Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 9 Ghost Hunter Harry

Regarding the world after death, every place in the world, every ethnic group, every country, and even every sect has different names.

It can be the underworld, the underworld, the netherworld, the Underworld and the Hirazan Mountain, or it can be the Soul Society and the Pure Land.

But no matter what people call it, the only thing that can be confirmed is that it must not exist in the real world where living people exist.

You simply cannot find such a vast land in the real world, nor can you see two moons overhead at the same time.

One of them is blood red, the other is pale, hanging high in the gray sky of the underworld, and they seem to be in different spaces or even universes, and they are unrelated.

Even though he had seen it before, Harry still couldn't help but marvel at such a magical sight again.

But he also knew that he did not come to the underworld to enjoy the sights.

So after calming down a little bit the confusion caused by the change in time and space, he immediately started to take action. ?

Compared with the last time, the place where Harry descended this time was closer to the edge of the castle ruins? This can be seen from the fact that the surrounding ruins are lower.

Harry cautiously walked towards the outer edges of the ruins. Along the way, not to mention the chirping of insects and birds, there was not even a sound of footsteps on the ground. It was as if the whole world was filled with a magic called "silence". Covered by the array.

Of course, if you think that the entire underworld is like this dead silence, you are totally wrong.

Harry had walked less than a few dozen meters with the Black Book of the Dead in his hands when a lower temperature suddenly hit him.

Immediately afterwards, a strange, ghastly-looking thing slowly approached him from a short distance away.

?Looking from a distance, those guys were crawling on the ground like huge, bloated shapeshifters.

When I got closer, I saw that this thing was made up of a dozen different individuals, pinched together like plasticine.

Some of these individuals were dressed in medieval attire, holding long swords in their hands, wearing leather armor and no pants.

Some were dressed in modern attire, holding muskets broken into two pieces and wearing traditional kilts.

Of course,

More often than not, they don't even have any clothes, only a shriveled body with bones as the main body and attached to some dried muscles.

And these guys themselves are not intact. Some of them have broken arms and legs, and some have a big hole in their chest, as if they were blasted through by a solid shell from the front.

Harry even saw that one of the guys was almost exactly the same as "Headless Nick" in Hogwarts, with only a little bit of flesh connecting his head and body.

Yes, these guys are a group of lonely ghosts wandering in the underworld. Just by looking at their clothes, you can tell that they must have been dead for a long time.

But unlike those ghosts in Hogwarts, these ghosts in the underworld seem to have no consciousness. They can neither speak nor find fun on their own. They will only wander in this dead space, Wander again.

Harry was also shocked when he saw these guys, and was so scared that he didn't dare to breathe.

The last time he came to the underworld, it was in the central area of ​​the castle ruins, where he encountered a ghost army that was more elite than these stragglers.

As soon as he showed up, no, he hadn't showed up at all, the ghosts rushed towards him like cats that smelled fishy smell.

Some ghosts even shot their bows and arrows at him before they even got close, scaring Harry so much that he didn't even have to wait for a minute before he fled back to the world in embarrassment.

It was only later that he learned from Clark that in front of those lonely ghosts, a soul projection like Harry that still had the aura of a living person on his body could be said to be extremely attractive.

After all, Yang Qi is very rare in the underworld. Only the occasional living souls that accidentally enter the underworld can have some.

But this time, the ghosts behaved very strangely. Facing Harry, who was carrying Yang energy, they turned a blind eye and drifted away from him.

Looking at the ghosts gradually disappearing, Harry breathed a sigh of relief. You must know that the wand cannot be brought to the underworld. At this time, he only had a thick "Black Book of the Dead" in his hand.

This thing is good as a shield, but it's terrible as a weapon.

But why didn't these ghosts attack him?

Harry was very confused. Suddenly, he realized that his experiment this time seemed to be a little different from the previous ones.

He looked down and found that he was actually wearing a pure black robe that seemed to absorb all light.

It's strange, the last few times he came, he was always naked!

Harry touched the robe curiously and found that the fabric of the robe was very silky and soft, as if he were stroking a puddle of water.

Could it be that this thing made those lonely ghosts ignore him?

At this time in the real world, relying on the Psion's [Psychic Link] ability, Clark also successfully made contact with Harry.

Facing Harry's question, he explained directly: "This is your invisibility cloak."

"What - invisibility - cloak?"

Perhaps because of the great distance, there was still a delay in communication between the two.

But after listening to Clark's words, Harry immediately understood.

He remembered that Clark had told him the story of the three Death brothers before, and also said that the invisibility cloak inherited by their Potter family was a corner cut from the Death's robe.

Since it is the scraps of the God of Death's clothes, it can naturally be taken to the underworld and put into use.

With the baby protecting him, Harry naturally felt more at ease.

Under Clark's instructions, he began to inspect the periphery of the castle ruins.

After just walking around for a few times, except for encountering a few more ghosts along the way, all I could see was the dark masonry remains.

Not only that, because there was no sound in the underworld and the surrounding colors and scenery were very monotonous, a sense of loneliness also began to hit Harry's heart.

In less than half an hour, Harry was already looking around anxiously. He even felt that it would be very good even if some ghosts came to chase him at this time.

Fortunately, Clark quickly noticed this, and a warm, soothing power was conveyed to Harry's heart along with his intermittent words.

"Alright, ready to execute the next step!"

After receiving the order, Harry quickly cheered up. He changed his steps and found the smallest member of the group of ghosts he had just encountered, and then hung far behind.

