Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 70 Struggle for Interests


Secret realm!

It is often called the "secret realm of gods and demons", "the ideal land of independence from the world", "the paradise of heaven" and "the small world".

They can be the "Avalon" in the UK, the "Dragon Nest" in Eastern Europe, the "Atlantis" under the Atlantic Ocean, or even the "Hyundai Heian Kyo" in Japan.

Some people say that they are the kingdoms of gods left on earth after the gods disappeared.

Some people also say that these secret places are legendary places that gather the beliefs and sustenance of all living beings and are spread in myths and legends.

Of course, there are also people who secretly speculate that these so-called "secret realms" are actually the remains of the gods who fell into the mortal world after their death.

But no matter what its origin is, every "secret realm" has the same characteristics and its own unique magic.

It is these magical features that make the "Secret Realm" a very precious resource in the magical world, especially in this era when extraordinary powers are declining and technology is becoming more and more advanced.

The wizarding world around the world attaches great importance to the "secret realm", and often blocks it and strictly guards it. Therefore, Clark has always only heard about the secret realm, and is in a state where he has heard of it but never seen it. state.

The only possible close contact was the Amsi Oasis they encountered during their vacation in Egypt last summer.

However, several people were busy taking risks at that time, and the situation and time were very urgent, so Clark did not have time to take a closer look.

So Clark didn't realize at first that this Fire Dragon Park was a "secret place", and it was only the reminders from Neville and Professor Flitwick that made him realize it.

"Generally speaking, a 'secret realm' must be a small world, but a small world is not necessarily a 'secret realm'."

Hermione recalled the knowledge that Clark had told her before, muttering in her mouth, and at the same time confirming it with the small world of Fire Dragon Park.

"First of all, the 'secret realms' must be their own space. They are independent of the real world, but they are also attached to the real world and are connected to the real world through various passages and portals.

Secondly, the 'secret realm' has an independent time flow. Although many secret realms have the same time changes as the real world, this is only the result of their connection with the real world.

Many wizards have discovered that if the passage between these secret realms and the real world is closed, a completely different time flow rate will appear in the secret realm and in the real world, achieving the magical effect of a month in a certain secret realm, but only one day in the real world.

Also because of the passage of time, there are often independent people in the ‘secret realm’.

The self-rotating sun, moon, and star system has wind, rain, thunder and lightning, day and night, and even some relatively large secret realms have the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter. "

"That's right! That's right!" Professor Flitwick praised in a high-pitched voice: "What a smart little witch!"

Hermione had a proud smile on her face, Principal Dumbledore nodded and smiled, Minister of Magic Fudge remained silent, and Clark seemed thoughtful.

Only Brian, the deputy director of the Department of Mysteries, looked a little angry.

As the powerful department of the Ministry of Magic that specializes in studying various high-end magics, especially "time" and "space", the Department of Mysteries certainly knows more about the research results on "secret realms" than everyone present.

So as soon as Brian entered the Fire Dragon Park, no, maybe as soon as he heard about this change, he knew that once this small world that had been exiled outside of time returned, it would undergo an important transformation and transform into a Precious "secret realm"!

Although there is no clear record of this in the Department of Mysteries, and even several of the experiments they tried ended in failure, according to their speculations and calculations, the possibility of this happening is very high.

Therefore, when he realized that things were developing in a direction that he least wanted to see, Brian was the first to stand up and refute her.

"Little girl, I don't know where these things you mentioned come from, but I have to remind you that although the judgment methods you mentioned are correct, they are not the point. The real 'secret realm' has its own magic. It’s far from as simple as you say.”

"Oh, so Mr. Director, you know the 'Secret Realm' very well?" Hermione asked pretending to be innocent.

Bryce could tell at a glance that Hermione was trying to trick him, but he still said: "Of course, no one understands the 'Secret Realm' better than me!"

As he spoke, he waved his wand and placed a soundproofing spell around him to ensure that his words could only be heard by a few people around him.

“The so-called ‘secret realm’, the most important thing is the word ‘secret’.

Different secret realms themselves have different special effects.

For example, we had 'Avalon' before, which is also known as 'Blessed Island', 'Elf Lake', and 'Isolated Utopia'. The elves living on the island are proficient in forging technology, but in the end What's special is the fairy lake there.

According to legend, there is no time and years in Avalon, and nothing ages forever, but as far as we know, the lake there actually has the effect of solidifying time.

Using this lake water to quench the forged weapons will keep those weapons in the best condition when forged, never wear out, and never get damaged.

It is a kind of solidification on the level of time. It is said that the 'steel-cutting sword' that King Arthur obtained later was a gift from the Fairy of Avalon.

In addition, the secret realm "Dragon Valley" in Eastern Europe has the unique effect of strengthening the reproductive ability of fire dragons. Fire dragons living in that secret realm have a stronger desire to mate, produce more dragon eggs, and have fire dragon cubs. The survival rate will also be greatly increased.

India's "Only Tree for Loneliness Garden", the Bodhi tree inside can greatly reduce people's desires, calm their mind, and forget their worries and sorrows...

There is also Japan's "Heian Jing". Any ancient artifacts with a long history may be activated and gain life. Even the people who die inside can easily become ghosts...

These magical effects are the precious part of the 'Secret Realm'. Compared with it, the independent spaces and seasonal changes you mentioned are just trivial. "

Brian's words opened the eyes of several people present. At the same time, the meaning of his words was also obvious. Apart from the change of time, this Fire Dragon Park does not show any other special features, so it cannot be regarded as a "secret place". At most, it can only be regarded as a special alien space, or half a "secret realm".

Of course, judging from Clark's rich business experience, when a person belittles something, sometimes it is not because he really hates the thing, but to suppress the value of the thing so that he can take advantage of it.

