
"It's a dragon!"

A first-year freshman screamed excitedly looking at the black shadow in the distant sky.

"Don't be silly...that's a house flying, a flying house!" said Dennis Creevey.

Dennis's guess seems to be closer.

As the dark monstrosity flitted over the treetops of the Forbidden Forest, it was illuminated by the lights from the castle windows.

They saw a huge powder blue carriage flying towards them.

As expected of a means of transportation in the wizarding world, the carriage was as big as a house.

Twelve flying horses with wings on their backs, silver-white hair and red eyes pulled it to fly in the air in front, like the gods in ancient Greek mythology, descending on the world.

"I'm not mistaken, is this the Pegasus that has been extinct for thousands of years? I've only read about this magical animal in books!"

A sixth-grade little wizard rubbed his eyes hard, his voice trembling with excitement.

Hearing his words, the little wizards around looked at the huge carriage above their heads in disbelief.

Only Hermione curled her lips in disdain, "What Pegasus, this is clearly a rune horse!"

Her voice was not loud, but it happened to be heard by everyone around her.

"They are just a hybrid of the fantasy species Pegasus and the American Giant Horse. Not only are they expensive to raise, but they don't have the magic of Pegasus.

Apart from being able to fly, it is of no use at all. "

At this time, the carriage was still hovering over Hogwarts Castle, as if to show off.

After dozens of seconds passed, the carriage flew lower and landed at an extremely fast speed.

Looking at the low-flying carriage, the young wizards standing in the first three rows hurriedly retreated to make room for the carriage.

Then, there was only an earth-shattering bang, and the ground under Clark and the others shook, and the flying horses, together with the huge carriage, stopped firmly in front of them.

It was so close that the little wizards were surprised to find that those Pegasus were about the size of an elephant.

Just the horseshoes they stepped on the ground were as thick as the thighs of little wizards, and they looked extraordinarily majestic.

With such a Pegasus as a reference,

The carriage behind it doesn't look so exaggerated anymore.

Although it was a little bigger than Hagrid's log cabin, it looked very delicate in appearance. The overall color was gold and white, full of the French romantic style.

Harry and the others had barely had time to see a coat of arms embossed on the door (two golden crossed wands with three stars emerging from each) when the door swung open from the inside out.

A boy wearing Beauxbaton's light blue school uniform robe jumped out of the carriage, bent over, fumbled for something on the floor of the carriage, and opened a golden spiral staircase.

He stepped back respectfully, and the next moment, a shiny black high-heeled shoe protruded from the carriage.

Many young wizards present gasped, and some of them even secretly turned their heads to look at Hagrid who was standing among the teachers.

All because the shoes protruding from the carriage were at least as big as a child's sled.

From this, we can see what kind of physique the owner of the shoes should have.

And that was indeed the case, the woman who stepped out of the carriage was arguably the biggest woman Hogwarts students had ever seen in their life.

From their point of view, she, who was wrapped from head to toe in black satin robes, was definitely over three meters tall, almost no different from Hagrid.

In this way, the reason why the carriage is so large is self-evident.

At this moment, the tall woman had reached the bottom of the steps and was turning around to look at the waiting crowd with wide-eyed eyes.

The soft light from the hall shone on her face, and only then did everyone see her face clearly.

Contrary to that tall and burly figure, she has a very handsome olive face.

His long, smooth brown hair was brushed back and tied into a shiny bun at the base of his neck.

On the pointed nose, in a pair of black, big and watery eyes, there are wise gazes, and it is not a simple person at first glance.

Sure enough, Principal Dumbledore, who was standing at the front, had already started applauding.

The students behind him naturally clapped their hands, and many of them stood on tiptoe, trying to get a better look at this woman.

Facing such a warm welcome, the woman's originally serious face relaxed, and she smiled gracefully.

She held out a gleaming hand and walked towards Dumbledore.

It can be seen that her thick fingers are covered with shining gemstone rings, which echo with a string of pearl necklaces around her neck, and together form the magical aura that envelopes her body.

Compared with her, Headmaster Dumbledore has become a plainly dressed country old man.

Fortunately, Dumbledore didn't care about this kind of thing.

He has already left the stage of relying on external objects to show his sense of existence. Now, even if he stands there quietly, no one can ignore him.

"Dear Madam Maxime," Dumbledore said cordially, "Welcome to Hogwarts, I hope this time can leave you with pleasant memories."

"Excuse me, Dumbledore," Madame Maxime said in a low voice, "I haven't seen you in a few months. I hope you are well."

"Thank you, ma'am," Dumbledore said with a smile. "These children have brought me endless vitality. I feel that I can be the headmaster for a few more years."

"Yeah, they are really outstanding." Madam Maxim's gaze swept across the faces of Clark and the others. "By the way, there are also my students. You must not have seen them."

As she spoke, she waved her huge hand carelessly behind her.

It was only then that it was noticed that about a dozen or three male and female students had dismounted from the carriage.

But they just stood behind Madame Maxime, hidden in the huge shadow cast by her.

These students from Beauxbaton School of Witchcraft and Magic, all about eighteen or nine years old, shrugged their shoulders and trembled slightly.

No wonder, for even in this cold Scottish late October they were still wearing fine silk robes, and none of them wore cloaks.

The only few of them just covered their heads with scarves or headscarves.

"Has Karkaroff come?" Madame Maxime didn't seem to notice that her student was already extremely cold, and asked Dumbledore.

"He will come any moment," said Dumbledore. "Would you rather wait here to meet him, or go in first to warm yourself?"

