Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 55 General trend

The battle started almost instantly.

When he discovered that Neville and the others only had a few people and that they were all young, Fenrir Greyback completely ignored them, even though Neville had just killed one of their companions. .

"Go hunting, my friends," Greyback turned his back to his men and opened his arms. "This is my hunting ground."

The group of tall werewolves behind him all laughed, and then jumped directly from the glass plank road halfway up the mountain.

At this height, coupled with the relatively steep slope, for ordinary people, it would naturally be an egg going downhill—getting out all the way.

However, it was these werewolves with outstanding physiques who waved their hands with sharp nails and dug hard on the mountain wall. They were not afraid of the pain of friction between their palms and the rocks, and just used the buffer to slide towards the Fire Dragon Park at the foot of the mountain. .

Neville's expression changed when he saw this, "No, we can't let them enter the park!"

Several members of the escort team behind him heard this and knew the urgency of the matter. They rushed to the trestle, waved their wands, and fired spells of different colors at the werewolves who were leaving.

But the next moment, with Greyback stomping his feet hard, the originally solid plank road made of tempered glass under their feet began to shake violently like the sea surface in a storm, under the action of huge force.

"Creak! Crack!"

The long and narrow walkway made an overwhelming sound, as if it was about to collapse at any time. The ups and downs of the waves were transmitted to Neville's feet. The group of people suddenly became unsteady and staggered. They could only quickly grab the handrail at hand and use it. To stop the werewolf's curse, he naturally tried his best.

"I've already said it," the ferocious smile on Greyback's face remained, "You are my prey, so you should take care of yourselves."

Neville's eyes met, and he immediately saw the danger.

If the guy he killed just now was a crazy wild dog, then the Greyback in front of him was really a high-level predator hiding in the dark forest. In his eyes, he and his companions behind him, It really is prey that can be "eaten".

However, even the top predator is just a beast!

Neville grasped the frequency and rhythm of the wavy plank road, and pressed down his center of gravity, like a stabilizing needle thrust into the rough sea, and the swaying plank road stabilized instantly.

"You continue to chase, leave this to me!"

Neville's voice was still so steady and powerful, not shaken at all by the notoriety of the guy opposite him.

What's even more rare is that the men he led actually obeyed his orders and jumped off the trestle without a trace of hesitation, using each other's magic to quickly descend.

During this process, Greyback also tried to stop them, but was held back by Neville, who charged forward with a sword.

"I have already said that your opponent is me!"

Neville's voice was not loud, but Greyback could hear it clearly because the distance between the two was now only a hand's width.

At such a close distance, Neville could even smell a strange and pungent smell emanating from the opponent's body. The smell was mixed with the smell of earth, sweat, blood, and... There was no doubt that... That smells like rotten meat!

The fight between the two sides ended at the first touch. From the corner of his eye, Greyback saw the members of the escort team leaving cleanly, but the grin on their faces could no longer be maintained.

"Okay! Very good!" The voice squeezed out from between his sharp teeth, "In so many years, you are the first to ignore me like this."

Greyback put the wand casually in his waist pocket, and spread out the fingers of his free hands. Sharp blue-black nails emerged from the fingertips like steel claws, and then were covered by a layer of black air. entangled.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you. I like children the most, especially the misbehaved ones..."

Before the last word "already" came to the ground, Greyback disappeared from Neville's sight in an instant. Only where he was standing, the hard tempered glass crackled, showing two radioactive crack.


The warning sign brought by [Destroying the Enemy First] only had time for him to hold his sword upright in front of him to block, and at the same time turned his head.

The next moment, the claws wrapped in black energy rubbed Neville's cheek, activating the [Shield Technique] and [Resist Energy Damage] he had applied to his body.

"What kind of spell is this?!"

Greyback, who had just launched an attack, looked at his fingertips curiously, recalling the texture that was different from flesh and blood just now. It felt like he was grasping on a layer of tough rubber and absorbing most of himself. the power of.

Neville turned to look at Greyback standing behind him, also feeling frightened.

This guy was obviously human, and the speed of the blow just now was not weaker than the Scorpion King he had seen in Egypt before.

Of course, compared with the terrifying strength of the Scorpion King, although this guy's attack power is much higher than that of ordinary people, it is still within the range that can be dealt with.

But the wound on Neville's left cheek that was split by the strong wind also reminded him that even with this speed, the opponent was still a dangerous person.

Fortunately, it was still daytime, and the werewolf transformation required the light of the full moon, which was somewhat good news.

"If you think I can't change and underestimate me, then you will be in trouble."

Greyback looked at Neville's face and seemed to have guessed his thoughts. He stuck out his tongue and licked his sharp nails, and reminded him with a sneer.

Upon hearing this, Neville's expression on his face did not change at all. He just tightened his grip on the sword in his hand, once again took a posture to respond to the enemy, took the initiative to charge, and gave the answer with his own actions.

One of the two parties is a veteran dark creature who once served under the Dark Lord.

One is a new melee mage, the right-hand man of the future God of Knowledge.

The two of them were fighting together on the narrow mountain road like this. It was really a lucky match when they met an opponent. They met a good person who was easy to work hard, and they were extremely anxious in the fight.

On the other side, several werewolves who had just slid down the mountain wall had successfully reached the foot of the mountain. However, just as they were about to break into the Fire Dragon Park, they met Clark who ran out of it.


Although I don't know these people, they are coming from this direction. They are all wearing black cloaks, they are tall and strong, and they are full of evil energy. Even a fool knows that they are not good people.

