Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 75 The trial begins


"At least it looks good!"

Clark looked at the tomato meat sauce pasta that was served and nodded with satisfaction.

The thick red meat sauce is sprinkled with a layer of grated Parmesan cheese and garnished with a few basil leaves, which looks appetizing.

Use a fork to roll the meat sauce and pasta into your mouth. The unique strong sour and sweet taste of Italian San Marzano tomatoes explodes in your mouth instantly, completely opening up the appetite of the diners and making people want to have a storm. Inhaled.

At the same time, the aroma of burnt beef and butter is still lingering between the lips and teeth. In addition to the main flavor, there are also slightly sweet vegetables such as onions, carrots and celery as slight garnishes.

Coupled with the special aroma of cheese and black pepper, as well as the traces of cured flavor in the chopped European sausage, the superposition of various ingredients makes this plate of pasta create a complex and balanced unique flavor.

In the face of delicious food, even Clark, who has always maintained an aristocratic attitude, completely let go of his restraints.

He loosened the buttoned collar, rolled up his sleeves, and with a twist of his fork, he filled each piece of chewy pasta with a generous amount of sauce and put it into his mouth.

If you get tired of it, the canteen also offers free lemon tea and coffee to choose from.

While eating, the voices of Ministry of Magic staff talking about work could be heard from the seats next to them.

"You don't know, the cat we caught today can actually breathe out fire..."

"Hey, what are you talking about? We received a report today that a backflow of sewage occurred in a public toilet in Wimbledon.

That’s really a hell, you don’t know, when the Muggles flushed the toilet, not only did the dirty stuff not disappear - well, anyway, when we rushed over, tsk tsk tsk, that scene-"

"That's enough, we are still eating..."

After eating and drinking, the two Clarks sat for a while. When the trial was approaching, Roger MacMillan got up and took Clark to the courtroom.

The trial of Sirius and Peter was held on the tenth floor underground of the Ministry of Magic.

"The tenth courtroom has not been used for many years." Rogge took Clark up the elevator again. "If this case hadn't been too urgent and other courtrooms had already been booked, this one wouldn't have been chosen. Time to try Sirius and Peter's case."

The elevator descended quickly, and since there were only two passengers, they reached their destination quickly.

"Ninth floor, Department of Mysteries." A cold female voice suddenly appeared, and fell into silence after speaking.

The elevator door opened with a roar,

What appeared in front of Clark was an extremely dark corridor, completely different from the corridors above that were brightly lit even if there was no one around.

The walls on both sides were empty, with no doors or windows, except for a simple black door at the end of the corridor.

Just when Clark thought that door was the end of the trip, Roger MacMillan reached out to the left and discovered that there was a gap leading to a staircase.

"Mr. Prewett, please, be careful where you step," Roger McMillan said, stepping down two steps at a time. "Even the elevator can't go down so deep...if there is no other choice. if……"

They went down to the bottom of the stairs and walked along a corridor.

This place is exactly the same as the corridors leading to the Potions underground classroom in Hogwarts: rough stone walls, and torches stuck on bronze brackets covered with green rust, emitting dim light.

The heavy wooden doors we passed along the way were inlaid with thick iron latches and thick keyholes.

Rogge stopped in front of a gloomy black door with a large iron lock.

"The Tenth Courtroom...I think...we're almost there...yes, this is it."

Roger McMillan looked back at Clark and said, "Mr. Prewett, are you sure you want to go in? In fact, trying cases is a very boring thing. You don't have to go in at all."

Although he knew that Mr. Prewett had a high status, in his eyes, no matter how outstanding Clark was, he was still just a child.

In such a gloomy place, witnessing the games played by politicians, watching the most serious court hearings, and perhaps the most horrific punishments, could he accept it?

As a [Psion], Clark immediately sensed what Rogge was thinking, and had a slight affection for this Ministry of Magic employee. At least this guy was a good person.

"Thank you, but just as you have your job, I have my responsibilities, so open the door, Mr. McMillan."

Roger McMillan was speechless and had no choice but to twist the heavy iron handle on the door and gently push the door open, "Then... please come in, Mr. Prewett, I won't accompany you in."

Clark walked into the courtroom, and his vision suddenly went dark. After a while, his vision became clear again. The light in this courtroom was actually darker than the corridor outside.

He looked around in the dim and gloomy light and found that this place was more like a dungeon than a trial room.

The surrounding walls, as well as the floor and ceiling, are made of large black stones. The color is so deep that it seems to be absorbing the surrounding light all the time.

Clark recognized it at a glance. The stones on these walls were all top-grade obsidian.

This naturally formed glazed gemstone has the effect of warding off evil spirits in the Muggles' perception. It can avoid the interference of negative energy, and can also remove unpleasant musty smell and bad luck. It is generally worn by Muggles as amulets.

What Muggles don't know is that obsidian is often used to make handcuffs, chains, cages and even cells because of its good adsorption ability to dark magic.

Because of this characteristic, although the entire courtroom was dark, it did not have the cold atmosphere unique to the prison law enforcement department. Instead, it looked like an ordinary room.

Of course, the chair wrapped with obsidian magic chains in the center of the room told Clark that he was not in the wrong place.

"Ah, it's our little Clark, come on, come up here."

The heavy door closed behind Clark, and at the same time, Fudge's somewhat affectionate voice also echoed in the courtroom.

Clark looked up following the sound and saw rows of benches gradually rising up around the inner wall of the room. In the middle of the highest and front row of benches, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius ·Fudge is sitting there.

On his left is Amelia Susan Bones, Director of Legal Enforcement at the Ministry of Magic, and on his right is Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary of Magic.

