Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 50 Heroic Spirit Servant, Joan of Arc



Following Fleur Delacour's reminder, everyone's eyes shifted from Clark to Bruce Stewart.

Facing everyone's gaze, this little wizard who was about the same age as Clark, even though he was very nervous inside, still had a straight face and put on a posture that I don't know anything.

However, the strange thing is that the principals of the three schools, together with two officials from the Ministry of Magic, did not express any surprise at the fact that Bruce Stewart was selected as a warrior.

It seems that his selection as a warrior was completely within their expectations.

So the whole room fell into an even more awkward silence for an instant. Karkaroff and Madam Maxime glanced at Dumbledore, and then at Bruce Stewart standing there, with very strange eyes.

Finally, it was Dumbledore who said, "Miss Delacour, I think he signed up as a student of the fourth school."

"As to how he crossed that age line to sign up, we don't know."

said Dumbledore to everyone assembled in the room.

"However, in my opinion, we have no choice but to accept it. Both Clark and Mr. Stewart were selected by the Goblet of Fire to compete. Therefore, they must complete this competition."

Clark could hear Bruce Stewart visibly relieved at what Dumbledore had said.

"Okay, shall we move on to the next step?"

Bagman can be said to be the most heartless person in the room. Seeing that the selection of warriors was settled, he stood up again, rubbing his hands and looking at the people in the room with a smile.

"It's time to guide our warriors, isn't it? Batty, let's talk about it?"

Mr. Crouch seemed suddenly to come out of deep thought.

"Okay," he said, "Director, yes...first project..."

Crouch took a few steps forward, stepping into the halo of the fire.

Seen from a close distance, he looked even more haggard now.

There are two deep shadows under the eyes, and the wrinkled skin is as white as paper, which is very different from his well-dressed appearance in the Quidditch World Cup.

"The first event of the Triwizard Tournament is to test your mettle and your strength," he said to Clark, Bruce, Fleur, and Viktor.

"So we're not going to tell you what it is. Facing the unknown is an important quality of a wizard...very important..."

"The first event will take place on November 24, and the only weapon the warriors have in their hands as they face the first round of challenges is their wand.

They will not learn about the second project until the first project is over. Because the competition is so demanding and lasts so long, the Warriors don't take the school year exams. "

Having said that, he turned around and looked at Dumbledore, Karkaroff and Madam Maxime, and said, "But before the game officially starts, we still have one very important thing to do."

He turned around again and stared at the four participating warriors in front of him.

"Because of the particularity and danger of this competition, you need to summon your own heroic servants first.

The magic circle used for summoning has already been set up outside, and the catalyst that is destined for the heroic spirit is also a holy relic used by the heroic spirit. Presumably your respective schools have already prepared it for you in advance.

Now, let's go out and start summoning your servants. "

The four warriors got up, Clark walked to the side of the principal Dumbledore, and the other two walked to their respective principals.

There was only Bruce Stewart alone, looking forlorn and pathetic, all alone.

But even so, his face did not show the slightest weakness, and he just forced himself to straighten his waist.

He knew that no matter what the result was, as long as he was still standing here, it would be a strategic victory for the US Ministry of Magic.

At this time, Clark had already left Principal Dumbledore's side. The old man was looking at Bruce who was standing defiantly there, with a hint of appreciation and pity in his eyes.

"Hey!" The old man sighed, put away his kindness that had nowhere to rest, "I don't know if it's right or wrong to embarrass a child like this."

Clark also squinted at Bruce, "Professor, you think about him, but the Magical Congress of America won't think about you. When we made this plan, didn't we expect this to happen? "

"Those American wizards, like their Muggles, were brigands and thugs, just as shameless and shameless.

This can be seen from their extermination of the natives of the American continent and people with superhuman abilities.

So in the face of the national power struggle with the American wizards, you have never backed down. When dealing with this group of people, the more you back down, the more they will push forward, professor! "

Because Dumbledore had already planted sound-proofing magic around the two of them, Clark also spoke extraordinarily passionately.

"They want to rise, we want to keep our position, it's a conflict of interests that will never abate.

Professor, you can't learn from the Muggle government, lower the bottom line, and back down again and again on such important matters of family and country.

You know, once this heart is vented, it can't be taken away. "

"Go! Go! Go! Although I am old, I am not as old as the old lake." Dumbledore waved his sleeves pretending to be dissatisfied. If you trick him into killing him, why don't you dare?"

Clark smiled and said nothing more.

Dumbledore said again.

"Originally, the school has prepared the catalyst for summoning the heroic spirits for the participating warriors, which is the sword of Gryffindor that you found back in the second grade.

But since you already knew the situation of the competition and decided to participate in the competition in advance, then I think you should have prepared your catalyst for the summoning of heroic spirits, right? "

Clark nodded and said with great certainty, "Of course!"

Dumbledore smiled slightly when he heard the words, "In that case, it will depend on your performance later."

After all, he stretched out his hand and pulled out a long sword from his robe. The scabbard and hilt of the long sword were inlaid with large rubies. This was the Gryffindor sword.

"Although you don't need it, I'd better leave this sword to you." Dumbledore held the sword in both hands, handed it to him, and winked at Clark at the same time.

But in the eyes of outsiders who couldn't hear their conversation—especially Karkaroff and Madam Maxim, this scene was quite normal.

The two of them, like Dumbledore, took out the Heroic Spirit Summoning Catalyst prepared in advance from their robes and stuffed them into the hands of their students.

At the same time, they did not forget to whisper into the ears of Krum and Fleur, telling them the spell used to summon the heroic spirit.