After following them for a while, he discovered that the wandering patterns of these ghosts were very simple, even boring.

They are like a group of machines that will only walk repeatedly along a fixed route. They will neither be thirsty nor tired, nor will they desert.

"That's not okay." Harry muttered quietly.

His mission for this experiment was to try to bring a ghost back from the underworld.

Only if this step is successful, he can use the same method to bring his parents back to the world in the future.

Harry just pondered for a moment before coming up with a plan.

He first pulled it apart, and then secretly took off one sleeve of the invisibility cloak he was wearing.

The arms filled with the breath of life were exposed to the air of the underworld. Among the group of wandering wild ghosts not far ahead, four or five ghosts soon broke away from the group and stopped.

They shook their terrifying heads and began to look behind them.

When Harry saw that he had lured too many enemies, he quickly covered his arm with the invisibility cloak again.

After the ghosts discovered that the alluring aura disappeared again, they turned back in great disappointment, but they were already lagging behind.

Not long after they walked out, Harry, who had distanced himself, continued to do his same trick.

This time, the last of the five ghosts was once again attracted by Harry's masculine energy.

In this way, Harry used a clever trick and finally found a lonely ghost, but how to catch it and bring it back?

"Fuck - go over there, use - the invisibility cloak!" Clark's prompt came.

Harry bravely stepped forward and found that as long as he was wearing an invisibility cloak, even if he stood in front of these ghosts, they would not be able to see him.

Now Harry let go of his hands and feet. He looked closely at the ugly monster and found that it only had one foot. As for the other one, it only had a bare calf bone. No wonder it fell at the end of the team. .

"Hurry up - you - can't - stay too long!" Clark's urging voice came intermittently.

Harry did not dare to delay, and quickly walked around behind the ghost. He looked around first, and after confirming that there were no other ghosts, he quickly took off his invisibility cloak and threw it over the ghost.

When Harry took off the invisibility cloak, the ghost in front of him was already agitated, but when Harry put the invisibility cloak on it, the ghost returned to calm.

"Come back quickly!" Clark urged again.

Harry didn't dare to delay, so he quickly opened the Black Book of the Dead and sang the sacred hymn of returning home.

But before leaving, he didn't forget to hold the ghost tightly in his arms.

As hymns about Osiris were sung, a strange power began to gather at Harry's feet.

When this hymn reached its climax, a strong yin energy was like a fountain, instantly breaking through the ground beneath Harry's feet and sending him and the ghost high into the sky.

Harry had experienced this a few times before and did not show the slightest panic. Instead, he tried hard to maintain a stable posture in the air.

Finally, after experiencing an exciting experience like a roller coaster, the color returned to Harry's eyes.

The bright light illuminated him again, and even the ordinary sound of breathing sounded so pleasant to Harry's ears.

But before he could continue to enjoy this feeling, a strong force suddenly pulled him out of the center of the magic circle.

On the other side, after dragging Harry out of the magic circle, Clark immediately triggered the magic circle's mechanism.

A colorful magic shield soon trapped the invisibility cloak in the magic circle and the ghost under the cloak.

Harry, who had come back to his senses at this time, looked nervously at the center of the circle and asked Clark, "How's it going? Did we succeed?"

"I don't know," Clark shook his head, "Let's take a look first and then talk."

As he spoke, he triggered several other effects of the magic circle again, injecting sufficient negative magic power into the array, while also increasing the binding strength of the magic circle.

After all the preparations were completed, Clark waved his hand and used the magic circle to control a whirlwind and lift off the invisibility cloak in the center of the magic circle.

It was as if he had drawn what he wanted when opening a blind box. When Harry saw the ghost exposed in the light after the invisibility cloak was lifted, he immediately jumped up.

"Awesome!" He shouted excitedly, he was even happier than getting first place in the exam.

But before he could continue to be happy, the ghost who had removed the protection of the invisibility cloak suddenly struggled violently, opened his mouth and let out a silent but soul-piercing wail.

Then, in front of Clark and Harry, it quickly weathered and disintegrated, as if it had been soaked in sulfuric acid, and finally turned into a wisp of smoke and dissipated in the air.

"What's going on?" The smile on Harry's face turned into astonishment before it dissipated.

Clark rubbed his chin, looked at the various materials and notes placed on the desk, and expressed his own guess.

"Maybe it's because ghosts can't survive in the human world. Looking at it like this, it's obviously not adaptable to the surrounding environment."

"But there are so many ghosts in Hogwarts, and aren't there also many ghost legends in the wizarding world?" Harry was still a little unwilling and quickly retorted.

"You also said that they are all legends."

Clark explained very calmly: "A pure soul is actually a very rare species in the magical world. To exist, the right time, right place, right people and people are indispensable."

“There are more existences like banshees, vampires, and ghouls in the magic world.

As for the ghosts of Hogwarts, although they look the same as souls, they are actually a completely different entity.

Its core essence is more similar to the resident spirits of Hogwarts. The existence of those ghosts is completely dependent on the special environment of Hogwarts and the energy provided by the castle behind them. ??”

"Then what should we do?" Harry asked a little worried. ?

Clark looked through the information again.

"Perhaps we can try to do this work at night next time, and the Yin Qi in this magic circle can be strengthened again.

Of course, the best way is to find an alchemy tool specially used to protect the soul. ???”

As he spoke, he closed the book with a "snap"

"Okay, that's it for today's experiment. Pack up and we'll go to your godfather's house later."

Although he was still very unwilling, Harry could only honestly leave the basement with Clark.


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