Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 36 Hagrid Suddenly Enlightened

On the first morning after school, the storm died down, but the ceiling of the auditorium was still clouded with gloom.

While Harry and Ron were eating breakfast and studying their timetable for the term, there were great bluish gray clouds rolling over their heads.

At the same table, Fred and George, who were a few seats away from them, were discussing with their good friend Lee Jordan, how to use a spell to make themselves older, and then get away with it and participate in the final three Competition.

"Not a bad day...outdoors all morning," said Ron, running his finger over Monday's column of the timetable, "Herbology, with the Hufflepuffs, Care of Magical Creatures... ...unlucky, with Slytherin again..."

"There are two divination classes this afternoon." Harry lowered his head and sighed.

Divination was his least favorite subject after Potions, and Professor Trelawney always predicted that Harry was going to die, which bothered him a lot.

"Perhaps you should drop this class as I did."

Hermione, who had just finished her morning jog with Clark, sat down next to Harry, picked up a piece of bread with her hands without any hesitation, and stuffed it into her mouth.

"This way you can take a more learned class, such as arithmetic and divination, or ancient runes."

"I see you're eating again." Ron said teasingly as Hermione buttered the bread again.

"I've figured it out. There is a better way to express my position on the rights of elves." Hermione said proudly.

"Only for one night?" said Ron with a grin. "Yeah... maybe you're starving too."

While they were chatting, a hundred owls had flown in through the open windows above their heads, bringing the morning's mail and papers to everyone.

"Hey, did your "Hogwarts School Magazine" respond so quickly?" Ron took Clark's magazine and saw the glittering letters on the cover at first glance, "Professor Dumbledore only announced the news yesterday, three The Strong Tournament became the headlines of the day."

"Stupid, the content of the school magazine has been determined in advance, it's just a different cover." Ginny rolled her eyes at Ron.

After eating morning and evening, everyone began to go to different classrooms to attend classes.

Clark's first two classes of the semester—

Although the herbal medicine class and the protection of magical beasts class are both outdoors, they give people a very different feeling.

In Greenhouse No. 3 in herbal medicine class, Professor Sprout showed the class a peculiar, no! It should be considered an ugly plant.

In fact, they weren't like plants, but more like black, slimy slugs, sticking straight out of the soil.

And each of them was wriggling slightly, and there were many shiny big bulges on their bodies, which seemed to be filled with liquid.

"Babo tuber," Professor Sprout told them cheerfully, "you need to squeeze it by hand, and you have to collect its pus—"

Obviously, this is not a pleasant course.

But the process of squeezing the tubers, disgusting as it is, also produces a strange satisfaction, like squeezing blackheads one by one.

Whenever a bulge is squeezed, a large jet of viscous, yellow-green liquid will be ejected, and a pungent gasoline smell will be emitted.

It's disgusting, but I can't stop.

In the process of operation, they also have to be extra careful.

Although balbo tuber pus has high medicinal value and is the main raw material of many beauty potions, undiluted balbo tuber pus is also dangerous and can cause unusual damage to human skin .

"Perhaps this is the charm of alchemy," Clark said while collecting the liquid into a bottle, "The liquid that was originally harmful to the skin, after being processed by alchemy, has become a cure for stubborn acne." Best medicine."

"What do you want to say?" Clark had just finished speaking,

Hermione guessed that there must be something in his words.

"Ahem," Clark coughed awkwardly, "Why are you so smart?"

He said, "In fact, some concepts of alchemy still have a wide range of application in mysticism."

"For example?" Hermione raised an eyebrow.

"For example the principle of equivalent exchange," said Clark, "in the case of the house-elves..."

"Clark!" Hermione said dissatisfied, "In your mind, am I an irrational person?"

Clark shook his head.

"That's it."

Hermione's hand was too hard, so that the liquid in the pustule splashed out and almost sprayed on her face. Fortunately, Clark stopped the pus with his thoughts in time and put them back into the bottle.

