Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 20 An Informative Dinner Party

"Auntie, your clothes are so beautiful!"

As soon as Clark opened his mouth, the angry Mrs. Weasley lost her temper.

"Ah, really? This is my first time wearing this dress..."

She poked the drawer where she kept her knives with her wand, and it popped open.

Several sharp knives flew out of the drawer lightly, landed on the eucalyptus board, and began to carefully cut the potatoes.

Clark noticed this and praised again: "Hey, Aunt Molly, you got new knives. I remember you always wanted to buy this automatic kitchen knife, right?"

A smile appeared on Mrs. Weasley's face now, "Yes, yes, Percy works at the Ministry of Magic. He bought me this when he got his first salary."

"Actually, his internship salary is only fifteen gold galleons a month. I asked him not to buy it, but he refused to listen."

As she said this, she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

"Cousin Percy is really filial. By the way, who bought your new clothes?" Clark asked again in pursuit of victory.

"This one," Mrs. Weasley finally understood what Clark meant. She glanced at the twin brothers and said, "Hey, I actually don't object to them making money."

Mrs. Weasley put down the wand in her hand and pulled out a few more stew pots. "They made money and they know how to buy me clothes and bring gifts to my brothers and sisters. In fact, I am very happy..."

"But when you think about the fact that the children are so young and carefree, they have to bear the burden for the sake of the family and have to go out to make money early, Aunt, you feel uncomfortable, right?"

Clark's sharp words kept Mrs. Weasley silent for a long time, and she didn't even notice that the soup in the stew pot on hand overflowed.

George and Fred also didn't expect that their mother stopped them from opening a joke shop for this reason.

They also always thought that their mother looked down on them and thought that only working in the Ministry of Magic like Percy was a good job.

In fact, there are no mothers in this world who despise their children. They always hope that their children can be happier, happier, and peaceful throughout their lives.



George and Fred said emotionally, "Actually, you don't have to worry about us. It has always been our interest to open a joke shop to make money. We never think there is anything wrong with it."

Mrs. Weasley looked at her two children with tears in her eyes. She had to turn away and pretend to be handling the soup to prevent tears from falling.

"Actually, now that I think about it, there is something wrong with our education methods." Mrs. Weasley said.

"Over the years, we have had too many children, and we simply don't have that much thought to spend on each of you. And if you open a store, your father and I can't support you at all - oh, that's wrong again!"

Just when Mrs. Weasley was speaking sincerely and the atmosphere in the kitchen was very touching, she picked up the wand from the table. As a result, the wand let out a piercing scream and turned into a giant rubber mouse.

"Oh, damn, it's your fake wand again!"

The atmosphere of motherly kindness and filial piety was instantly wiped away. Mrs. Weasley transformed into a female tyrannosaurus again, shouting so loudly that she almost overturned the ceiling.

"I'm absolutely crazy that I would be soft-hearted to them. How many times have I told you not to leave these things lying around!"

She grabbed the real wand, turned around, and saw that the cream sauce was smoking on the stove.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Mr. Weislai on the side quickly waved his hand to drive them away.

As if they had received an amnesty, George and Fred immediately picked up a few chairs and ran out of the kitchen, not forgetting to pull Clark with them.

They left Mrs. Westerly and went out the back door into the garden.

After walking a few steps, she saw Hermione's cat named Crookshanks running hurriedly around the yard, chasing a goblin.

At this time, there was also a deafening crash from the other end of the house. They went around and found out what caused the commotion.

I saw two shabby old tables flying and spinning over the lawn, hitting each other, each trying to knock the other out of the air.

Under the two tables were Bill and Charlie, both holding magic wands. They were obviously the operators of these two tables.

Beside them, Harry, Ron and Neville cheered at their superb control skills, while Ginny and Hermione laughed.

With a bang, Bill's table hit Charlie's table, knocking off one of its legs.

