Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 18 The Hospitable Weasley Family 1

The day before the Quidditch World Cup, Harry followed his godfather, Sirius Black, to visit Wes at his house.

There was no way, although Sirius Black was rich, World Cup game tickets, especially box tickets, were not something that could be obtained with money.

On the contrary, Ron's father, Arthur Weiss, worked in the Ministry of Magic and was quite popular. He got some good tickets for the Quidditch World Cup, so he invited Harry and his godfather to go with him.

After having a not-so-delicious lunch at noon, Harry had already packed all the boxes he was going to take to school.

It was filled with things he needed for school and all his most precious treasures - the invisibility cloak inherited from his father, the broomstick given to him by Sirius, and the gift from Fred and George Weiss last year. The Marauder's Map of Hogwarts given to him by his twin brothers.

Not only that, he also searched the corners of the bedroom to see if there were any forgotten spell books and quills. After all, he was going to Wes's house this time to stay until the start of school.

Alas, there was no way. After experiencing the initial novelty, Harry finally understood what Clark meant by "hard work" when he sent him here.

I finally knew why Sirius was willing to sell this ancestral home and buy a house in the Fire Dragon Community developed by Clark.

This place is indeed not as depressing as Uncle Vernon's house, but Harry is not used to this old house of the Black family at all, and he is not used to living in it.

Not to mention that the decoration in this house is gloomy and the facilities are extremely old. The elusive and neurotic house elf almost scared him half to death when he went to bed on the first night. .

And besides this, inconvenience is another disadvantage of this house.

There is no TV, no air conditioning, no gas stove, no water heater, and all modern facilities are not available in this house. It seems that this place is still stuck in the Middle Ages.

Even if he wanted to go out for a walk, it was very troublesome. After all, this house was invisible to Muggles.

And the repeated appearance and disappearance of a strange boy like Harry would definitely arouse suspicion among the people around him, so he would rarely go out unless necessary.

Fortunately, he can go to Ron's house right away and stay with his best friend until Hogwarts starts.

"Have everything been packed?"

In the living room, Sirius, who had just shaved and was wearing new robes, asked Harry.

When Harry nodded, he pinched a little sparkling powder from a small clay pot next to the fireplace and threw it into the fireplace.

The flame in the fireplace immediately turned green, and the flames jumped up and down.

"Okay, then you're on your way first, and make sure you speak clearly!" Sirius said, "By the way, leave the box to me."


Harry thrust a foot into the green flames and yelled "The Burrow!"

Then, he began to spin rapidly in the blazing green flames, and soon disappeared.

This is the Floo powder that changed the way of transportation in the wizarding world, a magical powder invented by Yingenetta Westsmith in the 13th century.

It only takes a small spoonful, which costs almost two cecos, and it can connect the fireplace of your house to the Floo network, instantly reaching all parts of the British wizarding world.

This was not the first time Harry had used this thing, and he still had some experience.

Even as his body turned faster and faster, he still kept his elbows tightly on both sides of his body, trying his best to maintain balance.

Countless fireplaces flashed past his eyes so fast that he could hardly see clearly. In the end, he even felt a little nauseous and had to close his eyes.

Fortunately, when he felt like he was about to vomit, the journey reached its climax.

Harry thrust out his hands violently and braced himself on the floor in time to avoid falling face first outside the fireplace in Wesla's kitchen.

"Harry, thank God,

You are finally here! "

A familiar voice sounded, and then a pair of hands lifted him up from the ground.

Harry opened his eyes and saw Ron standing in front of him with a smile on his face.

He arrived just in time, and the small kitchen of Wes's house was filled with laughter and laughter.

Harry looked around and saw two red-haired young men sitting at a clean wooden table.

One of the people Harry knew was Charlie Weiss, the second eldest of the Weiss brothers.

He had been studying fire dragons in Romania. He was similar in stature to the twins, shorter, fatter and sturdier than the bean sprout-like Ron.

The muscles on his thick arms are strong, his weather-beaten face is covered with dense freckles, and his skin has been tanned brown by the sun. It seems that he often performs physical labor.

However, since a new dragon farm was built at Hogwarts last year and a dragon-raising course was launched, he took several of his good friends back to the country and now teaches at Hogwarts and serves as a dragon-raising course. Professor and the youngest teacher at Hogwarts today.

As for the other man, Harry had not seen him before, but he quickly guessed that this man must be the eldest of the Wesley brothers-Bill Wesley.

"How are you, Harry?" Charlie Weiss, the closest to Harry among the two brothers, grinned and stretched out a big hand.

Harry shook it, feeling calluses and blisters on his fingers.

On the other side, Bill also stood up, smiled and shook Harry's hand.

Unlike his brothers, Bill's appearance was somewhat surprising.

Harry had only known that he worked at Gringotts in Egypt, the wizarding bank, and that he was also the president of the Hogwarts Student Union when he was in school, and his grades were very good.

Because of this, Harry thought he would be the exact replica of Percy, only a few years older, the same one who made such a fuss about breaking school rules and liked to boss around everyone around him.

As a result, we met for the first time today. At first glance, I realized that this was not the case. This Bill turned out to be very "cool" and handsome.

He is tall, a head taller than all his brothers. His long hair is tied into a ponytail on the back of his head. He also wears a silver earring on his ear, which looks like a fan hanging on it. Little things with magic runes.

Just like the decorations on his ears, the clothes on his body are also covered with all kinds of weird decorations, including metal chains, bones and teeth, full of punk style. Even if he goes to a rock concert, he will not wear it. will appear inappropriate.

"The First Cause of All Realms"

This was the first time Harry saw a wizard dressed like this, and he couldn't help but take a closer look at him.

