Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 23 Crouch and Bagman

Hogwarts, Academic Masters Become Gods Chapter 23 Crouch and Bagman

Clark and the four of them walked through the camp with difficulty. Along the way, they not only saw the fans of the two competing teams and their efforts to support their favorite teams, but also met their classmates from Hogwarts.

"Clark! Harry! Ron! Hermione!"

In a green, prairie-like tent, Seamus Finnigan, Clark's fourth-year Gryffindor classmate, was greeting them. He was sitting in front of his clover-covered tent, Along with his best friend Dean Thomas.

Both of them are supporters of the Irish team, and these green clover decorations are the symbol of the Irish team.

Compared with them, the decorations of the other Bulgarian team are particularly gift-worthy.

None of the Bulgarian tents were covered with any plants, but each tent had the same poster, which showed a very gloomy face with thick, black eyebrows. Of course, the picture is moving, but the face only blinks and frowns.

That was Viktor Krum, the talented seeker of the Bulgarian team.

Of course, this is not important to Clark and others. After all, they are not fans of these two teams. The reason why they come to the Quidditch World Cup is just to enjoy the game.

The four fetched water and returned through the camp.

Because they were carrying heavy objects in their hands and the water in the bucket was still sloshing, they walked much slower than when they came.

Because of this, they can always see some familiar faces wherever they go, most of them are classmates from Hogwarts and their families.

This also led to George complaining impatiently when they returned to Wes Lai's tent: "Why have you been gone so long?"

"I met a few familiar people." Ron said, putting down the water, "You guys haven't lit the fire yet?"

"Dad's playing with matches," said Fred.

Mr. Weasley made little progress in lighting the fire. It seemed that for him, just a few matches would be enough for him to study for a whole day.

But Clark and the others were hungry. After all, they got up so early in the morning, and they were traveling and hiking. A little oatmeal was not enough for them to digest.

Fortunately, with Hermione's demonstration, Mr. Weasley finally succeeded in lighting the fire, but it took at least another hour before the fire was strong enough for cooking.

Fortunately, their waiting was not boring during this process, and there was still a lot to see.

"That's Cuthbert Mockridge, he is the director of the Goblin Liaison Office... This is Gilbert Whymper, he works on the Experimental Spells Committee and is responsible for the latest magical research... Hello , Arnie...this is Arnold Peacegood, the memory canceller...those are Bode and Crocker...no comment on their jobs..."

Because there is a main road leading to the stadium next to the tent, there are often ministry officials running back and forth on the road, and every time they pass by, they will greet Mr. Weislai warmly, which shows how popular he is.

And Mr. Weasley would keep making introductions, mainly for the sake of Harry and Hermione, as his own children were too familiar with people in the Ministry to attract their interest.

As for Clark, the heir to the Prewett family and the identity of Minister Fudge and a former celebrity made those officials smile happily every time they saw Clark.

Finally, the fire was burning, and they started to fry eggs, boil sausages, toast, and baked potatoes, preparing to make breakfast and lunch together.

When all the food was ready, Bill, Charlie and Percy strode towards them from the woods.

"Apparated just now, Dad." Percy said loudly, "Ah, great, there will be delicious food as soon as we get here!"

George and Fred expressed stern protests against Percy's taking advantage of him. Of course, this had no effect. The three guys still laughed and ate sausages and eggs.

While they were eating, Ludo Bagman, Director of the Department of Physical Education and Sports at the Ministry of Magic, also appeared.

As Percy said of him, this is a man of no distinction.

As soon as they met, he jingled his yellow and black robe and tempted Mr. Weiss to place a bet on the game.

Unfortunately, he didn't know that Mrs. Weasley had always been in charge of the money in the Weasley family. Poor Mr. Weasley didn't have much steel in his pocket. In order not to lose Ludo's face, he just gave a token sum. Long bets on Ireland to win, which makes Ludo Bagman look a little disappointed.

But then George's words startled Mr. Weiss.

"Let's put down fifty galleons," he and Fred quickly pulled out some of their savings, "and bet that Ireland will win—but that Viktor Krum will catch the Snitch. Oh, that's right. We’re also going to add a fake wand.”

"Child," Mr. Weasley quickly lowered his voice to stop, "Listen, I don't want you to gamble...this is all your savings...your mother..."

"Don't spoil the fun, Arthur!" Ludo Bagman interrupted him gruffly, while excitedly jingling the gold coins in his pocket, "They are old enough and know what they want. !”

George and Fred nodded quickly, and Clark suddenly laughed and said, "In that case, let me join in the fun. Like them, I bet a hundred gold galleons that the Irish team will win, but Viktor Krum will catch the Snitch."


"So proud!"

Mr. Weislai's words were immediately suppressed by Ludo's huge voice.

"You all think Ireland will win, but Krum can catch the Snitch? No way, kids, no way... I'll give you the best odds... then..."

Ludo Bagman quickly took out his notebook and quill, and scrawled the names of the twin brothers and Clark, while Mr. Weasley looked on helplessly.

"It's done!"

Two pieces of parchment written with the amount, odds, bettors, and signed by Ludo Bagman were handed to the twin brothers and Clark.

Perhaps even he didn't know how much money the two handed out notes would represent in the future.

Anyway, Bagman, who felt that he had made a lot of money, turned around and looked at Mr. Weiss with great joy.

"By the way, Arthur, can you do me a favor? I've been looking for Barty Crouch.

The Bulgarian official who was my equal was making things difficult for us, but I didn't understand a word he said.

Barty should be able to solve this problem, he...oh, no need, just as he was talking, he came! Barty! "

A wizard suddenly apparates around their campfire, a stark contrast to Ludo Bagman, who looks greasy and incompetent in his old Wasps robes.