"Thanks," said Hermione, "since you think I'm sensible, you should trust me to handle this well."

So they never talked about it again.

By the end of get out of class, they had collected several bottles of pus.

After handing over the labor results of one class to Professor Sprout, they started rushing to the next class.

Among them, the Hufflepuff students walked up the stone steps, preparing to go to Professor McGonagall's transfiguration class.

The Gryffindor students, on the other hand, went in the other direction, along the lawn that was slowly descending, towards the cabins on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Professor Hagrid, from the Protection of Magical Creatures class, was leading his huge hunting dog, Fang Fang. , standing outside the door.

On the ground beside his feet, there were a few open wooden boxes. The hound barked and yelled, struggling hard for the collar, apparently wanting to examine the contents of the boxes carefully.

As they approached, a strange rattling sound reached their ears, accompanied by a faint explosion.

"Good morning!" Hagrid smiled at Clark and the others, "It's best to wait for the Slytherin students, they definitely don't want to miss this - fried-tailed snails!"

"Say it again?" said Ron.

Hagrid pointed to the box at his feet.

"Disgusting!" Lavender Brown screamed, jumping back a few steps.

The word "disgusting" also happens to sum up the image of this schreck.

They looked like big lobsters that had been deformed and shelled off. They were covered in gray and sticky.

There are about a hundred of these disgusting things in a box, each about six inches long.

They piled on top of each other and crawled back and forth, bumping into the wall of the box in a daze, and exuding a very strong smell of rotten fish and rotten shrimp from all over their bodies.

Every now and then a few sparks would shoot off the tail of a snail, and with a soft snap the snail would be pushed forward a few inches.

"Just hatched," said Hagrid proudly, "you can try hatching some too, then feed them, and use it for a big project!"

"Why are we hatching them?" said a cold voice.

The Slytherins arrived, and it was Draco Malfoy who had spoken, with Crabbe and Goyle giggling behind him, appreciating his words.

"Looking at you, don't you plan to learn how to hatch them?" Hagrid asked with some uncertainty.

Malfoy glanced into the box and said disgustedly, "Who wants to hatch such disgusting things and feed them, you are just kidding!"

Hagrid opened his mouth, and after a few seconds of pause, he said in a rough voice: "Then you don't need to attend the class later!"

Malfoy blushed instantly when he heard this, and he didn't expect that this stupid big man who used to be submissive to the students would be hardened for a rare time today.

This is embarrassing, if he leaves, it proves that he was afraid of this big fool and was driven away in a gray manner.

But if you don't go, standing here will only make people laugh, and you will look too stupid.

However, Hagrid didn't seem to care about Malfoy's dilemma, and turned his head to continue preaching to the other students.

"Okay, you guys try to feed them a few different things first - I haven't raised them before, and I'm not sure what they like to eat - I prepared ant eggs, frog livers and green snakes - every day Take a little of each and see if they eat it."

"First it was the pus of the tuber, and now it's this." Seamus grumbled.

It was entirely out of deep affection for Hagrid that Harry and Ron grabbed handfuls of greasy frog livers and put them in the box to lure snails.

In contrast, Hermione was much smarter, she broke off a branch and used it as a tool.

But they couldn't help but suspect that it was all pointless, since the snails didn't seem to have mouths at all.

And Malfoy couldn't help being even more annoyed when he saw other people getting busy under Hagrid's command. Finally, he stomped his foot, greeted his two followers, turned and walked towards the castle.

Crabbe and Goyle were secretly happy that they could go back to the dormitory and lie down, but Malfoy, who was walking in front of them, stopped suddenly.

All because Dean Thomas, who was tending the snails, yelled, "Oh boy, it hurts me!"

"The Great Era of Rebirth"

Malfoy turned his head gleefully, and saw Hagrid walking up to Dean with a flustered look on his face.

"Its tail exploded!" Dean huffed, showing Hagrid a burn on his hand.