In addition to them, there were three or five Ministry of Magic staff sitting sparsely on the bench below.

Seeing the usually aloof minister treating an underage child so enthusiastically, these staff members were very surprised, looking at Clark and whispering.

Clark heard Fudge's greeting and walked to his side in a few steps.

Umbridge was very discerning and took the initiative to give up her position.

To be honest, this guy is quite capable. No wonder he was able to climb to the position of senior deputy minister of the Ministry of Magic as a woman without any family support.

Just for this insight and thick skin, Clark had to accept the defeat.

However, he still knew it in his heart. He knew that if he really sat down, although he would be tolerated by others because of his status as a child, he would still go beyond it in the end.

So he waved his hand, politely rejected the other party's kindness, and sat down next to Director Amelia.

"Isn't everyone here yet, Minister?" Clark asked as he sat down.

"Well, it seems we came too early," Fudge shrugged, "But that's okay, it's always better to arrive early than to be late."

Just as Clark was thinking about the meaning of Fudge's words, the heavy door opened again, and the sound of chaotic footsteps came.

There were at least sixty or seventy people, a dense crowd, slowly walking into the courtroom as if they had made an appointment long ago.

Among them, in addition to a few Aurors in black robes, there were more than fifty wizards in purple robes with a delicate silver "w" embroidered on the left chest.

Clark knew that these wizards in purple robes were members of the Wizengamot.

This is a wizarding organization that predates the establishment of the Ministry of Magic and now exists as a combination of court and parliament. It is also called the "Supreme Wizarding Court" or the "Wizards and Wise Council".

The entire Wizengamot is composed of approximately fifty wizard members, all of whom are prominent figures in the British wizarding world. The highest officer among them is called the Chief Magician of the Wizengamot.

And now the chief wizard of the Wizengamot in the British wizarding world is Professor Dumbledore, the principal of Hogwarts.

Clark not only saw his figure in the crowd, but also saw Harry following him step by step.

Professor Dumbledore obviously also noticed Clark. The old headmaster's eyes flashed behind his crescent-shaped lenses and gave him a brief but encouraging smile.

In addition to these people, Clark also saw Barty Crouch, whom he had just met. He was the last one to come in. His face was expressionless, his eyes were cold, and he seemed to be in a bad mood.

"Very good," Fudge said, "Everyone is here, let's get started. Are you ready?"

Fudge shouted this last sentence towards the other side of the bench.

"Yes, sir."

Clark followed the sound and found a wizard sitting on the edge of the bench in the front row. His eyes hidden behind horn glasses were staring intently at the parchment in front of him, with a quill in his hand. It seems to be recording something.

"The trial on May 28th," Fudge said in a loud voice, and the wizard hurriedly began to take notes. "It is a retrial of the death eater Sirius Black who betrayed the Potters and killed Peter Pettigrew thirteen years ago. One case.”

Fudge looked around and continued speaking calmly and forcefully.

"Interrogators: Cornelius Oswald Fudge, Minister for Magic; Amelia Susan Bones, Director of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement; Dolores Jane Umbridge, Senior Undersecretary ——”

"Witnesses for the defense: Severus Snape; Clark William Prewett; Harry Potter."

Clark saw Professor Snape with a gloomy face walking in from a corner, and then Harry walked next to him very cautiously.

After the two stood still, Fudge ordered the Aurors to bring Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew into the deliberation room.

There was a dull sound of footsteps, and the door at the corner of the dungeon opened, and four people walked in—Black, Peter, and two Aurors.

"Hmm..." Fudge pondered for a moment, stretched out his wand, shook it slightly, and a chair of the same style as the one in the center of the deliberation room appeared.

The Aurors pushed Blake and Peter to the chairs, and the obsidian magic chains bounced up instantly, making a sinister clanking sound, and tied the two tightly.

"Okay, now the trial begins." Fudge rummaged through the pile of documents in front of him, and finally pulled out a piece of parchment. He took a deep breath and read loudly: "The charges against the defendant are as follows. offense:

"The defendant, Sirius Black, is accused of revealing information about the Potters to the Dark Lord on October 31, 1981, resulting in the deaths of the Potters at their home in Godric's Hollow.

And on November 1, 1981, he brutally murdered Peter Pettigrew and a dozen Muggles present on a Muggle street.

This behavior violated Section 5 of the British Wizarding Regulations Act of 1833 and Section 13 of the Statute of Secrecy of the International Confederation of Wizards promulgated in 1689. "

After he finished reading, there was silence.

Suddenly, a voice said abruptly, "Sirius Black."

Clark turned his head and saw Mr. Crouch standing up in the middle of the bench next to him.

He looked very serious and said seriously: "You have been imprisoned in Azkaban for thirteen years and have never thought about making a complaint. But now, you tell us that you are innocent and Peter Pettigrew is not dead." ?”

"Yes, you didn't give me a chance to appeal and threw me into Azkaban directly."

Sirius gave Crouch a contemptuous look.

"But people don't want to believe that the heir of a family that often produces dark wizards will be a good person.

People are more willing to believe that I, Blake, am actually a heinous bad guy.

People are particularly willing to believe that all the good things I have done are just disguises, and that I should be a traitor and an undercover agent. "

Sirius shook his head sadly when he said this, and with his lonely figure, people couldn't help but start to pity him.

"As for Peter Pettigrew, if you still have your eyes, you should be able to see the person sitting next to me, right?"

After hearing Sirius's sarcastic words, the members of the Wizengamot in purple robes on the podium couldn't help but whisper among themselves.

Crouch's lips became pale and pursed tightly, but he could not say a word.

It wasn't until Fudge spoke again that the podium became quiet.

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