Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 81 A prophecy, a little extra

The scarlet train sped along, leaving a long milky white smoke ribbon that lingered for a long time.

The scenery outside the window changed from the dark mountains surrounding Hogwarts to the endless fields, and the green color made people feel relaxed and happy.

In the last carriage of the Hogwarts Express, a group of people were chatting happily about the Quidditch World Cup.

However, Clark discovered that when chatting, Harry would sometimes look at him intentionally or unintentionally.

So he found an excuse to go to the bathroom, got up and walked out of the car.

Then, after a while, Harry followed suit.

"What's the matter, Harry?"

Clark stood in the empty compartment aside, looked at Harry who was looking around, and asked, which startled him.

"Clark, you scared me to death. Didn't you go to the bathroom?" Harry patted his chest, as if he was still a little frightened.

Clark looked at him and smiled slightly, and said pointedly, "I'm not afraid that some people can't find me."

Harry smiled awkwardly, and Clark stopped teasing him when he saw this.

Through the ability of telepathy, he had actually read Harry's shallow thinking long ago, and of course he knew that the other party had something to do with him.

"Okay, tell me, what do you want from me?"

"I'm mainly looking for you...for what you said before...about resurrection." Harry said hesitantly.

Clark had already guessed that this was what he was going to say, and the smile on his face remained.

"I thought what you were going to say, don't worry, since I have promised you, I will naturally not forget it." He patted Harry on the shoulder, "But the specific time is subject to discussion."

He thought carefully for a while and then said: "In my opinion, it is best not to let your godfather know about this matter. After all, resurrecting the dead is not a good thing in the eyes of many people, even your godfather No exception."

"That makes sense, but when do we start?" Harry asked eagerly.

"Just choose when you stay at your uncle's and aunt's house," Clark gave his answer. "Don't worry, I will naturally arrange for someone to pick you up then."

Although Harry was anxious, he also knew that this kind of thing was completely controlled by Clark, so he could only nod reluctantly.

Clark naturally saw what he was thinking and comforted him: "Let me tell you, this matter cannot be rushed. Although we have the "Sun Golden Sutra" in our hands, we have to think about it in the long term. If we resurrect a dead soul, there is If it were that simple, there would already be countless people resurrecting the dead in this world."

"Okay, we've been out for a while, let's go back quickly."

He pushed Harry's back and returned to the last carriage.

During the rest of the journey, perhaps because of Clark's assurance, Harry seemed to be in a much better mood.

He played a few games with Ron and Ginny, and when the witch pushing the snack trolley arrived, he generously bought lunch for everyone sitting there.

After eating, they took a short rest. When they opened their eyes again, the natural scenery outside the car window had receded and was replaced by various low-rise houses.

The train slowly stopped at the platform of King's Cross Station. Clark and others dragged their luggage off the train. As soon as they got off the platform, they immediately saw Harry's uncle.

After all, this Muggle was standing far away from the Weasleys and looking at them suspiciously, which made him stand out.

And when Mrs. Weasley welcomed Harry with a hug, his suspicions that the strange couple were wizards seemed to be confirmed.

"We'll contact you about the World Cup then!" Ron shouted behind Harry when they parted. This behavior made Harry's uncle frown even more.

So when Harry walked up to Uncle Vernon pushing the luggage trolley containing the boxes and Hedwig's cage,

Uncle Vernon greeted him in his usual way, "What did that kid mean by what he just said? What about the World Cup?"

he growled, glaring venomously at Harry.

"The Quidditch World Cup is a sports competition in the wizarding world." Harry said happily, "I have promised them that we will go to the game together when the time comes."

"It's not allowed!" Harry's uncle spat, "You're not allowed to go anywhere without my permission!"

"But my godfather has given permission." Harry said deliberately.

"Godfather?" His Uncle Vernon's eyes widened, "You don't have any godfather!"

"No, I do," a proud smile appeared on Harry's face, "He is my parents' best friend, who was originally a convicted murderer. You should have seen it on the TV news last summer. .”

Uncle Vernon's cheek twitched.

“But you don’t have to worry, he’s out now, and the wizarding world’s government has dropped the charges against him.

Moreover, he is planning to take me to live with him during the holidays. He might come to visit me and see if I am happy..."