Whether it's his straight back, stiff movements, spotless crisp suit, neat tie, or polished leather shoes, it all shows that this fifty-year-old wizard is a strict and disciplined person. people.

Harry also recognized him at a glance. This was exactly what he had seen at the trial about Peter Pettigrew a few months ago. He had thrown the untried Sirius directly into Azka. Ben's former head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement - Barty Crouch.

"Sit down and rest for a while, Barty." Ludo said happily, patting the grass next to him.

"No, thank you, Ludo."

Crouch glanced around everyone present, his eyes lingered on Clark, Harry and Sirius for a while, and then he said impatiently.

"I've been looking for you everywhere, and the Bulgarians insist that we add twelve more seats to the top box."

"Oh, so they want this!" Bagman said. "I thought that guy was going to ask me to borrow a pair of tweezers. His accent was too strong."

"Mr. Crouch!"

Percy on the side seemed to be out of breath with excitement when he saw his idol.

He leaned forward in a bow that made him look like a hunchback. "Would you like a cup of tea?"

"Oh," Crouch looked at Percy with a little surprise, "Okay - thank you, Wes is here."

Percy happily took care of the teapot.

"By the way, there's something I've always wanted to tell you, Arthur."

At this time, Crouch's sharp gaze fell on Mr. Weasley again. As for Sirius Black sitting next to him, Crouch seemed not to notice him at all.

From this kind of disregard, it can be seen that Sirius's embarrassment at the beginning definitely caused a big blow to him, otherwise he would not still be angry after so long.

Faced with this situation, Sirius, who had always been unruly, naturally did not give him a good look. He snorted coldly, got up and got into the tent.

Crouch didn't pay attention to this and continued to talk about work matters with Mr. Weislai and Bagman.

At this time, Percy had already made a cup of tea and handed it to Crouch.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Bagman asked cheerfully, "How are you? You've been busy lately, Buddy?"

"Busy," Crouch said dryly. "Organizing and arranging portkeys across five continents is no easy task, Ludo."

"I guess you all want this to be over soon?" Mr. Weasley asked with a smile.

Ludo Bagman was shocked.

"I wish! How is it possible? I have never been so happy... Of course, there is no hope for the future, right, Barty? Huh? After all, we have other activities to organize."

Crouch raised his eyebrows at Bagman, seemingly displeased with the sudden mention of the subject.

"We promise not to announce anything to the public until all the details—"

"Oh, the details!"

Bagman waved his hand disapprovingly, as if to ward off a swarm of mosquitoes.

"They signed it, didn't they?

They agreed, didn't they?

They've got those holy relics ready, and I'm willing to bet you that these kids will find out soon. I mean, it happened at Hogwarts—"

"Ludo, you should know that we need to meet those Bulgarians." Crouch interrupted Bagman sternly, "Thank you for the tea, here comes Wes."

He thrust the uneaten cup of tea back into Percy's hand and waited for Ludo to get up.

Ludo struggled to his feet and drank the tea in one gulp, the gambling money clinking happily in his pocket.

"See you later!" he said. "You're in the top box with me - I'm the commentator for the game!"

He waved goodbye, Barty Crouch nodded indifferently, and then both of them disapparated and disappeared.

"Is there anything going on at Hogwarts this year, Dad?"

As soon as the two people left, Fred immediately asked curiously.

"What did they mean just now?"

"You'll find out soon." Mr. Weasley smiled but said nothing.

"This is a secret. We won't know until the ministry decides to make it public." Percy said seriously, but his expression seemed more like "Come and beg me."

Of course, George and Fred would not give in. They set their sights on Clark again. According to their understanding, Clark had a wide range of information and must know something.

"What kind of event could it be?" George and Fred approached him and asked frantically, "Quick, quick, quick! Tell us! What is it?"

"Haha." Clark smiled, then pursed his lips and said nothing.

After that, no matter how Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Wes came to bomb in turn, Clark remained tight-lipped.

This made their teeth itch and they wanted to pry Clark's mouth open.

Time flew by like this, and as the afternoon passed, an emotion called excitement filled the sky above the camp like a touchable cloud.

As dusk approached, even the already cool summer air seemed to become scorching again.

When the quiet night was like a curtain, covering hundreds of eagerly waiting wizards, the Ministry of Magic seemed to have to succumb to the status quo and no longer prevent those wizards from using magic.

So every few steps, there would be an apparition of a vendor falling from the sky.

To be honest, Clark felt sorry for them when he looked at their fast casting speed. You must know that even many Aurors cannot use this kind of magic quickly in battle.

But these vendors are able to carry trays and push carts filled with all kinds of weird gadgets, and move freely among the crowds, appearing in front of everyone who needs them.

"Boss, I want this!"

"Boss, I want that!"

Shouts rose and fell among the noisy crowd. Ron and the others had saved their pocket money all summer just for this moment.

Those gold Galleons, Silver Sickles, and Copper Nuts were all exchanged for souvenirs at this moment.

For example, a dancing shamrock hat, a large green rose-shaped badge, and a small statue of the Bulgarian Seeker Viktor Krum.

The diminutive Krum could still be seen walking around on Ron's hand, frowning at the green badge above him.

Harry took a fancy to the binoculars in a small cart, which were covered with all kinds of weird knobs and dials.

"I Have a Picture Book of Ghosts and Gods"

The wizard vendor who was buying things was enthusiastically selling the goods. Unable to resist the temptation, Harry generously spent twenty gold galleons to buy two of them, one for himself and the other for Ron.

As for Clark and the others, each of them already has this thing hanging around their necks.

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