let the tempting summer wind blow from the window.

Even George and Fred, who have always been naughty and mischievous, are working hard. In fifth grade, they have to take the O.W.LS. (Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination).

And Percy, who is in seventh grade, is also preparing to pass the Ultimate Wizarding Examination, which is the highest academic qualification currently offered by Hogwarts.

If Percy wants to work in the Ministry of Magic, his test scores in this area must be excellent.

As for Clark and the others, because of the time turner, he and Hermione need to take more exams and review more textbook knowledge.

This made him feel as if he had returned to the days and nights of the college entrance examination -

In addition to reviewing the exam content during the day, whenever late at night came, he also needed to put on Harry's invisibility cloak, rely on the Marauder's Map, and secretly discuss with Black about clearing suspicion.

They have decided that after the exam week at Hogwarts is over, taking advantage of the students' last weekend entertainment time,

to launch the plan.

As for the location to launch the campaign plan, Clark initially selected Fire Dragon Park.

One is that the entire dragon farm is its own space, isolating the inside and outside, which can prevent the interference of the dementors around Hogwarts.

The second reason is that after the school exams are over that day, the Fire Dragon Park will be fully open to the public.

By then, not to mention Hogwarts students, even some graduated wizards and many children who have not yet reached school age will come.

In this case, there will be a sufficient personnel base to spread public opinion.

While Clark was busy preparing for the day, the review time left for the little wizards at Hogwarts quickly passed.

It was exam week, and the entire Hogwarts Castle fell into an unusual silence.

During breakfast on Monday, the third-grade students came out of the Transfiguration examination room. They all looked listless, pale, and lacked energy when walking.

Everyone compared their scores with each other and complained that the test questions assigned to them by the teacher were too difficult, including turning a teapot into a turtle.

"The turtle's tail I transformed still looks like the spout of a pot, how terrifying..."

“Should turtles spit steam?”

"The turtle shell I conjured also has a willow pattern on it. Do you think I will be deducted points?"

The surprising thing about this was Hermione, who actually failed in this regard.

Because she changed her profession to [Mage] last year, and also chose [Evocation], which is good at destruction, Hermione is powerless in many magics.

Even if she found another way and wanted to rely on a mixture of fire, earth and water magic to cast spells, in the end she just reshaped the teapot into a turtle-shaped ceramic statue.

Regarding this situation, Harry and Ron were 100% unconvinced. Hermione was reviewing so hard every day, how could such a result be possible.

On the contrary, Hermione didn't care about it. Ever since she obtained the new career system, she knew that such a day would come and she had been mentally prepared for it.

What she is most worried about now is that her grades are declining too fast, causing professors to notice something strange about her.

Fortunately, Clark has no such problem in this regard.

His [Secondary Material Reconstruction] can change the shape of the teapot, [Bionics] can give the transformed teapot the texture of flesh and blood of a turtle, and [Domination] can briefly give this fake turtle a life response.

This precise casting pattern even allowed Clark to obtain the highest score in the class.

Because he succeeded in turning a teapot into a perfect "turtle", every detail is the same as a real turtle, and it can even eat, swim and climb up the windowsill to bask in the sun.

This also allowed Clark to get almost a perfect score in the Transfiguration class - the only difference was that as soon as the exam was over, the "turtle" fell to pieces.

Immediately after lunch, the students went back upstairs to prepare for the Charms exam.

Hermione was right. Professor Flitwick was indeed testing the Happy Charm. He asked two people to release each other.

During the exam, Harry was too nervous and moved a little too much, and his partner Ron burst into bursts of hysterical laughter.

In the end Ron had to be taken to a quiet room and stayed for an hour to complete his own spell.

As for Hermione, unsurprisingly, she failed again.

After the exam, Clark went to comfort her, but Hermione was particularly open-minded.

“Those who blaze a trail always have to make sacrifices, don’t they?”

Hermione said with a smile.

"I don't regret it at all. Being a [Mage] has allowed me to see scenery I have never seen before. Clark, promise me, you will succeed."

Clark could only nod vigorously.

After dinner, the students hurried back to the common room. Instead of resting, they began to review Care of Magical Creatures, Potions and Astronomy.

The next morning was the Care of Magical Creatures exam hosted by Hagrid.

Different from the original work, without any worries, he carefully designed the exam content, brought a large group of feverish salamanders, and asked them to find a solution.

For a while, the little wizards on the field were busy using water or ice cubes to cool down the salamander, but to no avail.

Only Clark built a fire for his salamander and threw it into it. The salamander gradually regained its vitality and became energetic in the fire.

Hermione and Neville raised their eyebrows at him from a distance and lit the fire in the same manner.

In the afternoon, they needed to take a potion test. The test content was Confusion Potion, which is a potion that can cause cognitive confusion in a short period of time.

Many young wizards lamented, but fortunately Snape ignored Harry's fault. He spent most of the time hanging around Harry, looking at him happily as he didn't finish brewing the potion well. .

When it was Snape's turn to check Clark and Hermione's potions, he simply glanced at them and gave Clark a high score.

