"Holy Mother..." Dumbledore frowned.

Of course he didn't know anything about the name.

There are still many people in the British wizarding community who can pass on information to him, and among them he has heard rumors that some Muggle-born wizards have seen "miracles". There are similar rumors about MACUSA.

According to the news from Muggle society, this phenomenon is more common in the British and American Muggle world.

There are even rumors that Su is the first place where this phenomenon occurred.

Although he didn't know the truth about the Madonna incident, both he and the other wizards realized that "The Madonna" seemed to be Murphy's enemy.

It is using its followers to pursue Murphy from all aspects, and even some of its strategies coincide with Dumbledore's plan.

When it comes to dealing with Murphy, the other party seems to be an ally.

Color gradually began to appear in the blank frame, as if countless stars were rushing from extremely far away, shattering on the canvas, and filling the picture.

It was a portrait of the Virgin, with a woman's eyebrows lowered and her hands spread out.

She didn't look at anyone, but looked at all living beings as if they were equal.

"Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald..." The statue of the Virgin did not make any movement, but the voice had already reached the ears of the two of them, "I know your wishes. I will do it for you." Provide a message.”

Grindelwald took out his wand and said, "You'd better show up in person if you want to help!"

"That cannot be accomplished." The Holy Mother said, her voice like an echo between the ice walls, with a kind of indifferent majesty, "Remember this message, you will get what you want."

"Porbeck Island, the White Cliffs of Old Harry Rock. In two days, Murphy Duckholm will appear at the White Cliffs of Old Harry Rock."

"How do you know?" Dumbledore asked, "Who are you?"

"I am not anyone." After the Virgin said, the color on the frame quickly dissipated and it left.

The believer wearing a thorn on his head once again covered the picture frame with a black cloth, then turned around and left. He walked barefoot among the rough gravel in the mountains, and his soles had many cuts, but As if he didn't notice anything.

"Who is this guy?" Grindelwald didn't know what was going on outside. "Do you know him?"

"I've heard of it, and I don't know what it is about, but I think its appearance should be related to that secret."

"I feel something different... it seems..." Grindelwald said with some uncertainty.

Dumbledore nodded, "Its power level is very high, but the power itself is not particularly strong, but the cultist is a bit unusual..."

The cultist gave him a very dangerous aura, but he was not sure if it was an illusion.

"It just said that Murphy would go to Purbeck Island. Is that credible?"

"I can't think of a reason why it should deceive us," Dumbledore said.

"Just in time, I wanted to ask you how to find that Murphy just now, but now I don't have to worry about it." Grindelwald said, "Do you want to go?"

"You have just recovered your magic power, it's best to take a rest..." Dumbledore said.

"Rest? No, I've rested long enough, Albus."

After a while, everyone left, and on the branches in the distant mountains, a few crows spread their wings and flew away.

Magic Research Institute.

Although the Soviet Union National Laboratory is under construction and other laboratories in the UK have also begun to advance, the Institute of Magic is still Murphy's magic research center, and he still comes here from time to time.

"Professor, I have some ideas about the transfer of Horcruxes." Outside the library, Lucas found Murphy.

She is wearing a neutral white shirt and jeans at the moment, but with the help of her figure, she looks more like an urban woman.

"Tell me."

"I am quite special," Lucas said. "In the process of making the diary, Voldemort used many spells to compile memories. These spells are similar to those used in those portraits."

"After the diary was made into a Horcrux, these spells and woven memories surrounded the piece of Voldemort's soul and gave birth to me. Therefore, compared to other Horcruxes, I have memories, the ability to think, and even In terms of emotion and logic, this is a characteristic that other Horcruxes with only soul fragments do not have."

"Normally, after the soul fragments are attached to the Horcrux, the Horcrux is equivalent to my body. Peeling the two apart is like killing me. It cannot be transferred by ordinary methods."

"But, what if I make a Horcrux?" Lucas said.

"If I kill a person according to the method of making a Horcrux, and then use a spell to extract myself from the diary, I will use the fragment of my soul as the core as the split part and attach it to the rest. On objects, it should be possible to complete the transfer of souls."

Murphy frowned, it sounded like he was stuck in a bug.

"Are you sure it's safe to do this?"

Lucas shook his head, "Not sure. But my understanding of Horcruxes is deeper than before. I discovered that when making Horcruxes, you need to kill people in order to use the other person's soul as a weapon to impact and cut your own soul. If you control the way of 'impact' well, maybe you can not crush and cut the soul, but just exclude it entirely from the 'body'... Perhaps, this is the reason why some people fail to make Horcruxes - their souls If it is not ready to be divided, and is completely crushed or expelled from the body... then it will naturally die."

"Do more experiments." Murphy said, "I don't want you to die easily."

"But...the experiment may kill people..." Lucas hesitated.

"Just kill the person who deserves it," Murphy said, without any psychological burden.

He has so many enemies now, it is not difficult to find some of them who deserve death.

After leaving the library, Murphy found the project team responsible for the design and construction of the "Magic Radar".

"The materials have almost been collected. The goblins are a little slow in work. The production has been reduced recently, but the materials can be collected within a month at the latest." Project leader and radar expert Bernard Manning said.

"What about energy?" Murphy asked.

Radar naturally requires magic power to emit magic waves.

"Currently we can only use manpower," Bernard said. "We have designed an energy array for two hundred wizards to transmit magic power at the same time. Magic modulators are used to uniformly modulate and convert everyone's magic power. However, here are one question……"

"A wizard's magic power changes dynamically. Magic frequency modulation requires real-time calculation and adjustment. The accuracy of pure mechanical frequency modulation is very poor, and precision equipment such as computers cannot be used in such a magic environment..."

Murphy frowned, "In other words, a magic computer is needed..."

Things seem to have turned around again. The purpose of building the magic radar is to find the original essence to make the magic stone. The purpose of making the magic stone is to generate stable magic power to produce magic material with stable performance, and this magic material is the magic computer. premise.

In other words, the magic computer needs the magic radar, but the magic radar needs the magic computer...

However, there are also temporary alternatives, such as using Murphy as a humanoid magic computer and using the psychic network to perform large-scale calculations and frequency modulation.

Or, Lucas completed the Horcrux transfer technology and moved her body to a certain computer device.

Precision equipment will fail due to the "possible amplification effect of magic", but magic will not destroy the cellular processes and structures of wizards. This is because the wizard's consciousness controls the magic in the body so that they will not destroy themselves. Condition.

If Lucas is transferred to a server or something, maybe he can directly bypass the "stable magic material" step and become a magic computer with artificial intelligence.

In any case, this issue can be considered after the radar is completed. At worst, Murphy can do it himself.

It will be at least a few months before the radar is completed. Before that, he can still explore the essence by himself.

After leaving the Magic Research Institute, Murphy took out a map.

This is a map of the UK with areas circled in red.

The detection range of the Essence Manifestation Spell is too small, and a blanket search is unrealistic. Murphy can only find some more magical and unusual areas to try.

After all, the so-called essence should be a thing with extremely high magic concentration, which is likely to have a certain impact on the surrounding environment.

He usually does this work in his spare time. Anyway, he just wants to try his luck and is not particularly persistent.

Looking at the several circles that had been crossed out, Murphy clicked his finger on the southern end of the map, "Is it Dorset this time? Purbeck Island..."

But at this moment, several messages from Lightning Crow entered his mind.

"It seems that there will be some surprises this time."

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