At this time, there was a crisp crashing sound above the head. They looked up at the same time and saw Percy's head sticking out of the second floor window.

"Hey, I mean, can you guys keep your voices down?" he yelled.

"I'm sorry, Percy," Bill said with a smile. "How's the report going? Can you make a fortune investing overseas?"

"I'll let you know when there's news!" Percy said angrily, slamming the window.

Bill and Charlie chuckled, and used their wands to guide the two tables to land steadily on the grass. Then, Bill used his wand to reattach the table legs, and the tablecloths appeared out of thin air.

At seven o'clock, the two tables began to groan under the weight of the delicacies prepared by Mrs. Weissley's masterful hand.

Weiss's family of nine, as well as Harry and his godfather Sirius Black, plus Clark, Hermione and Neville, all sat down at the table and ate happily under the clear dark blue night sky. Eat.

For Harry, who had not been able to eat anything good in recent weeks because he was staying at Black's house, it was like he was in heaven now.

The golden and oily roasted chicken, the ham pie that was crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, the mashed potatoes with smooth gravy and the salad all made him unable to talk.

At the other end of the table, Percy was telling his father about his overseas investment report.

"I told Mr. Crouch that I could finish it on Tuesday," Percy said proudly. "It's a little faster than he expected, but I want to take the initiative in everything."

"There's no need to rush," Mr. Weiss advised, "You're still just an intern."

"You can't say that. If I finish it on time, Mr. Crouch will be very satisfied. After all, our department has a lot of things at the moment, and we are all busy preparing for the Quidditch World Cup.

The point is that we don't get the support we need from the Department of Magical Games and Sports, whose director, Ludo Bagman—"

"I like Ludo," Mr. Weasley said gently. "Thanks to him, we got such good World Cup tickets for us."

"Yes, of course, Bagman is quite cute," Percy said disapprovingly, "but the most important thing at work is to be serious and responsible. Comparing him with Mr. Crouch, I really don't understand how he can be so responsible." It’s from the boss!”

As he spoke, Percy told an anecdote he had recently heard in the ministry.

"You know, Bertha Jorkins has been missing for over a month! She went on vacation in Albania and never came back.

If Mr. Crouch found out that someone was missing in our department, he would definitely start an investigation, but Bagman just let it go. "

"Yes, I also asked Ludo about this matter." Mr. Weasley said, frowning, "He said that Bertha had disappeared many times before this - but to be honest, if If they are from my company, I will feel worried..."

"Has she disappeared many times before? Has she always been like this before?" Percy asked innocently, "I heard that over the years, she has been driven from one department to another, causing more trouble than There are many things..."

"Well, Bertha is really a troublesome person." Mr. Weasley recalled, "But in fact, when she first joined the Ministry of Magic, she was still very capable. Because she entered the Ministry almost after me. , so I have also dealt with her.”

"I remember when she was an intern, she was very decisive and energetic..."

"Yes," Percy said, "No wonder Mr. Crouch has been paying close attention to this matter personally. Bertha worked in our company for a period of time before. It seems that she was not like this at that time, otherwise Crouch Mr. Qi won’t appreciate her anymore.”

"When you say so, it's true," Mr. Weasley continued to recall, "It seems that Bertha's condition has deteriorated a lot since she left your company."

When Percy heard this, he took a deep sip of elderflower wine, his eyes flickered, and he was silent for a while before he spoke.

"Hey, no matter what, Bagman should still find a way to find her, but it's a pity," Percy sighed grandly, "Our International Magical Cooperation Department has too many things to do, and we don't have time to do other things. The department is looking for someone.”

As he spoke, he cleared his throat in a serious manner and turned to look at the side of the table where Harry and Ron were sitting.

"You know what I'm talking about, Dad, after the World Cup, we have to organize a large-scale event," he raised his voice deliberately, "This is top secret."