"Ah, yes, that can happen when they explode." Hagrid said, nodding his head. "After all, this thing's body is rich in some kind of oily magic substance, just like a fire crab, so it can get out from behind the butt." It’s no surprise that it’s spewing fire.”

"Disgusting!" Lavender Brown complained. "It's disgusting, Hagrid. What's that pointy thing on it?"

"Ah, some of them have thorns," said Hagrid excitedly (Lavender hastily pulled his hands away from the box), "I guess those thorny ones are males... the females have sucker-like things on their bellies . . . I think they probably suck blood."

"Oh, of course I understand why we have to find a way to keep them alive," Malfoy not far away took the opportunity to sarcastically, "who can burn people, sting people, and bite people, who wouldn't want such pets?" Woolen cloth?"

"Just because they're unattractive doesn't mean they're useless," said Hagrid gruffly. "They weren't meant to be pets for some gutsy fellow. I bred them, As the fire dragon ration."

"Dragon ration!" Harry and Ron's eyes widened, and Malfoy was also stunned.

"Yeah," Hagrid said proudly, "dragons don't just eat meat, just like raising dogs. In addition to eating meat, they also need to supplement various special substances. According to Charlie, sometimes they even have to eat meat." Swallow some ore to ensure the strength of the bones and scales."

"So I wondered if it is possible to specially breed a food like mealworms, so that the fire dragon can solve all the problems by eating only this one food."

"These snails?" Clark asked.

"Yes!" said Hagrid, "these are the snails."

"Their bodies are rich in oily magical substances, which are excellent fuels for young dragons to enhance their breathing ability.

In addition, a layer of carapace will grow outside the grown snails. These carapaces may be hard for us, but for dragons, they are as crisp as rock cakes. They can not only be used to grind teeth, but also enrich the taste of food. It can also help dragons replenish nutrients and make their bones, teeth and scales stronger. "

Hagrid's words opened the eyes of these students. They didn't expect that there were so many ways to feed fire dragons.

"So these things are going to be sent to the dragon farm to feed the fire dragon?" Dean asked curiously.

"That's right, in the next class, when these snails grow a bit longer and their hard shells are formed, but not too thick to pierce their mouths, I'll take you to feed the fire dragon." Hagrid nodded.


The students cheered, no longer caring about the disgusting appearance of these snails, and took care of them happily.

As for Draco Malfoy, after hearing that these snails were used to feed dragons, and that he was going to the dragon farm in the protection of magical creatures next class, he couldn't walk away anymore.

There is no way, Malfoy's love for fire dragons can be said to be deep in his bones, and it is difficult to change it.

In this case, if he gave up the opportunity to feed the fire dragon at close range just because of the problem of face, he could only cry and say, "The concubine can't do it."

So in the next hour, the students in the Protection of Magical Creatures class could see that Malfoy, who was about to leave, not only did not leave, but was also coy, under the mocking eyes of the Gryffindor students, secretly stayed.

"Hahaha, let me tell you, Malfoy's appearance at that time was really funny."

An hour later, when they returned to the castle for lunch, Ron said to Ginny with a smile.

"This time Hagrid was completely elated, and he dealt a severe blow to Malfoy's arrogance."

As he said this, he glanced at Slytherin's long table, but Malfoy didn't seem to be planning to come over for lunch at the moment.

They sat down at the Gryffindor table and ate lamb chops and potatoes.

Hermione ate voraciously, and Harry and Ron watched her in wonder.

"Oh - that's your new stance on elf rights?" asked Ron. "Are you trying to make yourself puke?"

"No," said Hermione, her mouth bulging with potatoes, but she put on airs as best she could, and said, "I just want to go to the library."

"What?" said Ron in disbelief. "Hermione - it's the first day of school! The professors haven't given homework yet!"

Hermione shrugged her shoulders and continued eating like she hadn't eaten in days.

Then, she jumped up, said "see you at dinner", and ran away with Clark.

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