
The exam week has just ended, and the professors under the Huanggang model worked overtime to finish grading the test papers.

A huge ranking list was then posted in the auditorium.

After taking the exam, how can the students realize the gap without ranking them? How to highlight the role of role models and how to make poor students emulate good students?

So at lunch that day, all the students gathered in front of the score ranking list.

Hermione found the third-grade list and glanced at it, "No. 1: Hermione Granger. GPA 3.9. Total credits 23."

The little girl breathed a sigh of relief. Her position as the first sister was saved, and her hard work this year was not in vain.

Third-year students can already take elective courses. In order to better measure students' learning, Hogwarts has introduced a grade point system, with two to three credits for compulsory courses and one to two credits for elective courses. Hermione chose You have to take a bunch of electives and get good grades to get first place.

"Harry! You're second!" Ron yelled.

Sure enough, when Hermione took a look, the line immediately below her clearly read, "Second place: Harry Potter. GPA 3.9, total credits 19."

She turned around, looking for Harry, but saw that the latter just nodded slightly, then walked back to the empty dining table, ready to eat.

He doesn't seem to care about grades.

Ron called him twice, but Harry didn't seem to hear him. He was holding a thick book and chewing bread.

"Sometimes I feel like Harry has become a different person." Qiu Zhang came over and said, "Hermione, you are great, and you are number one again."

"It's been almost two years, and he doesn't seem to have gotten over that incident yet..."

Hermione sighed.

Since they belong to different colleges, although the lounges are connected together, they don't meet often, and the elective courses are different. Apart from practical courses this year, she and Harry don't have that much contact.

But she could feel that Harry had changed dramatically.

He seemed to be pulled by something, heading in a direction that was very different from his past self.

He used to be passionate and impulsive, but now Harry is calm and calm, with that sense of reason and persistence, as if he was possessed by Tom.

"I took an elective course in psychology," Qiu Zhang said. "The teacher said this is called the 'lost person imitation effect.' When a person loses an important person, he may be unable to bear the loss and subconsciously imitate the lost person. The characteristics of a person make it appear in whole or in part in oneself to compensate for the pain of loss.”

"Harry seems to be looking more and more like Tom now."

The two of them returned to the dining table and sat down, about to start eating, when Draco came over and said, "Granger, I need you to do me a favor."

In the past two years, Draco Malfoy has been a member of their Hero group after Tom left, and his personality seems to be much better than before, and his relationship with them is not bad.

"What's wrong?"

"A physics problem," Draco said, "I need to understand the wave equation. I know that you are studying advanced physics on your own. Only you can help me."

"What do you need it for? Our practical course topics don't include this, right?"

"This summer vacation, my dad arranged an internship for me - I had the opportunity to go to the teacher, and he gave me some information that I had to learn."

"Teacher?" Hermione glanced at him.

Among the members of the practice group, there is only one person who is called "teacher" instead of "professor".

Now, even the students at Hogwarts know who the man who has effectively ruled the British wizarding world is.

Hermione was still very ignorant about issues such as the future and employment, but she could also understand why Draco and the Malfoy family valued this opportunity. "Okay, I have time tomorrow morning. You can go to the Ravenclaw lounge." Find me."

After Draco left, Qiu Zhang approached Hermione mysteriously and said, "Draco has changed a lot in the past two years, but he doesn't go to the upperclassmen, but he comes to you. Doesn't he like it?" You?"

Hermione is in third grade, and Qiu Zhang is in fourth grade. Of course, they are not uninterested in love.

"Huh?" Hermione was shocked by Cho Chang's imagination, "I'm just thankful he didn't call me Mudblood, okay?"

Although Draco is now much more humble on the surface, the arrogance in his bones has not completely disappeared, but has just transformed into something else - this guy is said to have a group of subordinates in Slytherin now.

The two chatted for a while, and suddenly an owl flew in and threw a letter in front of Harry. It was about to be a holiday, and there were usually few letters at this time, so everyone including Hermione looked at it. Harry's location.

The latter picked up the letter, opened it, looked at it twice, and suddenly froze.

An apple he was holding fell on the table, spilling the juice, but he didn't seem to notice it.

The next moment he stood up suddenly, and the letter fell to the ground. Instead of picking it up, he ran out in despair.

"Harry, Harry..." Ron was startled by Harry's state, "Where are you going?"

Hermione and Cho Chang looked at each other, "What's wrong, Harry?"

They came to where Harry had been sitting and picked up the letter.

"Dear Harry: I'm sorry to tell you that your godfather, Sirius Black, passed away yesterday. The funeral will be tomorrow evening. I think you should come in time to see him for the last time."

There was no signature on the letter, but Hermione was shocked by its contents.

"Oh my God, Harry..." Qiu Zhang covered his mouth, "He must be very sad."

Harry didn't know how he left school and how he returned to Stoat Mountain.

After receiving the letter, he felt as if he was in a dream. He couldn't remember many details clearly. It seemed that he met Filch while running outside the castle, and then he was knocked away by his own spell. go out.

Then, a professor stopped him, and he seemed to say something to the other person, and seemed to cry. Finally, Professor Flitwick took him out of the school, and he was sent home.

He stood in front of the double-story cabin again, but the familiar person who would greet him at the door with a smile was gone.

Some more vegetables and flowers were planted in the yard, and the hoe stood beside the door, as if its owner might come back at any time.

Harry opened the door in confusion. On the table in the living room were a bottle of wine, a glass with a little red wine left, and a newspaper. It seemed that Sirius had just had a drink here and then went out. Will be back soon.

Harry suddenly felt that something must have gone wrong. Although the professors seemed to confirm it, he still couldn't believe it. Sirius might have just left for a while and he should come back. The letter might just be a prank...

But soon, at night, Mr. Weasley came over, followed by several wizards nearby, and took Harry to a place.

Then he met Sirius.

Lying on a wooden board, Sirius seemed to be asleep.

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