Hogwarts, a Scholar Becomes a God

Chapter 6 The Sorting Ceremony for New Students


Just after Clark and the others finished dealing with the conflict, twenty or so ghosts suddenly came in through the walls and the ceiling.

These pearly white, translucent ghosts glide across the room, whispering to each other, making some timid children scream.

In fact, even children from wizarding families rarely see ghosts outside. Except for some castles that still have ancient magic circles, only Hogwarts can see a large number of ghosts.

And this just proves what Clark said just now, these ghosts are all because they were absorbed by Hogwarts Castle when they entered school, so that after death, their souls return to Hogwarts Castle and become ghosts .

Therefore, these ghosts are also very friendly, after all, they were also students of Hogwarts before.


A chubby monk-like ghost smiled at them and said, "I think you are about to be tested?"

Some students nodded silently.

"Hope you get a Hufflepuff!" said the Friar. "I used to be in that house."

"It's better to go to Gryffindor, that's the college that men should go to!"

"Shit, Gryffindors are all barbarians, we Slytherins are the real place to learn magic!"

These ghosts quarreled as they talked, and the chaotic scene didn't stop until Professor McGonagall came back. They floated, filed into the wall and disappeared.

"Now, stand in single file," Professor McGonagall said to the first-years, "and follow me."

The little wizards lined up in a row, Clark walked in the center, Hermione and Neville followed behind him, and Ron stood at the front, as if wanting to stay away from Clark.

They walked out of the room, through the foyer, and through a pair of double doors into an extremely luxurious auditorium.

On the velvety black ceiling, dots of stars twinkled, and thousands of candles floated in mid-air like jellyfish, illuminating the entire auditorium.

Under the starry sky, all the students except the first-year freshmen were already sitting around four long tables, which were filled to the brim with shining gold plates and goblets.

On the stage at the top of the auditorium, there is another long table, which is the teacher's seat.

Professor McGonagall took the first-years over there and lined them up facing all the seniors, with the teachers behind them.

Candles flickered overhead, and the hundreds of faces watching them looked like pale lanterns. The ghosts were also mixed among the students, shining with a hazy silver light.

This is such a magical and wonderful place!

"The ceiling here is enchanted to look like the sky outside, I read about it in Hogwarts: A History."

Hermione stood beside Clark like this, and whispered to him, her tone could not hide her pride.

Professor McGonagall gently placed a four-legged stool in front of the first-year students, and then placed a patched and worn-out pointed wizard hat on the stool.

The patina on the wizard's hat reflects the bright candlelight, and it seems that the vicissitudes of the years have been left on the body.

There was no sound in the entire auditorium. Under everyone's gaze, the hat twisted and opened a wide slit, like a mouth, and began to sing:

"You may think I'm not beautiful, but don't judge by appearances, if you can find a more beautiful hat than mine, I can eat myself.

You can make your bowler hats jet-black and your top hats sleek and crisp, and I am the Hogwarts Sorting Hat, so I stand above yours.

No idea hidden in your mind can hide from the golden eyes of the sorting hat, try it on, and I will tell you,

Which college should you go to.

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried in the bottom of my heart, their courage, courage and chivalry make Gryffindor outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are upright and loyal, where Hufflepuffs are stoic and honest, unafraid of hard work;

If you're smart, you might go into wise old Ravenclaw, where the wise and learned always meet their kind;

Maybe you will enter Slytherin and make sincere friends here, but those cunning and insidious people will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

Come put me on! Don't be afraid! Don't panic!

In my hands (although I don't even have a hand), you are absolutely safe!

Because I am a thinking hat!"

In the magnificent auditorium, the dilapidated Sorting Hat sang the last sentence. When it finished singing, the audience applauded thunderously.

The Hat bowed to each of the four tables and then remained still.

"Looks like we'll just have to wear this hat."

Hermione whispered to Clark, "Oh, that's too bad, so the spells I taught myself won't work."

The breath of speaking was blowing on his ears, making it tickle, and Clark smiled faintly, speechless for her slightly flamboyant words.

Of course, wearing a hat was much better than casting a spell in full view, at least it wouldn't make him feel like a flyover.

His only concern, perhaps, is what is the actual principle of this hat?

Is it a cured insanity spell? Or can it only read the thinking perception of the superficial thinking?

Clark didn't know, at least from the original book, it seemed that it was safer than facing Dumbledore, the White Devil, directly.

At this moment Professor McGonagall took a few steps forward, holding a roll of parchment in his hand.

"Whoever I call now puts on a hat and sits on a stool to be sorted," she said. "Hannah Abbott!"

Hannah, always first, stumbled out of the line and put on her hat, which just covered her eyes.

She sat down, paused for a moment—

"Hufflepuff!" shouted the hat.

The table on the right applauds Hannah and welcomes her to their table.

Clark even waved to her happily when he saw the ghost of the fat monk just now.

"Susan Bones!"

"Hufflepuff!" the hat called again. Susan quickly ran to Hannah and sat down.

"Terry Boot!"


This time the second table on the left clapped their hands.

When Terry joined them, several Ravenclaws stood up to shake his hand.

Mandy Blocher was also assigned to Ravenclaw, and Lavender Brown became the first freshman in Gryffindor. The farthest table on the left immediately burst into cheers, and Clark saw his own Cousins ​​George and Fred whistled loudly.

Then there is Millicent Burst as a freshman in Slytherin.

The whole team is like this, moving forward little by little.

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