Harry smiled happily looking at the horrified expression on Uncle Vernon's face. He pushed the luggage trolley toward the station exit. Hedwig flew briskly in front of him, preparing to go to a place that looked much better than last year. summer.

But just as they walked down the steps of the station, they saw Clark not far away, preparing to board a black Audi car.

Harry seemed to have thought of something because he was just talking about his godfather. He suddenly dropped his luggage and hurried towards Clark.

"Wait a minute, Clark! Wait a minute, Clark!"

Harry's voice came from far away, and Clark stopped and looked back at him, "What's the matter? Harry."

"I have something important to tell you." Harry breathed calmly, and then glanced at the driver in the car.

"Don't worry, no one can hear us talking," Clark said.

"It was about Peter Pettigrew," Harry recalled, gathering his words. "On the day of my Divination exam, Professor Trelawney became very—very strange."

"Oh, really?" Clark glanced at him curiously, "You mean she's weirder than usual?"

"No, it was completely different from her usual behavior. At that time, her voice was very low, her eyes were rolling around, and she was sitting upright on the chair, as if she was sick.

She said... She said that Voldemort's servant would break free from his chains and join Voldemort in darkness and blood. She also said that that servant would help him come back and become stronger and more terrifying than before. "

Harry looked up at Clark with a worried look on his face, "Then Professor Trelawney returned to his normal state. He didn't remember saying these words. Could it be that - could she have made a real prophecy? ?The servant in this prophecy is Peter Pettigrew?”

Clark looked a little surprised, but he did not give his answer immediately. Instead, after pondering for a while, he said uncertainly.

"You know, Harry, I think this is very possible. Professor Trelawney is the great-great-granddaughter of a prophet after all. Who knows whether she inherited her gift of prophecy."

"Then if that's the case, Clark, Peter Pettigrew..."

"Harry, this is not a problem you should worry about," Clark interrupted. "Peter Pettigrew has been imprisoned in Azkaban. He can't do any tricks under the watchful eyes of many experienced Aurors." . And with my reminder, they also canceled his magic in advance, and Peter Pettigrew is now a Muggle who cannot use magic."

"But - I stopped Sirius and Professor Lupin from killing Pettigrew in the theater! If I had agreed with them to kill Pettigrew...if Voldemort came back, it would be my fault." Harry was a little unwilling. said.

"No," Clark said softly, "Harry, you know, I learned a lot from the experience of using the time turner to save Hermione not long ago."

“The river of destiny is so vast, and the causal relationship of our actions is always so complex and changeable, so predicting the future has become a very difficult thing.

Professor Trelawney may have really seen a fragment of the future, but it was just a wave in the long river of time. We neither know the beginning nor the end of things, or even this wave. We don’t know how many bubbles there are.

In this case, blindly believing in the so-called prophecy and trying to avoid and eliminate the possibility of the prophecy may fall into the trap of fate and promote the prophecy. "

Seeing that Harry seemed unable to listen to this, Clark changed the subject.

"Besides, you can repay evil with kindness and spare Peter Pettigrew's life. This in itself is also a very noble act."

"But if he helps Voldemort come back -"

"He can't help Voldemort come back. Professor Trelawney's prophecy may not necessarily be about him. Besides, even if it was him, Peter Pettigrew's life was given by you. You gave Voldemort someone who owed you a favor." assistant……

A wizard saves the life of another wizard, and a connection is created between them... If I'm right, Voldemort won't like the fact that his servant owes Harry Potter. "

"I don't want anything to do with Pettigrew!" Harry said, "He betrayed my parents!"

"That is the deepest and most elusive magical connection, Harry. But trust me... one day you will be glad you saved Pettigrew's life this time."

Harry couldn't have imagined the day when Clark seemed to read into his mind.

"Although I don't know your father, Harry," he said gently, "from Lupine and Black's description of him, your father might have saved Pettigrew in that situation. The reason for doing this is not to forgive the murderer, but he will never watch his good friend's hands covered with blood again."

Clark's words left Harry speechless for a long time. Yes, Black and Lupine were indeed not worth killing because of that scumbag.