So what Brian said was partly true and partly false. Clark could not draw a conclusion.

But no matter what he said, this small world of the dragon farm with the ability to cycle between the sun and the moon and the four seasons was very precious.

Even if it does not have the special abilities of those "secret realms", just a huge space with the passage of time is of great use to Chinese travelers who possess the soul of farming.

At this time, Minister of Magic Fudge suddenly said: "Whether this small world is a secret realm or not, the most important thing we should do now is to appease the tourists and eliminate the negative impact of this attack."

Then, he changed the topic and said, "And according to my opinion, it is best to seal this small world first, and wait for the Ministry of Magic to thoroughly inspect it and confirm that it is absolutely safe and there are no hidden dangers before it can be reopened."

Well, this Fudge is really hard to change his nature. After seeing a little profit, he forgets the big righteousness.

Fortunately, Dumbledore did not give him any room to continue to develop, and said directly: "Cornelly, regarding the dragon farm, the Hogwarts school governors must discuss it together to make a decision. After all, this is the school governors' decision. Investment assets.”

Fudge was immediately speechless. After all, the dozen or so school directors at Hogwarts were all members of wizarding families in the British wizarding world. The forces behind them were so intricate that they even held many positions in the Ministry of Magic. people.

Although he was coveting this small world that was most likely a "secret realm", Fudge secretly evaluated it in his mind and finally restrained his greed.

"Ah, Dumbledore, you are right. I blame me for not thinking carefully. As for how to deal with this dragon farm, the directors of your school should discuss it among themselves.

Of course, you still need to pay more attention to this safety issue! "

Fudge spoke in an official tone and decisively escaped from the whirlpool, leaving Deputy Director Brian alone to bear the gazes of several teachers at Hogwarts.

This reminded Brian of the time when he was a student at Hogwarts, when he was picked up by teachers to answer questions, and he immediately felt uncomfortable.

However, after thinking about the political struggle that would be involved if this small world was really a "secret realm", he still wanted to work hard for it.

"This small world belongs to Hogwarts, but it also belongs to the wealth of the entire British wizarding world."

Brian said bravely under the gaze of several professors.

"There is still no secret realm of its own in the British magical community..."?

"Don't we have our own secret realm?" Hermione lowered her voice and asked Clark after hearing Brian's words. ?

Clark shook his head, then whispered into Hermione's ear.

“I don’t know about this, but according to what this guy just said, Britain’s own ‘secret land’ should be ‘Avalon’, and that place is also called the Elf Country and the Fairy Lake.

Although I don't know where the secret realm is specifically, if you paid attention in the history of magic class, you should know.

In 1612, a goblin named Stygwy Lotsma led his tribe to launch a rebellion against the rule of British wizards. During the rebellion, he also occupied the tavern in Hogsmeade village. as a command post.

Why did the goblins start a rebellion in the tavern in Hogsmeade? "

"You mean?!" Hermione's eyes widened.

Clark didn't answer her question but continued.

"The history of this rebellion is called [The Goblin Rebellion], and it was even included in the book "History of Magic" written by Bathilda Bagshot, and became one of the test points for the History of Magic course in the O.W.LS exam.

The entire rebellion lasted for a little more than a year, and then was suppressed by the wizards. The goblin leader Stygyi Lotsma was also killed during the fighting.

According to statistics from the Ministry of Magic afterwards, the entire [Goblin Rebellion] resulted in the deaths of 13 wizards and hundreds of injuries.

However, the Ministry of Magic did not mention the casualties of the goblins. And shortly after the war, although the wizards imposed more restrictions on the goblins, in order to appease the goblins' fierce emotions, they still handed over most of the power of the wizard bank to the goblins. .

And after that, in 1643, Gringotts, controlled by the goblins, relied on its unique coin-making technology to become the only official bank in the British wizarding world, and carried out its tasks all over the world.

Only a dozen wizards died, and the casualties were even a fraction of what they had been when Voldemort was causing trouble.

But with such a few casualties, the Ministry of Magic actually compromised and handed over the financial power of the wizarding world.

The information hidden behind this, you taste it, you taste it carefully! "

Hermione didn't expect that two unrelated pieces of information would be merged together in Clark's place, and when she thought about it carefully, everything made sense, which was horrifying to think about.

Hermione was amazed by this ability to see even the smallest details.

While they were chatting, Brian, the deputy director of the Department of Mysteries, was still trying to persuade the professors and principal of Hogwarts.

However, before he could say a few words, another sudden change turned all his plans into a joke.

"Emergency, please support! Emergency, please support!"

A nervous shout came from the end of the tourist queue not far away. When several Ministry of Magic staff were counting the last wizard tourists, they finally discovered a few people who were amiss.

"What's the situation!" Fudge asked doubtfully, "Isn't it possible that there are still attackers who haven't been caught?"

At this time, Professor Dumbledore, who was the quickest to react, and the deans of each college had already taken their wands and ran over to support him.

Brian, who had not convinced them, had no choice but to follow them. At the same time, he hated the guy who suddenly caused trouble and interrupted his plan.

However, when he saw the guy standing at the end of the wizard team, surrounded by several Ministry of Magic employees, Brian couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Sirius Black!"

Yes, this guy standing at the end of the team with yellow and bifurcated hair, pale skin, and thin body is the felon wanted by the Ministry of Magic recently.

The Hogwarts professors and Fudge who came with him also saw this guy, but what surprised them even more was the short figure lying at Black's feet.

"Peter Pettigrew!"

Professor McGonagall recognized this student she had taught at a glance and covered her mouth in surprise.

At the same time, this name was like a muffled thunder, blasting Black, the Deputy Director of the Department of Magical Affairs, to the side, making him dizzy and unable to stand steadily.

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