And just when the Order of the Phoenix and the Aurors were fighting inextricably.

Magic Research Institute.

A researcher pushed open the door of the underground computer room.

"Who are you? This is a confidential place, non-staff are prohibited from entering." Two wizards were guarding the end of the corridor, saw him, and blocked the way.

"I'm Howard Jackson, the new program engineer. I'm responsible for debugging Athena's system." The researcher took out his ID.

"Jackson?" A wizard took the certificate and glanced at it, "Magical Plant Research Department, you are not..."

However, before he finished speaking, he heard a plop, and his companion beside him had fallen down at some point. He subconsciously went to draw the wand, but heard the man who called himself Jackson using a slow and kind voice that was hard to understand. The voice of rejection said: "Go to sleep."

The uncontrollable sleepiness made the wizard unable to lift a finger. At the last moment of losing consciousness, he tried to send a message through the spiritual network, but after the message was sent, it was like a mud cow sinking into the sea, without any feedback.

"Within the scope of my mental image space, any teleportation will be blocked." 'Jackson' said, taking out a card from the wizard's chest and pressing it on the blast door behind the two of them.

With a beeping sound, the explosion-proof door opened.

There was also a corridor inside. As soon as he walked in, he heard a female voice saying: "Enter the sterile room, please accept disinfection."

Similar arrangements are found in every important laboratory, and this so-called "disinfection", in addition to the conventional function of disinfecting bacteria and viruses, is also mixed with the goblin's "anti-thief waterfall", which can eliminate most demons. The effect of the spell, thereby avoiding being penetrated.

Jackson had already gone through "disinfection" several times and knew it was a routine step, so he didn't resist.

Several nozzles protruded from the wall, spraying a fine mist of water.

However, as soon as the mist touched his skin, Jackson suddenly felt dizzy.

No, this is poisonous!

I've been discovered!

He immediately took out a cross-like object from his arms and was about to force his way out, but two gun barrels protruded from the wall in front of him. With two "bang bang" shots, his arm was broken.

"You can't trap me." After Jackson said this, he was about to leave this body behind, but the surrounding walls lit up with a strange blue color.

A voice came from the loudspeaker, "There is a magic metal mesh laid out in the mezzanine of the wall. Have you ever heard of electromagnetic shielding? This is a magic shielding device. We asked more than twenty wizards to inject magic power into it at the same time to attach it to it. There is a powerful magic field. Unless your magic strength is increased ten times, no magic signal can leave here."

Jackson was shocked to find that he was trapped in this body and could not transfer through the mental space.

At the same time, several thin rays of light formed a criss-crossing network, slowly pressing in from the front.

"What is this?" Jackson felt a hint of danger.

"Laser network," the voice continued, "comes from the professor's wicked design. He said it was a tribute to a certain movie. I don't quite understand it. But these industrial lasers can cut steel plates."

"My Lady, let us test whether you are the Man of Steel."

"Strawberry flavor." Murphy breathed a sigh of relief. "Finally, there is a normal flavor. But you guessed it was tomato flavor. So, it's my second question."

"What can you tell me about that secret?"

Dumbledore was silent for a moment, "I can't tell you anything, Murphy."

Murphy frowned and looked at Grindelwald, "But Mr. Grindelwald also knows that secret? It seems that telling the secret will not directly lead to very terrible consequences, so why can't I know?"

"Because this secret can't stop you, it may even be used by you and become your weapon."

"Oh?" Murphy ran through many possibilities in his mind, "Then, let me take a guess."

"Judging from the current situation, both you and Our Lady want to prevent me from breaking the secrecy law." Murphy said, then shook his head, "No, if we are just worried about this, then we actually have room to discuss it."

"After all, I'm not like Mr. Grindelwald, whose purpose was to destroy the Law of Secrecy. The Law of Secrecy is irrelevant to me. I don't want to destroy it. In fact, the existence of the Law of Secrecy is the basis for my ability to make huge profits before. , I made my fortune by relying on the information gap between wizards and Muggles."

"If possible, I would also be very happy to let the law of secrecy exist to block other wizard competitors."

"If it is just to maintain the confidentiality law, you can actually use a milder method, such as joining forces with me. As long as you ensure that this information gap is only used by me personally, and will not expand to the point where everyone knows it, let the confidentiality law Just make an exception for myself."

"Such a special case is of course difficult for you to accept, but I think it is better than going to full-scale war with me. You know, you have little chance of winning. Even the choice of going to war with me may lead to the destruction of the confidentiality law."

"But you still chose to go to war with me." Murphy said, "Then this shows that the impact of what I do will be more serious than the Secrecy Law itself, and even more unacceptable to you and the Holy Mother."

“And this influence is the secret kept by Our Lady.”

"I think I have some ideas," Murphy said.

Dumbledore sighed, "You are indeed very smart, Murphy."

"What consequences can I do that are more serious than breaking the law of secrecy and letting wizards be known to Muggles?" Murphy thought for a while, "It just so happened that we discovered a strange phenomenon about magic before. , we call it the 'magical observer effect'."

"Magic will be hidden as much as possible from people who don't know it exists."

"If you understand this effect in reverse, that is to say, once someone knows for sure the existence of magic, then magic can no longer be completely hidden from this person."

"If Muggles knew magic..."


Murphy was suddenly startled, "So that's it, so this is the 'secret'!"

"This secret is not a message, not a sentence, but a concept?!"

"Is this a spell... psychic suggestion? No, no, it seems to be more essential... Muggle expulsion spell? No, it needs to be stronger..."

Suddenly a flash of lightning lit up in his mind.

"The Red Bold Loyalty Curse!"

Murphy looked at Dumbledore in shock, "Is this a loyalty curse?! Treat 'magic' as a secret that needs to be kept, and all wizards are secret-keepers?! That's why magic is turned a blind eye by Muggles... This is A world-class loyalty spell!"

"I see, this is the ultimate law of secrecy, and this is the role of the wizard's law of secrecy."

Dumbledore was silent, but at this moment, silence meant recognition.

Murphy had goosebumps all over his body because of this discovery, and he suddenly felt a terrifying shock as he got a glimpse of the true face of this world.

"So the observer effect of magic is not a real objective phenomenon, but because of the influence of this world-class Red Loyalty Curse!"

"Then who cast this loyalty curse and why?"

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