At this time, Sirius, dragging the box in one hand and holding the gift in the other, also emerged from the flames of the fireplace.

Although he was somewhat related to Ron's mother, Molly Weiss, it was his first home visit and Sirius, who had not interacted with anyone in more than ten years, was still a little cautious.

"Um...it's my first time here. I brought some cake...uh...thank you for taking care of Harry before." Sirius bowed, startling everyone in the room.

Mr. Weislai quickly stepped forward to support him, "We are all old friends, so there is no need to be so polite."

When they fought against Voldemort more than ten years ago, they were both members of the Order of the Phoenix, so they were really "old" friends, but they were only friends who met each other on a casual basis, and they didn't have much interaction.

Fortunately, the appearance of a woman quickly broke the awkward atmosphere between them.

"Oh, cousin Sirius, it's so good to see you!" a loud voice said from behind them.

Mrs. Weasley came out of the kitchen, gave Sirius a big hug without hesitation, and slapped him on the back so hard that he almost choked him.

However, the effect of her behavior was very good. Sirius quickly integrated into the family, sat down and drank tea, and started to communicate with them friendly.

On the other side, Harry was carrying his luggage and was about to move things upstairs with Ron. Suddenly he remembered something and asked, "By the way, Ron, why isn't Clark here?"

Before Ron could speak, two more girls ran down the stairs.

A man with very thick brown hair and delicate features, but a bit serious and full of bookish atmosphere, is none other than their good friend Hermione Granger.

The other was short, with red hair, and was Ron's little sister Ginny.

Both girls smiled at Harry, who smiled back at them, causing Ginny to blush immediately - she had been obsessed with Harry ever since he first visited the Burrow.

"Harry is here, are you alone?" Hermione asked standing on the stairs.

"No, I'm with my godfather. He's chatting with Mr. Weiss and the others." Harry nodded toward the kitchen.

"Excuse me, please, let me help Harry carry his luggage to my room first." Ron shouted.

Hermione raised a nice eyebrow, and with the flick of her five jade-white fingers, she seemed to catch the spring wind. Wisps of invisible air flowed out, entangled in the suitcases in Harry and Ron's hands. superior.

The two of them felt that the originally heavy suitcase was much lighter now, as if it was a cardboard box that only one person could lift.

"That's awesome, Hermione!"

Harry couldn't help but admire, and Ginny looked at her with admiration.

As a cousin who has a very close relationship with Clark and is also a veteran of the school magazine, she is considered to be the first group of Hogwarts students to come into contact with the professional system.

Clark and Hermione didn't hide a lot of information from her, so she also knew how powerful the skills Hermione just showed were.

There was no need for a wand or a spell, just a move of her fingers, and the wind in the air surrendered at her feet for her to control.

Only Harry and Ron, two idiots who didn't understand anything, would stand there and watch the fun. Anyone else would have been amazed by Hermione's talent.

However, Hermione was not a showy person. After helping Harry and the others, she and Ginny stepped onto the rickety stairs first.

The stairs twist and turn, leading to the upper floors.

When the four of them went upstairs, Harry asked again, "Where's Clark? Hermione is already here, so don't say he's not here."

"He's upstairs, discussing with George and Fred about Wes's magic trick." Hermione, who was walking at the front, said without looking back.

"Wes's magic trick! What is that?" Harry asked curiously.

Ron and Ginny both laughed, but Hermione didn't laugh.

"Mum found the stack of orders when she was cleaning George and Fred's room." Ron couldn't stop the smile on his face.

"It was a long, page-long price list with all these funny things they invented, you know, fake wands, magic candies, a whole bunch of stuff. It was so cool, I never knew they did that. Always making inventions..."

"For a long time, we kept hearing explosions in their rooms, but we never thought they were actually making things," Ginny continued. "We thought they just liked the noise."

"But most of those things - well, actually all of them - are a bit dangerous." Ron sighed.

"My mother was furious about this, she was so angry, she warned them not to do this kind of stuff again, and was going to burn all their order sheets... She was actually always angry with them, and with the previous brothers In comparison, their O.W.Ls results made her very disappointed."

O.W.Ls are Ordinary Wizarding Level Examinations, a test taken by students at Hogwarts School when they are fifteen.

Twin brothers George and Fred have just passed their O.W.Ls, which means they won't be able to hold many jobs in the future.

"What happened next?" Harry asked.

"It was a big fight that time," Ginny said. "Mum wanted them to work at the Ministry of Magic, like Dad, but the two of them just took out a suitcase full of gold galleons. , a total of 800 pieces, which scared my mother very much."

When saying this, Ginny and Ron covered their mouths and chuckled.

Harry couldn't even imagine Mrs. Weasley's expression when 800 golden gold coins were placed in front of her.

"My mother was so frightened at the time that she frantically asked them where the money came from and whether they had done anything bad." Ron said, "She must have thought they had gone to rob Gringotts."

"Fortunately, the money was saved by their magic card business," Ginny said with a smile, "but part of it was also the start-up capital that Clark lent them."

"You know, they plan to use the money to open a joke shop in Yanglong Park to sell those inventions.

After my mother heard about it, she firmly disagreed. In the end, they moved out of Clark. She said that Clark also had shares in this store, so she reluctantly nodded. "

Ron seemed to be very interested in the plans of his two brothers, and his tone was very excited.

"Actually, George and Fred's abilities are quite outstanding. Just looking at what they have researched, you can tell that they are quite accomplished in transformation and curses.

Moreover, they are also very business-minded and are born to eat this bowl of rice. Mrs. Weasley does not need to worry at all. "

Hermione also rarely had a kind word to say.

As they were talking, at this moment, a door on the second floor platform opened, and a face stuck out from inside.

"Hello, Percy."

Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Harry smiled and said hello.

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