After everything was ordered, several warriors had already written down the procedure of the next ceremony, and everyone filed out of the room and returned to the auditorium.

Perhaps it was because some time had passed, or when they were in the room just now, the professor in the auditorium comforted the students below.

Anyway, when Clark and Bruce stood in front of the teacher's desk together, the little wizards of Hogwarts below all kept quiet, and they didn't talk loudly anymore.

"Dumbledore, let's start!" Mr. Crouch said, looking at Dumbledore.

However, Dumbledore pointed at Karkaroff and Madam Maxim with his right hand, "We are guests from afar, let's invite you two first."

The two principals did not refuse. Madame Maxime took the lead and led Fleur Delacour off the teacher's desk.

"Go, remember the summoning words I told you." Madam Maxim patted Fleur's shoulder encouragingly.

The beautiful silver-haired girl stood in front of the wooden cup that was still burning with blue and white flames, swallowed nervously, and then stepped into the cup filled with fresh blood, mercury and dissolved gemstones, consisting of four " In the magic circle formed by the "retreat" formation surrounding the "spiritual descending" formation.

"Convergence! Condensation! Sublimation! Overflow!"

Under the flickering candlelight, the girl slowly opened her lips, and the magic circle under her feet shimmered in tandem with her.

Waves of chaotic and orderly magic power came together, condensed in the center of the magic circle, and followed her spells, undergoing more complicated changes and sublimation.

"Repeated and repeated, the cycle is endless, so as to reach the miracle of the One."

"The sun and the moon, under the gaze of the stars, follow the ancient covenant."

"Those heroic spirits on the throne, please break the boundaries of time and space and listen carefully."

"I call by covenant;

request by blood;

use my body as a device;

Sacrifice to magic. "

"In response to the call of the Holy Grail, if you are willing to follow this principle, respond immediately."

"Swear here."

"I would like to use this body to promote all good deeds in the world."

"I am willing to use this body to protect all the weak and weak in the world."

"I entrust this body to you, answer my call and come—jeanned'arc!"

When Fleur finished reciting the last letter with a high tone, the ancient flag embroidered with irises in her hand was also unfolded by her, covering the magic circle.

The next moment, the soaring light mixed with magic power spewed out from the magic circle, completely covering the surrounding candlelight.

The little wizards present held their breath, squinted their eyes, and looked towards the center of the magic circle against the dazzling light.

After the light dissipated, everyone could vaguely see it in the spot left by the dazzling light.

A beautiful girl shining with milky white radiance, wearing a half body armor, holding a sword in one hand and a flag gun in the other, is floating above Fu Rong's head.

She looked only fifteen or sixteen years old, and her face could not be seen clearly in the holy white light, but those bright eyes shot out a resolute light, shining into the hearts of all those who looked at her, giving them great courage .

It seems that as long as she waved her banner and pointed her long sword, everyone would follow her guidance, follow her, and charge forward without risking their lives! charge!

"Jeanned'arc (Jeanned'arc)!" Clark muttered the name softly, while looking up at the holy girl suspended above Fleur's head, "Is it the legendary Joan of Arc?"

If France is mentioned, there are absolutely two names that cannot be avoided.

One is Napoleon Bonaparte, the emperor of the First French Empire and the greatest French military strategist and statesman in the nineteenth century.

The other is Joan of Arc, who said she had encountered a miracle, and then turned her short life into a legend, and was finally conferred the title of a saint by the Holy See.

She was a French hero who liberated Orleans in the Hundred Years' War (1337-1453), a Catholic saint.

She was born in a small mountain village in France. When she was young, it was the darkest period in France during the Hundred Years War. The army was defeated by the British, and the royal family was forced to sign a humiliating treaty of treason.

It was at this time that Joan of Arc, who was only twelve years old, saw a miracle for the first time—the three archangels told her to drive the English out of France and take the crown prince to Reims for the coronation.

So in 1429, at the age of 17, under the escort of two knights who believed in her, she met the crown prince, successfully passed the test, was appointed as the royal commander, and led the troops to Orleans.

And Joan of Arc, who was on the battlefield for the first time, showed her magic. When she entered the battlefield with the military flag, the French army, which was suppressed by the British army, miraculously resisted. The heroic offensive launched by the enemy.

And under the leadership of Joan of Arc, they also launched a counterattack head-on, defeating the British army at the time, which greatly boosted the morale of the French side.

In this way, under her leadership, the French army won successive victories. In July 1429, they successfully escorted the crown prince to Reims, where he was crowned King Charles VII.

Regrettably, after this, Joan of Arc, who had a high reputation, was betrayed by his own people in a small conflict due to political struggles and captured by the Principality of Burgundy.

And shortly after that, it was bought by the English with a lot of money, and a public trial was organized by the Inquisition under the control of the English authorities.

In this inquisition, Joan, who was barely literate, debated equally with the leading theologians.

In the end, the helpless religious court could only sentence her to the stake with 12 contradictory convictions, and forced her, who was illiterate, to sign a confession that she could not understand at all.

So this heroic and strange woman was executed in public in the center of Rouen, France on May 30, 1431, when she was only 19 years old.

It was not until 1920 that Joan of Arc was rehabilitated and was canonized as a saint by the Catholic Church.

The above are the records of Muggles about Joan of Arc.

And in the extraordinary world, this saint is indeed a true descendant of the gods. During the Hundred Years' War between Britain and France, she brought a lot of harm to the wizards in the British wizarding world.

At this time, with the completion of the summoning ceremony, Fu Rong raised her right hand high, and the Joan of Arc floating above her head also slowly melted in a burst of white light, and finally fell on the back of her right hand, forming a beautiful iris Flower pattern eucalyptus.

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