"I almost killed Professor McGonagall, and Arthur Weasley... He was Ron's father..."

"They were my friends..."

"And I did something that would never be forgiven."

"I'm no longer their friend."

"I betrayed them."

I see.

That's why Lucas felt that he was treating her as a tool. From an objective point of view, asking Lucas to deal with the Order of the Phoenix did not seem to take her feelings into consideration at all.

Murphy frowned, "Sorry, I didn't think it through completely. It's really inappropriate for you to do this."

The Order of the Phoenix has many good players, and among the masters he can use, Lucas is the most stable. At the same time, he is also the person in charge of Plan B. The situation at that time put Lucas in charge of annihilating the Order of the Phoenix. It was indeed Murphy. The best choice in mind.

It is estimated that Lucas himself was not aware of this risk at the time.

Harry Ron and others are of great significance to Lucas' awakening, so Lucas actually cherishes his friendship with them in his heart.

"You don't need to blame yourself too much. Killing Sirius was an accident. If you want to find a person responsible for this matter, it should be me."

"I am the mastermind. The conflict between me and the Order of the Phoenix led to Sirius's death."

Lucas's brows still didn't open.

"Professor, is it really a good thing to know how to love and understand others?"

"Of course." Murphy said, "Even from the most utilitarian point of view, these can help you better predict and judge the behavior of others. Why do you ask?"

"I often feel tired. In the past, I could implement my own ideas without scruples and turn a blind eye to the feelings of others, but now, I seem to be unable to do so. I have become helpless..."

Murphy thought for a while and said: "We can understand this problem from two aspects, Lucas."

"First of all, you have just come into contact with this new field. It is like adding some new game rules to the simple rules you are familiar with. It will naturally take you some time to adapt to it. This is both a normal phenomenon and a step forward. The only way to go.”

“Although you could turn a blind eye to other people’s feelings in the past, other people’s feelings are not non-existent.”

"Just like some ravines and obstacles on the road ahead, you can't see them in the past. Although you can make strides forward, you are likely to fall down and suffer a big loss."

"Purely is a wonderful quality, but ignorance should never be promoted."

"Secondly, look at it from another perspective. You have one more standard to measure your own behavior than in the past. Because this standard is in line with people's yearning for beautiful qualities, we can simply call it a moral standard."

"After you have such a standard, you think you should reach that standard and become a better person. But now what you do makes you feel as despicable as before."

Lucas looked at Murphy seriously and nodded.

"But Lucas, many things in this world actually have nothing to do with morality."

"Killing Sirius was not done by you on your own initiative and has nothing to do with your will. And even if you did it on your own initiative, it was not for some despicable purpose."

"The conflict between us and the Order of the Phoenix lies in our different philosophies and our different perceptions of the same thing. This is a battle of philosophies arising from differences in philosophies and cognitive biases in expectations and directions for the future. Fight. You may be able to distinguish right from wrong, but you cannot use moral standards to measure it."

"The moral scale is only suitable for measuring daily, life-like scenes, but what we and the Order of the Phoenix are currently facing is a fundamental structural conflict that goes far beyond daily life."

"So, you just haven't grasped the application boundaries of this newly learned standard, and you have spread it too broadly."

Lucas seemed to understand, but finally nodded slightly, "I seem to understand a little, but I don't seem to understand very well, but I feel better. Thank you, teacher."

"Don't you think I'm lying to you?" Murphy smiled.

Lucas' cheeks were slightly red.

"Even if you are a liar, you are also the most powerful liar in the world. As you said, people always live in their own world. Even if my life is really just a complete lie, if I can't see through this lie , so what’s the difference between it and reality?”

"So, teacher, if you are really lying to me, then I hope you can let this lie continue until my last moment."

Murphy frowned.

No, what I mean is to let you take the initiative on your own.

But why come to you, you smell like a yandere.

What's going on with this girl?

"Teacher, let's start the transfer."

Well, if we keep talking, the Holy Mother will really run away.

Murphy suppressed the idea of ​​​​treating the other party's mental illness and focused on the matter at hand.

But he actually didn't have much to do. The Horcrux transfer was basically completed by Lucas himself. Murphy just reminded it of its most critical hardware.

"Let someone bring the death row prisoner..." Murphy said.

"No need, teacher." Lucas smiled, "Killing people just to shake their own souls, Sirius, that's enough."

"Then, see you later, teacher."

Murphy nodded, "Proceed with caution."


Lucas drew his wand and uttered a long spell.

The making of Horcruxes is also a magic ritual. Killing people, chanting spells and objects are all elements of the ritual. Therefore, Voldemort will choose items that have special meaning to himself to make Horcruxes.

After chanting for a long time, she pointed the magic spell at her chest, and then her body suddenly went limp.

Murphy reached out to support her, not too worried, this was an inevitable process.

Lucas's soul fragments still remain in the Horcrux, so the Horcrux is her true body. Her body is actually just the magic power driven by the Horcrux or the body in which the spirit resides. Therefore, once something happens to the Horcrux , she will "go offline".

The indicator light began to flicker, and at the same time, countless fans increased their power and ran desperately. The noise in the computer room instantly increased by more than ten decibels, and the power consumption of the entire computer room instantly increased several times.

A screen in front of Murphy frequently flashed countless characters, sometimes an entire line of programming language, but more often than not, it was meaningless gibberish.

The process of transferring Horcruxes naturally involves a large amount of magic flow, and these will lead to errors in the precision calculation unit.

If we now use this supercomputer to perform addition calculations, if one plus one hits the target ten thousand times, there will definitely be tens or hundreds of times that are not equal to 2.

"Peng!" A large number of GPU chips in a cabinet were overloaded, burning the circuits, and a burning smell came over.

The huge precision air conditioner was running at full capacity, but the cold air blowing out turned into hot air after a few breaths.

Mad, I should have used a water cooling system.

Or throw the next supercomputing center to Siberia.

While these thoughts were running through his mind, the fan suddenly stopped buzzing.

The entire computer room went dark in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a line of text appeared on the screen.

"I succeeded!ヾ(≧▽≦*)o"

Murphy frowned and lowered his head, and sure enough he saw that Lucas had woken up, but the latter still looked as calm as usual, looking at him calmly with a pair of eyes that seemed untroubled.

No... Sister, you are so excited to use emojis, why do you still look calm?

Moods and expressions are different, right?

I always feel that this apprentice is getting more seriously ill.

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