Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 38 Ferret time and strength first revealed

"After the goblin rebellion, the victorious wizards treated the goblins differently.

Among them, those goblins who didn't want to rebel and turned to the wizard in advance when they saw the situation was not good, were transformed by magic, turning the raw materials needed for [spiritual enlightenment] into the wizard's [wealth], and turning Gringotts in the wizarding world Leave it to them to manage.

And those diehard elements in the rebellion, as well as their descendants, were transformed by the wizard's magic, and could only rely on serving their masters to obtain a little [popularity] shared by that family to reproduce. "

So house-elves often feel like the sky is falling when they hear their masters are about to drive them away.

Because being kicked out of the master's house means that they will no longer be able to breed new house elves in the future. "

In the spacious and bright library, Clark was talking to Hermione about what happened to them after the goblins rebelled.

"So your so-called enslavement and liberation are simply not valid. The relationship between wizards and house-elves today is more of a symbiotic relationship created under artificial distortion.

House-elves provide services to wizards in exchange for the [popularity] they need to thrive.

Under these circumstances, how can your so-called emancipation of the house-elves succeed? "

Hermione was speechless, and could only mutter to herself: "But this kind of transaction itself is unfair... Even if it is a service, it must be guaranteed under the premise of respect, it does not mean that wizards can Abusing their house-elves at will."

Clark shook his head helplessly, knowing that she had actually accepted this point of view, but the girl was thin-skinned, and she couldn't hide her face for a while.

So Clark followed her words and handed her a step.

"Of course, what you said actually has some truth. After all, today is different. The matter of house elves has been passed down from ancient times. Naturally, they would not talk about human rights at that time.

Now that the society has progressed, wizards have to keep pace with the times. In terms of the treatment of house elves, you still have to pay attention to it. This does not conflict with house elves serving wizards. The house elves in my own family have a good reputation. treatment.

But you also have to understand that many things that in your opinion are human rights and welfare, in the eyes of house elves, are insulting and malicious.

We also have to fully respect their habits and customs, and not force our own thoughts and cognitions on them. "

Hermione nodded, agreeing with Clark's statement on the matter of raising house elves.

At this time, Mrs. Pingsi had already walked towards this because of their chat.

The two of them could only temporarily put aside the discussion, pack up their things, and then went to a class of arithmetic and divination.

When they finished class, merged into the flow of people going downstairs, and were about to go back to the auditorium for dinner, they happened to see Ron walking in front of them, complaining bitterly to Harry.

"Damn old Bat, going in for the whole weekend, this..."

"A lot of homework?" Clark and Hermione quickened their pace, and when they heard their conversation, they immediately smiled and said, "It seems that your divination class is not very good. None left!"

"Oh, Professor Victor is so kind," said Ron with a heavy heart.

When they came to the foyer, the auditorium was already full of students eating, and the sound was very noisy.

Several people were about to go in, when suddenly a harsh voice came from behind them.

"Wes come! Hey, Wes come!"

Clark and the others turned around and saw Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle standing there, as if they were all overjoyed about something.

"What?" Ron asked angrily.

"Your dad's in the paper, Wes!" Malfoy said jokingly - waving a copy of the Daily Prophet and speaking loudly so everyone in the hallway could hear him , "Listen to this!"

Malfoy is like acting,

Read the contents of the newspaper aloud.

Finally, he looked up, "Come to think of it, Wes, they didn't even get your father's name right. He's just a nobody, isn't he?"

He gloated and spoke so loudly that everyone in the hall could hear him.

As if he felt that this was not enough, he continued to read:

"Arnold Weiss was ordered to own a flying car two years ago, and was involved in a dispute with several Muggle law enforcement officers ("police") yesterday...

When asked by a reporter from the Daily Prophet why he had involved the Ministry of Magic in such a pointless and potentially intractable affair, Mr. Weasley refused to answer. "

"Here's another picture, Wes!"

Malfoy said, turning the newspaper over and holding it high.

"A picture of your parents standing in front of your house--you call it a house! Your mother would look about right if she lost a little weight, wouldn't she?"

Ron was shaking with rage, and everyone in the hall was watching him.

"Go away, Malfoy," said Harry, "don't be mad, Ron..."

But Malfoy wasn't satisfied, "Oh, by the way, Potter, you lived with them this summer, didn't you?"

He said sarcastically, "Then please tell me, is his mother really that fat, or is the picture a bit distorted—really—"

Malfoy couldn't speak anymore, he was tongue-tied, but no sound came out of his mouth.

Harry, who hadn't noticed that yet, countered there.

"And what about your mother, Malfoy?" he said, "look at that look on her face, like she's got shit under her nose! Does she always look that way, or is it because she's with you? "

Malfoy's pale face turned slightly red, and Harry thought the other party was angry, but he soon realized that something was wrong.

A sense of terror that was as heavy as the oppressive sky before a storm, and as depressing as a giant monster in the deep sea surfacing, suddenly descended on the hearts of everyone at the scene.

Everyone saw that Clark frowned.

Everyone could also see that Malfoy's face was blushing.


Hermione reached out and tugged at his sleeve, in case he did something too extreme. After all, she knew how good the relationship between Clark and his aunt could be.


A chilling voice echoed throughout the hall. Although there were only two words, everyone knew what Clark meant.

"Apologies for what you just said, Malfoy!"

Everyone turned their attention to Malfoy, under everyone's gaze, no! Under the oppression of Clark's spiritual power, he bowed deeply to Ron.


Malfoy's apology was loud and clear, reaching everyone's ears.

Everyone was surprised by his submission, and they didn't see it at all. The eyes of Malfoy, who was facing down, were already full of anger and anger.