At this time, Harry's Uncle Vernon, who was not far away, was already a little impatient. He took Harry's luggage and strode up to the two of them, preparing to interrupt their conversation.

But when the rude words came to his lips, he suddenly remembered the murderous godfather that Harry had just told him.

"I said, how long are you going to talk? I don't have time to wait for you here." Uncle Vernon's attitude was not good, but he still restrained himself.

Harry was about to answer, but Clark spoke first, "You must be Harry's uncle. I heard Harry mention you occasionally."

Facing Clark's conversation, Harry's uncle didn't have a good expression. After all, in his opinion, since the little guy in front of him was Harry's classmate, he must also be a weird wizard.

However, the next moment, when he caught a glimpse of the title on the business card handed over by Clark, the color on his face instantly changed. He was bent over and with a shy face, just like a pug.

Nothing else, just because Clark has the title of "Vice Director of InterContinental Hotels Group" on his business card.

As the management of the Groning Drilling Rig Company, Vernon had of course heard of this hotel group that was well-known in the industry. After all, those who were engaged in hotels would definitely have a lot of construction projects, so they could be considered an excellent big customer.

Facing Uncle Harry who was trying to please him, Clark sent him aside with a few words. But being interrupted like this made it difficult for Harry to talk to Clark about Peter Pettigrew.

The two chatted for a while, and finally, under Uncle Vernon's eager eyes, Clark got into the Audi car and drove away.

"Harry, you didn't tell me that you had a classmate like this!"

Looking at the black car driving away, Uncle Vernon couldn't help complaining to Harry, "It's all connections, connections, do you understand!"

It's just that they never saw Clark quietly leaning on the leather seat in the leaving car, with a dark light shining in his dark golden pupils.

"Prophecy? I didn't expect that things would turn out like this, and that Professor Trelawney could predict it just like the original."

Just as the students at Hogwarts were returning to their homes, thousands of miles away, on the outer seaside of the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea, near the waters of Norway, there was an unknown and unknown secret space.

The dark gray reef sticks out from the cold mist, and the dark castle is looming in the mist.

In the castle, the most notorious group of dark wizards in the British wizarding world are imprisoned. Compared with them, the school bully Malfoy of Hogwarts can only be regarded as a younger brother.

Among them, Bella Trix Lestrange, a die-hard supporter of Voldemort and cousin of Sirius Black, was pressing her face against the cold railings, screaming wildly at the cell opposite. .

"Peter Pettigrew! You damn bug, shameful traitor, you betrayed your master, I'm going to kill you!"

Angry roars echoed between the cells, scaring many prisoners who were already very weak into screaming.

Peter Pettigrew, who was named by Bella, was no exception. After his magic was abolished, he was already a Muggle and had no resistance to the influence of dementors.

It had only been a few days since he came to Azkaban, and he seemed to have aged more than ten years, with not much of his originally thin hair left.

At this moment, under Bella's intimidation, the string in his mind finally became unstretched and broke with a snap.

Drool flowed from the corners of Peter's mouth. At this moment, he finally became a fool.

But what no one saw was that traces of bright red blood began to fill Peter's pupils, and soon occupied his eyes.

The next moment, this guy who was supposed to be stupid regained his calm look on his face. The vicious curses and the cold and terrifying atmosphere around him seemed to have left him.

He looked around calmly, and then made a move that surprised everyone, which was to scratch his wrist hard with his sharpened nails.

Dark red blood immediately flowed from his wound, but under the influence of a mysterious force, it floated in front of Peter Pettigrew.

As the blood loss increased, Peter's face became paler and the blood ball in front of him became larger and larger.

Finally, when the blood on Peter's face was gone and even his eyes turned gray, the blood ball in front of him condensed its essence amidst the sound of "click, click" and shrunk into a clear ball blooming with blood-colored light. crystal.

The bright red light illuminated the entire cell, and even Bella's face across from him was dyed red.

The prisoners in the surrounding cells looked at this scene that seemed to have fallen into a sea of ​​blood hell, and they all shivered. Only Bella looked at the blood crystal with excitement. She felt something from this thing. A breath that made her heart palpitate.

The breath was so familiar that she would never forget it even if it were tens or hundreds of years later.

"Master! Have you come to pick me up? I knew it, ugh..."

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