Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 269 Passing through the trap door

"We can't wait any longer," Harry said during lunch on the last day before the exams.

Tom has been discharged from the hospital. The relationship between him and Harry is still a bit strange, but for some reason, Harry does not exclude him from the matter of the Sorcerer's Stone.

"The exam is coming soon, can't we think about this issue after the exam?" Hermione asked.

She had been dreaming recently that Snape had announced that she had failed the exam. The shock brought by this dream was even scarier than Voldemort's resurrection.

"We still don't know how to get through Fluffy's level. That person, whether it's Snape or another dark wizard, certainly doesn't know that the Philosopher's Stone is still safe," Hermione said.

"Tom, what do you think?" Harry asked.

Tom frowned.

Why ask me?

"I think... the people who want to steal the Philosopher's Stone must be more anxious than us." He said.

He wasn't lying, he could hardly sleep these days.

Once on vacation, he would have to leave Hogwarts, and it would be impossible to get the Philosopher's Stone.

"I agree, we can go explore again..." Ron said.

Instead of continuing to memorize the history of magic here, Ron felt that he would rather face a big dog with three heads.

"You just don't want to read!" Hermione revealed ruthlessly.

"To be honest, we can't just rely on Lu Wei. Hagrid is very loyal to Dumbledore, but Hagrid..." Ron curled his lips, "He will say anything when he is happy..."

"Bang!" Harry suddenly stood up, "What did you say?"

Ron was startled, "Ahem, I'm not saying that Hagrid won't keep secrets, I'm saying that he is easily tricked, isn't he..."

They had lured Nicoléme from Hagrid before.

"Why didn't I think of that! Yes, how could it be such a coincidence!" Harry ran out in a hurry without even bothering to eat.

Several young wizards followed him, "What's the matter? What did you think of?"

"Norbert! Hagrid has always wanted a dragon! But someone happened to bring a dragon egg, and he touched it! How could it be such a coincidence! It is illegal to raise a dragon! Who would carry that thing around?!"

They swarmed into Hagrid's hut and asked right away, "Hagrid, who gave you Nob?"

"A foreign wizard, what's wrong?" Hagrid was a little nervous because of Harry's shivering appearance. "He's wearing a cloak. I don't know who he is? What's wrong? It's not strange. He's in the Pig's Head Bar." , there are all kinds of people..."

"Did you mention Lu Wei?"

"Ah, because he wanted to know if I could raise a dragon and what I was capable of, so I told him that I had raised a three-headed hell dog. This thing is not common, but I told him that I could even raise Lu Wei. The tube is obedient, as long as you play some music for it, he will fall asleep immediately..."

The little wizards rushed out of Hagrid's hut again.

"We must tell Dumbledore about this. Only Dumbledore can stop him..." Hermione said, "They said that the only person he is afraid of is Dumbledore..."

Soon, however, Professor McGonagall told them that Dumbledore was summoned away by a letter from the Ministry of Magic.

"An education hearing," Professor McGonagall sighed. "The school board believes that Dumbledore's teaching policy is too willful... He has gone to London and will not be back until at least tomorrow."

Then they met Snape again.

The latter stared at each of them carefully, "What are you going to do again? Let me remind you, Potter - if you wander around in the middle of the night again, I will personally expel you."

After Snape left, several young wizards looked at each other.

"There is no other way to go."

"Tonight, we must get the Philosopher's Stone before others do."

Never had the late hours seemed so long to Tom.

He lay on the bed, constantly calculating various possibilities in his mind, but in the end, he found that he still had no choice. If he wanted to live, he needed the magic stone, the elixir of life, and the resurrection potion.

He might be able to steal the Philosopher's Stone before Voldemort did, and he already knew the recipe for the elixir of life, but only Voldemort had the resurrection potion.

Moreover, only Voldemort can help him retrieve his past memories and become his complete self.

It's time to make up your mind.

At ten o'clock in the middle of the night, when everyone else in the dormitory was asleep, Tom cast a Disembodiment Charm on himself, left the Slytherin lounge, and waited in the corridor on the fourth floor for a while.

Suddenly a head appeared in mid-air. It was Harry.

"Tom, we are here, where are you?" he called softly.

Tom hesitated, but in the end he did not lift the disillusionment spell.

Two more little heads popped out of thin air, and Hermione and Ron both looked around, "Tom, Tom..."

But Tom still didn't show up.

"What's going on with Tom? Why hasn't he come yet?" Ron asked anxiously.

"We can't wait here. Voldemort will come and kill us all soon." Hermione said. The little girl was so nervous that her whole body was shaking.

"Tom, Tom..." Harry called twice more, but still no one responded.

"Oh, isn't he scared, coward!" Ron was very dissatisfied.

"Maybe, he was tripped by someone..." Hermione said.

Harry hesitated for a moment and finally made up his mind, "No wait, let's go first."

They opened the door at the end of the corridor, then used flutes to hypnotize Lu Wei, and opened the trap door, revealing the bottomless hole below.

"Hermione," Harry handed the flute to Hermione, "I'll jump down first, you hold the flute and keep playing."

"If something happens to me, don't go down, just use an owl to deliver a message to Dumbledore." Harry said, "If I'm fine, remember to put the flute here. If Tom comes late, you can also use it to pass through Louie." .”

After saying that, Harry jumped down the hole with the determination to die, but found that the bottom was very soft, so Ron and Hermione also jumped down.

The music stopped and Luwei roared again. He smelled the scent of humans. Someone slipped away from him, and there was another one hiding in front of him that he couldn't see.

Tom used the flying spell to grab the flute in his hand, hypnotized Lu Wei again, waited for a while, until the noise below stopped, and jumped down.

The devil's net on the ground had been expelled by Harry and the others, but before falling, Tom used shock absorbers to slow down and landed unscathed.

He added a disguise spell to himself again, and then he saw three young wizards coming to a corridor with eight crow statues on both sides.

There seemed to be a puzzle on the wall. Hermione stayed in front of the puzzle for a while, and then pressed a few buttons. A piece suddenly protruded from the wall. Hermione took something out of it, but it was too far away. Tom couldn't see what it was.

While they were discussing the purpose of the thing in their hands, the crow sculptures on both sides of the corridor came to life and turned into real crows and flew away.

The three of them walked into the next room.

And Tom followed them closely with the Disillusionment Curse.

Together they passed the key's room, and after Ron's self-sacrifice passed the wizard's chess room, then Hermione and Harry used the invisibility cloak to pass the troll's room, and finally they came to a room with the exit sealed by fire.

Hermione handed Harry what she had obtained from Professor Murphy's trap, then drank the exit potion and left. Harry took a sip of the forward potion and entered the next room.

Tom had been following Harry, so he knew that they were indeed one step ahead of the others - none of the previous traps had been touched.

There was only half of the potion left in the advancing potion. Tom hesitated, drank the remaining potion in one gulp, and walked into the flames.

In the empty underground hall, there was only a huge mirror.

Harry was standing in front of the mirror when suddenly he seemed to hear a voice and turned around, "Tom, you're here."

Tom was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that his phantom spell seemed to be destroyed by the strange black flame.

"I am coming."

"Sorry, Harry."

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