"Let's keep warm." Madame Maxime said hesitantly, "but those horses—"

"Our teacher on the Protection of Magical Creatures will be happy to take care of them," Dumbledore's tone was very affirmative, and Hagrid, who was standing in the crowd, also puffed out his chest accordingly.

"My steed needs a - er - strong man to take care of -"

Madam Maxime couldn't continue speaking in the middle of her sentence. Obviously, she saw Hagrid's figure and was taken aback by his taller figure than herself.

"They have a strong temper...well, I think he might be able to do the job well," Madame Maxime slightly bowed, "By the way, please tell him that these horses only drink single malt whiskey."

"I'll take care of it," said Dumbledore, also bowing.

"Come," Madame Maxime said solemnly to her students.

So the Hogwarts crowd stepped aside to allow her and her students to walk up the stone steps.

After everyone in Beauxbatons had entered the castle, the topic shifted to Durmstrang.

"How big do you think Durmstrang's horses will be?" Seamus Finnigan asked Harry and Ron, leaning across Lavender and Parvati.

"Well, if they were bigger than these horses, I'm afraid even Hagrid wouldn't be able to handle them," said Harry.

"How is that possible," said Hermione disapprovingly, "Durmstrang doesn't necessarily have a rune horse."

She explained in a low voice to the people around her the origin of the rune horses, their rarity, and the cost of raising them, etc., causing the young wizards to be amazed again.

Clark also smiled and said, "Just watch it, Durmstrang's appearance will definitely be very interesting."

Everyone stood there and continued to wait for the arrival of the Durmstrang delegation.

Another ten minutes passed, and everyone was already shivering slightly from the cold.

Most people looked up at the sky anxiously.

For a while, there was silence all around, because the temperature was too cold, everyone was not even interested in talking, only the sound of Madame Maxime's giant horse snorting and stamping its hooves.

Just when they were getting impatient to wait—

Suddenly, Ginny asked, "Did you hear anything?"

The people around were about to shake their heads, but soon, they all heard it too.

A loud and strange voice came to them from the darkness:

It was a muffled rumbling and sucking sound, like a giant vacuum cleaner slowly approaching along the river bed...

"In the lake!" Lee Jordan yelled, pointing to the lake. "Look at that lake!"

They stood on the sloping lawn in front of the castle gate, and they happened to be able to clearly see the calm surface of the Black Lake.

At this moment, the lake that was originally like a black gem suddenly became no longer calm.

There was a commotion under the water in the middle of the lake, and there were huge waves on the surface of the water.

Waves crashed against the wet lake shore, and then, right in the middle of the lake, a large whirlpool appeared, as if a huge plug was suddenly pulled out from the bottom of the lake...

Everyone held their breath, watching a long pitch-black pole rise slowly from the vortex, followed by sails, rigging...

"It's a mast!" Ron exclaimed.

He was right, for an ancient ship with sails was seen coming up from beneath the icy raging waves.

First there is the black bow with carved skulls, then the seawater is black and deep, and the deck is covered with shells and barnacles, and finally there are portholes with dim lights that look like ghost eyes.

Finally, with the sound of splashing water, the big ship emerged completely, and the dark red deer heads and golden two-headed birds embroidered on the sails shone in the moonlight.

"Is that... a ghost ship?"

Harry stared at the ship, which seemed to belong to centuries ago, and gaped from ear to ear in astonishment.

There was not only one little wizard who behaved like him.

"It's okay if you understand it that way."

Clark looked at the big ship approaching the shore in the distance and said.

"Durmstrang's ghost ship fleet is very famous in the entire extraordinary world.

They first belonged to the Portuguese or Spanish spice fleets in the Age of Discovery.

At that time, the Bulgarian witch Nelida Vokanova, the founder of Durmstrang, cast magic on them in the sea near Scandinavia.

These ships were captured by the dark wizards led by the witch Nelida Volkanova, and they were transformed by magic to form the frightening fleet of ghost ships at that time.

As for the gold carried on those ships, it was used to build Durmstrang Castle and the Quidditch pitch.

And what you are seeing now is the ace flagship in the Ghost Fleet - the Flying Dutchman! "

"Ghost Fleet..."

"The Flying Dutchman..."

The little wizards around murmured this special term that seemed to only be read in strange novels.

"Aren't their crew members all living dead? Have they ever fought sea monsters in the deep sea? These are not fairy tales, are they all true?"

"Of course, until now, the legend about the Flying Dutchman is still circulating among Muggles.

It is said that when the Ghost Fleet was at its peak, there were hundreds of undead pirates on this ship, composed of wraiths and corpses. "

Clark said.

"As for the sea monster... According to the rumors I heard, when Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Witchcraft was established about a thousand years ago, Nerida Volkanova gave a young Kraken to Congratulations to Hogwarts.

That thing was later raised in the Black Lake, and the big octopus you saw in the lake might be its offspring. "

As they spoke, Durmstrang's ghost ship, the Flying Dutchman, had docked.

There was a splash, and an anchor was thrown into the shallow water, and with another snap, a plank rested on the shore.

Through the silhouette of lights on the porthole, it can be seen that the people on board are going ashore.

Those shadows were all burly, even stronger than Neville, who was now a warrior.

However, when they got closer and walked along the lawn into the light cast by the hall, everyone realized that the reason why these Durmstrang students were so big was because they were all wearing thick clothes. Thick fur cloak.

The thick robes with shaggy fur on the collar wrapped around them, looking from a distance, they looked like big bears standing upright.

"It must be cold in there!"

Hermione looked at such a scene and expressed her own conclusions.

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