Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 73 2 Unlucky Guys

During dinner, neither Clark, Neville nor Hermione saw Harry and Ron at the Gryffindor table.

However, they did hear a surprising news from Ginny. Harry had just invited Cho Chang to the Yule Ball at the Ravenclaw Tower.

Unfortunately, he was a step too late. Before that, Qiu Zhang had accepted Cedric's invitation, so Harry was cruelly rejected.

It's unimaginable how depressed Harry is now. Maybe he didn't even eat dinner before returning to the dormitory.

"The light of the fairy mirror."

After dinner, Clark and the others went directly back upstairs, stood at the door of the Gryffindor common room, and gave the password to the Fat Lady.

"Yes, yes, dear!" she said in a trilling voice, smoothing her new gold and silver headband, and turning forward to let them in.

Entering the common room, they looked around and saw Ron sitting in a far corner with a gray face. Harry sat next to him and spoke to him in a low voice, as if to comfort him.

"What's the matter, Ron?" Clark took the lead and walked towards them.

Ron looked up at him with a frightened look on his face.

"Why would I do that?" he said confusedly, "I don't know how I could do that!"

"What's the matter?" Neville asked.

"He - um - he just invited Fleur Delacour to go to the ball with him." said Harry, who knew the situation before they did.

Although he was also very sad, after seeing Ron's appearance, he felt much better for some reason.

"Are you okay?" Hermione also asked.

"I don't know how I could do this!"

Ron gasped, his face flushed with shame.

"Who am I kidding? There were people there - there were so many people around - I might have lost my mind - I must have lost my head - everyone was watching!

I met her as I walked through the hall - she was standing there talking to Diggory - the sun shining on her face,

Suddenly I couldn't control myself - I went up and asked her! "

Ron groaned and covered his face with his hands. He kept talking. Although the order of the words was very confusing, he could barely hear it clearly.

"She looked at me like I was some kind of mollusk and didn't even bother to answer. And then - I don't know - I snapped out of it and ran away."

Ginny seemed to be trying hard not to laugh, but she still patted Ron's arm sympathetically.

"She has part of Veela blood, Ron," Clark comforted him at this time. "Obviously, after becoming a warrior and summoning the heroic spirit, her bloodline concentration and her charm have gained a lot. Improve, so it’s normal for you to be dizzy and make mistakes.”

"Yeah, Ron, it's not a big deal. Look at me, wasn't I also rejected by Qiu Zhang?"

Ron looked up.

"I just asked her to come with me," Harry said dryly, "and she told me that she had promised Digory."

Ginny suddenly stopped smiling.

"This is absolutely ridiculous," said Ron. "We're left without a partner - and Neville, by the way, who doesn't have a partner either."

"Sorry, I'm really sorry. I already have a dance partner." Neville smiled sheepishly.

"What?" said Harry, completely entranced by the surprising news. "Who did you invite?"

"It's me, Neville invited me yesterday..." Ginny stepped forward and said, "I think... anyway... anyway, if I don't agree to him, I won't be able to go. I'm not in fourth grade yet, so I I agreed.”

Harry immediately fell silent.

"Well done, you didn't even tell me about being a brother, Ginny," Ron said slyly.

"I don't think I need to tell you at all, I have several brothers!" Ginny said angrily, "Besides, you never cared about me, did you?"

After saying that, she angrily walked toward the hole behind the portrait.

"How could she say that? I am her brother, and I have never cared about her?" Ron's face turned red, half angry and half ashamed.

"Honestly, Ron, you are really not very good at being a brother." Neville said, and then chased after him.

"It seems. The fact that beautiful girls have been snatched away has made some people furious, isn't it, Ron?"

Hermione said haughtily, "Eloise Midgan is starting to look beautiful too, isn't she? It doesn't matter, I'm sure you will find someone somewhere who will accept you."

Ron glared at Hermione, "I don't want to hear these words anymore, everything is my fault, okay!"

"Anyway, I still have my best friend, Harry, with me. He will never leave me. At worst, the two of us will go on stage to make a couple." He seemed to have given up on himself.

"That's pretty good. I also think you two are suitable for a couple." Hermione couldn't help but laugh as she said that.

But at this moment, Harry happened to see Parvati and Lavender coming in through the hole behind the portrait. He knew that he had to do it all this time. He didn't want to go on stage with Ron to lead the dance. That would be really embarrassing. .

"Wait here," he said to Ron, and then he stood up and walked straight towards Parvati and said, "Parvati, will you go to the ball with me?"

Parvati looked at him and let out a fit of giggles, and Harry waited awkwardly for her laughter to pass, crossing his fingers in the pockets of his robes.

"Okay, okay." She finally said, her face red as if it was bleeding.

"Thank you." Harry finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Lavender - are you willing to go with Ron?"

"She's promised Seamus," Parvati said, and they both laughed harder.

Harry sighed.

"Can you think of someone who could go with Ron?" he said, lowering his voice so that Ron wouldn't hear.

"Let me think about it..." Parvati said slowly, "My sister can probably... her name is Padma, you know... in Ravenclaw. If you are willing, I will ask her."

"Okay, that's great," Harry said. "Let us know if you have any news, okay?"

Harry returned to Ron and told him the good news.

But the word "unhappy" was still written all over Ron's face. He stood up and returned to the boys' dormitory angrily.

"What's wrong with him?" Harry asked in shock. ,

Clark pursed his lips and shrugged his shoulders, "Who knows, maybe it's a little willfulness of an adolescent boy."

Time seems to fly by when most people have found a dance partner.