The proud teenager has never felt so humiliated as today, he actually needs to bow down and apologize to a mixed blood scum.

However, while being angry, Malfoy also felt a trace of fear in his heart.

At this moment, he was like a marionette, no matter how much he resisted in his heart, he couldn't control any part of his body.

"Damn! Bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

Although he didn't know what was going on, Malfoy knew very well that this matter must have something to do with Clark.


It's just that no matter how much he curses in his heart, what should be bent down, what should be apologized, he can only do it honestly.

This humiliating experience made him unable to hold back his tears.

Compared to Malfoy, Ron looked at Malfoy who bowed and bowed in front of him at this moment, not to mention how happy he was.

"Although you insulted my mother, for the sake of your sincere apology, I'm not a stingy person. Forget it, let's go around you. Next time, remember to shut your stinky mouth."

Ron waved his hands pretentiously, and turned around with Harry and the others, leaving Malfoy standing alone.

At this moment, Clark of course unlocked the psychic power exerted on Malfoy. Although he could clearly sense the hatred in the other party's heart, he also noticed it at the same time. On the steps not far away, Professor Moody was looking at Malfoy. this way.

So, when they turned to enter the restaurant for dinner, a crack sounded behind them at the same time.


Several people screamed uncontrollably——

A white-hot light beam flew past Harry's cheek by Hermione's light refraction principle using the wind shield, startling him.

He and Ron quickly reached into their robes for their wands, but before they could touch the wands, they heard another loud bang.


Then a roar echoed in the hall, "Oh, don't do that, boy!"

When they turned, they saw Professor Moody limping down the marble stairs.

With his wand in hand, he pointed at a snow-white ferret, which was shivering on the flagstone floor where Malfoy had been standing.

Clark looked at the scene in front of him, and secretly evaluated the strength of this fake Moody in his heart—good body transformation, fast casting speed, and silent spell activation, he should have mastered silent spell casting.

Fortunately, with this strength, Clark and his team of three can easily suppress him.

There was an eerie silence in the hall, and no one dared move except Moody.

He turned his head to look at Harry—at least, his normal eye was looking at Harry, and the other eye was drilled into his head.

"Did he hurt you?" Moody asked furiously, his voice low and hoarse. "I saw him attack you just now."

"No," Harry said nervously, "he should have been going to attack Ron, but he missed and missed."

"Don't touch it!" Moody yelled suddenly.

"Don't touch—what?" Harry asked inexplicably.

"Not about you—it's about him!"

Moody growled again, then pointed his thumb over Crabbe's shoulder.

Crabbe was about to pick up the Malfoy-turned-ferret, but was too scared to move.

Moody's slithering eye seemed to be able to see behind the head like magic.

He started limping toward Crabbe, Goyle, and the ferret. The ferret let out a terrified cry, as if frightened, and ran on its short legs in the direction of the basement. Snape's office was in that direction.

"I still don't believe in this evil!"

Moody gave a roar, then pointed his wand again at the ferret - and the ferret shot up ten feet in the air, fell to the ground with a thud, and shot up again.

"I don't like people who attack people in the back," said Moody gruffly--as the ferret jumped higher and higher, screaming in pain. Cowardly behavior..."

Malfoy's transformed ferret leapt into the air, its legs and tail flailing wildly in despair.

Fortunately, his savior came soon.

"Professor Moody!" said a startled voice.

Professor McGonagall heard the commotion in the hall, and hurried down the marble staircase with a stack of books in his arms.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall," said Moody quietly, making the ferret jump higher.

"You—what are you doing?" asked Professor McGonagall, her eyes following the ferret bouncing in mid-air.

"Lesson learned," Moody said.

"Lesson—what, Moody, is that a student?" Professor McGonagall exclaimed, and the books in his arms fell to the ground.

"That's right," Moody said.

"Oh, my God!" cried Professor McGonagall, drawing his wand.

A moment later, with a loud crack, Draco Malfoy was back in shape again.

He was huddled and lying on the flagstone floor, his slippery blond hair was loose, and his flushed face was covered with sweat.

After a while, he recovered from the body transformation just now, and stood up tremblingly, looking as if he had been played badly.

"Moody, we never use transfiguration as a punishment!" said Professor McGonagall, exhausted. "Professor Dumbledore must have told you?"

"He .

"We can go into confinement, Moody! Or report to the dean of the college where the client is." Professor McGonagall had to say.

"I'll do that," Moody said, glaring at Malfoy in disgust.

Malfoy's pale eyes were still filled with tears of pain and shame, and at this moment he seemed to have forgotten his hatred with Clark and the others, and turned all his anger on Moody.

He was looking up at Moody viciously, and he was muttering something, some of the words clearly audible, "my father."

Moody didn't like this, he limped forward a few steps, grabbed Malfoy's arm, and dragged him towards the dungeon.

Professor McGonagall looked at their backs and shook his head helplessly.

As for Clark and the others, they had already walked into the auditorium and sat at the Gryffindor table, and everyone around them was excitedly discussing what happened just now.

"I've got to etched it into my memory forever," said Ron excitedly.

He closed his eyes, with a very happy expression on his face, "Draco Malfoy, that unusual jumping ferret..."

Clark, Hermione, and Harry all laughed, and Hermione began dividing the beef chowder among everyone's plates.

At this time George and Fred also came over.

The brothers raved about Moody, and the twins' friend Lee Jordan boasted, "We had his class this afternoon."

"How is it?" Harry asked eagerly.

Fred, George, and Lee exchanged meaningful glances.

"He's really cool!"

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