Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 309 The Insider Effect of Magic

Murphy smiled, "If you can't believe in yourself, how can you make others believe in you?"

After saying that, he looked at the Queen, "Speaking of which, is this the 'condition' you had in mind? Is it just to accompany you for a walk here?"

"In fact, I would rather go to the UK. I haven't been there yet. Since I was born, I have never left the land of the Soviet Union. I have to stay in Alkaim most of the time. You said there before. The scenery is very good, I still want to go and see it, but... unfortunately, it seems difficult for you and me to have such leisure."

Sophia looked a little sad.

She has grown up a bit compared to when Murphy first met her, and her face has lost some of its childishness and become more soft, making her look even more beautiful.

However, along with that hint of youthfulness, there was also some lightness and vitality that belonged to a girl. The Sophia in front of her seemed to be carrying a lot of burdens on her shoulders, and even her smile looked a little tired.

Maybe this is the price of growth.

Murphy thought for a while, then took out a black feather from behind and handed it to the Queen, "Speaking of which, I have never given you any gift. I will give you this feather."

The Queen glanced at him in surprise, "This is really a gift lighter than a feather. When you proposed marriage before, at least you gave me a piece of gold that was said to have extraordinary origins. Now you are not willing to give me even a piece of gold?" "

Murphy was slightly embarrassed.

The so-called "extraordinary origin" was just something he made casually, but she didn't expect that she still remembered it, and it sounded like she was still worried about it.

"Ahem, this is no ordinary feather. It allows you to come to me at any time." Murphy explained.

He can now easily teleport through the crow, and others can also apparate through his crow, which is actually a lightning crow.

Sophia raised her head and looked at him with blinking eyes, "I'll be with you at any time?"

"Uh..." Murphy suddenly realized that this sentence was a bit ambiguous, "I mean, if you want to visit the UK, you can pass through it at any time, and I can pick you up at any time."

Sophia looked at him for a while, until he began to doubt whether the gift she gave was too casual, the Queen nodded gently, "Thank you for your gift, Mr. Darkholm, I will cherish it." .”

"Yeah." Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first. There are still some things to deal with at the National Laboratory."

"As you please."

Murphy disappeared with a flash of lightning.

Sophia stood there for a while longer before taking out the feather. She stroked the short black feather and realized for the first time that the crow's feathers were so beautiful.

Let the craftsmen make it into a brooch?

she thinks.

This way you can always carry it with you.

Murphy's advantage in choosing the Soviet Union is now fully apparent.

After half a year of cleaning and rectification, most of the constraints have been eliminated. Compared to the United Kingdom, which is still reeling from the siege of the Western world, Murphy's actions in the Soviet Union are now much more comfortable.

Not only are the Umbrella Company's various projects getting the green light, but the national laboratory plan that Murphy had so much in mind is starting to get on track, and is even larger than he originally imagined.

Under a powerful propaganda offensive, the Soviet Union unified its understanding of the necessity of the national laboratory, supported it in the name of the government, and major companies such as Umbrella provided money and technology. The "Su State National High-tech City" plan was officially established.

The Soviet Union set up a project engineering department specifically for this purpose and set aside an area of ​​30,000 hectares on the outskirts of Moscow, planning to build a science and technology city from scratch.

This is an upgraded version of Murphy's "National Laboratory Plan". In addition to the national laboratory, the Science and Technology City has planned both teaching and industry, the two ends of technology research and development.

In terms of research talents, several top universities in the country have taken the lead. Almost all key universities in the country will set up campuses in the Science and Technology City, which will be combined with corporate industrial parks supported by technology companies such as Umbrella, in order to form a national-led, university-joined, industry-research integration. innovative consortium.

Although the Science and Technology City also has various basic scientific research and cutting-edge technology projects, the most important part revolves around the "void particles".

Project Engineering selected hundreds of top scientists in various fields and showed them that magic existed.

Almost all scientists couldn't wait to plunge into the research of this unprecedented thing.

Soon, before the laboratory had even started construction, they produced the first batch of research results.

Among them, the most important result is called: "The Insider Effect of Magic".

The insider effect, in a nutshell, means: magic has a self-concealing effect, and it will be as undetectable as possible by "people who don't know the real existence of magic."

The researchers designed an experiment to allow several researchers who have not yet come into contact with the secrets of magic to conduct precise measurements of the conductivity of a certain material in an environment where magic fluctuates.

Later, they were informed of the existence of magic and asked them to conduct the conductivity test of this type of material again under the same conditions.

After comparing the two sets of experiments, the researchers found that when the secret of magic was not yet known, the material conductivity measurement data was almost consistent with that in a non-magic environment. In other words, the interference effect of magic on electricity was extremely weak.

Once they knew the existence of magic, the measurement data became extremely unstable, and the measurement error significantly exceeded the reasonable range, that is, the interference effect of magic became significant.

The insider effect of magic explains why, in the opinion of most wizards, Muggles are stupidly blind to the magic around them.

It also explains why the magic interference effect is so obvious and common, but has never been discovered in Muggle basic scientific research.

You know, human scientists have done a lot of research and experiments to verify the consistency of physical laws. If the mere appearance of magic would lead to the occurrence of some phenomena, then over the years, it should have been on the microscopic level long ago. It's only right that it has been discovered.

Haldane's original explanation for this phenomenon was that magic actually works through the laws of physics, that is, magic is built on physical reality.

From the perspective of basic physics, whether there is magic or not, it is the same.

But now, the insider effect shows that, in addition, magic is also selective.

It shows the strange characteristic of "knowing it exists, and not knowing it means it does not exist."

In other words, even if there is no magic such as the "Muggle Expelling Curse", it is naturally more difficult for Muggles to perceive magic.

There is currently no authoritative theory to explain this phenomenon, but it has been confirmed by many different experiments.

The existence of the insider effect also allowed Murphy to look at the "International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy" from a new perspective.

He now had doubts about the purpose of the secrecy laws.

Is the Statute of Secrecy meant to hide the wizarding world and avoid conflicts from being discovered by Muggles, or is it simply meant to hide magic itself and reduce its range of effects?

If it's the latter, what's the point of it?

It is impossible to understand this problem simply by thinking about it.

Murphy plans to ask the "International Federation of Wizards", who are the makers of the law of secrecy, and may know more about this.

It just so happened that they requested an inquiry into the implementation of the Secrecy Act by the British Ministry of Magic, and were preparing to send an investigation team over in the near future.

This is already the sixth time. The first five times were rejected by Crouch and others for various reasons. This time the federation's words were extremely harsh, as if they would be directly convicted if they refused again.

Murphy said hello to Crouch based on the principle of delaying him as long as he could.

"Let them come."

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