Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 59 New Discoveries in Hagrid's Cabin

"You said, what did he hide behind his back?" Looking at Hagrid's retreating back, Hermione said thoughtfully, "Could it be related to the Philosopher's Stone?"

"I'm going to see the book he was looking for just now." Ron found an excuse and ran away again. He didn't want to sit down and read again.

But a minute later, he came back, still holding a large pile of books in his arms, and threw them heavily on the table.

"Dragon!" he whispered. "Look, Hagrid is looking up information on dragons! Check out these: Dragon Species in Britain and Ireland, From Dragon Eggs to Hell, A Guide to Keeping Dragons."

"Hagrid always wanted a dragon, he told me so the first time I saw him," said Harry.

"But it's against the law," said Ron. "At the wizarding conference in 1709, the ban on keeping dragons was officially passed, and everyone knows that."

"Of course, Ron." Clark and Hermione nodded together. They also knew about this bill. "We know better than you. Generally speaking, if a wizard raises a dragon, he will be sentenced to ten months in prison. If he secretly If the raised fire dragon is discovered by Muggles, or it has caused great impact and loss, then he will be thrown into Azkaban."

"Of course, if you happen to come across a wounded wild dragon, kindly take them in and take care of them, and then prepare to release them before the Ministry of Magic comes to your door, then there will be no problem at all."

"But there are no wild dragons in Britain?" Harry asked curiously.

"Of course there are," said Ron, "there are common Welsh green dragons and Hessian black dragons. I can tell you that the Ministry of Magic has a job of hiding the existence of these wild dragons. Our wizards often have to show The Muggles of the Wild Dragon cast a spell to make them forget all about it."

"So what the hell is Hagrid trying to do?" said Hermione.

Clark closed the alchemy notebook with a "snap", "Who knows, I'll find out if I ask him later."

The four packed up their things and left the library. An hour later, they knocked on the door of the gamekeeper's cabin.

Unlike the last time they came, Clark and the others were surprised to find that all the curtains in the cabin were drawn tightly.

Hagrid first called out "Who is it?"

After hearing Harry's response, he let them into the house, and then he turned around and closed the door like a thief again.

The cabin was suffocatingly hot, and despite the warm sunshine, there was a blazing fire in the fireplace. Hagrid made them a pot of tea and offered ferret sandwiches, but the four politely declined.

"So... do you have something to ask me?"

"Yes." Harry said, he felt that there was no need to beat around the bush, "We wonder if you can tell us, besides Lu Wei, what mechanism is there to guard the Philosopher's Stone?"

Hagrid frowned at them.

"Of course I can't," he said.

"One, I don't know myself. Two, you already know too much, so I wouldn't tell you if I did. There's a good reason that the stone is here, it was almost stolen at Gringotts. Steal... I guess you guys have figured this out too? I don't understand how you guys even know about Lu Wei.""

"Oh, Hagrid, you probably don't want to tell us, you must know. Of all the things that happened in this school, which one can escape your eyes. You know, you are the most important person of Headmaster Dumbledore. People who trust!" said Hermione in a sweet, flattering tone.

Hagrid's beard twitched, and they could tell he was smiling, but this time his mouth was much tighter, as he had learned from last time.

"Actually, we can roughly guess who else designed those traps," Hermione thought of another plan when she saw that the trick was not working, "Isn't it? Clark.


Clark pushed up his glasses, and under Hagrid's nervous gaze, he said unhurriedly: "Of course, there are only so many teachers in the whole school, except for you, Hagrid, as far as we know, There are also two teachers, Snape and Quirrell. Since Mr. Snape is involved, then I think the deans of the other three colleges, Professor McGonagall...Professor Flitwick...Professor Sprout, they The three must have been involved, too, right?"

The last "right" was for Hagrid. Under his attack, the honest half-giant was already overwhelmed.

"Okay, okay, I surrender, you are amazing. In fact, it doesn't matter to tell you, you guessed it is completely correct, these professors have indeed participated in it, so you should know how powerful you are, this is not something you can participate in of."

Hagrid tried to persuade him earnestly, but looking at his simple and honest smile, Harry's inner thoughts were very speechless.

Since Snape also participated in the work of protecting the Philosopher's Stone, it must be easy for him to find out what traps the other teachers set up. He probably knew everything - except Quirrell's magic and how to get past Fluffy, it seemed.

"You're the only one who knows how to get past Fluffy, don't you, Hagrid?" Harry asked eagerly. "You won't tell anyone, will you? Not even the teacher, will you?"

"Nobody wants to know but me and Dumbledore," said Hagrid proudly.

"That's good, that's good." Harry whispered to the others, only to find that Clark, who had been sitting next to him, had disappeared.

"Hagrid, is this blanket yours?" Clark's voice came from behind Hagrid,

Harry looked up and saw Clark standing beside Hagrid's big bed, studying a crumpled blanket with his head down, more carefully than he was cooking potions in Potions class.

It turned out that Clark, who was familiar with the plot of the original book, had no interest in their conversation, so he took this opportunity to wander around Hagrid's hut, preparing to see what the legendary fire dragon egg looked like, but he unexpectedly got something extra.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Hagrid turned his head and glanced.

"If I'm not mistaken, Hagrid, is this the one?" Clark picked up the blanket with both hands, looking cautious, as if afraid of breaking it.

Seeing Clark like this, Harry and the others all came together curiously. I saw that the blanket in Clark's hand was ordinary, just a blanket made of various rags.

"Is this the one?" Hermione seemed to recognize it, her voice trembling a little.

Only Harry and Ron looked at Clark, not knowing what charade he was playing, but Hagrid froze for a moment, then replied with a smile:

"That's right, that's it."

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