Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 120 Lucius, how do you choose?

Lucius stood up from the smashed hall of his home in disgrace, looking around blankly, and suddenly regretted bringing Rashim home.

If I had known that the so-called duel was like this, I should have let them go out and fight.

But he was also frightened. He had never seen Murphy's two spells before. Not only were they extremely powerful, they also had a hint of black magic.

The reason why Murphy used such a spell to win the duel and destroy his own home at the same time was obviously to give him a warning.

This is also expected, but Murphy seems to be stronger than the last time he saw him. As the Auror captain, Rasim is actually helpless.

This kind of power is not enough to make Lucius give up, but it also proves that Murphy has the ability to protect himself. Coupled with his money and brains, perhaps the new Dark Lord's statement is not too exaggerated.

So, do you want to completely stand on his side?

But where is he taking Raheem? Shouldn't he be killed?

Murphy apparated Rasim to the Mind Magic Research Group and turned him to stone.

The two black magic spells used just now, a dark torrent and a screaming impact, were all learned from the diary and created by Tom Riddle.

The former is a rare continuous attack skill, and the latter is a range of magic, which is different from ordinary spells. This is the first time he has used it in actual combat since learning it, and he is very satisfied with the effect.

Speaking of which, as the Auror captain, Rashim's magic power should be similar to Murphy at this moment.

But under the attack of these two magics, he couldn't even put up any effective resistance and was killed instantly.

This shows that the panel attributes can only be used for reference and do not represent strength at all. Powerful spells and combat experience are also important supports for the wizard's combat effectiveness.

Leaving Rahim on the experimental bench, Murphy found two perverted scientists.

"This man is a wizard. We probably have... let me think about it, a day, a day or so shouldn't be a big problem. We have a day to verify the effect of some psychic magic on him. What do you have to use? Does the idea of ​​human samples need validation?”

Funes Bachman and Omid Abbott looked at each other and became excited, "Yes! Of course there is. And it's a wizard! We need such samples so much!"

"We have about 30 tests that we want to do about Legilimency. The Oblivion Curse has about 20 projects... The Imperius Curse has even more, about 50 sub-projects..."

Murphy nodded, "It doesn't matter, I will cooperate with you today."

"However, please don't do some experiments that are too dangerous. Don't let it get ruined. I have to plant a spiritual seed in him."


Malfoy Manor.

Four figures suddenly appeared.

The first person was wearing a black woolen coat and leather gloves, and was extremely tall. The other three people were one tall and thin with a fleshy face, one with a round face and curly hair and a medium build, and the other was a short, fat old man with white hair.

"Lucius, give me back my son!" The old man saw Lucius and grabbed him by the collar. "Where is he?! Where did they take him?!"

"Let go! Let me go!" Lucius tried his best to break the other person's hand away. While adjusting his collar, he gritted his teeth, "Lysander, are you crazy!?"

"I listened to your suggestion and asked Rasim to see that guy! Now, I don't know whether my son is alive or dead. If anything happens to him, I will make you pay the price!" Lysander Selwyn shouted road.

"Lucius, where is Rasim?" The very tall man asked at this time.

"Albert Runcorn." Lucius glanced at the other person, "What does this have to do with you?"

"Lucius, do you really want to be a lackey?" The man with a round face and curly hair sneered.

"Avery," Lucius said, looking at the last one with a savage face, "Cobain Yaxley. What kind of wind brought you two here."

"Lysander received your letter," Albert said in a low voice, "His son was taken away by that boy, why didn't you stop him?"

"Rasim is a fool. He rashly challenged someone stronger than himself. He proposed a duel, and was easily defeated." Lucius said, pointing to the broken window lattice of the mansion behind him. "Gentlemen, my own home has been affected by the fighting. How can I stop it?"

After saying that, he looked at Lysander Selwyn again, "Lysander, please promise me that your son is here to solve the problem. It was you who begged me to arrange for him to meet Murphy. As a result, Your son wants to fight with others when he comes up! Is this your so-called way of solving problems? You dragged me into the water, and now you want to question me?!"

"You!?" Lysander was extremely angry, "If you didn't deliberately squeeze my business, why should I solve the problem? What problems do I need to solve!?"

"I told you, that's Murphy's business, I just manage it for him, I'm not the investor!"

"So, are you just going to let that kid control you? Lucius?" Albert Runcorn looked at him condescendingly, "The Malfoy family can't even deal with a young boy from a declining family?"

"You don't have to mock me, Albert." Lucius sneered, "If you have the ability, try to deal with him yourself."

"This is exactly what we are going to do," Albert stared at the other person, "That kid is too misbehaving, and many people can't stand it anymore. We are going to teach him a lesson, Lucius, what do you choose?"

"What are you going to do?" Lucius looked around at several people. "I advise you to think clearly. Scrimgeour is ahead and Murphy will not be easy to deal with."

"Scrimgeour, you're just a stubborn fool." Yaxley sneered disdainfully.

"Scrimgeour took half of our people..." Lucius snorted, "It's not a good habit to underestimate your opponents!"

After saying that, Lucius was stunned for a moment, as if he had heard this sentence from someone before.

"So, you are determined to side with Murphy and go against us?"

Lucius hesitated. Albert Runcorn was very energetic and offending him would be troublesome, but Murphy was also difficult to offend.

"I won't take anyone's side." Lucius said, "You can go ahead and fight to the death."

"Haha, as expected of Malfoy." Avery said sarcastically, "It's always the same. I just said there's no need to argue with him. Let's go."

"Leave?! Runcorn, my son is still in the hands of others!" Selwyn shouted.

"Then I advise you, it's best to report it to the Auror." Avery laughed, "Oh, I forgot, your son is an Auror. Ha, it's really funny."

Albert Runcorn seemed to have just remembered this matter now, "Avery is right. The Auror Captain has been captured. This is not a trivial matter. Report it to the Auror Command and maybe give it to Murphy." Create some trouble..."

However, before he finished speaking, a figure appeared in the manor.

Everyone nervously pulled out their wands, but Lysander Selwyn saw the other person's appearance clearly, "Rasim! Son! Merlin bless you! You are back!"

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