Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 232 I, Murphy, rob in a dignified way

"Then did you agree to him?"

Professor McGonagall asked in the principal's office.

"No." Dumbledore was standing in front of a stone basin, using his wand to pull out strands of silver filaments from his mind and throwing them into the basin.

That wisp of silver memory melted away in the pensieve, and the face of a young and handsome wizard flashed out.

"I can't take the risk."

Professor McGonagall nodded in agreement, "Murphy has a bad reputation. He is involved in the Muggle world. There are rumors about selling potions to Muggles. It should not be all based on rumors. If he takes When we get to the Philosopher's Stone, we may prepare to open a Gringotts of our own."

"It might not be a big deal if the handling fee can be lowered a little," Dumbledore said.


"What scares me is not his ambition." Dumbledore said, "He is still very young. Wizards of this age always want to change the world, but mostly out of ignorance."

"But, Murphy is a little different."

"He is different from us." Dumbledore said, "He is very smart, even full of wisdom. This kind of intelligence does not only mean quick reactions and quick thinking, but also seems to have experienced a lot of thinking and experienced things beyond his reach. Age tests the years. He is more 'mature' than even wizards many years his senior."

"He was probably born into a wizarding family, right, Minerva?"

"Of course, he's the child of Sanders and Natalie Duckholm. I taught both of those, too."

"Have they ever shown any curiosity about Muggle things?"

"As far as I know, no."

"But Murphy is very good at using Muggle knowledge. His understanding of Muggle 'science' may be much better than all of us." Dumbledore recalled the paper he had read, "And , he seems to have received very strict training in Muggle science... His logic and even the choice of words and sentences are so... extraordinary."

"Even those young wizards who are truly Muggle-born do not have such attainments."

"He entered school at the age of eleven and left school at the age of eighteen. He spent the most important period of his life at Hogwarts. He should have been like an ordinary little wizard."

"But he seems to have lived in Muggle society for many years. His knowledge is by no means superficial. Where did the ideas that have penetrated his mind come from?"

"What do you mean?" Professor McGonagall was stunned, "Do you mean he is a fake?"

"No. I don't know." Dumbledore said, frowning deeply, "I can't see his appearance clearly. Murphy puzzles me more than Tom."

As he spoke, the old man sighed and seemed a little regretful: "He is right, but I really can't trust him."

"Trust is something you can only have after spending a long time together and traveling a long distance together, isn't it? Dumbledore?" Professor McGonagall said, "You have already suffered a loss from Riddle once, how can you do it again?" How about unconditionally trusting someone who doesn’t know the details?”

Dumbledore nodded slightly, but then said, "But Murphy is very honest."

"At least he didn't hide his desires."

Dumbledore recalled Murphy's appearance at that time. His dark eyes were steady and clear. There was no plot or deception. He directly said what he wanted.

The upright aura almost moved him a little.

"He is different from Tom," Dumbledore said. "Very different."

"Minerva, tell me, if I could trust Tom unconditionally, or give him more guidance instead of monitoring and watching, wouldn't he become what he is today?"

"I have not taught Tom Riddle." Professor McGonagall said, "But we can't change a wizard's character. You can't be too harsh on yourself."

However, Dumbledore remained silent, Murphy's words still echoing in his mind.

"You don't even trust yourself. How about everyone else?"


Perhaps my suspicion of others is just because I know myself too well.

Thinking of this, Dumbledore sighed.

Once again, he felt deeply exhausted.

Dumbledore's refusal was not unexpected.

But Murphy asked anyway.

Taking it without telling you is stealing, but I told you not to give it to me, so I had no choice but to steal it to save my life, which can be regarded as an emergency evacuation.

This logic is certainly wrong, but at least for Murphy, it is enough to make him feel at ease with his next plan.

Now I don’t know where the magic stone is placed, and there is still time, so I will continue to follow the original plan.

But there is another problem that must be solved as soon as possible.

That's the recipe for the elixir of life.

It would be best if there was a way to reshape the body through the elixir of life.

He has been looking for the formula in the library for a long time, but there are no reliable clues.

Voldemort must know, and also know how to reshape his body through the elixir of immortality, otherwise it would be useless for him to ask for the Philosopher's Stone, but there are too many uncertainties in contacting him, so it should be considered as a last resort.

So, Snape?

Maybe it's possible.

Doesn’t this guy claim to be able to teach students how to “prevent death”?

With his knowledge of potions and his experience following Voldemort, he might get involved in research in this area.

The day after talking to Dumbledore, the tasks in Tom's Book of Guidelines were suddenly updated.

"Main mission: Exploring the secrets of the corridor on the fourth floor."

"Mission goal: Find out what is hidden in the corridor on the fourth floor."

"Task description: You now know that the secret hidden in the corridor on the fourth floor is related to Nico Flamel. Maybe if you find the clues of this person, you can get the answer. Go look for the clues of Nico Flamel."

"Mission reward: Increased magic power. Flying spell. Legilimency."

At that time, he was having dinner with Harry and others. Hermione complained that she had not found any clues about Nicolas Flamel in many books, and then the mission was updated.

"Legilimency?!" Tom was pleasantly surprised when he saw the extra content in the reward.

Recently, he often spent time in the library. On the one hand, he was helping Harry and the others find clues about Nicolas Flamel, and on the other hand, he was searching for more legends about Salazar Slytherin.

He was very curious about what Hagrid called the "Heir of Slytherin" and the so-called "Chamber of Secrets."

Deep down in his heart, without even realizing it, he desperately wanted to prove that he was the heir of Slytherin.

In addition, he also learned a lot about "Legilimency", and sometimes he even secretly took some small animals to practice this spell.

His desire to restore his memory never stopped for a moment.

It's just that Legilimency is an extremely advanced spell. He has just started practicing it and he doesn't dare to use it on himself yet.

But the spell obtained through the Book of Guidance is very proficient, and he may be able to use it on himself immediately. In that case, he may not be far away from retrieving his memory.

This made him full of motivation to complete this "main mission".

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