"I saw a place in Tom's memory. It was a cemetery, where Voldemort was preparing for the resurrection ceremony."

"Tom has the name of the place in his memory, Little Hangleton, the churchyard."

"I rushed there immediately and met Professor Quirrell refining the resurrection potion for Voldemort. When Voldemort's soul emerged from Professor Quirrell's body and sank into the cauldron, I knew that I had to do something Order something, otherwise Voldemort will really be resurrected."

"So I rushed out, immobilized Quirrell with a petrification spell, and then added various magic potions in my hand to the cauldron."

"Anyone with a little knowledge of potions knows that adding other potions to the refined potion will cause unpredictable reactions. This is how I want to interrupt Voldemort's resurrection."

"I poured about five or six different potions into the cauldron, and sure enough, they reacted violently with the resurrection potion. As a result, Voldemort turned into a lump of flesh. He could hardly use magic. I Defeated him. Then I took Quirrell to the teacher's house and asked the teacher if he wanted to avenge Mrs. Perenal, but the teacher was already heartbroken, so I took Quirrell back and contacted Ao Luo."

"The Aurors notified Mr. Minister, the school board and Dumbledore, as well as the school professors."

Murphy's story ended, and the Aurors were still taking notes. Someone asked: "So, you prevented Voldemort from being resurrected? Killed him?"

Murphy shook his head, "I'm not that optimistic. He didn't die back then, and I can't find a reason for him to die this time. I think he will come back."

The atmosphere became more depressing.

"There are a few details that I need to verify with you." One of the watchmen said.

"go ahead."

"According to what you said, this Tom and Harry Potter appeared suddenly. How come you immediately believed his words and made assumptions?" The Watcher asked, "I'm sorry, because from my perspective, I Think your reasoning process is too smooth, and it seems that you know more information?"

"There are several reasons for this," Murphy said.

"First of all, I am their teacher. I have a very good relationship with Harry and Tom. They have joined me in research and completed experiments together. I have great trust in them and I know that they are all honest children."

"Second, Tom was so seriously injured that he must have encountered a major accident. The appearance of the Philosopher's Stone and his memory have confirmed this. I have no reason to doubt it."

"Third, in fact, Harry and the others had discussed the Philosopher's Stone with me before this. At that time, I realized that the purpose of the person who was planning the Philosopher's Stone was probably to resurrect Voldemort."

The Watcher nodded, "One more thing, you mentioned that they were suddenly teleported in front of you, but as far as I know, both of them are first-year students, and they should not be able to use the spell of apparation. They are How did I come to you?"

Murphy took out a gold coin and said, "This is it."

"This is the crow gold coin. This is the reward I left in the trap I set. It is a door key. If you input magic power, you can send people to me."


"In order to protect the Philosopher's Stone, Professor Dumbledore asked the professors at the school to set up some traps under the trap door behind the corridor on the fourth floor of the castle. After the trap I set is successfully lifted, a gold coin like this will appear, If an intruder gets hold of it and wants to test what it does, he or she will be teleported to me and caught.”

"It's just that I didn't expect it to be used in this situation."

The Watcher made a few notes in his notebook, "So, you don't know how Lucas Brightson died?"

"Obviously, he died fighting Voldemort, and he came to me with the Philosopher's Stone. He also rescued Harry Potter."

"But you don't know the details of his death." The Watcher said.

Murphy nodded, "Yes, I didn't have time to read these memories. But I think someone must know."

Everyone looked at Quirrell in the corner.

"Give him some Veritaserum and wake him up," Rasim said.

No one objected. For such a Death Eater who was suspected of resurrecting Voldemort, there was no need to talk about human rights.

Quirrell, who quickly drank the Veritaserum, was lifted from the curse and woke up.

"Quirinus Quirrell," Rasim said, "are you a Death Eater?"

"I, I'm not yet... But the master promised me that after I resurrect him, I will get the best reward..." Quirrell said weakly.

"Who is your master?!"

"God, You-Know-Who, the Dark Lord, Voldemort...Voldemort."

There was an exclamation from the crowd. It was one thing to hear it from Murphy, but it was another thing to hear Voldemort's minions admit it in person. Now it was a certainty that Voldemort was not dead.

Rahim immediately asked the question that everyone was most concerned about: "Is the mysterious man resurrected?"

"No, no, just a little bit away...just a little bit away from the last bit...the master is about to be resurrected, and it's all because of that Tom and Murphy..."

No resurrection, Tom and Murphy stopped him, great.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Rashim also looked relieved, and continued to ask: "Let's start from the beginning. When did you start working for the mysterious man?"

"Go, last year, I became a Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I wanted to travel and increase my knowledge. I met my master in the Albanian forest. I asked him to give me strength. I brought him back to England... …”

"Does the Gringotts robbery have anything to do with you?" Rashim suddenly asked.

"Yes, I did it. The master ordered me to get the magic stone, but I was a step late. The master got angry and punished me..." Quirrell said, trembling all over and looking extremely frightened. "Since then, the master has become even more Keep a close eye on me..."

"Surveillance? How?" Rasim asked.

"He possessed me, in the back of my head...he talked to me, could see what I saw, heard what I heard, and could even read my thoughts. He thought I was too cowardly. …”

"Back of the head?" Rasim untied Quirrell's turban, and everyone in the tavern suddenly exclaimed. They saw that on the back of Quirrell's bare head, there was a piece of skin that looked like a human face, but it was already green. Black, looking almost necrotic.

"Master, master has left me, I want, I want...save me..." Quirrell begged.

"Voldemort seems to have taken away a lot of his power and life. This guy is dying, hurry up and ask the key points!" Barty Crouch said.

"Tell me what you did tonight!" Rashim said.

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