Can this guy see my multiple animagus forms?

What is the principle?

However, in this case, the name devil, which is full of religious connotations, does not seem to be just because of his Animagus...

Is it related to the spiritual coordinates?

Will the coordinates Maria gave herself look like a devil in the eyes of Orthodox Christians?

Murphy asked Sophia to call a few more Orthodox wizards who claimed to have seen the Virgin Mary. As expected, what they saw was Murphy in the form of the devil.

Murphy also used Legilimency on them to observe their memories, and found that the self they saw in their minds was roughly the same as his Animagus form, but with many more special effects, such as burning on and around the body. The flames, the billowing black smoke emanating from the body, the green lightning beating on the body, etc.

Gee, I have to say, he's quite handsome.

Murphy decided that the next time he transformed, he would adopt this image.

"Mrs. Yaga, what do you think?" Murphy decided to ask the experts for their opinions.

"I'm not religious, and I don't really believe in the existence of this god," Yagafu said. "This is more like the effect of a wizard or a powerful spirit."


"Just like the spirits of ancestors," Yagafu said, "Everything has spirits, and some spirits are so powerful that sometimes they even look like a god."

"However, usually spirits are pure and natural. If this Mary is a spirit, it seems to be a human-created spirit with self-awareness."

Murphy thought for a while, "In the story of the church, Mary is the mother of God. She was once a living person, then gave birth to the Son, and finally died and ascended to heaven. If this is really Mary, then maybe, Is it a ghost?”

"The ghost is the shadow of the wizard who lingers in this world and cannot leave. The real spirits exist in the other world, which is called the spirit world, or the star world." Yagafu said, "Perhaps someone summoned However, there are also examples of spirits coming to this world on their own initiative.”

"If it is really a spirit, how should we destroy it?" Murphy asked.

"It is difficult to destroy spirits, just like ghosts cannot die again. We can only expel them from the medium they rely on to stay in this world," Yagafu said.

"For example, I created a body of earth and stone for the spirit to live in. Normally, if this body is destroyed, the spirit will be expelled."

Murphy frowned, "But the medium where Mary lives may be these portraits... Do I want to destroy all the Madonna statues around the world?"

That's simply impossible to do.

More than ten days later, in the suburbs of Moscow, Soviet Union.

In a forest, Valery was walking with Murphy.

"The situation has been very bad recently," Valery said with a sad face. "The church is going crazy and encouraging people to launch marches and demonstrations to protest against the laboratory project. There are also many voices of opposition within the government."

"Even previous incidents were discussed by them, and those officials who died suddenly were described as being assassinated by the KGB."

Murphy walked briskly, stepping on the fallen leaves everywhere, "What are you going to do?"

"The KGB told me that if we want to appease the people's emotions, we can postpone the construction of the laboratory, or move it out of Moscow and change its location." Valery said tentatively.

"Moscow only has the necessary supporting facilities and talent reserves for the laboratory. This is not an atomic energy project and is not suitable for being placed in an inaccessible place." Murphy said.

Apparently he wasn't happy that the lab project was being delayed.

"Valery, what do you think is the most pressing issue in the Soviet Union right now?"

Valery thought for a while. Although he was pretending to be another person, he had been in the highest position for a long time and had many opinions on national construction. At this moment, he said: "The Soviet Union has gone through the most difficult period. But the danger has not gone away, and the factors that may lead to the Soviet Union's defeat are still there. We are facing a complex international situation, corruption within the party, and domestic industrial structure problems, etc...."

Murphy nodded, "Yes, these are all important. But they are not that urgent. At present, the most urgent problem facing the Soviet Union is actually how to fill the stomachs of the Soviet people."

"We have spent too much money on imported food, and given our current international situation, this is equivalent to putting the rope that can strangle us into the hands of our enemies."

“We have to solve the food problem,” Murphy said, “and several of the national agricultural labs are here to do that.”

"You know the existence of magic, and you should also understand the huge role that magic plays in promoting productivity. In the future, magic technology will be the primary productive force. Whoever can become the leader in magic research can lead the next era."

Murphy looked at Valery, "The national laboratory is the cornerstone of the future survival and development of this country. Its importance should be elevated to a basic national policy, and nothing should shake its status. Do you understand?"

Valery felt sweat on his forehead. Although he knew that Murphy's purpose was not only to benefit the people of the Soviet Union, he also knew that Murphy's words were right.

In terms of traditional technological research and development, the Soviet Union does not have any advantages over Europe and the United States, but magic is still a vast blue ocean, an emerging field that can be exploited.

And its huge role in promoting productivity has been fully reflected in Murphy's umbrella company.

"Yes, I understand. Not only can the national laboratory plan not be delayed, it must be pushed forward with all our strength as soon as possible."

Murphy nodded, "So, what are you going to do?"

Valery thought for a while and said: "Cut the knot quickly, we can't be tied up in this matter. Let the KGB take action and investigate the leading guys, the church or those officials who try to interfere with the project process, and those who take the lead Catch some of the careerists who instigated the situation, imprison some, expose the disgusting things behind their backs, and get rid of these enemies."

"Then, through various methods such as investigations and inquiries, we will shock those who waver. At the same time, we will increase publicity to make ordinary people aware of the huge role of the national laboratory, let them understand this project, and understand that this project will give them Bring a happy life and take back the right to speak in public opinion.”

After half a year of training, he may still be unfamiliar with grasping the strategic direction of the entire country, but Valery has become proficient in how to fight.

But Murphy said, "It's not enough."

"Have you forgotten the origin of this matter?"

Valery thought for a while, "Yes, there is also the Holy See."

He frowned, the church was in trouble.

People in the Soviet Union are generally Orthodox Christians. Although materialism is the official form, its influence is now far less than that of the secular Holy See.

"Valery." Murphy walked in front, speaking in a calm tone, "If we don't occupy the high ground of thought, we will be occupied by the enemy."

"The Soviet Union is a red country, a country of the people, not a country of gods, a country of saints, and not a country of religion!"

"There are officials from the Soviet Union who would interfere with the country's policies because of some religious issues. Our comrades don't believe in doctrine but believe in God! It's sad, pitiful, and ridiculous!"

"How did these people get into our team? Or how did they become what they are today?"

Valery frowned tightly. As a staunch warrior, he also hated this. He looked at the leader in front, "What should I do?"

Murphy didn't look back.

"It's getting colder, let those ghosts and monsters go back to where they belong."

"Those who believe in the Kingdom of Heaven will go to Heaven, those who believe in Hell will go to Hell, and those who believe in the afterlife will be sent to the afterlife."

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