Soon, several more Aurors came to search them and forced them to change all their clothes, shoes, socks, etc. to prevent any hidden wands, potions, traceless stretch bags and the like.

Then everyone had some hair pulled out. Fortunately, other than that, the Aurors didn't do anything more extreme. They just asked them to change into the clothes prepared by the other party, then assigned each person a room one by one, and explained After deciding what time the meal would be served, he left.

So they were left out for two days. During these two days, their movements were not greatly restricted. Apart from being unable to leave the yard, they could move around freely and talk to each other at will. No one cared about them.

Three meals a day will automatically appear on the table and disappear automatically when they finish eating. The room will always be clean, and even the toilet bowl will always be as clean as new.

Occasionally, they would see the figure of a house elf, but the other person seemed to try his best to avoid appearing in their sight, always working quietly and disappearing quietly.

Although no one stopped them, no one wanted to chat in the past two days, and everyone was autistic due to their own stupidity.

The one who talks the most is Brynn the Goblin. On average, he curses "despicable British wizard" every five minutes, curses a stupid companion once every fifteen minutes, laments the unfairness of his fate once every half an hour, and shouts once every two hours. yelled.

However, after most of the day, he had no strength left and could only groan angrily.

Two days later, their residence welcomed their first guest and the subject of their investigation, Murphy Duckholm.

"Let us out! You despicable human being!" Goblin Bryn yelled as soon as he saw Murphy.

The latter glanced at him, and immediately two strong men rushed out from behind Murphy. One grabbed the goblin, and the other slapped him in the face. Twenty times in a row, the goblin's nose was crooked.

Then Bryn burst into tears.

But as soon as the sound came out, Ershuzi breathed again, this time thirty times.

The goblin's nose is broken.

His nose was bleeding wildly, a few of his sharp teeth were missing, and the rest of his mouth was covered in bloody cuts, but he didn't dare to say a word.

Murphy still had no expression. The two strong men moved a bench for everyone. One wizard wanted to sit down. As soon as his butt touched the bench, he saw Murphy's expression and stood up again.

"Everyone, sit down." Murphy said calmly.

Everyone sat down except Mary.

The strong man was about to step forward, but Murphy waved his hand, "You are all investigators sent by the Wizards' Federation. You were sent here because you suspect that I violated the Wizards' Secrecy Act."

"We have no suspicion, we know you violated the confidentiality law!" Mary said.

"Oh?" Murphy glanced at her, then looked at the others, "Do you all think so?"

"No, I don't know!" shouted a dark-skinned man who seemed to be of Indian origin. "How can she make a conclusion before there is an investigation! I don't believe it!"

Murphy nodded appreciatively, "I like to deal with reasonable people."

"However, I came here to ask you a question." Murphy said, "What is the essential reason why the Wizarding Secrecy Law cannot be violated?"

After a few minutes, Murphy left, asking questions while also using Legilimency, which was wandless casting.

But no one knew the reason, they were just following orders.

Then let them be locked up first.

Anyway, there are already "investigators" working outside.

Yes, the "investigators" have actually been working during the few days that Mary and the others were imprisoned.

They go in and out of Gringotts, the Ministry of Magic, and the shops in Diagon Alley, and have their say on every matter.

"Why are there only these few goblins working at Gringotts now? Where have the other goblins gone? Did you expel them because of racial hatred? Why don't you see female wizards? Is it suspected of gender discrimination? The salaries of various departments How much? Why are Hogwarts graduates paid more? Is it because of nepotism? I suspect there is differential treatment involved. You'd better write a detailed report explaining the situation. I hope it will be no less than ten pieces of parchment. . And start rectifying it from now on."

"Oh, yes, confidentiality law, what do you think about Muggles exchanging Galleons? What is the limit? How are you going to verify the identity of the person who applies for exchange? How to determine whether he is a real student parent? What if it is a dark wizard who wants to launder money? Do it? It seems that you have no plan, so you lack confidentiality thinking, are lazy about confidentiality laws, are just a formality, and are lazy to implement."

"What does this department do? Oh, prohibiting the misuse of Muggle items? What is misuse? How do you define Muggle items? Does a toothbrush count? What about Muggle clothing? It just refers to electrical appliances? So does a phone count? Doesn't count? Why does the TV What's the logic? Well, the logic is unclear, the boundaries of power are blurred, and there is a risk of abuse of power."

"What are you selling? I know, but I still want you to answer. Okay, magical beasts trading. How do you guarantee that these magical animals will not be seen by Muggles? No guarantee? There is a suspicion of violating the law of confidentiality...I I suggest you turn yourself in..."

"You sell wizard clothes. Have you ever considered what Muggles will think when they see people wearing these clothes? Oh, you haven't thought about it. The risk of wizard exposure is greatly increased. You also sell wizard hats? Okay, wizard exposure The risk is super increased. Well, I suggest you turn yourself in as well."

"What evidence do you have to provide?" In the corner of a dark tavern, two wizards were sitting opposite each other, one of them asked in a low voice.

"I have testimony," another person said, "We were all persecuted, and just because we didn't want to suck up to Murphy, we were resigned! Oh yes, we participated in the suppression of the goblins, let me say , that is a massacre, and the international community will like this statement. A dozen of us have signed it, which is enough proof. However, you have to agree to get us out, to the United States, France, Spain, whatever, We can't exchange foreign currency, you have to give us some money..."

"Okay, don't worry, the Federation will not forget you. Leave your testimony to me."

"My son was captured by him and sent to Azkaban!" said a witch, "on completely baseless charges! He said he embezzled money from the Ministry of Magic, which was only a few hundred galleons! Our family is so rich, Do you need these few hundred Galleons?! He is excluding dissidents! Many of our families are dissatisfied with him! Can the Federation help us?"

"Yes, of course! We have President Dumbledore!" the wizard opposite assured.

"Great! I have a list here. You can contact them. Everyone has already looked down upon Darkholm."

Stoat Mountain.

Barty Crouch handed Murphy a list in his hand, "This has been verified. When I heard that they were investigators from the Federation, they all jumped out. Some of them have something in their hands." , or they are preparing to unite to rebel. Although it won't become a climate, it will be somewhat of a trouble."

Murphy glanced at it casually. There were more than a dozen names on it, "Catch them."

Those investigators have other uses, but they are also idle, and they can be used for fishing.

No, these stupid fish took the bait one after another when they saw the bait.

"By the way, some people said that Kingsley contacted them. Do you want to send someone to keep an eye on Kingsley?" Barty asked.

Murphy shook his head, "Someone is already watching. That guy came with the President of the United States."

The Ministry of Magic is under investigation by the Federation in the past two days, and the Muggle community is also uneasy. It seems that it is because it has been dissatisfied with the effect of British pressure. The President of the United States also came to Britain for a state visit and just got off the plane yesterday.

And Kingsley came with him as a bodyguard.

The reason why it is a bodyguard rather than a higher position such as secretary is probably because the relationship between the Ministry of Magic and the Muggles in the beautiful country is relatively tense. They generally have little communication with the Muggle society.

When the President of the United States came over, Murphy of course had to pay attention. As soon as he paid attention, the Aurors discovered through the magic detector that a wizard had been mixed into the bodyguard team, and then discovered that it was Kingsley.

Although he looked like a Muggle, the magic detector couldn't lie.

Perhaps he is already considered an Auror who is very good at hiding himself.

But alas, times have changed.

The technology of the past is no longer useful.

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