"Guleos?" Murphy looked at the goblin with some confusion, "I don't understand, who gave you the courage to go against me?"

"Murphy Darkholm." Guleos also recognized Murphy, "You exchanged the gold obtained from Muggles for our gold coins, and used Gringotts as your money laundering machine. This thing will never happen again."

"What? Muggle gold is not gold?" Murphy felt confused, "Don't you guys dig gold mines?"

"Gold is just a material, and gold coins are the goblin's property." Guleos said, "The goblin can allow the wizard to temporarily use the goblin's property, but you want to take the goblin's property as your own."

Murphy was stunned for a moment before he reacted.

What this goblin is talking about is their unique view of property.

In the fairy law, as long as things are made by the hands of fairies, they belong to fairies.

Such things include but are not limited to gold coins, Gryffindor's sword, etc. In their view, wizards are just a group of thieves who have stolen their property.

However, the goblins of Gringotts have been dealing with wizards for more than a day or two. This kind of "original doctrine" view of property is rarely mentioned by goblins. After all, they also know that the wizards will not admit this, and they are not willing to admit it. But a wizard.

But what's going on with this guy in front of me?

How did such a goblin become the president of Gringotts?

"What do you mean, all the gold coins in my vault belong to you?" Murphy frowned.

"It's not all mine. The Breen family only occupies half of the gold coins produced by Gringotts. The rest belongs to eight other families."

"Stop!" Padro shouted in horror, "Stop it, Guleos! What are you talking about?!"

Murphy was a little surprised. Could it be that Dumbledore used the Imperius Curse on this guy?

But to what purpose? Do you have a bad mouth with yourself?

"However," Guleos suddenly said, "we can allow you to continue to use those gold coins, but we have a condition."

"Oh?" Murphy looked at him, "Tell me about it."

"Return the sword of Gryffindor and other goblin treasures to Gringotts." Guleos said, "You own Hogwarts now, don't you? That shouldn't be difficult for you."

"Is that all?" Murphy asked, "You don't want the Sorcerer's Stone anymore?"

"Dumbledore will not give me the Philosopher's Stone." Guleos said, "He just wants to use us."

"Now that you know it, you still lower your redemption rate?"

"If you don't do this, how can you talk to me?"

"I understand." Murphy nodded, "Then, why do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me?"

"You don't have the Sorcerer's Stone I want, but you want nothing more than to ask me to get you the Sword of Gryffindor, just in exchange for the property that should belong to me." Murphy looked at the dwarf opposite, "Don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"That's Gringotts property, the goblin's property! I can confiscate your vault and no one but the goblin can open those locks!"

"So, you're going to steal my money?" Murphy asked.

"That belongs to..."

However, before he finished speaking, Murphy came to him in an instant and grabbed his chin, "Forget it, let me see what's going on in your mind. Legilimency!"

However, the next moment, Murphy saw a flag.

It was a battle flag, tattered and stained with blood. It looked like someone had randomly drawn a skull on the flag with charcoal, and on the top of the flag was a rotten troll head.

Suddenly, more battle flags were erected in the thick fog, and drums were heard in the distance. Then, he heard footsteps, many footsteps, like a large army marching.

His gaze penetrated the thick fog, past countless fluttering battle flags, and gradually he saw a skeletal throne standing deep in the thick fog.

It was lifted up with difficulty by dozens of goblins. There seemed to be something wrapped in blood-red mist on the throne. When Murphy looked over, two yellow eyes suddenly lit up in the blood mist.

Suddenly, Murphy felt a tremor in his soul, and he immediately cut off the spiritual link with the goblin.

But at this moment, with a "pop" sound, Guleos' head exploded in front of Murphy, with blood, flesh and brains flying everywhere like an exploding rotten watermelon.

In the next moment, countless electric lights surrounded Murphy, and the electric fire scorched and evaporated all the flesh and blood splashed around him.

However, there was still a drop of blood that broke through the electric grid covering his body, splashed on his face, and disappeared instantly.

An unknown distant voice sounded in his heart: "I see you."

Murphy felt a sudden stabbing pain in his mind, as if something was nailed deeply into his head.

"What?!" Murphy was horrified.

He immediately understood that he had fallen into a trap.

Someone, a goblin, or something else, launched an attack on him through Guleos.

He immediately sensed his whole body, but strangely, he found no symptoms of discomfort. Even the stinging head just now was not injured at all.

"Spirit, or soul?"

Is this where the opponent attacks?

So what kind of method is this, similar to the seed of the soul?

Who wants to deal with him?

What was the picture that I saw in Guleos' mind just now?

"Mr. Murphy!" A scream woke Murphy up from his shock.

It's Locke. He came in with him just now. He is also covered in blood at this moment. "Are you okay?"

"Kill, kill someone! Kill someone!"

Padro finally came to his senses, screamed in terror, and ran outside while screaming.

But before he could run to the door, Murphy suddenly appeared behind him, grabbed his head and twisted it, breaking its neck.

"M-Murphy...big man..." Locke stared blankly at this scene, trembling with fear. However, the next moment, he suddenly knelt on the ground, "Mr. Murphy, thank you for killing the conspiracy. Rebellious goblin traitor! I, I will bear witness to the Aurors!"

Murphy frowned. He had thought about dealing with Guleos before he came. Even after figuring out what he wanted to do, it was not impossible to kill him.

But at this moment, the blood on the ground and the corpses of the two goblins were not in his original plan.

If he was going to kill someone, he could do it even more impeccably.

However, it is too late to say this now. Padro's shout just now must have been heard by goblins outside.

"Locke, go and have all the goblins in Gringotts gather in the lobby on the first floor."

Then, with a thought in his mind, countless bolts of lightning flashed out from behind him, turned into black birds, and flew to every corner of Gringotts, blocking all exits of the wizarding bank.

He then issued an order to Rashim and Winston Robinson through the "Ravenloft" psychic network, "bring the most elite and loyal men to Gringotts."

"Today, we're taking over here."

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