"Mrs. Yaga," Murphy said, "according to my feelings, there seems to be little difference in strength between you and the two great shamans as well as several strong men I know. Does this mean that you are different from them?" Are we in the same class of magic?"

Mrs. Yaga chuckled, "They are us. You have already been in this class for a long time."

"It's just that the spells that everyone masters and the direction of specialization in magic are not consistent, which leads to a gap in strength, but on the ladder of magic, they are almost the same."

Murphy gets it.

To put it in a more understandable way, Murphy is already in the same "realm" as the Great Shaman, Dumbledore and other wizards who are at the top of the wizarding world.

There is no difference in realm between them, but their methods and fighting methods will lead to differences in combat strength.

"So, does this mean that Maria is in a class above us?" Murphy frowned, "Have you ever seen a person from that class?"

Mrs. Yaga shook her head, "No, it is unlikely that such a person will appear in this world."

"The wizard can only come to our position at most." Yagafu said, "You don't understand it now, but if you go up, you will encounter an invisible wall."

"Magic only allows humans to reach this height."

Murphy was stunned. This was the first time he had heard of such a thing.

"Are you saying that there is a ceiling for a wizard's strength and realm?"

Mrs. Yaga nodded, "Yes. You will eventually hit that 'ceiling'. At that time, you will find that everything has a price. Magic and life cannot have both. Strong magic will inevitably lead to a shorter period of time." Lifespan, and a long life, will come at the cost of losing the growth of magic power. It is as if magic has set a total amount for each of us, and the amount you can draw from it is limited."

"The cost of forcibly trying to break through this restriction may be death, or losing one's mind...but it seems that no one has ever succeeded."

Murphy frowned, "Then... what's going on with this spiritual coordinate?"

Murphy did not get the answer in the end. After some inspection, Mrs. Yaga could not find the "spiritual coordinates" in his mind.

Either the spiritual coordinates do not exist and it is Ragnar's nonsense, or the person who set the spiritual coordinates for Murphy is indeed beyond the current "realm" of Murphy and Lady Yaga.

In this regard, Mrs. Yaga has no good solution.

“Maybe it’s only possible to break through that ‘ceiling’.”

As for how to "break through", Mrs. Yaga doesn't know.

Fortunately, the only good thing is that even if the psychic coordinates do exist, they do not pose a direct threat. Murphy still has time to slowly solve this problem.

Therefore, Murphy had to temporarily put the spiritual coordinates aside.

He still has countless things to deal with.

He had to clean up the mess Ragnar left behind.

"Emergency Report!" The goblins of Gringotts plot a rebellion! 》

"inhuman! The Bryn family's bloody sacrifice, black magic resurrected the ancestors! 》

"Great pleasure! Aurors responded promptly to suppress the rebellion! 》

"Uprooted! The Watchers destroyed the goblin cult's lair! 》

"Full disclosure!" The goblin rebels will be put on public trial! 》

As soon as the British wizards woke up, they were bombarded by several blockbuster news items in the Daily Prophet.

Rita Skeeter uses her provocative writing style to describe an extremely terrifying fact: the goblins are once again preparing for a bloody rebellion. They have held large-scale underground gatherings many times to discuss military coups with the intention of overthrowing the wizarding rule.

They have even prepared several sets of assassination lists and may attack various important departments of the Ministry of Magic at any time.

They will also cut off the economic lifeline of wizards and take the wealth in the wizard's treasury for themselves.

On the other side, in order to realize this terrible plan, they intend to resurrect Ragnar, the king of the ancient goblin kingdom thousands of years ago, and for this purpose they will not hesitate to make blood sacrifices to their own people.

Once Ragna is resurrected, he will command all the goblins and launch an all-out attack on the wizards.

This terrible plan has been going on secretly for an unknown amount of time, and ordinary wizards know nothing about it.

Fortunately, the Aurors and Watchers discovered the goblin's conspiracy in time, caught all the rebels, and nipped this bloody rebellion in the cradle before it happened.

Bravo, Auror! Bravo, watcher!

In such a heinous incident, the Ministry of Magic is preparing to hold public trials on some important criminals, so that wizards can see clearly the ugly behavior of this group of goblins and villains.

Wizards all over the UK were shocked by these reports, so when the Goblin Rebellion Trial Conference began a few days later, the Wizengamot Tribunal of the Ministry of Magic specially added thousands of auditorium seats to leave Those wizards who care.

The trial process went very smoothly, and the evidence of the goblin rebellion was very sufficient. Whether it was the wands, armor, documents and other evidence found in Willer Longhand's castle on Oak Hill, or the confessions of some goblins, all proved the goblin rebellion. The intention is unmistakable.

And there are dozens of corpses of goblins in the bloody sacrifice, which is irrefutable evidence.

During the trial, the wizards were passionate and demanded that all the goblins involved in the rebellion be beheaded. However, the Wizengamot adhered to humanitarian principles and threw them all into Azkaban.

At the same time, the Ministry of Magic confiscated all assets of the participants and declared that Gringotts would be controlled by the Ministry of Magic from now on.

The Ministry of Magic renamed it the British Wizards Central Bank. From now on, the Ministry of Magic will conduct loyalty tests on all Gringotts goblins and eliminate all goblins who are dissatisfied with wizards.

After the trial, wizards' perception of goblins has reached its lowest point. Instead of causing dissatisfaction among the wizards, these decisions of the Ministry of Magic have received full support. Many wizards even said that the Ministry of Magic's methods were too gentle. , all goblins in Britain should be exterminated.

Of course, this is unrealistic. Firstly, genocide is really inhumane and will leave clues. Secondly, the goblins are a group of people all over the world. The slaughter of British goblins will arouse the hatred of goblins from other countries and bring a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Anyway, without Gringotts and restricted use of wands, it would be difficult for them to cause too much trouble. They could just let the Aurors keep a closer eye on them in the future.

The raid on the Breen family allowed the Ministry of Magic to obtain a large amount of funds and even two mines.

But what interests Murphy the most is not these things - he has already mastered the central bank, and money is just a matter of words.

What he cared about were several secret fairy smelting techniques found in Weller Castle, which mentioned a method of making fairy metal, which can smelt the metal with magic power, thereby producing extremely excellent magic affinity. Goblin metal.

Goblins can use this metal to create magic items, which can easily be enchanted with various enchantments.

The Sword of Gryffindor is a masterpiece of this metal.

The moment he obtained this smelting method, Murphy realized that the biggest obstacle that had been blocking his path to combining science and magic might have an idea.

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