At midnight, everyone came to the top of the tallest tower of the castle. They had to take a test on astronomy. The little wizards had to point out the constellations they observed to Professor Sinistra one by one.

The History of Magic test was taken on Wednesday morning, and the test question asked you to write about all the circumstances surrounding the hunt for witches in the Middle Ages. This was a piece of cake for Clark and Hermione.

This is also the only written test subject besides arithmetic and divination that afternoon.

In addition to arithmetic, they also took an herbology exam on Wednesday afternoon.

Professor Sprout was very flexible in setting up the exam content. She asked Clark and the others to each choose a magical plant and successfully transplant it into the original ecological plantation in the dragon farm.

Clark and the others had to work under the bright sun for several hours, and when they returned to the common room, the backs of their necks were sunburned.

After taking exams for several days, everyone is looking forward to this time tomorrow, when everything will be over.

Thursday morning was the penultimate exam, Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The test content designed by Professor Lupine was the most unusual test question that they had never encountered in their lives. It was an outdoor test similar to an obstacle course.

The students had to wade across a pond with a Grindylow, navigate a series of potholes filled with red caps, and squeak across a swamp, all while being unable to ignore an error message from a hinkpunk. Then there's also crawling into an old chest and fighting a new boggart.

"Excellent, Clark!" But when Clark climbed out of the box, Lupine said with a smile, "Full marks."

Clark smiled and nodded, staying to watch Hermione and Neville's exam.

Hermione did the entire exam flawlessly and received full marks like Clark. Neville was a little embarrassed, but passed the exam normally.

It was afternoon. Neville had no exams because he had left Divination class, and Clark and Hermione only had to take Muggle Studies exams.

The exam content was very simple. They needed to successfully use the phone and simulate the scene of making a phone call with another classmate. This was a piece of cake for Clark and Hermione, who were the first to complete the exam content.

When all the exams were over, the three Clarks stood on the steps and felt that everything was so beautiful.

The sky is so blue, the lake is so clear, and even the chirping of the birds is so sweet.

"What are you going to do next?" Neville was the first to ask.

Hermione glanced at Clark, "I think Clark should have some arrangements."

"You know this!" Clark shouted in surprise.

The three of them walked along the lake. Not far away, some students who had just finished their exams were having a great time.

"Don't think I haven't noticed that you've been absent-minded lately." Hermione rolled her eyes at him, "Say, what are you planning? Is it something related to Black?"

"Why Black?" Neville asked curiously.

"Needless to say, the semester is almost over, and Blake hasn't come out to cause trouble except for the previous time. This is really abnormal."

Hermione analyzed very confidently, "So, if my guess is correct, Clark must have met with him and reached a deal."

Seeing Clark nod, Neville couldn't help but admire: "Hermione, you are so amazing!"

"What deal did you make with Black?" Hermione asked at this time.

"Nothing," Clark said calmly, "I will help him clear his grievances and let Peter Pettigrew get the punishment he deserves, and he will give me half of the Black family's existing collection for my choice."

"Isn't the Black family in decline? How many treasures do their families still have?"

The knowledgeable Neville asked. Although he didn't pay much attention to outside information, as a member of the twenty-eight sacred tribes, he had heard some news.

Not to mention, the Longbottom family was once married to the Black family.

Hermione was focused on another point, "I'm afraid it won't be easy to clear Black's grievances."

"Why isn't it easy?" Neville asked.

"Because of the Ministry of Magic," Clark and Hermione said in unison.

The two looked at each other and smiled before Hermione explained.

"We often say that if you know your mistakes, you must be able to correct them. But in real life, this is extremely difficult. It involves several steps. We need to recognize our mistakes and admit our mistakes-"

"Wait, don't these two mean the same thing?" Neville looked confused.

"No! It's different," Hermione sighed, "In fact, many people will not admit their mistakes even if they know they are wrong. Maybe they are too timid to take responsibility, or maybe they are too timid to take responsibility. Because their fragile self-esteem makes them unable to lose face.”

As she spoke, Hermione told Neville another incident that happened to her when she was studying in a primary school in the Muggle world.

A child from a foreign immigrant family was bullied to death by a bully in his school. In the early 1990s, in the UK, school bullying had not yet received the attention of the government. Therefore, the school took advantage of its own A little influence was used to cover it up, saying that the child died suddenly due to playing.

Originally, this matter should have gone away like this, but in the end it was nothing more than a quarrel between the parents and the school over the issue of compensation.

Unexpectedly, a reporter with a very sense of justice happened to be collecting news around the school and took a picture of the scene of campus bullying and published it in the newspaper.

For ordinary people, in this case, the school should be prepared to apologize and shift the responsibility to certain employees to reduce losses.

However, the principal of the school did have some connections. On the one hand, he contacted the newspaper that published the news and suppressed the matter. On the other hand, he threatened and induced the reporter——

"Then what happened?"

Neville, who had always hated evil, was completely attracted by this story and couldn't wait to ask.

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