Hogwarts: Becoming a god from reselling fresh food

Chapter 365: Resurrection from a dead body

Murphy saw Lucas.

She seemed to have passed out and was tied to a corner of the six-pointed star circle.

"Voldemort." Murphy looked at Harry, "What do you want to do? It's impossible to really resurrect Slytherin, right?"

"Ah, Slytherin." Harry smiled, "I did borrow his ritual."

As he spoke, he pointed to the pottery coffin next to him, "He is right here."

Murphy looked towards the pottery coffin, his eyes penetrated the barrier of the pottery coffin and saw a mummy inside.

At this moment, the corpse was rapidly growing flesh and blood as the magic power was introduced. At the same time, an extremely deep passage opened behind the corpse. When Murphy looked over, he seemed to see an endless desert and a dead ocean. And a fortress loomed in the fog. After that, he also saw a shadow.

The shadow is crawling darkly along the passage opened by the students' magic and life. It has crossed the distance between life and death from the spiritual world unknown how far away, and is trying to return to the material world.

"This secret room is Slytherin's masterpiece. He connected a small piece of the spiritual world with the material world, and placed his body in this secret room."

"As long as he has enough power, he can break through the barrier between the real world and the spiritual world. With a small coordinate, he can locate his position in the spiritual world and use that magic channel to return here. .”

"Of course, this involves countless complicated black magic, which even I can't fully understand, but he is almost successful."

"When they first established the school, they chose a location with the most active magic, and such a place is usually closer to the spirit world, so Slytherin built the Chamber of Secrets here."

"And if you want to find enough wizards to serve as human sacrifices, what better place than a school? There are thousands of young wizards gathered here, and they have little ability to resist under the powerful magic."

Murphy looked at him, "But resurrecting Slytherin is obviously not your purpose."

He looked at a spot on the corpse that had the same magic color as Voldemort, "Did you make this corpse into your Horcrux?"

"Can you see it?" Voldemort was a little surprised, "You seem to have a very unique observation ability. Harry Potter's memory mentioned a magic observation technique, is that right?"

Murphy did not deny it, but took a look at the layout of the room. In addition to Lucas, there were two Voldemorts standing in the other two corners of the six-pointed star circle. One was about sixteen years old, and he should have passed through the ring. The resurrected man, about eighteen years old, with bloodstains on his arms, was the one Murphy met before.

There is a pendant placed in another corner, and one corner is empty. The pottery coffin seems to have been moved from its original position in the center to the last corner.

"I guess the last corner should be a basilisk?" Murphy asked.

"Ah, you guessed it." Voldemort laughed, "Yes, seven is a magic number. And to do this, I must divide my soul into seven pieces."

"Then, let them each gather their magic power to fill the gap in their souls, and then merge them into one."

"In this way, I can escape the shackles of this world and become the greatest wizard in history... just like Merlin once did, becoming the God of Wizards."

"And in order to do that, I need a little deception."

"Just relying on seven ordinary souls cannot break through the thing that limits our power, unless one of the souls comes from a thousand years ago, when the oath was not fully popularized."

"After leaving school, I studied a lot of Slytherin information and finally discovered the true purpose of the Chamber of Secrets. He established this Chamber of Secrets not to clean up the Muggle blood in the school, but for his own resurrection. "

"I'm even glad that I didn't completely open the secret room when I was young."

"Because, if my guess is correct, the heir of Slytherin, as his blood descendant, will act as a 'coordinate' and container in this ceremony. If I open the Chamber of Secrets at that time, I will probably become him puppet."

"But now, I have already surpassed my ancestor. I have seen his arrangement clearly. I attached my soul fragment to his body. Slytherin will be resurrected on his own body and then become my nourishment." .”

Murphy frowned, he understood somewhat.

Voldemort is one of the most genius wizards in history. He touched the "wizard's ceiling" early on. He wanted to break this ceiling by borrowing the power of Horcruxes.

Horcruxes can be resurrected by absorbing the magic power of others through some means. The seven soul fragments are the power of seven Voldemorts. If they can be combined into one, the total magic power should theoretically exceed the "ceiling".

But this method was too simple and crude. In order to ensure success, he also made Slytherin's body into a Horcrux.

Since Slytherin was a person who lived more than a thousand years ago and was not restricted by that "ceiling", when Voldemort's soul fragment was combined with the soul of Slytherin who returned from the spirit world, he also had the ability to break through the ceiling. .

Then, it fuses this soul fragment with other fragments into the main body to achieve the purpose of breakthrough.

Horcruxes are equivalent to a blood lock. Voldemort used this to break through death and allow him to take risks and try many extraordinary methods. However, Horcruxes cannot increase magic power, so he made seven, and his first Horcrux diary was He has the ability to absorb the magic power of others and resurrect him, laying the foundation for his magical power. But a simple increase in magic power may still not be able to break through the ceiling, so he turned to his ancestors again.

This method of resurrecting a corpse is very similar to when Murphy used the psychic seed on the corpse of "Albert Runcorn" and then transformed Tom into Lucas's shadow.

Murphy feels that it should be quite feasible.

"Are you still going to stop me? Professor Murphy?" Harry looked at him.

Murphy was a little hesitant. On the one hand, he really wanted to see if Voldemort's operation was possible, and also wanted to know whether this method could break through the "ceiling". After all, he was also subject to this restriction, and Voldemort's actions could help him. Give some reference to the dilemma.

But if he is not stopped, Lucas and the students may be sacrificed.

After thinking about it, Murphy smiled and said, "You keep calling me professor, are you really just Voldemort now?"

Harry was stunned.

But at this moment, a lightning crow landed on top of Lucas' head. The next second, the electric light exploded, burning all the ropes that bound her, and then disappeared with a bang.

After all, Voldemort's actions can only be used as a reference, but they are not Murphy's own path. For his own path, Lucas's role as a "quasi-general artificial intelligence" is actually very important.

It's not worth it to put your own things in just to watch the fun.

"Bastard!" Harry was furious, raising his wand and preparing to attack Murphy.


But at this moment, a terrifying inhalation sound suddenly sounded in the pottery coffin, and then, a skinny hand covered with age spots stretched out of the coffin.

And at this moment, Murphy's heart moved.

He finally sensed a hint of the Virgin's breath.

It's here!

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