Ron rolled his eyes and whispered to Harry, Hermione, and Clark: "Ever since he started working, he's been trying to tease us into asking him what that is."

Harry was quite interested in the large-scale event Percy mentioned, but Clark next to him turned a deaf ear and focused on the beef curry in front of him.

Thanks to the British conquest of India, curry was also brought back by British soldiers stationed there.

In the brown curry sauce, the medium-sized beef cubes are stewed until they are soft and delicious. They are paired with sweet carrot cubes and pink potatoes, exuding an alluring aroma.

Just scoop a spoonful into a bowl, take a bite of the meat, tear off some bread and dip it in the spicy and milky curry sauce. The feeling of satisfaction will sweep from your stomach to your whole body in an instant.

Compared to him, Hermione was not very interested in this dish. She was more interested in eating the avocado salad.

After all, girls aged fourteen or five have already begun to pay attention to maintaining their figure.

In the center of the table, Mrs. Weiss was discussing with Bill his return to England to work. After all, Charlie Weiss had returned to Hogwarts to teach. As parents, they still wanted their children to be around them.

But Bill didn't seem to think so. Unlike Charlie, just by looking at his dress, you knew that Bill must be a bohemian and free-spirited person.

"Mom, I live a good life there, and the bank's management is not strict. They just need me to find a lot of treasures." Bill said patiently.

"But look, your skin is so rough from the wind and sand, and your hair is so long. My dear, you are alone over there and you don't have time to take care of yourself." Mrs. Weiss looked at her lovingly. Looking at him, "At least when you come back, you can still eat the food cooked by your mother every day, right?"

"I think Bill's hairstyle is really cool," said Ginny, who was sitting next to Bill. "So, Mom, you are too outdated..."

Next to Mrs. Weasley, Fred, George, Charlie and Sirius were discussing the World Cup animatedly.

"The Irish team must have won," Charlie muttered as his mouth was full of mashed potatoes. "They defeated the Peruvian team in the semi-finals."

"But the Bulgarian team has Viktor Krum." Fred said.

"Krum is good, but he is just one person. The Irish team has seven good players," Charlie said impatiently. "However, I really hope that the England team can qualify. It is really embarrassing."

"You have nothing to be angry about at all. You know, when I was young, they had never qualified."

Sirius complained as he ate his apple pie.

“But to hear you say it, I also support the Bulgarian team.

For the Quidditch game, a talented seeker is more important than anything else. The Gryffindor team relied entirely on Harry's father James to win several Academy Cups. "

Harry was also proud of this. Like his father, he also joined the Gryffindor Quidditch team and was also the team's seeker.

As time passed and the sky became darker and darker, Mr. Weasley conjured some candles to float above his head, illuminating the darkening courtyard.

Everyone began to enjoy the strawberry ice cream made by Mrs. Weissley. The sweet milk ice cream was topped with red strawberry jam full of pulp.

Take a spoonful and put it in your mouth. The cool air penetrates your heart and spleen, completely dispelling the last trace of heat in this summer.

By the time everyone had finished eating, moths were flying low on the table, and the warm air was filled with the scent of grass and honeysuckle.

At this moment, even Clark felt satisfied from the bottom of his heart.

Having three meals a day and gathering with four or five relatives and friends may be the joy of ordinary people.

At this time Mrs. Weasley had already begun to urge them.

"Look at the time," she said to the children. "You should go to bed, you all - you have to get up early in the morning tomorrow to watch the game."

Everyone stood up one after another, and then Mrs. Weasley said to Harry again.

"Harry, please leave the shopping list for school supplies, and I will go to Diagon Alley to buy them for you tomorrow.

I'm going to buy it for someone else anyway. It will probably be too late after the World Cup is over, as the last game lasted a full five days. "

"Wow - I really hope it will be like this this time!" Harry said excitedly.

"Oh, trust me, Harry, you don't want to watch that." Clark smiled, shook his head, and pushed him back to the Burrow.

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