Although the teachers gave the fourth grade students a lot of homework during the holidays, after the semester was over, almost no one except Hermione and Clark had the heart to do it.

In the week before Christmas, everyone was having fun together.

Gryffindor Tower was almost as full as it had been before the holidays, and the tower seemed to have shrunk in size as the people who lived in it were much noisier than usual.

Fred and George's business is enjoying a boom, and when the holidays come, students are more than willing to spend money to have some fun.

Their canary biscuits are selling very well. During the first day or two of the holiday, people suddenly sprouted feathers all over their bodies.

But the Gryffindor students soon learned their lesson and became very wary of the food being handed to them, lest there be a canary biscuit hidden in the middle.

George seemed not to be satisfied yet. He told Clark that he and Fred were developing another new product.

Maybe you can get people to be tricked by just physical contact without entrance.

This also made Clark warn himself that he must never accept anything from Fred and George in the future, even if he is an investor in these two guys.

Christmas arrives with a heavy snowfall, and falling snowflakes fall on the castle and grounds.

Beauxbatons' light blue carriage looks like a big frosted pumpkin in a fairy tale from a distance, and the little gingerbread house sprinkled with frosting next to it is Hagrid's cabin.

A layer of ice formed on the sides of Durmstrang's ship, making it smooth and translucent, and the sail ropes were also stained with a layer of hoarfrost, which finally dispelled the gloomy and terrifying atmosphere on the ship.

In the kitchen in the basement of the castle, countless house elves are busy every day.

They have prepared a variety of stews and puddings, and those steaming delicacies and sweet desserts can always bring comfort and happiness to people in this cold winter.

Only Fleur Delacour could find an excuse to complain.

"The food at Hogwarts is too greasy," she was heard frowning as they left the Great Hall one night. "I can't even fit in my robes!"

"Oh, that's so tragic," Hermione said unceremoniously as Fleur walked out of the Great Hall and into the foyer. "She thinks about herself all day long, doesn't she?"

Fortunately, except for this little problem, everything is still perfect.

It was Christmas morning, and as usual, Clark and Neville woke up early.

"Merry Christmas, Neville!"

"Merry Christmas, Clark!"

The two pulled back the curtains around the four-poster bed, and the shouts woke up Ron, Harry, Seamus and Dean.

They were all looking out from the cracks in their tents, each with sleepy eyes and disheveled hair.

"Can you please stop getting up so early every time? Oh my god, it's Christmas today!" Seamus complained sleepily.

"Sorry, be careful next time," Clark whispered, "just go back to sleep."

"I'm not going to sleep...opening presents!" Seamus said when he saw the pile of things at the foot of his bed.

Ron, Dean and Harry also thought that since they were awake, they should get out of bed and open the gifts and take a look.

Soon, the dormitory was filled with all kinds of gadgets and unpacked packages.

"Wow, Harry -" Ron's ears were slightly red, which showed that he was very happy.

He opened the gift Harry gave him, which was a Charlie Cannon hat. "How cool!" He put the hat on his head randomly, and the hat and his hair suddenly clashed fiercely.

"Fortunately, I didn't choose to give you a hat. You don't have two heads." Clark teased him.

What he gave to Ron was a magic birdcage that could automatically deodorize, feed and water the bird, and maintain constant temperature and humidity.

The most important thing is that the food and water tanks included in it are very large. You can add them once and manage them for a long time. You no longer need to replace them frequently. It is simply good news for lazy people.

Ron was also very satisfied with this, and the unhappiness he had felt because of his dance partner had disappeared.

Clark received a lot of gifts this year. Hermione gave him a hand-made scarf. Although the skill was not very good, Clark immediately put it on.

As for the others, Ron gave him a book called "The Quidditch Teams of Great Britain and Ireland"; Harry gave him a large box of sweets, with all kinds of flavors; and Neville gave him a candy bar. An exquisite quill pen capable of automatic writing.

And, of course, there was his Aunt Molly, who sent a package every year containing a new black sweater with a dragon on it - Clark guessed that Charlie had told him exactly what happened with the first project. Got her.

After packing up the gifts, Clark and Neville met Hermione in the common room and went downstairs for breakfast.

They spent almost the entire morning in Gryffindor Tower, enjoying the gifts they had received.

They then returned to the Great Hall for a sumptuous lunch, including at least a hundred turkeys and a pile of Christmas puddings, as well as mountains of Cribbage cookies.

At Fred and George's suggestion, instead of returning to the common room after lunch, they went out into the grounds.

The snow was white and almost untrodden, except for a deep footprint made by the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons when they returned to the castle.

Hermione and Ginny only wanted to watch Clark, Neville and the Weiss brothers having a snowball fight, but they refused to participate.

At five o'clock she and Ginny said they were going back upstairs to get ready for the ball.

"Going back so early?!" Harry asked.

"This is a girl's privilege. It always takes her more time to clean up." Clark said while dodging a snowball flying towards the back of his head.

"They are absolutely crazy, they actually need to prepare for three hours!" Ron said like a straight man.

While he was distracted like this, he was hit hard on the cheek by a big snowball thrown by George.

The boys did not go back to the castle so early, but continued to have a snowball fight.

When it was around seven o'clock, when the sky became dark and it became difficult to aim, they gave up the snowball fight and returned to the common room together.

The common room was now full of boys, waiting for their dance partners to come down the stairs to the girls' dormitory.

Clark, Neville, Harry and others went to the dormitory upstairs and changed into their respective ceremonial robes.

Of course they also laughed at each other during this period, and each of them looked embarrassed.

But no one was as frustrated as Ron. He looked at himself in front of the long mirror in the corner with a horrified expression on his face.

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