So Clark directly chose to strike first, using psychic energy mixed with the words and using [Shock], [Suppressing Morale] and [Psychic Invasion] together, and he succeeded in stopping all the werewolves.

At this time, Clark also discovered that when facing a large number of enemies with considerable strength, he lacked the strength to defeat them with a single blow.

Although his psychic powers are powerful, they are only better at activating stealth. In terms of large-scale magic/physical damage, he is still inferior to mages, especially [Evocation] mages like Hermione.

Fortunately, after these werewolves were frightened, even if they quickly came to their senses, the volunteers who came with Clark to support them had already arrived.

With the gate of Fire Dragon Park as the boundary, the two sides faced off and attacked each other. Beams, sparks, lightning, earth and rocks of different colors flew in all directions on the battlefield.

Compared with those aliens who have been hanging around at the bottom of the wizarding world and are marginalized by wizards, these middle-class wizards and senior students at Hogwarts have received a good magic education, so the magic they cast is more powerful and has more tricks.

But those werewolves are not easy to mess with. They have nothing, and their biggest capital is a dead life.

Relying on the stronger magic resistance of werewolves, they often cover each other and charge towards the park without fear of death.

Even if they were hit or knocked down by magic in the process, they patted their wounds, wiped away the blood, quickly stood up again, and continued to charge.

From this point of view, the problem that the wizards and students have not experienced cruel battles, their actions are not decisive enough, and their methods are not ruthless enough are highlighted.

During this process, even with Clark assisting them, using his psychic powers to direct them and cheer everyone up, those brave werewolves who were not afraid of death quickly rushed closer.

The walls and gates, which were not very strong in the first place, were broken through by them.

"Several people form a group, get closer to each other, and contain the enemy at the same time!"

Clark shouted loudly, with a magical power in his voice, which not only calmed the fearful hearts of the students, but also allowed them to successfully gather together back to back, in twos and threes.

But in the process, some werewolves were dragged by them, but there were also three or five werewolves who passed through the gaps between them and broke into the park.

Seeing this, Clark glanced at the volunteers at the scene who were distracted by seven or eight werewolves, and then looked at the place where the explosion occurred halfway up the mountainside in the distance, where the smoke and dust were lingering, and the situation was unclear.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and sent a message in his mind to the top of the mountain not far away, then turned around and chased those fish that slipped through the net.

There was no way, he had already roughly guessed what this attack was about.

In fact, everything is related to what he did after enrolling in Hogwarts.

Perhaps the original work of "Harry Potter" was just written by the author, a fantasy fairy tale for children to spread their imagination.

What readers pay attention to is only the magical adventure of the protagonist Harry, the fantastic and gorgeous magical world, the novel and weird magic spells, and the old-fashioned story that justice will surely defeat evil.

But after being reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, Clark discovered that this world was not just limited to the little things in the book.

In this world, apart from the British wizarding world, other places in the world also have their own wizarding powers, and they also have their own ministries of magic.

France, Germany, Japan, Australia, the United States, and even Africa, Egypt, India...

Although the Ministry of Magic in various countries follows the principle of escaping from the world, and under the supervision of the International Federation of Wizards, maintains a certain distance from Muggles and hides under the secular world, it is impossible for them to completely cut off contact with Muggles.

After all, in the wizarding world, a large number of wizards are from Muggle families.

They either have a Muggle father or a Muggle mother, or sometimes both parents are Muggles.

And their Muggle parents each have their own Muggle relatives.

So what Clark once told Hermione, "Magic has no borders, but wizards have borders" was not a lie.

Because of this, the strength and weakness of various forces in the wizarding world are actually inextricably linked to the historical trend among Muggles.

For example, the rise of the first generation Dark Lord Gellert Grindelwald and the launch of the Wizarding War happened to be the time when Germany launched the second war in the Muggle world.

But now, the time has come to the late 1990s, the millennium is approaching, the glory of the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets has faded, and the ancient European aristocrats have been swept into the garbage heap of history.

On the other side of the sea, the descendants of the bankrupts, tramps, crew members and women who disembarked from the Mayflower finally seized the opportunities given to them by the times after seeking independence and the reunification of the north and the south.

Whether it is technology, finance, manufacturing, education, etc., they are at the forefront of countries around the world. Especially not long ago, after the disintegration of that huge country, the leadership of the United States in global politics has become unquestionable. .

Similarly, under the feedback of strong national power, the rise of American wizards has become an unstoppable trend.

This rise is not due to a powerful wizard, a certain company, or a new magic, but because of the improvement of a country's overall national strength and the joint efforts of thousands of Muggles and wizards.

Faced with such a grand trend, even someone as powerful as Dumbledore could only sigh.

After all, he is a world-famous white wizard. When facing the Dark Lord, he does not need to practice martial ethics, but when facing a country, he can only restrain his hands.

Of course, judging from the original work, Dumbledore did not actually do nothing.

As the story of "Harry Potter" gradually develops and transitions from children's stories to adults, Dumbledore joins two other magic schools in Europe to restart the Triwizard Tournament that has been suspended for many years.

If it was said that this was just an entertainment activity for fun, Clark would be the first to not believe it.

In his opinion, this is more like a series of alliances between the three major magic schools. They are using this competition to unify the front and also decide who will dominate the alliance.

Unfortunately, judging from the original work, due to Voldemort's intervention and the death of Cedric Diggory, the effect of this event was not that obvious. The so-called unity to resist the pressure of the Magical Congress of the United States has become empty talk. .

Fortunately, compared to the dilemma in the original work, the world now has an extraterrestrial variable like Clark.

His existence added a bit of vitality to the sluggish British wizarding world, and at the same time gave Dumbledore new hope.


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